By W. Wallace Covington, Peter Z. Fule, Margaret M. Moore, Stephen C. Hart, Thomas E. Kolb,Joy N. Mast, Stephen S. Sackett, and Michael R.Wagner Restoring Ecosystem Health in Ponderosa Pine Forests of the Southwest major stumbling ment, heavy livestock grazing, fire sup- A block to ecosys- pression, logging disturbances, and cli- tem management is the matic events favored dense ponderosa lack of healthy ecosys- pine regeneration, and the open park- tems to serve as points lands closed. of comparison. Aldo Various authors (Covington and Leopold (1934) recog- Moore 1994a, 1994b; Kolb et al. nized this problem and 1994) have described unhealthy char- suggested using ecolog- acteristics of the postsettlement pon- ical restoration tech- derosa pine ecosystems, including in- niques to reconstruct creases in tree density, forest floor reasonable approxima- depth, and fuel loading, with the fol- tions of naturally func- lowing consequences: (1) decreases in tioning ecosystems soil moisture and nutrient availability, (Callicott and Flader (2) decreases in growth and diversityof 1992). We have initi- both herbaceous and woody plants, (3) ated an integrated set increases in mortality in the oldest age of research projects de- class of trees, (4) decreases in stream signed to accomplish and spring flows, and (5) increases in this goal and in the fire severity and size. process determine eco- Our research was guided by the fol- system health attrib- lowing general hypotheses: utes for a southwest- that both restoration of ecosystem ern ponderosa pine structure and reintroduction of fire are ecosystem. necessary for restoring rates of decom- Previous research position, nutrient cycling, and net pri- has established that mary production to natural, presettle- forests of ponderosa ment levels; and pine (Pinusponderosa) that the rates of these processes in the Southwest were will be higher in an ecosystem that ap- much more open be- proximates the natural structure and fore Euro-American disturbance regime. A controlled burn was set by researchers settlement (Cooper 1960; Covington Specifically, we hypothesized that in thinned stands of southwestern and Moore 1994b). Until the 1870s, reestablishing presettlement stand ponderosa pine to reconstruct the light surface fires every two to five structure alone (thinning a majority of open, parklike landscape that once years, along with grass competition the postsettlement trees) would result characterized the ecosystem. and regular drought, maintained an in lower rates of decomposition, nutri- open and parklike landscape domi- ent cycling, and net primary produc- nated by grasses, forbs, and shrubs tion compared with thinning, forest with scattered groups of ponderosa floor fuel manipulation, and pre- pine trees. After Euro-American settle- scribed burning in combination; but Reprinted from the Journal of Forestry,Vol. 95, No. 4, April 1997. Not for further reproduction. 23 that both treatments would result in storage changed over the past century The time has come for higher rates of these processes com- of fire exclusion in a ponderosa pared with controls. We further hy- pine-bunchgrass ecosystem? science to busy itself pothesized that without periodic burn- 2. What are the implications of ing to hold them in check, pine these changes for net primary pro- with the earth itself. seedling irruptions would recur on the duction, decomposition, nutrient cy- The first step is to thin-only treatment area. We addressed cling, and other important ecosystem three specific questions: characteristics? reconstruct a sample 1. How have ecosystem structure 3. Does partial restoration (restor- (by biomass component) and nutrient ing tree structure alone by thinning of what we had to postsettlement trees) differ from complete begin with. restoration (the same --Aldo Leopold, 1934 thinning, plus forest floor removal, loading with herbaceous fuels, inches dbh are available at five-year in- and prescribed burn- tervals from 1920 to the present (Avery ing) in its effects on et al. 1976; and unpublished data). ecosystem structure The area is gentle in topography and function? (slopes less than 5 percent) with a southwest aspect. Elevation is 7,200 to The Study 7,400 feet. The climate is cool and Our study area is a subhumid with early summer drought. virgin stand of pon- Mean annual precipitation is 22.3 derosa pine within the inches and mean annual temperature is Fort Valley Experi- 45.5°F. Approximately half the precip- mental Forest approxi- itation falls as snow. The average frost- mately seven miles free growing season is 94 days. Soils at northwest of Flagstaff, the study site are derived from basalt Arizona. Stand struc- and volcanic cinders and are a fine ture is an uneven-aged montmorillonitic complex of frigid forest with trees in Typic Argiborolls and Argiboralfs. small, uneven-aged The understory consists primarily groups (fig.1), typical of Arizona fescue (Festuca arizonica), of ponderosa pine in mountain muhly (Muhlenbergia mon- the Southwest (Cooper tana), mutton bluegrass (Poa fendleri- 1960; Schubert 1974; ana), pine dropseed (Blepharoneuron White 1985). Pole- tricholepis),bottlebrush squirreltail (Si- sized trees, approxi- tanion hysterix),and a variety of forbs. mately 4 to 14.5 inches Buckbrush (Ceanothus fendleri) is the dbh, are the predomi- only common shrub. nant size class, with The site has never been harvested; scattered groups of pre- the only major disturbances have been settlement trees 14.5 to livestock grazing between 1876 and 41 inches dbh and 1910 and fire exclusion since 1876. dense “doghair” thick- Dieterich (1980) determined that the Figure 1. Canopy maps of the study area within the ets of saplings up to 3.9 last natural fire in the vicinity occurred FortValley Experimental Forest, near Flagstaff, Arizona. inches dbh. The treat- in 1876, before that, fires occurred at Scatteredgroups of southwestern ponderosa pine ment plots are in an an average interval of about two years. predominated in the late 19th century (top), eight-acreportion of the before settlement suppressed natural wildfires.This G.A. Pearson Natural Rationale forTreatments suppression caused a far greater profusion of Area, which was decom- A fundamental issue is what treat- vegetation in dense“doghair” thickets of pine saplings missioned in 1987. In- ment or combination of treatments (middle). Researchers are now attempting, through dividual tree growth and will rapidly achieve some facsimile of a prescribed burnsand manualthinning,to restore the mortality records for all healthy ponderosa pine ecosystem.The ecosystemto itsoriginal condition (bottom). trees greater than six two leading candidates for ecological 24 April 1997 restoration of ponderosa pine ecosys- tems are prescribed burning and thin- ning from below (Covington and Moore 1994b; Arno et al. 1995). Previous research near our study area had shown that although pre- scribed burning alone (without thin- ning or manual fuel removal) could reduce surface fuel loads, stimulate ni- trogen availability,and increase herba- ceous productivity, it caused high mortality of the presettlement trees (60 percent mortality over a 20-year period) and lethal soil temperatures under presettlement tree canopies (Covington and Sackett 1984, 1990, 1992; Harrington and Sackett 1990; Sackett et al. 1993). Although some thinning of postsettlement ponderosa pine trees was accomplished by pre- scribed burning (Harrington and Sackett 1990), results were localized, unpredictable, and difficult to con- trol. Furthermore, even under very conservative prescriptions (low air temperatures and low windspeed), re- burning can produce dangerous fires (Covington and Sackett, pers. observ., 1984-95) because the continuing high density of postsettlement trees provides a continuous fuel ladder and thus a high crown-fire potential. Clearly, research shows that prescribed burning in today’s unnatural structure will not restore natural conditions in ponderosa pine-bunchgrass ecosys- tems. Thus, some combination of thinning, manual fuel removal, and prescribed burning will be necessary to quickly restore these systems to nat- ural conditions. Design and Sampling The study area was divided into 15 plots, five each in the completerestora- ment and potentially presettlement determined. A random 5 percent sub- tion (3.5acres), partial restoration (3.3 trees-those with diameter at breast sample of postsettlement trees was also acres), and control (3.8 acres) treat- height >14.8 inches or yellowed bark cored and aged. ments. Permanently marked photo (White 1985)-were cored and cross- Herbaceous and fuel variables were points were established. All plots were dated (Stokes and Smiley 1968) to de- measured on 55 replicated circular completely stem-mapped in 1992, in- termine age. Cross-sections or incre- subplots (16.4 feet in diameter) located cluding all living and dead trees and ment cores were taken from all pon- within four overstory strata: (1) preset- large downed logs. Species, condition derosa pine snags, stumps, and tlement patches, (2) postsettlement class, and diameter at breast height downed trees that were potentially of patches to be thinned with some trees (4.5 feet) were recorded for all trees, presettlement age. Samples were cross- retained, (3) postsettlement patches to and all retained and control plot trees dated and, when possible, death date, be converted to openings,and (4) rem- were permanently tagged. All presettle- pith date, and diameter in 1876 were nant natural grassy
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