SPECIAL FEATURE | the PoweR 100 THE POWER 100 The brains behind the poltical players that shape our nation, the media minds that shape our opinions, the developers who revitalize our region, and the business leaders and philanthropists that are always pushing the envelope ... power, above all, is influence he Washington socialite-hostess gathers the ripe fruit of These things by their very nature cannot remain static – political, economic, and cultural orchards and serves it and therefore our list changes with the times. Tup as one fabulous cherry bombe at a charity fundraiser Power in Washington is different than in other big cities. or a private soirée with Cabinet secretaries and other major Unlike New York, where wealth-centric power glitters with political players. Two men shake hands in the U.S. Senate and the subtlety of old gold, wealth doesn’t automatically confer a bill passes – or doesn’t. The influence to effect change, be it power; in Washington, rather, it depends on how one uses it. in the minds or actions of one’s fellow man, is simultaneously Washington’s power is fundamentally colored by its the most ephemeral quantity (how does one qualify or rate proximity to politics, and in this presidential season, even it?) and the biggest driving force on our planet. more so. This year, reading the tea leaves, we gave a larger nod In Washington, the most obvious source of power is to the power behind the candidates: foreign policy advisors, S È political. However, we’ve omitted the names of those who fundraisers, lobbyists, think tanks that house cabinets-in- draw government paychecks here, figuring that it would waiting, and influential party leaders. When one takes the be too obvious to list all the senators, congressmen, and nature of that beast into consideration, it would make sense political appointees in Washington, as a quick glance at that power would change direction, bending with the current ON BY J.C. SUAR Google with the aforementioned keywords shows. For of the moment. This year in particular, it would be impossible I our purposes, power is knowledge, access, influence, and, to call Washington’s power anything but supercharged with perhaps as important, it is the perception of power itself. political electricity. ILLUSTRAT 56 WASHINGTON LIFE | M AY 2 0 0 8 | washingtonlife.com politics Top row, left to right: Carly Fiorina, Charles R. Black, Karl Rove, Frank Fahrenkopf, Jr. Bottom row, left to right: Al Gore, Tom Daschle, Wesley Clark, Don Beyer. At right: Howard Dean. THE POWER 100 POLITICS, LAW AND real proof of his pedigree? He was former the short list as Barack Obama’s VP pick, played a significant role in the Florida LOBBYING President Bill Clinton’s lawyer way back Beyer becomes one of the top Democrats recount. Other inner-sanctum lobbyists when, during the Paula Jones imbroglio. to run for the open Senate seat from who have hitched their wagon to BOB BARNett Virginia. Either way, he came out early for McCain’s rising star include former Rep. PArtNER, Williams & CONNOLLY WAYNE BERman Obama, and with his wife Megan (who Tom Loeffler (R-Texas), who founded the When former British Prime Minister Tony MANAging DIrector, serves on the Women For Obama steering Loeffler Group, and Kirk Blalock of Fierce, Blair needed a publisher, he called Barnett, OGILVy GOVERNMENT RELATIONS committee with Governor Kane’s wife Isakowitz & Blalock, who leads McCain’s a Washington attorney who has brokered An admitted political junkie, Berman Anne Holton and Sheila Johnson) has younger supporters and has raised more book deals for former President Bill served as assistant secretary of commerce raised a bundle for the candidate as his than $250,000 for him. Clinton (who received a cool $10 million during the administration of the first mid-Atlantic finance director, where he advance for the bestseller My Life) and President Bush. He is the founder of serves with Hyatt heiress Penny Pritzker, THOMAs HALE BOGGS, jR. former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Berman Enterprises, a lobbying and Obama’s Presidential National Finance PArtNER, HalE & BOGGS Greenspan. Others on his impressive client business consulting firm he merged with Committee Chair. In short, Beyer has This year, Boggs’ firm was ranked number list include Hillary Rodham Clinton, The Federalist Group (for a princely access and clout aplenty. one in the National Journal’s listing of Bob Woodward, Lynne Cheney, Karen sum) and which was recently acquired by Washington lobbying powers. Often Hughes, Karl Rove, Katharine Graham, Ogilvy Government Relations (where he CHARLEs R. BlaCk labeled “King of the Hill,” most still view Ari Fleischer, Tim Russert, Stephen White, raked in even greater sums). His role as FOUNDER, BKSH & ASSOCIATES Tommy Boggs as the “King of K Street.” and Barack Obama. one of McCain’s early financial supporters Black recently left his plush position as His firm boasts the highest receipts of any is sure to increase his influence if the chairman (and founder) of the lobbying other lobbying firm, and includes clients Robert BENNett Republicans retain the White House. firm BKSH & Associates, where high- ranging from large corporations to large PArtNER, SKADDEn, ARPS, SLATE, profile clients included General Motors, nations. MEAGHER & FlOM DOn BEYER United Technologies, JP Morgan and A former homicide trial prosecutor, FORMER LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR AT&T, to work full-time for Sen. John William J. ClintoN Bennett’s clients have included ex-New OF VIRGINIA, Mid-AtLANTIC McCain’s presidential campaign. Black CHAIRman, William J. Clinton York Times reporter Judith Miller, ex- FINANCE CHAIR for OBAMA, and worked on both the Reagan and George FOUNDATION World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz, OWNER, DOn BEYER VoLVO H.W. Bush presidential campaigns and Regardless of whether or not Sen. and the Duke lacrosse players embroiled in With whispers growing louder that served as an advisor to George W. Bush’s Clinton wins the Democratic nomination, the famous rape allegations in 2006. The former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner is on campaigns in 2004 and 2000, where he the former President will continue to WASHINGTON LIFE | M AY 2 0 0 8 | washingtonlife.com 57 SPECIAL FEATURE | the PoweR 100 exert his power within Democratic circles his weight behind Obama, Daschle’s access almost all hope was lost, they are the Most importantly, Dean is one of the few and beyond. Earlier this year, we learned and influence on the potential presidential campaign’s primary gatekeepers. Davis who can bring the gavel down on “super- that he has earned approximately $100 nominee is considerable, ranking with such has assembled a team of trusted McCain delegates” and settle the contentious million since leaving the White House and Obama longtime friends as Harvard Law advisors that includes Doug Holts-Eakin nominee fight by the end of June. raised $400 million for his Clinton Global Review classmates Julius Genachowski of and Kevin Hassatt (of AEI), both of whom Initiative foundation, which attracts over Rock Creek Ventures and Tom Perelli of advise on domestic policy. FRank FAHRENKOPF, JR. 50 heads of state to its annual conference. Jenner and Block. He and his wife, Linda, PRESIDENT & CEO, Last year’s gathering brought in $7.3 one of the top aviation lobbyists in town, HowARd DEan AMERICan Gaming ASSOCIATION billion in committed donations for causes are among Washington’s premiere power CHAIRman, DEMOCRATIC NATIOnal Forget Vegas: viva Frank Fahrenkopf, Jr. near to Clinton’s heart: health security, couples. COMMIttee A former Republican party chairman, economic empowerment, environmental Although perhaps deliberately not as Fahrenkopf is the national advocate security, leadership development, and RICk DAvis and MARk omnipresent as his predecessor, Terry for the commercial casino industry cross-cultural understanding. The former SALTER McAuliffe, Dean’s 2004 presidential and is responsible for positioning the president is also Senator Clinton’s top CAMPaign MANAGER and FORMER campaign revolutionized internet AGA to address regulatory, political, and foreign policy advisor together with SENATE CHIEF OF StAFF to JOHn fundraising, and insiders say Obama’s educational issues affecting its members. Madeleine Albright, Richard Holbrooke, MCCain (RESpectIVELy) success in this arena is “Dean 3.0.” His Now he’s pushing legislation to allow and a host of retired generals. Salter, who is known as “McCain’s closest power is also reflected in his enforcement casinos to operate in the U.S. instead of confidante and alter-ego,” recently left his of the presidential candidates’ agreement on offshore and enable users to gamble from TOm and LINDa DASCHLE Senate position to join manager Rick Davis the Florida and Michigan vote, as well as their television sets. Special POLICy ADVISOR, ALTSOn and senior advisor Steve Schmidt in leading the fact that he appoints the 25 swing votes & BiRd and LobbYIST, BAKER the campaign. A speechwriter for McCain to the Democratic Convention Credentials CARLy FiORINA DONELSOn BEARman & CALDWEll and a former aide to neo-conservative Committee (which could ultimately help CHAIR, VIctory 2008 (RESpectIVELy) diplomat Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Salter is also decide who becomes the nominee should REPUBLICan NATIOnal coMMIttee When the former Senate majority leader close with Bill Kristol, McCain’s most this race go all the way). Party powers are Over the past year, Washington has seen lost his South Dakota seat, some thought influential foreign policy advisor. Together also impressed with his micro-targeted more and more of the former Hewlett his political days were numbered. But as with Davis, whose lobbying shop stepped approach to rebuilding the DNC’s voter Packard head and savvy business executive, one of the first senior Democrats to throw up to the plate for McCain last year when file and the rollout of his 50-state strategy. and after recently being named chairman Power POLITICIAN To get to the White House, you’re going to need more than a good babysitter chIef of STAff requests and invitations while simultaneously survival.
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