www.mississippilink.com Vol. 20, No. 30 May 22 - 28, 2014 50¢ Honoring Those Who Made The Ultimate Sacrifice Happy Memorial Day Congressman Bennie Brown University and Tougaloo G. Thompson officially College reaffirm 50-year partnership By Danny Lee Jones opens campaign Special to The Mississippi Link In May 1964, just 10 years after the landmark Supreme headquarters Court decision Brown v Board of Education which abolished segregation, Brown University and Tougaloo College signed an unprecedented collaborative agreement. Brown, an Ivy League uni- versity in Providence, R.I. and Tougaloo, an historic black lib- Brown University President Christina Paxson speaking during the Tougaloo commencement. eral arts college in Mississippi, would, on the surface, seem to president of Brown University, of the Civil Rights have little in common. by my side,” said Dr. Beverly Movement in Missis- But as both institutions faced W. Hogan, president of Tougaloo sippi,” the college is their own issues of Civil Rights, College. “It is important for us to led by its first female they forged a relationship that consider where we were, where and 13th president, has, over the past 50 years, re- we are now and to recommit our- Dr. Beverly Wade mained a unique collaborative selves to this important work. Hogan. venture engaging these two in- “This collaboration, which has Hogan is a 1973 Congressman and Mrs. Bennie Thompson stitutions through student and encouraged academic and cul- graduate of the col- faculty academic and cultural tural exchange, has made both lege and a native By Jackie Hampton Friends, family and support- exchanges. institutions stronger and is more Mississippian. Under Publisher ers gathered to offer their sup- Fifty years later, the presidents vibrant today than ever before.” her leadership, the Friends of Bennie G. Thomp- port and wish Congressman of these two distinctive institu- On May 18, the 2014 Com- college has increased son hosted an open house for the Thompson well in his campaign tions once again stood side by mencement and Reaffirmation its enrollment by 12 official opening of the congress- side to reaffirm this unique and Services were held On the cam- percent and boasts a man’s Jackson campaign head- successful partnership. pus green at Tougaloo College student retention rate quarters at 3234 Medgar Evers Thompson “I am so happy to have Dr. Also honored this day were of 68 percent. Continued on page 3 Blvd. Thursday, May 15. Christina Paxson, the nineteenth Jether Lee Walker Brown, wid- Tougaloo College Presidents Hogan and Paxson PHoTos By Jay JoHnson ow of civil rights attorney H. ranks among the top Jess Brown, and Dr. Geraldine 30 U.S. institutions Mellon Doctoral Fellowship Pro- Chaney Buie of the Class of whose graduates earn PhDs in gram. 1971. science and engineering disci- It is consistently listed as one Honorary degrees were be- plines (number 2 among his- of the Best Colleges in the South- Photo of the Week stowed on Dr. Herman Taylor, torically black colleges and uni- east by The Princeton Review, a former director of the Jackson versities) and among the top 15 top 20 ranking on U.S. News and Heart Study, and Dorie Ladner, historically black colleges and World Report’s list of “America’s Dr. Hilliard L. and Lillian Troupe Lackey a trailblazing civil rights activist. universities in the graduation of Best Black Colleges” (2013- Founded in 1869, Tougaloo females with undergraduate de- 2014) and ranked among the top College is a private, historically grees in the physical sciences. 50 liberal arts institutions in the honored by Jackson City Council black, coeducational four-year The College is among the na- nation by Washington Monthly liberal arts institution, located tion’s largest producers of gradu- (2013-2014). on the northern edge of Jackson. ates who have completed their See commencement weekend “Outstanding Citizens of Jackson” Known nationally as “The Cradle PhD degrees through the UNCF- photos on page 4. Mason’s Grand Master Maurice Lucas Sr.: “make bad good and make good better” First national meeting of Masons held in Mississippi in 20 years at historic lodge By stephanie R. Jones with others information about Contributing Writer programs in their jurisdictions. Men and women from across The keynote speaker at a Satur- the country and beyond descend- day banquet was U.S. Congress- ed onto the M.W. Stringer Grand man Bennie Thompson of Mis- Lodge this past weekend, May sissippi, who is also running for 16-18, 2014 for the 95th Con- re-election this summer. ference of Grand Masters Prince Most Worshipful Grand Mas- Hall Masons, Inc., and the 66th ter Maurice Lucas Sr. was eager Conference of Grand Matrons to show off “a Mississippi much and Grand Patrons. different than many from outside It was the first national meeting the state would imagine.” More During its regular meeting, Tuesday, May 20, 2014, the City Council of Jackson paused to of the organizations to be held in than 700 people from 47 districts recognize Dr. Hilliard L. and Mrs. Lillian Troupe Lackey as outstanding citizens of Jackson. The Mississippi in 20 years. During across the U.S. (Hawaii included) proclamation was read into public record. PHoTo By JAY JoHnson. the conference, members attend- ed to the business of setting poli- Masons cies and procedures and shared Continued on page 5 Lucas Juneteenth in Ward 6 City Council Jackson Branch NAACP Share this issue with a friend Jackson Seat election Annual Freedom Fund by mailing it to: June 21, 2014 June 17, 2014 Banquet Inside Page 17 Page 6 Page 2 2 • the mississippi link may 22 - 28, 2014 www.mississippilink.com I n M e M o r I a M Jackson Branch NAACP recognizes individuals, Rosia Wade Crisler organizations during Annual June 9, 1945 - APRIL 27, 2014 Freedom Fund Banquet English, and Jackson papers at conferences in Eng- of the Mississippi Humanities State University with lish and French. Council; and active member of an Ed. S. in English One of the first African- the Vicksburg Chapter of The Education with con- Americans to serve on the Col- Links, Inc., Mississippi State centrations in com- lege English Commission, she Federation of Women’s Clubs, munications and served as secretary for several Inc. and Youth Affiliates as French. years - producing and present- historian, and the Presidential Rosia completed ing excellent minutes - disput- Hills Homeowners Associa- further study at Co- ing the chairman’s belief that tion. lumbia University black people couldn’t master Spiritually guided, she was (New York), the Uni- English. a faithful member of her fam- versity of Mississippi An accomplished artist, Ros- ily church, Mt. Wade Mis- (Ford Foundation ia wrote, directed and produced sionary Baptist Church (Terry, Fellow), and New more than 50 theatrical produc- Miss.), and recently at White York University in tions as founding producer and Oak United Methodist Church Paris, France. artistic director of Daughters of (Crystal Springs, Miss.), where With these profes- Margaret (1984) and Le Metis- she served as Sunday School sional degrees, she sage (May Tee-Sahj) Produc- teacher, on the Stewardess applied her knowl- tions (1988). She was a profes- Board, and member of the edge and talents to sional storyteller who traveled United Methodist Women Min- Crisler 43 years of teaching locally and nationally with her istry. English literature, one-woman show, “Transmis- Rosia Wade Crisler leaves Rosia Wade Crisler, also af- composition and research; 25 sions: Stories that Warm the to cherish her life a devoted fectionately known as “Mom- years of teaching French; and Heart.” husband of 50 years, Johnny mie Rose” by her grandchil- 15 years of teaching drama Her acting career spanned L. Crisler; three children, By Zakiya Summers dedicated to fighting for equitable dren, was born June 9, 1945, to productions on the elementary, over three decades with most of Johnny F. Crisler (Theresa), Special to The Mississippi Link treatment for all citizens,” said the late W.D. “Newt” Wade Sr. junior high school, two-year her theatrical accomplishments Marshand K. Crisler (Char- The Jackson Branch of the Mis- Branch President Wayne McDan- and Mae Ether “Baby” Easley college, and university levels occurring during her time with lotte), and Rasheda L. McInyre sissippi NAACP welcomes Rev. iels. Wade in Hinds County, Miss. in Illinois and Mississippi. New Stage Theatre and on the (Terron); one step-daughter, Dr. Isiac Jackson Jr., president of “In addition to an enjoyable eve- She was the second oldest of For her excellence in teach- national stage as a part of the Cassandra Smith; two broth- the General Missionary Baptist ning, proceeds from the Banquet five children. ing at Hinds County Commu- supporting cast of the motion ers, Willie James “Bill” (Flo- State Convention of Mississippi will help our branch continue its She was a retired distin- nity College - 12 years at Utica, picture, Beulah Land(1980). rine) Wade and W.D. “Dub” and chair of the Mississippi Alli- efforts to reach across this city to guished educator in English, 14 years at Raymond, Rankin, She conducted workshops (Jeannie) Wade Jr.; two sis- ance for Fairness at Nissan, to serve bring voice to the community.” French, and theatrical produc- and Jackson, and 12 years at locally and nationally in edu- ters, Beverly (Marvin) Hogan as keynote speaker for the 88th An- Tickets are $50 per person and tions, a motivational speaker, the Jackson Campus - she re- cation and the arts for special and Effie Washington; three nual Freedom Fund Awards Ban- $500 per table. Donations may multicultural storyteller, writer, ceived four Outstanding Teach- interest groups, schools, col- sisters-in-law Flora Crisler, quet. also be mailed to Jackson Branch director, and producer, who re- ing Awards, one Distinguished, leges, universities, churches, Cathy Croutch, and Chris- This year’s program will be held NAACP, P.O.
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