STATE FISCAL YEAR 2015-16/2019-20 TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL PROGRAM Intent The parties to this agreement concur on the components, contained herein, of a five-year Department of Transportation (Department) Capital Program for the period of SFY 2015-16 through 2019-20. In addition, the parties concur on an overall investment level for the Department's SFY 2020-21 Capital Program of not less than $3.985 billion. The infrastructure investments made through the Department's Capital Program are intended to create jobs while maintaining safety of the system; manage State infrastructure assets so that New York remains competitive; leverage State resources to generate billions in new construction and economic growth; and mitigate the impacts that future extreme weather events may have on New Yorkers and the State's economy. In furtherance of these goals, the Governor of the State of New York, the Temporary President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the Assembly enter into this agreement to present information to the people of New York State on the five-year SFY 2015-16 through 2019-20 Department of Transportation Capital Program. (1) State Highway and Bridge Program The Department ofTransportation's SFY 2015-16 through 2019-20 State Highway and Bridge Program is attached as Appendix A. The Program contains (1) Federal Process Projects- construction projects in the core program financed and obligated under the federally mandated planning and programming process; and (2) State Process Projects - construction projects in the core program financed and obligated under the State planning and programming process. It is the intent of the parties to this agreement to adhere to this program as closely as possible. The parties to this agreement, however, understand that the Capital Program administered by the Commissioner of Transportation may require adjustments to address emergencies, environmental conditions, new federal mandates or to address other unforeseen conditions as a result of the design and engineering process that may impact project costs, scopes, and schedules during project development and implementation. The projects contained in Appendix A constitute the Core Program of projects that will be advanced by the Department during SFYs 2015-16 through 2019-20. A summary by region appears below. Encumbrance of the costs of these projects will be limited by the availability of appropriations for this purpose. • Hudson Valley Region - $1,382.8 million for the counties of Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, Columbia, Orange and Ulster. Of this amount, $125.6 million is subject to this agreement. • Long Island Region - $1,473.5 million for the counties of Nassau and Suffolk. Of this amount, $198.7 million is subject to this agreement. • New York City Region- $3,109.5 million for the counties of Richmond, Kings, Queens, New York and Bronx. Of this amount, $529.7 million is subject to this agreement. 11Page • Upstate Region- $4,176.7 million for all counties in New York State not specifically included in the regions outlined above. Of this amount, $351.3 million is subject to this agreement. • Statewide- $3,394.0 million for all counties in New York State. Components under the Statewide category include: projects in support of Department highway operations, such as transportation management centers, traveler information assets and HELP response trucks; federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) projects; property acquisition and easements related to project development; federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) projects; BRIDGE-NY and PAVE NY funds; applicable federal funding to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority; harsh winter paving; and other miscellaneous projects not assigned to a designated MOU region. Each of the parties recognizes that the selection of projects utilizing federal funds, as a condition of the State accepting federal aid, must follow federal planning and programming procedures. In metropolitan areas, federally aided projects must be approved by a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). In non-metropolitan areas, federally aided projects must be selected in consultation with local officials. (2) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program {HMGP) For informational purposes only, the core program of projects also includes a list of bridge retrofit projects approved to date under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The amounts allocated to retrofit these scour critical and flood prone structures are not reflected in the total program amounts referenced under Section 1 of this agreement. As additional bridges are approved through the rigorous FEMA approval process, the structures will be added to the Department's capital program for implementation. {3) Reporting on the State Highway and Bridge Program The Department will issue the following reports to keep the Governor, the Temporary President of the Senate, the Speaker of the Assembly, and the chairs of the transportation and fiscal committees of the Legislature fully informed on the progress of delivering the State Highway and Bridge program. A. Capital Program Letting and Implementation Reports- On or before June 1, 2015 and June 1 of each year covered by this MOU, the Department shall provide a report in electronic format, for each forthcoming state fiscal year, that details the Department's on-State system capital projects and off-State system local capital projects, as defined in subdivision two-a of section two of the State Finance Law, planned for the forthcoming fiscal year including projects receiving funds pursuant to New York Works. Such report shall detail, by Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) region, projects which are expected to be advertised for public bid in the respective State fiscal year, including estimated letting dates. This report will include a project description, proposed month of letting, a project identification number, and project cost estimates. Such capital report shall present project letting details by MOU region; within region by funding source; within funding source by capital program category (pavement preservation, pavement reconstruction, bridge preservation, bridge rehabilitation or replacement, safety, mobility, and other); and within capital program category by project phase (seeping, preliminary engineering, right of way, 21Page --------------~----------------~ final design and construction). After completion of each quarter, the Department will issue a report at the same level of detail as provided above, including the actual letting dates and contract amounts for each project. The report shall also compare changes in planned construction lettings with actual project lettings, changes in project costs of more than 25 percent for projects in excess of 15 million dollars and the contributing factors for such project cost changes, changes in project letting schedules of more than twelve months and contributing factors for such changes in letting schedules, and the estimated number of jobs created by each project. The aforementioned summative reports shall also be available in electronic Excel formats or as requested by the Legislature. B. Capital Program Accomplishments Report - The Department shall annually provide, on or before July 15 for each year covered by this MOU, in electronic format, an accomplishment report for the prior year detailing the amount of funding obligated for major capital program categories including: pavement preservation, pavement reconstruction, bridge preservation, bridge rehabilitation or replacement, safety, and mobility. Such capital report shall present details by MOU region; within region by funding source; within funding source by capital program category (pavement preservation, pavement reconstruction, bridge preservation, bridge rehabilitation or replacement, safety, and mobility); and within capital program category by project phase (scoping, preliminary engineering, right of way, final design and construction). Accomplishment report regional details as defined above shall be available in electronic Excel formats or as requested by the Legislature. C. Highway Pavement and Bridge Condition Reports -The Department shall annually provide, on or before July 15 for each year covered by this MOU, in electronic format, a report that details the conditions of State highway pavement by region and statewide condition goals for pavement, and the condition of State and local bridges by county and the statewide condition goals for bridge conditions. {4) Non-MTA Downstate Suburban and Upstate Transit Capital Program The undersigned agree that $395 million in new capital investments will be provided during the SFY 2015-16 through 2019-20 plan period. This funding shall be made available for the Downstate Suburban and Upstate Transit Program in accordance with Appendix B. Of this amount, $92.5 million shall be made available to provide matching funds for improvements funded by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), other than the Section 5309 Capital Investment Grant Program. An additional $9S.O million shall be distributed pursuant to specific lines in appropriation. The Department of Transportation, pursuant to available appropriations, will allocate remaining funds pursuant to a capital needs assessment of eligible systems. This assessment shall be conducted and updated annually. Evaluation criteria may include, but need not be limited to: age and condition of vehicles,
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