GEOMETRIC METHODS IN COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA STEVEN DALE CUTKOSKY 1. Local Cohomology Suppose that R is a Noetherian ring, and M is an R-module. Suppose that I is an ideal in R, with generators I = (f1; : : : ; fn). Consider the modified Cech complex C∗ : 0 ! C0 ! C1 !···! Cd ! 0 Where C0 = R and M Ct = R : fi1 fi2 ···fit 1≤i1<i2<···<it≤n The Local Cohomology of M is i i ∗ HI (M) = H (M ⊗R C ): 0 k HI (M) = ff 2 M j I f = 0 for some k ≥ 0g = ΓI (M); the set of elements of M which have support in I. i HI (M) does not depend on the choice of generators of I. Further, Hi(M) = Hpi (M): I I ΓI (∗) is a left exact functor, and the cohomology modules are its right derived functors. If 0 ! A ! B ! C ! 0 is a short exact sequence of R-modules, then there is a long exact sequence 0 0 0 1 0 ! HI (A) ! HI (B) ! HI (C) ! HI (A) ! ::: 1.1. Sheaf Cohomology. Let X = spec(R). Let M = M~ be the quasi coherent sheaf on X associated to M. M~ is determined by the \stalks" (M~ )p = Mp for all p 2 X. We have that for f 2 R, the \sections" over the open set D(f) = X n V (f) are Γ(D(f); M) = Mf : n From the sheaf axioms, and since [i=1D(fi) = U, we have that Γ(U; M), where U = X n V (I), is computed as the kernel of d0: n M d0 M Γ(D(fi); M) ! Γ(D(fj) \ D(fk); M): i=1 j<k This map is just n M d0 M Mfi ! Mfj fk : i=1 j<k Consider the Cech complex F ∗ : F 0 ! F 1 !···! F n−1; 1 where M F t = R : fi1 fi2 ···fit+1 1≤i1<i2<···<it+1≤n The sheaf cohomology of M~ on U = X n V (I) is i i ∗ H (U; M~ ) = H (M ⊗R F ): We have that H0(U; M~ ) = Γ(U; M~ ); the sections of M~ over U = X n V (I). Hi(U; M~ ) depends only on U, so it is independent of the choice of generators of I, even up to the radical of I. Γ(U; M~ ) is a left exact functor on modules, and the cohomology modules are its right derived functors. If 0 ! A ! B ! C ! 0 is a short exact sequence of R-modules, then there is a long exact sequence 0 ! H0(U; A~) ! H0(U; B~) ! H0(U; C~) ! H1(U; A~) ! ::: 1.2. Comparison of Local Cohomology and Sheaf Cohomology. The modified Cech complex C∗ (used to compute local cohomology) is obtained from the Cech complex F ∗ by shifting the Cech complex one to the right, and setting C0 = R. From this we see that there is an exact sequence 0 0 ~ 1 0 ! HI (M) ! M ! H (U; M) ! HI (M) ! 0 and isomorphisms i ~ ∼ i+1 H (U; M) = HI (M) for i ≥ 1; where U = X n V (I). We have the interpretation of 0 ∼ n H (U; M~ ) = lim HomR(I ;M) ! as an \ideal transform". A particularly important case of this is when R = k[x0; : : : ; xn], a polynomial ring over a field with the standard grading, and m = (x0; : : : ; xn). Suppose that M is a graded module over R. Then the local and sheaf cohomology modules Hi(Spec(R) n fmg; M~ ) i and Hm(R) are graded, and the maps of the previous slide are graded. From the natural n surjection of the affine cone Spec(R) n fmg onto the projective space Proj(R) = Pk , we obtain graded isomorphisms i ~ ∼ M i n ~ H (Spec(R) n fmg; M) = H (Pk ; M(j)): j2Z In the first cohomology module, M~ is the sheaf associated to M on Spec(R). In the second ~ n cohomology module, M(j) is the sheaf associated to M(j) on P (M(j)d = Mj+d). We thus have an exact sequence of graded R-modules 0 M 0 n ~ 1 0 ! Hm(M) ! M ! H (P ; M(j)) ! Hm(M) ! 0 j2Z and isomorphisms M i n ~ ∼ i+1 H (P ; M(j)) = Hm (M) for i ≥ 1: j2Z 2 We have the interpretation M 0 n ∼ n H ( ; M~ (j)) = lim HomR(m ;M) P ! j2Z as an ideal transform. 1.3. Regularity. We continue to study the graded polynomial ring R = k[x0; : : : ; xn], and assume that M is a finitely generated graded R-module. supfj j Hi (M) 6= 0g if Hi (M) 6= 0 ai(M) = m j m −∞ otherwise The regularity of M is defined to be reg(M) = maxfai(M) + ig: i n Interpreting R as the coordinate ring of P = Proj(R), and considering the sheaf M~ on n P associate to M, we can define the regularity of M~ to be i n reg(M~ ) = maxfm j H (P ; M~ (m − i − 1)) 6= 0 for some i ≥ 1g i = maxi≥2fa (M) + ig: Thus reg(M~ ) ≤ reg(M) 1.4. Geometric Consequences of Regularity of Sheaves of Modules. The classical interpretations are for sections of line bundles on a projective variety X. Theorem 1.1. (Geometric Regularity Theorem) (Mumford [29]) Suppose that F is a n i n i coherent sheaf on P = Proj(R), and m 2 Z satisfies H (P ; F(m−i)) = H (F(m−i)) = 0 for all i ≥ 1. Then a) H0(F(k)) is spanned by H0(F(k − 1)) ⊗ H0(O(1)) if k > m. b) Hi(F(k)) = 0 whenever i > 0, k + i ≥ m. c) M H0(F(d)) d2Z is minimally generated as an R-module in degrees ≤ m. 1.5. Interpretations of Regularity of Modules. Let F∗ : 0 !···! Fj !···! F1 ! F0 ! M ! 0 be a minimal free resolution of M as a graded R-module. Let bj be the maximum degree of the generators of Fj. Then reg(M) = maxfbj − j j j ≥ 0g: In fact, we have (Eisenbud and Goto [14]) that reg(M) = maxfbj − j j j ≥ 0g R = maxfn j 9j such that Torj (k; M)n+j 6= 0g j = maxfn j 9j such that Hm(M)n−j 6= 0g: R The equality of the first and second of these conditions follows since Torj (k; M) = Hj(F∗ ⊗ R=m), and as F∗ is minimal, we have that the maps of the complex F∗ ⊗ R=m are 3 all zero. To obtain the equality of the first and third conditions, we take the cohomology j of the dual of F∗, to compute ExtR(M; R), and then apply graded local duality. We will now give another proof, which brings out the role of sheaf cohomology, of the most interesting part of these equivalent conditions, namely, that for a finitely generated graded R-module M, reg(M) ≤ m implies bj ≤ m + j for all j. Here bj is the maximal degree of a generator of Fj in the minimal free resolution of M (our proof is from Bayer and Mumford [1]). maxfai(M) + ig = reg(M) ≤ m implies ai(M) ≤ m − i for i ≥ 2 which implies that c) of the geometric regularity theorem holds, so L H0(M~ (d)) is minimally generated in d2Z degree ≤ m. 0 1 0 a (M) ≤ m, a (M) ≤ m − 1 implies Md ! H (M~ (d)) is an isomorphism if d > m and a surjection if d = m. Thus M is minimally generated in degree ≤ m. We thus have a surjection with kernel K1, M 0 ! K1 ! F0 = R(−dα) ! M ! 0 α with dα ≤ m for all α. Sheafify to get M ~ n ~ 0 ! K1 ! OP (−dα) ! M ! 0: α Consider the long exact cohomology sequence: 0 0 1 L n ~ ~ α H (OP (m − dα)) ! H (M(m)) ! H (K1(m)) ! 1 1 2 L n ~ ~ α H (OP (m − dα)) ! H (M(m)) ! H (K1(m)) !··· i n H (OP (j)) = 0 for i ≥ 1 and j ≥ 1 − i. By b) of the the geometric regularity theorem, Hi(M~ (j)) = 0 for i ≥ 1 and j ≥ m − i. Thus i H (K~1(m + 1 − i)) = 0 for i ≥ 1: Induction Assumption: Assume we have constructed Fk !···! F0 ! M ! 0 such that the minimal generators of Fi have degree ≤ m + i for 0 ≤ i ≤ k and i H (K~k(m + k − i)) = 0 for i ≥ 1; where Kk = Kernel(Fk ! Fk−1): Then we will construct such a sequence of length k + 1. By c) of the geometric regularity theorem, we have a surjection with kernel Kk+1, M 0 ! Kk+1 ! Fk+1 = R(−dα) ! Kk ! 0 α where dα ≤ m + k for all α. 4 Sheafify, and compute the long exact cohomology sequence, to get i H (K~k+1(m + k + 1 − i)) = 0 for i ≥ 1: We define R regi(M) = maxfn j Tori (k; M)n 6= 0g − i: Then reg(M) = maxfregi(M) j i ≥ 0g: We have that reg0(M) is the maximum degree of a homogeneous generator of M. 2. Regularity of Powers of Ideals We outline the proof of {, Herzog and Trung [12] showing that reg(In) is a linear polynomial for large n. Let F1;:::;Fs be homogeneous generators of I ⊂ R = k[x0; : : : ; xn], with deg(Fi) = di. The map yi 7! Fi induces a surjection of bigraded R-algebras M m S = R[y1; : : : ; ys] ! R(I) = I m≥0 where we have bideg(xi) = (1; 0) for 0 ≤ i ≤ n, and bideg(yj) = (dj; 1) for 1 ≤ j ≤ s.
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