1 Table 1S. Genes Over-Expressed in AILT Vs. Normal T-Lymphocytes

1 Table 1S. Genes Over-Expressed in AILT Vs. Normal T-Lymphocytes

Table 1S. Genes over-expressed in AILT vs. normal T-lymphocytes (corresponding to CD4+, CD8+ and HLA-DR+ elements) Over-expression (Z Gene Common GeneBank Description score) 9.38 232544_at AU144916 CDNA FLJ11572 fis, clone HEMBA1003373 9.179 220423_at PLA2G2D NM_012400 phospholipase A2, group IID 9.093 211719_x_at FN1 BC005858 fibronectin 1 9.005 204163_at EMILIN1 NM_007046 elastin microfibril interfacer 1 8.642 216442_x_at FN1 AK026737 fibronectin 1 8.552 220690_s_at DKFZp566O084 NM_015510 DKFZP566O084 protein 8.204 210072_at CCL19 U88321 chemokine (CC motif) ligand 19 7.996 230047_at FLJ32810 BF439533 nab67d10.x1 Soares_NSF_F8_9W_OT_PA_P_S1 Homo sapiens cDNA clone IMAGE:3272875 3', mRNA sequence. 7.641 225575_at LIFR AI680541 leukemia inhibitory factor receptor 7.59 215076_s_at COL3A1 AU144167 collagen, type III, alpha 1 (EhlersDanlos syndrome type IV, autosomal dominant) 7.581 204570_at COX7A1 NM_001864 cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIIa polypeptide 1 (muscle) 7.56 217767_at C3 NM_000064 complement component 3 7.411 211981_at COL4A1 NM_001845 collagen, type IV, alpha 1 7.384 204606_at CCL21 NM_002989 chemokine (CC motif) ligand 21 7.384 201162_at IGFBP7 NM_001553 insulinlike growth factor binding protein 7 7.2 208747_s_at C1S M18767 complement component 1, s subcomponent 7.102 203915_at CXCL9 NM_002416 chemokine (CXC motif) ligand 9 6.938 222162_s_at ADAMTS1 AK023795 a disintegrinlike and metalloprotease (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 1 6.931 205890_s_at UBD NM_006398 ubiquitin D 6.813 222885_at EMCN AF205940 endomucin 6.785 201852_x_at COL3A1 AI813758 collagen, type III, alpha 1 (EhlersDanlos syndrome type IV, autosomal dominant) 6.757 212091_s_at COL6A1 AI141603 collagen, type VI, alpha 1 6.755 201744_s_at LUM NM_002345 lumican 6.712 212187_x_at PTGDS NM_000954 prostaglandin D2 synthase 21kDa (brain) 6.627 208791_at CLU M25915 clusterin (complement lysis inhibitor, SP40,40, sulfated glycoprotein 2, testosteronerepressed prostate message 2, apolipoprotein J) 6.623 208792_s_at CLU M25915 clusterin (complement lysis inhibitor, SP40,40, sulfated glycoprotein 2, testosteronerepressed prostate message 2, apolipoprotein J) 6.616 212464_s_at FN1 X02761 fibronectin 1 6.588 209183_s_at C10orf10 AL136653 chromosome 10 open reading frame 10 6.515 218541_s_at C8orf4 NM_020130 chromosome 8 open reading frame 4 6.492 211161_s_at AF130082 predicted protein of HQ3121; Homo sapiens clone FLC1492 PRO3121 mRNA, complete cds. 1 6.436 226950_at T63524 yc07b04.s1 Stratagene lung (#937210) Homo sapiens cDNA clone IMAGE:79951 3', mRNA sequence. 6.373 212713_at MFAP4 R72286 microfibrillarassociated protein 4 6.286 210495_x_at FN1 AF130095 fibronectin 1 6.217 201141_at GPNMB NM_002510 glycoprotein (transmembrane) nmb 6.156 211748_x_at PTGDS BC005939 prostaglandin D2 synthase 21kDa (brain) 6.153 212077_at CALD1 AL583520 caldesmon 1 6.108 226636_at PLD1 AI378587 phospholipase D1, phophatidylcholinespecific 6.034 235229_at OR2I6 AI694413 wd83d12.x1 NCI_CGAP_Lu24 Homo sapiens cDNA clone IMAGE:2338199 3', mRNA sequence. 6.032 223395_at TARSH AB056106 target of NeshSH3 6.031 209120_at NR2F2 AL037401 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2 5.997 211964_at COL4A2 X05610 collagen, type IV, alpha 2 5.966 209488_s_at RBPMS D84109 RNA binding protein with multiple splicing 5.953 225353_s_at C1QG AI184968 qe51c05.x1 Soares_fetal_lung_NbHL19W Homo sapiens cDNA clone IMAGE:1742504 3' similar to SW:C1QC_HUMAN P02747 COMPLEMENT C1Q SUBCOMPONENT, C CHAIN PRECURSOR. ;, mRNA sequence. 5.946 209395_at CHI3L1 M80927 chitinase 3like 1 (cartilage glycoprotein39) 5.946 201163_s_at IGFBP7 NM_001553 insulinlike growth factor binding protein 7 5.941 211980_at COL4A1 AI922605 collagen, type IV, alpha 1 5.883 203382_s_at APOE NM_000041 apolipoprotein E 5.883 201616_s_at CALD1 AL577531 caldesmon 1 5.881 215388_s_at HFL1 X56210 H factor (complement)like 1 5.868 217757_at A2M NM_000014 alpha2macroglobulin 5.803 204416_x_at APOC1 NM_001645 apolipoprotein CI 5.783 218232_at C1QA NM_015991 complement component 1, q subcomponent, alpha polypeptide 5.773 202052_s_at RAI14 NM_015577 retinoic acid induced 14 5.769 203381_s_at APOE N33009 apolipoprotein E 5.756 1556499_s_at COL1A1 BE221212 hu22a05.x1 NCI_CGAP_Mel15 Homo sapiens cDNA clone IMAGE:3170768 3' similar to gb:K01228 PROCOLLAGEN ALPHA 1(I) CHAIN PRECURSOR (HUMAN);, mRNA sequence. 5.741 202992_at C7 NM_000587 complement component 7 5.74 201645_at TNC NM_002160 tenascin C (hexabrachion) 5.733 200795_at SPARCL1 NM_004684 SPARClike 1 (mast9, hevin) 5.73 219825_at CYP26B1 NM_019885 cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily B, polypeptide 1 5.725 202237_at NNMT NM_006169 nicotinamide Nmethyltransferase 5.71 209396_s_at CHI3L1 M80927 chitinase 3like 1 (cartilage glycoprotein39) 5.71 202403_s_at COL1A2 AA788711 collagen, type I, alpha 2 5.704 206134_at ADAMDEC1 NM_014479 ADAMlike, decysin 1 5.695 202112_at VWF NM_000552 von Willebrand factor 5.62 200665_s_at SPARC NM_003118 secreted protein, acidic, cysteinerich (osteonectin) 5.571 202953_at C1QB NM_000491 complement component 1, q subcomponent, beta polypeptide 2 5.557 226695_at PRRX1 AA775472 paired related homeobox 1 5.491 200986_at SERPING1 NM_000062 serine (or cysteine) proteinase inhibitor, clade G (C1 inhibitor), member 1, (angioedema, hereditary) 5.417 203868_s_at VCAM1 NM_001078 vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 5.362 209821_at C9orf26 AB024518 chromosome 9 open reading frame 26 (NFHEV) 5.361 202404_s_at COL1A2 NM_000089 collagen, type I, alpha 2 5.347 220532_s_at LR8 NM_014020 LR8 protein 5.323 205547_s_at TAGLN NM_003186 transgelin 5.318 213428_s_at COL6A1 AA292373 collagen, type VI, alpha 1 5.291 202310_s_at COL1A1 K01228 collagen, type I, alpha 1 5.264 209496_at RARRES2 BC000069 retinoic acid receptor responder (tazarotene induced) 2 5.26 1558828_s_at DKFZp586C0721 AL703532 hypothetical protein DKFZp586C0721 5.193 209121_x_at NR2F2 M64497 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2 5.137 217853_at TENS1 NM_022748 tensinlike SH2 domain containing 1 5.124 219134_at ELTD1 NM_022159 5.113 212067_s_at C1R AL573058 complement component 1, r subcomponent 5.044 201617_x_at CALD1 NM_004342 caldesmon 1 5.029 216598_s_at CCL2 S69738 chemokine (CC motif) ligand 2 4.982 206210_s_at CETP NM_000078 cholesteryl ester transfer protein, plasma 4.979 201058_s_at MYL9 NM_006097 myosin, light polypeptide 9, regulatory 4.97 201655_s_at HSPG2 M85289 heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2 (perlecan) 4.948 226814_at ADAMTS9 AI431730 a disintegrinlike and metalloprotease (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 9 4.89 204533_at CXCL10 NM_001565 chemokine (CXC motif) ligand 10 4.889 202838_at FUCA1 NM_000147 fucosidase, alphaL 1, tissue 4.865 204036_at EDG2 AW269335 endothelial differentiation, lysophosphatidic acid Gproteincoupled receptor, 2 4.83 204879_at T1A2 NM_006474 lung typeI cell membraneassociated glycoprotein 4.808 226436_at RASSF4 N49935 Ras association (RalGDS/AF6) domain family 4 4.803 209074_s_at TU3A AL050264 TU3A protein 4.799 223044_at SLC40A1 AL136944 solute carrier family 40 (ironregulated transporter), member 1 4.756 203920_at NR1H3 NM_005693 nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 3 4.755 209070_s_at RGS5 AI183997 regulator of Gprotein signalling 5 4.744 201667_at GJA1 NM_000165 gap junction protein, alpha 1, 43kDa (connexin 43) 4.717 203936_s_at MMP9 NM_004994 matrix metalloproteinase 9 (gelatinase B, 92kDa gelatinase, 92kDa type IV collagenase) 4.613 209687_at CXCL12 U19495 chemokine (CXC motif) ligand 12 (stromal cellderived factor 1) 4.612 218345_at HCA112 NM_018487 hepatocellular carcinomaassociated antigen 112 4.571 213455_at LOC92689 W87466 hypothetical protein BC001096 4.567 201505_at LAMB1 NM_002291 laminin, beta 1 4.556 204112_s_at HNMT NM_006895 histamine Nmethyltransferase 3 4.55 208789_at PTRF BC004295 polymerase I and transcript release factor 4.504 1555724_s_at TAGLN BC010946 transgelin 4.498 226621_at FGG AI133452 fibrinogen, gamma polypeptide 4.463 208782_at FSTL1 BC000055 follistatinlike 1 4.453 201193_at IDH1 NM_005896 isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (NADP+), soluble 4.425 224823_at MYLK AA526844 MSTP083 mRNA, complete cds 4.369 202766_s_at FBN1 NM_000138 fibrillin 1 (Marfan syndrome) 4.369 223235_s_at SMOC2 AB014737 SPARC related modular calcium binding 2 4.366 213553_x_at APOC1 W79394 apolipoprotein CI 4.354 212884_x_at APOE AI358867 apolipoprotein E 4.324 223820_at RBP5 AY007436 retinol binding protein 5, cellular 4.314 209071_s_at RGS5 AF159570 regulator of Gprotein signalling 5 4.292 209869_at ADRA2A AF284095 adrenergic, alpha2A, receptor 4.28 209289_at NFIB AI700518 nuclear factor I/B 4.258 203477_at COL15A1 NM_001855 collagen, type XV, alpha 1 4.249 202252_at RAB13 NM_002870 RAB13, member RAS oncogene family 4.244 225664_at COL12A1 AA788946 collagen, type XII, alpha 1 4.235 202465_at PCOLCE NM_002593 procollagen Cendopeptidase enhancer 4.227 209210_s_at PLEKHC1 Z24725 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family C (with FERM domain) member 1 4.222 202800_at SLC1A3 NM_004172 solute carrier family 1 (glial high affinity glutamate transporter), member 3 4.212 203060_s_at PAPSS2 AF074331 Homo sapiens PAPS synthetase2 (PAPSS2) mRNA, complete cds. 4.183 202133_at TAZ BF674349 transcriptional coactivator with PDZbinding motif (TAZ) 4.151 212724_at ARHE BG054844 ras homolog gene family, member E 4.115 220301_at C18orf14 NM_024781 hypothetical protein FLJ23594 4.114 203131_at PDGFRA NM_006206 plateletderived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide 4.113 208335_s_at FY NM_002036 Duffy blood group 4.104 212667_at SPARC AL575922

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