AGENDA Special Work Session City Council Meeting Council Chambers, City Hall June 4, 2018, 7:20 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/DETERMINATION OF QUORUM Council President 2. PUBLIC FORUM (3 Minute Limit) Individuals may address the City Council about items on the agenda or not included on the agenda. Speakers are required to state their name and address for the Council record and limit their remarks to three minutes or less. Speakers are requested to frame their comments around items that fall within the authority of the City Council. Generally, the City Council will not take official action on the items discussed at this time, but may place the item on file, take the matter under advisement, refer the matter to staff or a committee for a future report or direct the matter to be placed on an upcoming agenda. 3. BILLS DISCUSSION 4. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM DISCUSSION 5. COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL ONLY ITEMS a. Other 6. CONSTITUENT COMPLAINTS City Council 7. ADJOURNMENT Council President IF YOU NEED ANY TYPE OF REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, PLEASE CALL CITY HALL (320) 616-5500 AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. AGENDA Regular City Council Meeting Council Chambers, City Hall June 4, 2018, 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/DETERMINATION OF QUORUM/PLEDGE OF Information ALLEGIANCE Council President Found On: All individuals are asked to either silence or turn off all cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices that may disrupt the meeting. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA City Council Approve the agenda as posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law and herein place all agenda items on the table for discussion. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES City Council Special work session meeting of May 21, 2018; the regular meeting of May 21, 2018 – approve Pages 1-5 4. APPROVAL OF BILLS City Council Checks 98576 through 98649 totaling $784,672.15 – approve Pages 6-11 5. AWARDS, DONATIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Council President/Others 6. CONSENT AGENDA City Council a. Advertising Agreement, Franklin Signs – approve Pages 12-13 b. Airport Commission Minutes, May 2018 – receive Page 14 c. Animal Control Report, May 2018 – receive Page 15 d. Community Services Advisory Board Minutes, March 2018 – receive Page 16 e. Dam Festival Organization, Licenses/Permits, Dam Festival Dance, Roadway Closing and Parade, June 15 and 16, 2018 – approve Pages 17-19 f. Economic Development Authority Minutes, May 2018 – receive Page 20 g. Lease Agreement, Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Motorcycle Training – approve/authorize Pages 21-22 h. Library Board Minutes, May 2018 – receive Page 23 i. Parade/Special Event Applicant, Dam-2-Dam Bicycle Event, Central Minnesota Bicycle Club – approve Pages 24-26 j. Park, Recreation and Tree Board Minutes, May 2018 – receive Page 27 k. Police Department Report, April 2018 – receive Page 28-35 l. Recycling Report, March 2018 – receive Page 36 m. Show License, Whiskey River Saloon, June 15 and 16, 2018 – approve Page 37 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND LETTINGS a. Lettings 1. Turnout Gear, Heiman Fire Equipment, Fire Department – award Fire Chief Page 38 2. Bulk Garbage and Appliance Pickup, Bob LeMieur Rolloffs, Refuse and Recycling – award Finance Officer Page 39-40 8. OLD BUSINESS None 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Airport Commission Recommendation, Professional Services Agreement TKDA, Airport Zoning Update – accept/approve PW Director Pages 41-47 b. Economic Development Authority Recommendation, Authorize First Right of Refusal, Central McGowan – accept/introduce Finance Officer Page 48-49 c. Ordinance No. 10, Seventh Series, Floodplain Updates – introduce PW Director Pages 50-67 Agenda, 06/04/18 page two 9. NEW BUSINESS d. Petitions PW Director 1. Vacate Alley, Kulick Addition No. 1 [West River Road] – receive Page 68 2. Landscape Restoration, Third Street Northeast – receive Page 69 3. Sidewalk, Hidden Oaks Addition – receive Page 70-75 e. Small Wireless Facility Collocation Agreement, Verizon Wireless LLC – authorize PW Director Pages 76-93 10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS ON CITY AUTHORITIES, BOARDS, BUREAUS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES City Council 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS City Council/Others 12. ADJOURNMENT Council President IF YOU NEED ANY TYPE OF REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, PLEASE CALL CITY HALL (320) 616-5500 AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. Page 1 of 93 City of Little Falls SPECIAL WORK SESSION CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~ MAY 21, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER The special work session City Council meeting of the City of Little Falls was called to order by Council President Hanfler on May 21, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Councilmembers Hircock, Gosiak, Lundberg, Knafla, Hanson, Council President Hanfler, and Mayor Zylka were present. Councilmember Liljegren was absent. It was determined there was a quorum. 2. PUBLIC FORUM None. 3. BILLS DISCUSSION None. 4. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS DISCUSSION None. 5. COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL ONLY ITEMS a. Zoo Otter Exhibit – Zoo Director, Marnita VanHoecke, reviewed the proposed changes to the otter exhibit at the Pine Grove Zoo and the request for additional funding for the exhibit. This item is on the regular agenda for consideration. b. Facebook Launch – Administrative Intern Nalisha Nandkumar reviewed a proposal to begin a City Facebook page. Following discussions no action taken. c. Concept Drawings, Clubhouse – City Administrator Radermacher reviewed a proposal for concept drawings of a clubhouse at the golf course. This item is on the regular agenda for consideration. d. Other 1. Mayor Zylka asked what the status was on the property in the 800 block of Fourth Street Northeast, where most of the home of removed; and a request from a resident for the installation of a dog park. Public Works Director Kimman will review and report back. 2. Councilmember Knafla would like to discuss restoration of boulevards following construction projects at a future meeting. 3. City Administrator Radermacher reviewed the need for a feasibility study of the possible construction of a new clubhouse at the golf course. No action taken. 4. CONSTITUENT COMPLAINTS 5. ADJOURNMENT Council President Hanfler adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lori Kasella Page 2 of 93 City of Little Falls REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~ MAY 21, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular City Council meeting of the City of Little Falls was called to order by Council President Hanfler on Monday, May 21, 2018, at 7:34 p.m. Councilmembers Hircock, Gosiak, Lundberg, Knafla, Hanson, Council President Hanfler, and Mayor Zylka were present. Councilmember Liljegren was absent. It was determined there was a quorum. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion was made by Councilmember Gosiak, seconded by Councilmember Lundberg to approve the agenda of May 21, 2018, as presented. Ayes: Hircock, Gosiak, Lundberg, Zylka, Hanfler, Knafla, and Hanson. Nays: none. Motion carried. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Mayor Zylka, seconded by Councilmember Knafla to approve the City Council minutes of the special meeting of May 7, 2018, and the regular meeting of May 7, 2018, as presented. Ayes: Hircock, Gosiak, Lundberg, Zylka, Hanfler, Knafla, and Hanson. Nays: none. Motion carried. 4. APPROVAL OF BILLS Motion was made by Councilmember Hanson, seconded by Councilmember Hircock to approve the bills totaling $264,187.47 for check numbers 98484 through 98575. Ayes: Hircock, Gosiak, Lundberg, Zylka, Hanfler, Knafla, and Hanson. Nays: none. Motion carried. 5. AWARDS, DONATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, AND PROCLAMATIONS a. Donations 1. Resolution 2018-28, Accept First Quarter 2018 Donations – Councilmember Hircock introduced and moved for the adoption of Resolution 2018-28, a Resolution Accepting Donations for the First Quarter 2018. Councilmember Hanson seconded the motion for adoption. On roll call vote; Ayes: Hircock, Gosiak, Lundberg, Zylka, Hanfler, Knafla, and Hanson. Nays: Liljegren [absent]. Council President Hanfler then declared said Resolution 2018-28 to have received the majority vote of the City Council and the same to have been duly passed, approved and approved. 6. CONSENT AGENDA Motion was made by Mayor Zylka, seconded by Councilmember Gosiak to take the following action on Consent Agenda items a. through j.: a. Received and placed on file the Building report for April 2018; and b. Received and placed on file the 2017 Drinking Water report, commonly known as the Consumer Confidence report; and c. Received and placed on file the Heritage Preservation Commission minutes of May 2018; and d. Accepted the recommendation of the Interview Committee and authorized the hiring of Dylan Lukasavitz and Ethan Wickstrom as laborers in the Parks and Streets, at an hourly rater of $9.65, effective May 22, 2018, or as soon thereafter as they are available; and e. Received and placed on file the Morrison County Attorney’s Prosecution report for March and April 2018; and f. Approved an Application for the Sale of Fireworks Permanent Structure, as requested by Walmart #1634, 15091 Northeast Eighteenth Street, and TNT Fireworks, Inc., to allow for the Page 3 of 93 sale of fireworks with the Walmart store, contingent upon the appropriate paperwork, insurance, location map, and fees being provided, and approval is granted by the Fire and Police Chiefs; and g. Received and placed on file the Public Works report for April 2018; and h. Received and placed on file the Recycling report for February 2018; and i. Approved a Show License requested by the Rustic Saloon, 112 Southeast First Street, for a DJ outside on their patio on June 15 and 16, 2018, from 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight, contingent upon the appropriate paperwork and fees being provided, and approval is granted by the Fire and Police Chiefs; and j. Received and placed on file the Wastewater Treatment facility report for April 2018. Ayes: Hircock, Gosiak, Lundberg, Zylka, Hanfler, Knafla, and Hanson. Nays: none. Motion carried.
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