Geni - Ancestors 2/21/17, 2:34 Daniela Urem ▾ Search People 0 Geni Basic Home Tree Family ▾ Research ▾ PRO Upgrade Age for Daniela Urem's Ancestors Back to charts Select a Chart to View Age Click a region on the chart to view Chart: the profiles in that section. Life Expectancy This chart is based on 2681 Group: profiles with lifespan entered for Ancestors your Ancestors. Your tree has 2318 profiles with Slice: missing lifespan data. Make this All chart data chart better by adding missing data. View Profiles Edit Profiles 581-600 of 2681 people «Previous 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 135 Next» Photo Name Relationship Managed By Immediate Family Gender Birth Date Daughter of Edward I "The Elder", King of the Anglo-Saxons and Ælfflæd Eadgyth MP Wife of Otto I, Holy (908 - 946) Roman emperor "Princess Edith of Mother of Liudolf, Duke of England", Swabia; Liutgarde and "Edgitha", Richlint von Sachsen, "Editha", "Edith", Herzogin von Schwaben your 32nd great Sister of Aelfgifu between 908 "Ēadgȳð", Erin Spiceland Female grandmother AElfgar's wife of England; and 1/910 "Eadgyth", Eadwin; Æthelflæda, nun "Ēadgith", "Ædgyth", at Romsey; Ælfweard, "Ēadgy", king of the English and 5 "Eadgdith", "Edit others av England" Half sister of Æthelstan 'the Glorious', 1st King of the English; Ælfred; N.N.; Eadburgha, Nun at Nunnaminster and 3 others Daughter of Aëpa II, Khan of the Kumans and N.N. Wife of Yuri I Vladimirovich Dolgorukiy N.N. Aepovna, (the Long Arm) Kuman Princess Mother of Andrei I MP (c.1092 - your 28th great Bogolyubsky; Rostislav Bjørn P. Brox Female c. 1092 1124) grandmother Yuryevich Perejaslowski, "N.N. of the Prince of Pereyaslavl; Cumans" Olga Yurievna, of (Kiev and?) Suzdal; Ivan https://www.geni.com/list/stats Page 1 of 6 Geni - Ancestors 2/21/17, 2:34 Yuryevich Prince of Kursk and 8 others Sister of ... of the Kumans Daughter of Tudwal, King of Dumnonia and Gratianna of Galloway Wife of St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog Mother of Gwdfil verch Brychan; Gwenllian ferch Prawst verch Jon Brees Brychan; Rhain your 50th great Thogmartin Dremrudd ap Brychan, Tudwal MP Female c. 420 (c.420 - 450) grandmother FTDNA Saint, Brenin Mcclendon Brycheiniog; Tudhistil verch Brychan, Saint and 3 others Sister of Cynfawr Marcus Conomari ap Tudwal, King of Dumnonia Half sister of Anlach Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland Son of Budic III, King of Brittany and Marmoëc de Erispoë "the Poher Husband of Wife of Elder" de your 38th great Bjørn P. Brox Erispoë I de Bretagne Male 775 Bretagne MP grandfather (775 - 812) Father of Riwallon III, count of Poher Brother of King of the Bretons St. Melieu Wife of Witbert de Nantes Pablo Adeltrude MP your 33rd great Mother of Ermengarde de Menéndez-Ponte Female c. 870 (c.870 - c.900) grandmother Nantes and Witbert le Alonso Jeune de Chaumontois NN von Daughter of Dietrich von Asseburg Asseburg and NN von your 36th great Asseburg (c.726 - 755) Margaret (C) Female c. 726 "Unk Dau /Of grandmother Wife of Bruno of Saxony Assabrag/" Mother of Bruno II, duke of Saxony-Engern Son of Conrad II, Holy Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor and Roman Emperor Gisela of Swabia, Holy MP (1017 - Roman Empress 1056) Husband of Wulfhild; "Henri III of the Gunnhild Knutsdatter af Germanic Danmark, Princess Of Empire", "Henry III Denmark and Agnes of Holy Roman Poitou Emperor", "Henry Partner of N.N. the Black", Father of Atzela; Beatrice "Enrique III El Salian, abbess of Quedlinburg and Negro de your 31st great Margaret (C) Male 10/28/1017 https://www.geni.com/list/stats Page 2 of 6 Geni - Ancestors 2/21/17, 2:34 Alemania", ""the grandfather Gandersheim; Judith of Black"", "The Swabia; Sophia (Agnes) Pious", "The of Germany and 6 others Black", "(Le Noir) Brother of Beatrix and (Emperor of Mathilde de Germanie Germany)", "called Half brother of Liudolf, the Black or the margrave of Frisia; Pious", "Den Tochter von Svarte", "Heinrich Braunschweig·Brunswick; III the Black", Gisela von "the..." Braunschweig; N.N. von Braunschweig and 2 others Son of Béla I, king of Hungary and Richeza- Adelaide, Queen of Hungary Husband of Sophie - Zsófia van Loon queen consort of Hungary and Synadene Father of N/a-4 ÁRPÁD(házi); ÁRPÁD(házi) "Könyves" Geza I, king of Kálmán / Koloman, Hungary MP Magyarország királya / (1040 - 1077) King of Hungary; "I. Géza Magnus ÁRPÁD(házi) N/a-1; your 27th great between 1040 Árpád-házi", "крал Nancy Sawalich ÁRPÁD(házi) N/a-2 and 5 Male grandfather and 1045 Геза I Велики", others "he was baptized Brother of ÁRPÁD(házi) Magnus", Lampert herceg - "Magnus" Lampert, Duke of Hungary; ÁRPÁD(házi) I. Szent László - St. Ladislaus I, King of Hungary; ÁRPÁD(házi) Euphemia; ÁRPÁD(házi) Ilona / 'Jelena Lijepa' Queen consort of Croatia and 5 others Half brother of ÁRPÁD(házi) Sophia - Szépa Son of Ansigisel of Metz, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia and Saint Beggue of Austrasia Husband of Bertrade de Martin de Laon Prüm MP (647 - 678) your 38th great Father of Charibert, count Margaret (C) Male 647 "Hardrad", grandfather of Laon; Chrodelinde "Martin", "Martijn" d'Autun and Weta de Laon Brother of Pépin II of Héristal, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia and https://www.geni.com/list/stats Page 3 of 6 Geni - Ancestors 2/21/17, 2:34 Saint Clotilda Son of Bořivoj I, duke of Bohemia and Saint Ludmila of Bohemia Husband of Drahomira of Stodor Vratislaus I, duke Father of Wenceslaus I, duke of Bohemia; of Bohemia MP your 33rd great Nancy Sawalich Boleslaus I the Cruel, Male 888 (888 - 921) grandfather Duke of Bohemia and "Wratislaus I" Strezislava the Pretty Brother of Spytihněv I Przemyślid, Duke of Bohemia; Václav Prince of Bohemia and Luděmíra Son of Rer Sigardsson, av Frankland and N.N. Sigarsson Völsung Rersson Husband of Ljod your 40th great Odd Vidar MP (c.680 - 707) Hrimnirsdatter Male c. 680 grandfather Sevland "Volsung" Father of Sigmund Völsungsson; Signy Volsungsdatter and Son VIII of Volsung Son of Halfdan the Valiant and Moalda 'Digri' Husband of Digre Ivar Vidfamne Moland; Thyra (Konge) MP Halfdasson and Gauthild Gyrithe Alfsdatter (c.612 - c.647) Father of Auðr the Deep- "'Wide Fathom'", Minded; Gyrita De Scanie "Vidfamne", and Alfhild Princess of "Vidfame", "Ívar your 41st great Margaret (C) Scane (Skåne) Male c. 612 hinn víðfaðmi", grandfather Brother of Auda Digre; "/Vidfame/", "Ivar Trond "the Old" Vidfavne", "Konge", "King of Haraldson, of Hålogaland; Hraeric of Uppsala and Lethra King of Denmark Scane" Halfdansson; Solveig Halfdansdotter, Eysteins Hardråde's wife and 1 other Frodi Havardsen Son of Havard Den av LETHRA, King Handramme Herleifsson, your 48th great King of Skjelland of Skjælland Margaret (C) Male c. 340 grandfather Father of Vermund "Vitri" MP (c.340 - 368) Frodasson, King in "Frodi" Skjælland Daughter of Helgi "Acutus" "Hvasse" Halfdansson, of Denmark and Olaf / Ulla "the mighty" Sigmundrsdotter, Yrsa Queen of Saxland https://www.geni.com/list/stats Page 4 of 6 Geni - Ancestors 2/21/17, 2:34 Helgisdotter, of Wife of Helgi "Acutus" your 45th great Denmark MP Margaret (C) "Hvasse" Halfdansson, of Female 565 grandmother (565 - 597) Denmark and Adils "The "Urse", "Yrs", Great" Ottarsson "Yrse" Mother of Hrólfr Helgison Kraki; Ingjald "de Boze" de Varmland; Skuld Adilsdatter, Queen of Ôland and Eystein Adilsson, King of Uppsala Daughter of Sigmundr Olaf / Ulla "the King of Als and Nn mighty" Hundingsdóttir Sigmundrsdotter, Hundingsdottir Queen of your 46th great Wife of Helgi "Acutus" Margaret (C) Female c. 540 Saxland MP grandmother "Hvasse" Halfdansson, of (c.540 - 569) Denmark and Geirtjov of "Olof", "Ålov", Saxony, England "Aalov", "Ulla" Mother of Yrsa Helgisdotter, of Denmark Thetbaldi I, comte de Husband of Wife of Chartres MP your 37th great Chris Duben Thibaut I de Chartres Male c. 840 (c.840 - 871) grandfather "Theobald", Father of --- of Chartres "Thibaut" Daughter of Menina Gosendes Wife of Lupus (Loup) I de Gascogne, Duc de Gascogne Numabela de Mother of Centule de your 41st great Cantabria (715 Victar Gascogne; Munia Lopez Female 715 grandmother - 752) de Gascogne; Loup II, duc de Gascogne; Loup, duc de Gascogne and 1 other Sister of Singerico de Cantabria Daughter of Eystein "the Severe", king of Hedmark and Solveig Åsa (Aasa) Halfdansdotter, Eysteins Eysteinsdotter Hardråde's wife Wife of Halfdan Olafsson MP (680 - 718) «Whiteshanks» Kvitbein "Ása your 39th great Mother of Eystein Eysteinsdóttir", Margaret (C) Female 680 grandmother «Fret/Fjert» Halfdansson "Åsa Øysteinsdotter", and King Guthroth/Gudrød "Aasa Halfdansson I Eysteinsdotter" Sister of Hogne Eysteinsson, Earl of Trondheim and Frode Eysteinsson https://www.geni.com/list/stats Page 5 of 6 Geni - Ancestors 2/21/17, 2:34 Daughter of Canao II of Broerec and ??? Wife of St. Judicael ap Morone de your 44th great Hoel Bretagne (620 Bjørn P. Brox Female 620 Mother of Alain Hir ap - 658) grandmother Judicael, King of Brittany; Gradlon Flam ap Judicael, Count and St. Winnog Count de Cornouaille, ap Iudicael Pépin II, lord of Péronne MP (c.817 - c.848) Son of Bernard, King of Lombardy and "Pépin II", Cunégonde "seigneur de Husband of Rothaide de Péronne", "lord of Bobbio; Cunegonde de Senlis", Senlis de Valois; N.N. di "Péronne", "and Friuli and N.N. du Vexin Saint Quentin", Father of Pepin Bérenger "Pepin Quentin your 35th great de Senlis, comte de count of Senlis Sally Gene Cole Male c. 817 grandfather Bayeux; Count Hubert I and lord of Valois", Senlis de Bretagne; "Pepin II Quentin of Peronne de Héribert I, count of Vermandois; Bérenger Valois Count of Wido de Senlis, comte de Vermandois", Bayeux et de Senlis and "Count Berenger 8 others of Bretagne Count of Bayeux", Brother of Cunégonde, Queen of France "Count of Vermandois; Lo..." 581-600 of 2681 people «Previous 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 135 Next» © 2017 Geni.com About Terms Privacy Blog Wiki World Family Tree Help English (US) Follow Us Be a Fan PRO Upgrade to Geni Pro « Norsk (bokmål) dansk Nederlands Deutsch עברית English (US) eesti Svenska Español (España) Français https://www.geni.com/list/stats Page 6 of 6.
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