THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County rY-SIXTH YEAE—No. 50 EntereB d a* Second Class 3 oat offlee, — WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1956 Published Every Tbumdnj 28 P»»e«—5 Cmta iult School To Offer Playgrounds Hit New Highs kncer Lecture Series InRegistrationAndAttendance Westfield Public Schools As the playgrounds ended their awards for the year were given to eight week summer programs, Di- Andy Young and Dolores Kroncke. eek Course rector Joseph Coleman announced | McKinley Playground Will Reopen September 5 that new highs in registration and McKinley School ended the play- daily attendance were reached. ground season with a watermelon Be Aided Registration came to 3,007 chil- party. The watermelon was bought Registrations Open dren and daily attendance figures with the proceeds from the play- Referendum On Registration To ascended to • 46,443. The latter ground fair. Phil Lambert and Through Sept. 27 Mrs. Brown certainly would have reached 60,- Emory Johnson helped Mrs. Cole- 000 except for eight days of rainy man give out the watermelon. School Planned Registrations for voting in Begin Next Week; weather during the season, accord- The week was spent finishing the general election on Nov. the fall semester of the ing to the director. field Adult School opens Oct. the crafts that had been started 6 will be open through Sept. Additions Readied • ten consecutive Monday "Special commendation plus a earlier in the year. Many children Mav Be Held 27 from 8-4 Monday through i, the staff will include 19 large trophy'go to H. Evans Hem- went home loaded with hand made In December Friday. Evening registra- nors and nine guest lectur- sath whose weekly entries into the objects. tions will be announced nt a Dr. S. N. Ewan Jr., superinten- jfor the presentation of 26 playground photography contest Gaylord Reid entertained the MOUNTAINSIDE —Possibility later date. deut of Westfield public schools, lent courses. Classes will he were always outstanding. It is children Thursday afternoon. He of a referendum in December or Those eligible to vota are: announced yesterday that all pub- in (lie Roosevelt Junior,High hoped that next year more chil- told stories to a circle of the play- January on the proposed third ele- 1. Those having resided in lic schools will open Wednesday il which is located on Claris dren will enter this phase of the ground children. mentary school has been indicated New Jersey one year and in morning, Sept. 5. Pupils new to program," Mr. Coleman stated. The best citizens for the last Union County five montjis by the Westfield schools are invited by the Board of Education. The to register during the week of rogivss in Cancer" is one of Noteworthy this year was( the week of the playground were Em- school board met Thursday night Nov. (!. increased interest in tennis in- ory Johnson and Maxine Waynes. Aug. 27, according to the sched- in new courses selected by the with the architect, David Ludiow 2. Those who will be 21 on ule indicated below. Action committee under the structions at Tamaques courts un- The trophies and rosettes were of Summit, to discuss ide»3 for the der the direction of John Ham- or befora election day. nanship of Dr. L. C. Keagle. awarded Thursday morning after COL. LEIGrl M. PEARSALL preliminary plans for the school. Senior High School, 9-12 a.m. mer, according to Mr. Coleman. the watermelon party. The tro- 3. A person who has become and 1:30-4 p.m. Is a four-week series for both MRS. ERNEST T. BROWN Registration was 64 more than phies were awarded to the boy and Mr. Ludiow asked for six weeks naturalized and who meets Junior High School ( eighth and nd women designed to show last year's and came to 154. Daily girl who were the best citizens all in which to complete plans for the the registration requirements. _.est advances of the medi- $370,000 school which will be lo- He must bring naturalization ninth grades only), 9-12 a.m. and •ofession in their fight against attendance reached 634 which was year. Gail Reid, 12, won the girl's papers with him when he reg- 1:30-4 p.m. 269 more than last year's. Several Dinner To Fete cated on an 8% acre site at the .-. Each program will include |,trophy and Emory Johnson, 11, end of Woodacves drive and Bar- isters. Elm Street School( seventh Filmstrip To Be promising young players were de- won the boy's trophy. The rosettes grade only), 9-11:45 a.m. and , followed by a speaker and ton road. The length of time given Applications for civilian ion and answer period. veloped, said Mr. Hammer. were given to the boy and girl Colonel Pearsall for drawing of plans will depend 1:30-4 p.m. This last week of the play- who won the most ribbons during and military absentee ballots Columbus School, 9-11:45 a.m. Ernest T. Brown, chair- Shown At Library upon the scheduling of meetings are available at the Municipal grounds was awards week. Citi- the playground season. Burnell with the State Department of Ed- and 1:3O-4 p.m. l education, Union County zenship trophies and golden ro- Reid, 7, won the rosette for the Building. Anyone having ques- Franklin School, 9-11:45 a.m. Former Director ucation which gives final approval tions is asked to call Miss :r, American Cancer Society, Children's Program settes (awards for the most rib- boys and Gail Reid won the rosette of new school buildings. and 1:3O-4 p.m. course coordinator and will bons won during the summer) for the girls. Jane Jones, municipal clerk, Of CD To Move at We. 2-8000. Grant School, 9-11:45 a.m. speaker on the first two Set For Thursday were presented on all the play- Witkington Playground The two other schools in the Jefferson School, 9-11:45 a.m. , it's. The films on opening fields. Winners are listed in their The bicycle vodeo held Tuesday borough are Echobrook ond Deer- and 1:3O-4 p.m. II be "Man Alive" and "Knights of the Round Table", playground write-ups. at Washington was a preliminary Col. Leigh M. Peursall, director field, to which four classrooms and Lincoln School, 9-11:45 a.m. ing Shadow" and on the filmstrip produced by Metro- to the big event of the playground )t Civilian Defense here in World j a gymhave been added for use in Area Scouts and 1:30-4 p.m. { evening "146,000 Could Teen Age Program the 1956-57 school year. Tha class- oldwyn-Mayer, will be shown to The teen age program was com- party held in the. afternoon. The War II and active in literally hun-' McKinley School, 1:30-4 p.m. children displayed their riding dreds of civic events during his rooms are expected to be ready for Washington School, 1:30-4 p.m. young members of the Westfield pleted this week with a total reg- the Sept. G school opening, but the iManley C. Williams, a staff istration of 144 and a total at- skill in a variety of events. John ong residence, svill be honored at Attend Gamp Wilson School, 9-11:45 a.m. Meniorial Library next Thursday, a testimonial dinner at Echo Lake gym will not be completed until \r of the Railway Memorial at 2 p.m., it was announced by tendance of 2,988. This week was Parsell succeeded in winning a rib- after the beginning of school. Parents are requested to bring al, will speak the third taken up with softball, baseball, bon for the obstacle race. Ruy Country Club Sent. 11, it was an- vaccination and birth eertiftcatea Miss Ann Martin, children's li- nounced today. Frederick Wilhclms Jr., chair- Awards Made At [following the film "Cancer, brarian. The showing, to be held basketball and other games such Barton was declared the ace rider when registering children for tha earch Story." Dr. John V. as nok hockey. since he placed first in the candle Later in the month, Col. and man of the new school building Honor Cainpiirc ftist time in Weutfield schools. To in the Wateunk Room, will be race and the distance speed race. committee, reported that work on enter kindergarten, pupils must a practicing surgeon in given as a feature of the Vacation A, trip was made to the sea- Mrs. Pearsall will move to Florida, |t and on the board at Over- Lois Parsell placed first in the the proposed elementary school Is five years of .age by Dec. 1 of Reading Club, but any member be- shore. Twenty-five teen-agers and where they will Uike up perma- about a month behind schedule. An C. Elden Hoos, District Four Hi, will be the conclud- long distance speed race with nent residence. F.or yours they camping chairman, announced the entrance year, and six by Dec. tween first grade and junior high five adults went to Point Pleasant. Richard Birchall placing second earlier schedule called for the pre- ot the ieaJicr, following the films school may attend. Since the seat- The following teen-agers went have spent winters there. liminary plans to be completed in l thath t one BBoy Scout Troop~par-1 \ ^trance V<>« to enroll In Sword" and "Breust Self and R»y Barton, third. Arrangements fur the dinner .outing at | %™ , iiiadon." This series will be ng capacity of the Wateunk Room on' the trip: J»ne Hutiva, Do- August.
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