RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN MG 26 I Finding Aid 106 Series 1, correspondence, 1917-1920, vols. 1-12 Correspondence of Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen as Secretary of State and Minister of Mines, 25 Aug. 1917 - 12 Oct. 1917 and Minister of the Interior and Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 12 Oct. 1917 - 10 July 1920. Correspondence is arranged alphabetically in subject or nominal files. Vol. File Subject Date 1 1 Adams, R.D., Siberian Expedition 1917-1920 2 Alberta Affairs, Politics, resources 1918-1920 3 Aliens in Wartime 1917-1920 4 Armstrong, Hugh, Manitoba Fisheries 1917-1920 5 Banks and Banking, Bank Act 1919 6 Berry, F.C., Appointment 1918 7 Botterell, John E 1919-1920 8 British Columbia Matters, Politics, Dry dock, 1918-1920 mining etc. 9 Clark, J. Murray 1920 2 10 Davidson, J.L., Pacific Construction Co. 1919-1920 2 11 Detchon, Henry, Dominion Lands Act, Business Profits 1918-1919 War Tax 2 RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN MG 26 I Vol. File Subject Date 12 Federal Politics 1917-1918 13 Federal Politics 1919 14 Federal Politics 1920 3 15 Fuel Control 1918 16 Georgian Bay Canal 1917-1920 17 Grain Matters 1918-1919 18 Grain Matters 1919-1920 19 Grain Matters 1920 4 20 Harris Abbatoir Co., Packing Industry, Margarine 1918-1920 21 Hudson Bay Railway 1917-1920 22 Humber, Arthur, Agricultural and Lumber Exhibitions 1919-1920 23 Immigration, Individual case 1919-1920 24 Imperial Relations, Future of the British Empire 1918 25 Interior Dept., Individual land grant 1917-1920 26 Judges' Salaries 1918 5 27 Justice Dept., Individual cases 1918-1920 28 Kingston (Ont.) Standard, Newspaper patronage, 1918-1920 Union Government 29 Labour, Requests for information re. 1920 30 Manitoba Affairs, Politics, Winnipeg strike 1917-1920 5 31 Manitoba Rolling Mill Co., Importing machinery 1919-1920 MG 26 I RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN 3 Vol. File Subject Date 32 Margarine 1917-1920 33 Meighen, Hon. Arthur, Personal 1917-1919 - Appointment to Cabinet 1913 6 34 Meighen, Hon. Arthur, Personal 1920 35 Meighen, Hon. Arthur, Photographs 1918-1920 36 Meighen, Hon. Arthur, speeches, Correspondence re. 1920 37 Meighen, Hon. Arthur - Trip to Great Britain 1918 and France 38 Meighen, Hon. Arthur - Trip to Great Britain 1918 and France 7 38A Meighen, Edward 38B Meighen Joseph 39 Meighen, William, Correspondence with 1918-1920 40 Military Matters 1917-1920 41 Mullins, H.A., Rural Mail Service, Cattle Embargo 1918-1919 42 Newspapers, Hon. C.C. Ballantyne 1917-1920 43 Northern Canada, Musk Ox and Reindeer 1919-1920 8 44 Ontario Politics 1919 45 Ontario Power 1918-1920 46 Paris Peace Conference 1918-1919 47 Patronage 1917-1919 4 RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN MG 26 I Vol. File Subject Date 8 48 Patronage 1919 9 49 Patronage 1920 50 Portage La Prairie Matters 1918-1920 51 Post Office, Appointments, Rural Mail Routes 1918-1920 52 Prince Edward Island, Subsidies 1919 53 Public Works, Delta, Man., Glace Bay, N.S. 1918-1920 10 54 Pulp and Paper 1920 55 Railways 1917-1918 56 Railways 1919-1920 11 57 Reford, R.W., Veterans' divorces, Judgeships, Canadian 1918-1920 Shipping 58 Royal Geographical Society, Membership, Speeches 1918 59 Saskatchewan Politics 1917-1918 60 Senatorships, J.H. Rainville 1920 61 Smith, J.R., Shipbuilding, farmer's organizations, 1918-1920 politics. 62 Taxes - Luxury Tax 1920 63 Trade and Commerce 1918-1920 12 64 United States Relations, Exchange, Non-Partisan 1919-1920 League 65 Veterans' Affairs 1918-1920 66 War Purchasing Commission 1918 MG 26 I RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN 5 Vol. File Subject Date 12 67 Webster, Hon. L.C. 1919-1920 68 Western Canada Tour, Hon. A. Meighen 1919-1920 69 William Davies Co., Investigation of business and 1917 Matthews - Blackwell Co. 70 Yukon Affairs 1918-1920 Series 2, Correspondence, 1920-1921, vols. 13-58 Correspondence of Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen as Prime Minister of Canada and Secretary of State for External Affairs, 10 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921. Arranged alphabetically in subject and nominal files. 13 1 Agriculture, General 2 Alberta, General 3 Alberta, Politics 4 Allan, G.W. 5 Ames, Sir Herbert, B. Resignation as M.P. 6 Archives, Public. Monckton Papers: W.C. Milner 7 Arctic Islands 8 Army Canteen Fund 14 9 Australia, Trade 10 Aviation 11 Backs - Brooks Co. Kenora, Ont. Power Plant 6 RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN MG 26 I Vol. File Subject Date 14 12-13 Bacon 15 14 Beer Labels 15 Blondin, Hon. P.E. 16 Board of Commerce of Canada 17 British - American Nickel Corporation 18 British Columbia By-Elections 19 British Columbia Miscellaneous 20 British Columbia Politics 16 21 Cabinet Reorganization; resignations of ministers 22 Cabinet Representation; Alberta, R.B. Bennett 23 Cabinet Representation, New Brunswick 24 Cabinet Representation, Ontario 25 Cabinet Representation, Quebec 26 Canadian Manufacturer's Association 27-28 Canadian National Railways 17 29 Canadian National Railways 30 Canadian Northern Railway 1903-1921 18 31 Cartier, Sir G.E. Subject of speech in Quebec 32 Cattle Embargo 33 Census, 1921 MG 26 I RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN 7 Vol. File Subject Date 34 Charities 18 35 Children's Aid; International Congress 36 Civil Service-General 37 Civil Service-Labour Unions 19 38 Civil Service-Reorganization 39 Coal Trade 40 Colchester N.S. By-election 41 Communism 1918-1921 42 Conservation Commission 43 Cost of Living 44 Currency Exchange 20 45 Customs Matters 46 Disarmament 47 Dorchester Penitentiary 48 Duff, William, M.P. 49 Elgin East (Ont.) By-election 50 Europe-Relief 51 Federal Election. Campaign Literature 1921 21 52 Federal Election. Campaign Literature 1921 53 Federal Election. General 1921 8 RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN MG 26 I Vol. File Subject Date 22 54-56 Federal Election. General 1921 57 Federal Election. Maritime Tour. 1921 23 58 Federal Election. Ontario Tour 1921 59 Federal Election. Protests 1921 60 Federal Election. Quebec Tour 1921 61-62 Federal Election. Results 1921 24 63-65 Federal Election. Results 1921 25 66 Federal Election. Returning Officers 1921 67 Federal Election. Western Tour 1921 68 Finance Matters 69 Flour Export 26 70 France, Trade 71 French - Canadian Rights 72 French River Improvement, Georgian Bay Canal 73 Georgian Bay Canal 74 Germany, Trade 75 Government Publications 76 Governor General. Appointment 77 Grain Elevators 27 78-80(1) Grand Trunk Railway MG 26 I RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN 9 Vol. File Subject Date 28 80(2)-82 Grand Trunk Railway 29 83 Health Department 84 Hemp Industry 29 85 High Commissioner to United Kingdom 86 Historic Sites 87 Honours 88 House of Commons, Session 1921 89 House of Commons, Staff 30 90 Housing 91 Hudson Bay Railway 92 Immigration, General 93 Immigration and Colonization. British Columbia 94 Immigration and Colonization. Manitoba 95 Immigration and Colonization. Ontario 96 Immigration and Colonization. Quebec 97 Imperial Conference 1921 98 Imperial Educational Conference 99 Imperial Press Conference 100 Income Tax 31 101 Indian Affairs, Alberta 10 RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN MG 26 I Vol. File Subject Date 102 Indian Affairs, British Columbia 103 Indian Affairs, Manitoba 104 Interprovincial Conference 1913 105 Ireland, Home Rule 31 106 Justice Matters, Alberta 107 Justice Matters, British Columbia 108 Justice Matters, Manitoba 32 109 Justice Matters, Nova Scotia 110 Justice Matters, Ontario 111 Justice Matters, Quebec 112 King, Rt. Hon. W.L. Mackenzie - War record; Shipment of ammunition 113 Kings Printer 114 Labour Matters 115 Labour - Wartime Overseas Labour 33 116-117 Lake of the Woods 118 League of Nations 119 Lieutenant-Governors, Appointments 120 Liquor Legislation, British Columbia 121 Live-stock Industry 34 122 London Offices; Canadian Government MG 26 I RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN 11 Vol. File Subject Date 123 Macdonald, Sir John A., Chair. 124 Manitoba, Miscellaneous 125 Manitoba, Politics 35 126 Margerine 35 127 Marine and Fisheries, British Columbia 128 Marine and Fisheries, Miscellaneous 129 Marriage Laws 130 McGill University 131 Medicine Hat Constituency 36 132-133 Meighen, Hon. Arthur, Congratulations 37 134-136 Meighen, Hon. Arthur, Congratulations 38 137 Meighen, Hon. Arthur, Congratulations 138 Meighen, Hon. Arthur, Interviews 139 Meighen, Hon. Arthur, Personal, club membership, gifts, photographs etc. 39 140-141 Meighen, Hon. Arthur, Speeches 142 Militia-General 40 143 Montreal Star 144-145 Natural Resources, Western Provinces includes printed 1887-1921 material 41 146 Naval Matters 12 RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN MG 26 I Vol. File Subject Date 147 New Brunswick Politics 148 Newfoundland 149 Newspaper Advertising 150 Newsprint 151 News Services 41 152 New Westminster Penitentiary 153 New York Bureau of Information 154 North Oxford, E.W. Nesbitt 155 Nova Scotia Politics 42 156 Ontario, Miscellaneous 157 Ontario Politics 158 Patronage 159 Pensions Board, Appointments 160 Personal Property Convention 161 Peru-Anniversary of Independence 162 Petroleum and Natural Gas Mineral Rights 163 Politics, Miscellaneous: Party Organization, Medicine Hat and West York By-elections, Unemployment, Imperial Conference, Grain Commission, League of Nations delegates, Ambassador to Washington 164 Portage La Prairie Post Office 43 165 Post Offices - General MG 26 I RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN 13 Vol. File Subject Date 166 Press Comments and Releases 167 Prime Minister's Office: New Zealand, gift for Parliament Buildings etc. Meighen biographical information, Meighen post-election plans 168 Public Works, B.C. 43 169 Public Works, Manitoba 170 Purchasing Commission 44 171 Quebec-Board of Trade; delegation re railways 172 Quebec-Quebec Politics 173 Railways-British Columbia. 174 Railways-Manitoba 175 Railways-New Brunswick 176 Railways-New Scotia 177 Railways-Quebec 45 178 Railways and Canals 179-180 Railways Freight Rates Proceedings of Commission 46 181-182 Railways Freight Rates Proceedings of Commission 47 183 Railways Freight Rates Proceedings of Commission 184 Research, Scientific and Industrial 185 Roumania, Trade 186 Royal Canadian Mounted Police 14 RT.
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