Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby Colby Alumnus Colby College Archives 1946 Colby Alumnus Vol. 35, No. 5: March 1946 Colby College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/alumnus Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Colby College, "Colby Alumnus Vol. 35, No. 5: March 1946" (1946). Colby Alumnus. 293. https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/alumnus/293 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by the Colby College Archives at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colby Alumnus by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. THE COLBY 0 AL u M Nus MARCH,1946 THE LIGHTS ARE ON 1lGAIN COMPLIM ENTS OF HOLLINGS WORTH & WHITNEY CO MPANY Manufacturers of Pulp and Paper MARK Mills at Winslow and Madison, Maine, and Mobile, Alabama r COMPLIMENTS OF B A T H I R 0 N . W 0 R K S C 0 R P 0 R A T I 0 N Shipbuilders & Engineers Builders of NAVAL AND MERCHAN T VESSELS Bath Maine Compli ments of W. B. Arnold Co. Compliments of HARD WA R E MERCHANTS Home and Hotel Ki tche nw a re Waterville Webber's Mill Su pplies , Sp or ti ng Goods Dairy, Inc. Ele ctri c Refrigera tion Fruit & Produce Co., Inc. AUGUSTA ROAD Hea ti ng and Plumbi ng Sa nge r Ave nue Eq uipme nt Winslow, Maine " Established over a Century .. WATERVILLE, MAINE COLBY ALUMNI ARE INVITED Compliments of Compliments of TO BANK BY MAIL WITH Proctor and The Federal Community Bus Line Bowie Co. Trust Company GROVE STREET l Bay Street WA TERVILLE, MAINE WINSLOW : : MAINE Waterville, Maine t-kmbcr, Federal Dcp l>it Ins. orp. George H. terns. "3 1 Loring, Short Hayden, Stone Co. f.red J. terns. ·29 & & Herbert D. terns. ·39 Harmon 477 Co ng ress Stree t MAI NE'S OLD EST AND PORTLA ND, MA INE STERNS £���· LA RG EST ST ATI ON ERS !embers � cw York and Boston WATERVILLE SKOWHEGAN i\i\onument Square tock Exchange "A Good Place to Trade ..." PORTLAND MAINE New York Boston Springfield Compliments of LE VIN ES Compliments of Harold W. The Store for Men RED STAR and Boys LAUN DRY Kimball Co. WATERVILLE, MAINE l 0 South Street WA TERVILLE MAI NE Ludy , '21 Pa cy , '27 WATERVILLE MAINE Compliments of Dakin Sporting Compliments of PARKS DINER Goods Co. JOSEPH'S MARKET Supplies fo r Hu nter , Athle te, DON PARKS, Mgr. 7 4 FRONT STREET Fi sherma n, Camera Fa n 176 Main Street 25 Center St. 67 Temple St. MAINE Waterville Maine BANGOR WATERVILLE WATERVILLE I For Tileston & Emery-Brown Co. SERVICE, DEPENDABIL ITY and QUALITY - Call Hol l ingsworth Co. WA TERVILL E' S 213 Congre ss St., Boston, Mass. Allens Drug Store PA PERM AKERS LEAD ING Robert /. Dexter, Prop. For More Th an 140 Years DEP ARTM ENT STOR E ll _!.\IN ST., WATERVILLE, ME. Maine Representative, PHO�E 2095: NIGHT CALL 2294 F. CLIVE HALL, '26 rr, , Bakers Compliments of of KEYES FIBRE COMPANY THE STAFF OF LIFE MANUFACTURERS OF Harris Baking Co. Molded Pulp Products Waterville Maine You Can Always Depend on Compliments of FR O-J OY WATERVILLE HARDWARE - & PLUMBING SUPPLY - ·· s COMPANY . � .· � - 1' 20 MAIN STREET WATERVILLE, MAINE Tel. Waterville 1320 Rolph Good, 'l 0, Mgr. The Waterville R. J. PEACOCK CANNING Morning Sentinel COMPANY is the paper carrying the Lu bec Maine most news of Colby Col­ lege. If you want to keep Canners of in touch with your boys, MAINE SARDINES read the SENTINEL. " TVhen the lights go on again all The Colby Alumnus over the world " was the heartfelt FOUNDED 191 1 popular jong of the recent past. and the end of the war period on the Colby Volume 35 campus can be symbolized by the March 15, 1946 Number 5 lighted windows in Old South Col­ lege, which have been dark since 1943. The second _;em ester infiu:x has filled CONTENTS all available dormitory space still The President's Page 4 owned by the college, and the size of The Talk of the College 5 ne:xt year's freshman class depends Young Lovejoy's Travel Diary 7 largely upon the completion of two When We Move to Mayflower Hill 10 new dormitories for men on May­ (A Symposium by: Miriam Hardy, '22; Philip W. Hussey, '13; fiower Hill. and Hugh D. Beach, '36.) The U.N.O. Wars on Ignorance Rep. Chester E. Merrow, '29 12 '37 14 Letter from Europe . Marjorie D. Gould, A CORRECTION Incident of the Occupation Frederick B. McAlary, '43 15 Eleanor Barker, '37, who was Housing Project Planned 16 credited with the article on "My What Kind of Memorial? Dick Reid, '44 16 Friends the Headhunters " in the Campus Activities in Full Swing 17 February issue, feels that an expla­ Hockey and Basketball Scores 18 nation is in order. The article was Miss Morse Leaves for Belgian Congo 19 prepared by the Red Cross pub­ Admissions Director Named 19 licity headquarters without her The Rare Book Corner 20 knO\-vledge, based on an interview With the Colors 21 with a nevvspaper correspondent. More Citations · She hopes that the readers did not Service Personals think that Red Cross Aides were in Class Notes About Colby Men and Women. 22 the habit of taking hikes into the Milestones 25 jungle unescorted. Necrology 26 Prof. Clarence R. Johnson Edward C. Rice, '01 Dr. I. R. Boothby, '03 Rev. Robert A. Colpitts, '07 '26 Everett J. Condon, Dear Editor: - I enjoy the Alum­ � '46 Cpl. Gerald Katzman, nus more than ever now that I'm far Edwin J. Coughlin, '48 away and you 're all doing a fine job EDITOR JOSEPH COBURN SMITH, '24 as always. BUSINESS MA AGER . G. CECIL GODDARD, '29 - K.AGEJ\ :McCARROLL, '45. ASSISTANT EDITOR . VIVIAN MAXWELL BROWN, '44 New York, N. Y. ADVISORY EDITORIAL BOARD TFl<.\I EXPIRE IN 1946 TFRM EXPIRES lN 194i TFRM EXPlRl.S 1 ' 1948 Marguerite M. Chamberlain, '15 Charles H. Gale, '22 Hugh D. Beach, '36 Dear Editor: - May I express ta lane Montgomery Cole, '3 Richard G. Kendall, '32 L. Russell Blanchard, '38 ou my sincere appreciation for the William Finkeldey, '43 DiJna Wall Pitts, '1 3 Alfred K. Chapman, '25 Colby Alumnus while I was in service. I-1. Warren Foss, '96 Richard S. Reid, ·44 F. Elizabeth Libbey, '29 The Alumnus really is tops and makes R. Jn·ine Gammon, '37 John M. Richardson, '16 Betty Ann Royal, '42 John J. Pullen, '35 Elizabeth F. SaYage, '40 Edward F. Stevens, '89 me long for Maine and the Colby Family. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Alfred K. Chapman, '25 Oliver L. Hall, '93 En·ena Goodale Smith, '24 - FRED RoBERT , '34. G. Cecil Goddard, '29 Caleb A. Lewis, '03 Joseph Coburn Smith, '24 Little Rock, Ark. PUBLISHER-The Alumni Council of Colby College. Entered as second-class mail matter Jan. 25, 1912, at the Post Office at Waterville, Me., under Act of March 3, 1879. Dear Editor: - I am wnung this ISSUED eight times yearly on the 15th of October, 1ovcmber, January, February, March, April, May and July. letter to thank you for your thought­ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE- $2.00 per year. Single Copies, $.25. Checks should be fulness in sending me the Alumnus. made payable to THE COLBY ALUMNUS. Correspondence regarding subscriptions or enjoy it very much and it helps me _ . I ad,·ertising should be addressed to G. Cecil Goddard, Box 477, Waterville, Mawe. to keep in touch with the doings of Contributions should be sent to The Editor, Box 477, Waterville, Maine. the students at Colby. discontinue bis or her subscription should give notice to A subscriher who wishes to HARRIMA '48, l c( K) that effect before its expiration. Otherwise it will be continued. -L. P. S l S . Great Lakes, Illinois Fraternitie · are again actiye at 'olby. Two meeting have been held in recent ,,·eeb attended I y undergraduate and graduate repre­ sentatiye- and faculty adviser- from each hou.::e. On each occa ion the problem wa · studied int en -i ,·el_,.. _ \ttentiun was paid to the atti­ tude of the ,·eterans, the relation of fraternitie- tu nun-fraternity men, \\'ays of avoiding fraternity politic-. and kindred topics. The re­ sult "·a· a deci ·ion to resume fraternity acti,·ity under the direction of a renovated inter-fraternity council \\'here alumni repre·entative­ ·hall haYe a vote. _ \ · our alumni are a "·are. we hope have an arra.n<Yement n ::\Iayttower Hill that will bring out the be t feature of fraternity life. The hou. es \\·ill be _imilar in cost and appearance. Their phy ical ituation ' ill encourage neighborline--. The presence of a hou.e mother in each building (her board bill µaid by the colle()"e) will put a premium on orclerline· :. Onrsight hy the c lle()"e of the collection of bill for rent will keep fraternity finances 011 a :table ba:i:. Perhap- mo·t important, the absence of dining-room and the arran�ement that all m n . hall eat in the Robert- m n \\·ill help to I reYent the f rmation of clique-. .-\11 eight of Colby'- fraternities han been carryi1io- on aggre::- ive campai()"n- and t\\·o are 110\\· ready to build. For each fraternity the college agree_ t I an a um not in exces of one-ha! f the co t of the con -truction of the hou. e. Thi sum is to be amortized at +0 per cent over a thirty year period.
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