for All Department* foil RED BANK REGISTER RE 64)013 VOLUME LXXVIII, NO. 10 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1955 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Atlantic Twp. Schools Parade Marks First Aid Squad Anniversary ,500 March in 25th Anniversary Township Hall Job Goes Wanting; To Open Tuesday ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP—Town- Builders Ignore Calls for Bids ihip schools will open next Wed- Parade of Red Bank First Aid Squad nesday at 8:45 a. m. and will re- main in session until 3:20 p. m. COLT'S NECK—It must be the according to Mrs. Zelda Hamilton, An estimated 1,500 first aid men, building boom. Where are tlie principal. Lunch will be served in remen, members of ladles' auxill- Mrs. Poor to Get contractors? Belford Firemen the cafeteria. rles and band members marched Usually when a municipality puts Pupils who have not attended n the 25th anniversary parade of out advertising for a job on a pub- To Collect Paper ownship schools before, will reg- he Red Bank first aid and rescue Most of Estate lic building the bids pour in. Not ister next Tuesday from 2 to 4 iquad here Saturday. so here. NEW YORK CITY Mrs. Al- BELFORD — Independent firs p. m, in the school auditorium. Par- The parade was led by Fred fred E. Poor of Locust lodge, Lo- The Atlantic township commit- ompany will conduct a scrap paper ents registering pupils at that time Brower, a charter member of the tee has urged contractors to make cust, is tho principal beneficiary of Irive starting Sunday for the bene- must present birth certificates and ed Bank squad, Who was follow- the $830,000 estate left by her late an offer to put an addition on its it of the building fund. records of immunization: id by throe cars carrying other township hall. The call continued mother, Mrs. .Jeanle Rumsey Shep- Collections will be made accord- Kindergarten pupils who live in :harter members. The parade pard of Locust, former New York unanswered last Thursday. ing to this schedule: he area west of rt. 34 will attend ilso featured ambulances, rescue A bid that did come in in July state Liquor Authority member, First Sunday of each month from rom 8:45 a. m. to 11:30 a. m., and rucks, floats and several first aid who fought for the repeal of pro- bad to be rejected. It was for'ort Monmouth boundary'line to ;hose living east of rt. 34 will at- iquad rescue boats. $3,812 and came from the D. 4V J. hibition. Mrs. Sheppard's estate was jeonardo boundary line, and from end from 12:30 p. m. until 3:20 p. m. The contingents were judged as appraised here Friday by the New Co., a -Scobeyvllle firm In which lorth side of it. 36 to shore line. they passed a reviewing stand In Township Commltteeman David York state Transfer Tax depart- Second Sunday of each month, ront of Red Bank Catholic high ment. Timidaiski la a partner. Accept- ram Port Monmouth boundary line ichoool. In the reviewing stand ance of that bid was withdrawn > Leonardo boundary line, and 4 Nurses Added o Mayor Katharlnn Elkus Mrs. Poor is left eight-tenths of when the propriety of an elected om south side of rt. 36 to north iVhlte, Councllmen Everett Bayn- the residual estate in a life trust, official to do business with his mu- side of Leonardville rd. on, Harold K. Williams, Harold whloh will pass on to her children nicipality was questioned. Third Sunday of each month, from To MCOSS Staff Hurley, Charles T. Bruno and Har- upon her death. The Income for life Stout Reject* Bid Leonardo boundary line to New y Malchow, Freeholder Director from one-lenth share In the estate, Monmouth rd. and from south side after specific bequests are made, Last Thursday, State Sen. Rich- Joseph C. Irwin, Ensley M. White, >f Leonardville rd. to Park ave., Red Bank borough administrator; goes to a niece, Claire Rumsey of ard R. Stout, after an investiga- Vew Monmouth. This Includes / - White Plains, N. Y., and to a sis- tion, turned in a written opinion Mrs. Julia Throckmorton, admin- iVcdgewood and Sunny Acres. Appointment of four nurses to istrator r»f Rivprvlew hospital; tor. Mrs. .Inrflyn H. de G. Evans, on the matter. He said he believed the staff of tihe Monmouth County of the Paint Box, Locust. ihe municipality "cannot consider Fourth Sunday of each month, Herbert Fowler of the Sea Bright rom East rd. to New Monmouth id. Organization for Social Service, first aid squad, and members of Mrs. Shepparrl was the daughter acceptance of this bid and acted changes In the public health nurs- ot Justice William Ramsey of the properly In voiding Its prior ac- and from Park avc., New Mon- the New Jersey and Monmouth mouth to rt. 35. This includes Tin- ing set up in several communities county first aid councils. New York state Supreme court, and ceptance." dall Gardens, Orchard Acres, Woods and staff roassignments were an- the widow of John S. Sheppard, Commltteeman Ward DeGroot nounced today by Miss Wlnona E. The parade disbanded at the Red End Village and Mlddletown Es- Bank athletic Held, where refresh- New York lawyer. Under her lead- said he felt certain that, in enter- tates. Darrah, M. C. O. S. S. executive ership of the Women's Organiza- ing the bid, Mr. Timidaiski was "in director. ments were served. Prizes were Residents have been asked to tie awarded that night at the athletic tion for National Prohibition Re- the dark" about technicalities in- papers and magazines in . medium- The "new staff appointments are form, the group enrolled 350,000 volved. He considered it unfortu- Miss Rita Foglcr of West Keans- field. size bundles for convenient pick- The celebration was climaxed by members In this 3tate and played nate that the bid could not have up. burg, Miss Ruth Olson and Mrs. an Important part In the repeal of been accepted and guessed that Bernice Gahlcr of Red Bank and a fireworks display at the athletic field. The display was witnessed the 18th Amendment In 1933. the Job eventually may cost "|1,000 Mrs. Lillian Mazza of Oceanport. Mrs. Sheppard, who was a. liquor more than his bid." M. C. O. S. S. staff members, Mrs. by an estimated 10.000 persons. Red Bank was In gala attire authority member under Gov. Her- Mayor William Miles called the Gladys Palumbo, Mrs. Marie, Walk- bert Lehman and Gov. Thomas E. job "too small to attract many con- Voting Machines er.iMrs. Alma McConnell and Miss- more flags being flown than on our national or memorial holidays. The Dewey, was a pioneer In the devel- tractors." es Ruth Zerbe, Rita Cloth and Hel- opment of the present state liquor No new bids came in Thursday, en Earl have been reassigned. argest American flag In Monmouth Cause Changes to county, owned by The Register, control system. She died Apr, 16, and the committee decided to try Miss Soglcr has been assigned 1954, In Manhattan. another advertisement. Meantime to replace Mlsa Ruth E. Williams was too large to be hung across Mr. Stout said he will take the in Holmdel and Atlantic townships. the street in front of The Register matter up with the State Division Polling Places * Miss Williams will retire Sept. 1 building and It was used as a back- of Local Government "to flnd out after 25 years' nursing in that area, ground for the decorations at tho what can be done in situations Appearing in our columns this where M. C. O. S. S. provides com- reviewing stand. Bingo Commission like this." issue la, the first Insertion of themunity and school nursing service. Winning bands were New York Mr. Timidaiski was not at Thurs- legal notices relative to the meet- Miss Olson will serve as communi- ity Chinese public school band, day's meeting. Mayor Miles said ings of the District Boards'of Elec- ty nurse for Raritan township, and best appearing, $100 cash prize; Adopts New Rules he was In Monmouth Memorial tion and Registry and the polling Mrs. Palumbo, who formerly served Trenton and Burlington band, sec- places designated for the coming TRENTON — After meeting with hospital recovering from the break as community and school nurse ond best appearance, $50; Melrosp ov, Robert B. Meyner last week Ing of two ribs and a dislocated General Election to be held Tues- for the township, will take over flfe and drum corps, Sayrevllle, day, Nov. 8. the Bingo-Raflles commission an- spinal disk, suffered In an acciden the school health program on,.a best appearing corps, $100, and nounced that it had adopted rules •while -working. He said the com Voting machines will be used In full time basis. South Amboy corps, second, $50. designed to plug holes through mltteeman had continued work Monmouth county for the General MrB. Gahler is the M. C. O. S. S. First and second place winners, which thousands of dollars raised about ten days after~ the Injury, Election. By virtue of their weight, nurse assigned to Union Beach and In that order, among the parade by bingo games have been drained not realizing he had been, so se- several places heretofore used as Mrs. Mazza will do community contingents were as follows: Best from charitable purposes. verely hurt. polling places will not be able to nursing in the western area of equipped rescue truck, Verona res- accommodate the machines, hence, The newly adopted rules provide Several items! of business were Monmouth county.
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