Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 5-19-1967 The Ledger and Times, May 19, 1967 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, May 19, 1967" (1967). The Ledger & Times. 5669. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5669 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ahaaa., • •••••• lisleeted la I IINA 111 Iloand Kentnely Oommunitr Newspaper 7 ""'"111111Mes—a. The Only -441%N". grt • Afternoon Daily W2` In Murray And Calloway County 6 ISmsemismommusre 88th Year United Press International In Our Murray, Ky.,,Friday Afternoon, May 19, 1967 10. Per Copy Vol. LXXXVIII No.1 1 8 Murray Boy Wins Break-in Attempt At Ball & Mrs Rowlett Basketball Grant-In- Car Wash Last Night Charity Seen Heard Aid At NW Louisiana An attempted breakin oceurret To Superivse last night at the J arid S. Car Tickets Now Wayne Blackford, son of Joe Wash on Story Avenue, accord- Blackford of Murray. has signed ing to Chief of Police Brea, MINIM a baiketbal grant-in-aid with State Meet Manning. On Sale Northwestern Lobster"! State at MURRAY The Cain box had been broken Natchltodies, Louistana7 open: but it is thought a... the Mrs Dewdrop Rowlett left to- Young igarkford, who will grad- Tickets for the third annual The little Jays rubber or robbers were soared-a- are gone They day for Lexington to supervise the uate tonight front Chandlers Charity Ball to be held on June way by a passerby, before they have Wan the 000p Hooray for Rah Satatal Girls Track Meet in Schaal near Russelhalle, Kentucky, 10 at the Murray State Univer- could get to the money. tans which Baas Ruth Bennett of Cal- was offered scholarships by eleven aty Student Union Raiding are The robbery attempt was dis- Iowa), COMB** High School will be colleges over a wide area. now on sale, according to Mrs. covered when someone went to the From what we oan unTiPtlitana, an entry in the softball throw He was a 6-6 car of the high John Neal Purclom and Mrs John business to have their car washed, the local inaurance caditicuues Mrs. Rowlett. assistant professor sotioal basketball team last sea- Gregory, Patrons chairmen. Manning said. -know how to win friends and In- of physical education at Murray son and averaged 23.4 points a No tickets will be saki after The Police arrested one person fiuence people. Claims are being Sate University, wee recerstly in- game and 21 6 rebounds. Enact- June 1 or et the door. Past Pat- for driving while intoxicated and settled from hal damage, right I stalled as state ohairman of the ford owns Chandlers' records for rons will be contacted by phone. not having an operator's license and eft with crack dispatch. Lhaaan for Girls and Wornena the most points m one game with Others interested lIt obtahung on Thursday. That's the best way we know of Sports maluding both high school 41 and the mast rebounds with tickets are requeated to call Mrs. to sea insurance. or Mrs. Greg- Rev. Ed Frank Jeffrey and college athletics for girls of 30. Gordon Pogue is coach at PUTKIOM (753-5625) the Kentucky Education Assume- Chandlers. ory 1753-1828). A nice person, Mrs. Shirley John- eon Mr Backeard is field man for Mr. And Mrs. Dill Because of knead seating only Rev. Jeffrey Will Tickets an. On Friday, May 26. Mrs Row- the Ryan Mak Company and lives Buy Interest In 250 tickets will be sold. Preach Here Sunday lett will be supervising the High et 1506 Henry SUeat, here • are tax deductible with c neck-5 e - Gas System is fixing up tha Elohool GiT96 Re$10•61 Tennis Murray. Theatre Organization made payable to the Murray -- -- parking lot down on North Tburnement at Murray State Una Calloway County Mental Health Rev Ed Praia. _ The ditch is being chimney veraty. Asscciation, preach at First Meta Mr and Mrs. Joe Bailey Dili, concrete blocks end paired con- RovAett with Miss 'Nita Troop 45 And Ship Members of the Patrons Com- Sundry, May 21. at charter members of Murray Thea- crete caire.t.. Graham. physical edunition in- mittee are Mesdames Bob Mi- morning services at 8:45 am. and 45 Will Participate tres Inc have recently bought in- strudtor at. Murray State, (towhee llington, Macon Blankenetap. Jam- 10 50 am. Mr Jeffrey was re- In Scout-O-Rama to the Cinema Amusement Corp. Another school year is aLmoet over the University Tennis tail& in es Boone. Howard Brandon, Janes cently licensed to preach by the of South Cara, wrdith is a and hundreds of ac.hool children which two of the girls that Mrs. Frank, Ball Furgerson, Eurte Gar- Paris Dietrict of the Milthodiat Troop 46 and Ship 46 of Mur- theatre organizattan made up of will be out for the surnmer. The Rowlettt coached on the Murray Pictured above are the three members of the Girls Auxiliary land Bob Hibbard Harold Hop- Church. This is the Ent step ray will be among the many units several South Carolina Theatres. Haat Schott tennis team are mem- of the First Baptist Church who received the highest atm at- per Brent Hughes, Harold Hurt. (Continued On Page Three) toward °Memnon. He has been mancipating in the giant Scout- and the production of theatre bers. tainable in the organization at the coronation List night. Left to Alfred Lindsey, Rob Ray, Bethel =vim an Ilie First Methochst o-rarna In be held at Brook's films They are Miss Carolyn Wells, right they are Deborah Jones, Kathy Ann Lockhart, and Cynthia Racharchon, Joe Hal Spann, Chad Safi atiLariltatter wall youth. Stub= in ,F•ducials Saturday Mr. and Mrs Dill will be leav- daughter a the late Mr and Mrs Humphreys. Stewart. Thminvy Taylor, Buddy Mr. la completing his and Sunds.,_Illeg 20, 21. The ing their home at 419 Syca.more No. 1 on (Photo by E. Warren) Valentine Fred Wells, arid Robert 'Calloway Trent Went who played their shinier 7;7111•"1 Idirray &ate Uni- Scout-o-raus tin begin with the In the near future with two Mel method team and now on Wtleon. versity and is the ion of Mr. and the parade to be bald Saturday morn- daughters. Deborah arid 'Punt, the University tern; and Miss Mrs. Gib Jeffrey. According to ing at 10:00 am The cksplays with phille to ebbe their home in Lamed, Underwood, daughter of High Exercise the Me:later, lawn LltiYd and item will open sharply at Three Receive Highest Award South Carolina in the hisborical Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Underwood, "die many friends of Ed Frank 1:00 Charleston area. high pm. who played No 3 on the MTS. Dill 6/66 formerly Mrs. Billy are invited to hear him preach Festuregi during the afternoon Anita school man and nosy plays No. 4 Next Tuesday has fira scrociona will be an old-tashioned greased McDougal, daughter of Mr. and team. In Girls Auxiliary positton on the University Baptist pas and greased pole ntest. Mrs. J C. McDougal of Murray. was phyacal edu- Mrs Rowlett She eradiated hem Murray Uni- Smith Heads The Senior Close of Calloway Pinewood Derby, Space Derby sad canon inetauctor and general sup- a of songs Michael Dismore Chariot Races Males Cynthia lliariphreys, Choir presented medley versity illotsool and is presently Count7 Rah School wall halt' as Ends ervisor at Murray High Elti)0041 Satunlay rad* at 8:00 pm. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. T! "The Outlet was Mies Mary Dell enrolled at Murray State Uni- oammencentent exercises, Tuesday, her positton at Aptitude Testing before resuming Humphreys, Deborah Jones. daugh- Warted and the tubers were versity. Joe Batley DUI is the son PTA variety show will feature sev- Kirksey May 23. at it p.m. in Jeffery the the University. ter of Mr. and Mrs Alan E. members of the Royal Ambassad- of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dill of Obrinagium. eral tsig name Chapel Quartets, Barberehopper s , Squar e Dancers, Jones and Kathy Ann Lockhart. ors Mrs. Bernice Whither% is the Model. Terineasee. He graduated The laTi Chas Is the lamb (.1011S) /dlithiPIKS. TENN FM- Mrs Billy &lath was installed Music and Roil. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Euei F GA director. from tfiewart County Fligh School chug to be graduated from Cal- TNct May 8 — Marine Private Country arid Rock , as president of the Kirksey School Locktart, received the highest a- Other GA, presented and their and compated his education at loway Cbunty High in the acesola Mat GIMP landhael W. Manor., The 'how Saturday night will be Parent-Teedher Ammonia:ion at the Graduation mare ward attabeible in the work of step oorrapieted are as follows: Murray State University. hiitory. The clam son of Mr. and Mrs. James C. worth than the -Prior at head llairiebr. May 18, Is MB stirong Gayle Rogers, chasm regent.; 'medley, Tibutee of an MOM the tidiest only Mc. OMB ry, Queen-Rsdont- Mr east Mrs. equeisied =IMO Chit of Obese 146 graduating -sen- illeeht. Jt 1:111 pm. at 'ate adbool. The diapiays vrIII feature merit In-Service, at the coronation ger- (Continued en Page Three) their appreciation to the people iors there are thirty-eight honor Murray, completed a week of test- Other &Boers are Mrs.
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