download Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/ 3:^ Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde Serie A (Biologie) Herausgeber: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, D-7000 Stuttgart 1 Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. Ser. A Nr. 490 83 S. Stuttgart, 30. 4. 1993 Terrestrial Isopoda (Crustacea) from Southern China, Macao and Hong Kong By Do Heon Kwon, Kimhae and Stefano Taiti, Florence With 325 figures / . 5 Summary 1UG0 Forty-nine species of terrestrial isopods are recorded from southern CFtk^jJMg^ok-ai^^ ^ Hong Kong. One new genus {Sinodillo) and 16 new species are described, viz. PapifiXpmlmm\x * granulata, P. arcangelü, Burmoniscus purpura, B. yunnanensis, B. ßavivertex, B. lobatus, ExalloniscHS silvestrii, Lucasioides pedimaculatus, (?)L. cavernicolus, Mongoloniscus nigrogra- nulatus, Troglodillo rotundatus, Sinodillo troglophilus, S. ferrarai, S. schmalfussi, Spherillo Orientalis, and Parakermania maculata. The foUowing poorly known species are discussed and illustrated: Tylos minor, Ligidium denticulatum, Nagurus sundaicus, N. pallidipennis, (f)N. verhoeffi, Lucasioides isseli, L. zavattarii, Dryadillo maculatus, and Spherillo raffaelei. Nagurus travancorius (Verhoeff) is considered to be a junior synonym of N. pallidipennis (Dollfus) and Porcellio hreviramus Shen oi Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt). The composition of the oniscidean fauna from southern China is briefly discussed. Zusammenfassung Von Südchina, Macau und Hongkong sind 49 Arten von Landisopoden aufgelistet. Eine neue Gattung {Sinodillo) und 16 neue Arten werden beschrieben: Papuaphiloscia granulata, P. arcangelü, Burmoniscus purpura, B. yunnanensis, B. ßavivertex, B. lobatus, Exalloniscus sil- vestrii, Lucasioides pedimaculatus, (?)L. cavernicolus, Mongoloniscus nigrogranulatus, Troglo- dillo rotundatus, Sinodillo troglophilus, S. ferrarai, S. schmalfussi, Spherillo orientalis und Parakermania maculata. Nachfolgende, wenig bekannte, Arten sind kommentiert und illu- striert: Tylos minor, Ligidium denticulatum, Nagurus sundaicus, N. pallidipennis, (f)N. ver- hoeffi, Lucasioides isseli, L. zavattarii, Dryadillo maculatus und Spherillo raffaelei. Die fol- genden neuen Synonyme werden festgelegt: Nagurus travancorius (Verhoeff) = N. pallidi- pennis (Dollfus); Porcellio hreviramus Shen — Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt). Die Zusam- mensetzung der Oniscideen-Fauna von Südchina wird diskutiert. Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Tylidae 3 2. 1. r^^/osmmor Dollfus, 1893 3 3. Ligiidae 6 3. 1. LzgM exotzCi« Roux, 1828 6 3. 2. Ligidium denticulatum Shen, \^A^ 6 downloadSTUTTGARTER Biodiversity HeritageBEITRAGE Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. A, Nr. 490 4. Olibrinidae 4. 1. Olibrinus truncatus Taiti & Ferrara, 1991 5. Scyphacidae 5. 1. Alloniscuspigmentatus'&udde-l.Vind^li^S 5. 2. ArmadilloniscHsellipticus(H3.rger,1878) 6. Philosciidae 6. 1. Littorophiloscia aldabrana FerriLra.&cTa.iti, 1985 6. Papuaphiloscia granulata n. sp. 6. Papuaphiloscia arcangelii n. sp. 6. Pseudotyphloscia alba (Dollfus, 1898) 6. Burmoniscus oceüatus (Verhoeff, 1928) 6. BurmoniscHS okinawaensis (Nunomura, 1986) 6. Burmoniscus javanensis (Richardson Searle, 1922) 6. 8. Burmoniscus mauritiensis (Taiti & Ferrara, 1983) 6. 9. Burmoniscus purpura n. sp. 6.10. Burmoniscus yunnanensis n. sp. 6.11. Burmoniscusflavivertex n. sp. 6.12. Burmoniscus lobatus n. sp. 7. Oniscidae(?) 7. 1. Exalloniscus cortii Arc2inge\i, 1927 7. 2. Exalloniscus rotundatusTsiki Sc Termrn, 1986 7. 3. Exalloniscus silvestrii n. sp. 8. Trachelipidae 8. 1. Nagurus sundaicus {DoWius, 1898) 8. 2. Nagurus nanus (Budde-Lund, 1908) 8. 3. Nagurus cristatus (DoWius, 1889) . 8. 4. Nagurus pallidipennis (Dollius, 1898) 8. 5. (?) Nagurus verhoeffi Arc^n^d'i, 1952 8. 6. „Nagurus" vandeli (Arccingeli, 1927) 8. 7. Lucasioides gigliotosi (Arczngeli, 1927) 8. 8. L«c<2Szoj(ie5ZiJt'flK^ra (Arcangeli, 1927) 8. 9. Liic^5zozWe5«se/i (Arcangeli, 1927) . 8.10. Lucasioides pedimaculatus n. sp. 8.11. (?) Lucasioides cavernicolusn. sp. 8.12. Mongoloniscus nipponicus (Arcungeli, 1952) 8.13. Mongoloniscus nigrogranulatus n. sp. 8.14. Agn^ra madagascariensis Budde-Lund, 1908 9. Porcellionidae 9. 1. ylg,3^z/ormzM5 /eni?f 5 (Budde-Lund, 1885) 9. 2. Porce//zo /^e'ywLatreille, 1804 . 9. 3. Porcellionides pruinosus (&ra.ndt, 1833) 10. Armadillidiidae 10. 1. Armadillidium vulgare (LcitreiWe, 1804) 11. Armadillidae 11. 1. Cubarismurina Brandt, 1833 . 11. 2. Troglodillo rotundatus n. sp. 11. 3. Sinodillo troglophilus n. gen., n. sp. 11. 4. Sinodillo ferrarai n. gen., n. sp. 11. 5. Sinodillo schmalfussi n. gen., n. sp. 11. 6. Dryadillo maculatus {Arca.nge\i, 1952) 11. 7. Spherillo raffaelei {Arca.ngeli, 1927) 11. 8. Spherillo Orientalis n. sp. .... 11. 9. Venezz7/o/?^r'yj<5 (Budde-Lund, 1885) 11.10. Parakermania maculata n. sp. 12. Discussion 13. Acknowledgements 14. Literature KWON &downloadTAITI, BiodiversityISOPODA HeritageFROM Library,CHINA, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/MACAO, HONG KONG 3 1. Introduction This contribution deals with the terrestrial isopods from southern China including Macao and Hong Kong. The area under consideration is hmited to the north by the river Chiangjiang (= Yangtze), to the west by Myanmar (= Burma), to the south by Laos, Vietnam and the South China Sea, and to the east by the East China Sea. Some records from Sichuan, north of the river Chiangjiang, are also included. The terrestrial isopods from this part of China, as well as from the rest of the country and from many other parts of Far East Asia, have received very little atten- tion. Most of the Information available is due to Arcangeli (1927, 1952) who recorded 26 species from the whole of China, of which 23 occurred in southern China, Macao and Hong Kong. Other contributions are given by Budde-Lund (1885) who reported Ligia exotica Roux, 1828 from Chusan and Macao, by Shen (1949) who described six new species from Yunnan, and by Chen (1987) who recorded Ligia exotica from all the coastal provinces of China, together with L. occi- dentalis Dana, 1853 from Yantai (Shandong). Recently Taiti & Ferrara (1986b, 1986c, 1989), Ma (1990), Dudgeon, Ma & Lam (1990), Ma, Dudgeon & Lam (1991) and Ma, Lam & Dudgeon (1991) recorded nine species from Hong Kong, i. e. Tylos sp., Ligia exotica, Olibrinus sp., Armadilloniscus litoralis Budde-Lund, 1885, Littorophiloscia aldahrana Ferrara & Taiti, 1985, Burmoniscus ocellatus (Ver- hoeff, 1928), Exalloniscus rotundatus Taiti & Ferrara, 1986, Orodillo maculatus Arcangeli, 1952, and Formosillo raffaelei (Arcangeli, 1927). The study material was coUected by Dr. P. Beron (Sofia) in southern China, and by Dr. H. H. T. Ma (Hong Kong), Prof. P. Brignoli (L'Aquila), Prof. G. Osella (L'Aquila), and Prof. V. Cottarelli (Roma) in Hong Kong. Most of the specimens coUected by Prof. F. Sil- vESTRi (Portici) and recorded by Arcangeli (1927, 1952) were also re-examined. Abbreviations: DEAP = Dipartimento di Entomologia Agraria dell'Universitä, Portici; IRSNB = Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles; MHNG = Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneve; MZUF = Museo di Storia Naturale, Sezione di Zoologia „La Specola" dell'Univer- sitä, Firenze; NHMB = Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel; NNHMS = National Natural History Museum, Sofia; SMNS = Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart; ZMA = Zoologisch Museum, Amsterdam; ZMB = Zoologisches Museum, Berlin. 2. Tylidae Genus Tylos Audouin, 1826 2.1. Tylos minor Dollius, 1893 (Figs. 1-12) Tylos sp.: Ma 1990: 1024. Specimens examined: Hong Kong: 1 cf Boulder Shore, Tai Tarn Bav, leg. Ma III. 1985 (SMNS). - 1 Cf, 1 ?, same data (MZUF). Distribution: Previously known from Seychelles, Aldabra and Comoro Islands, in the western Indian Ocean. Remarks: These specimens are identified as T. minor after comparison with spe- cimens from Aldabra, Seychelles and Comoro in the collections of MZUF. Since recognition of this species is difficult due to the poor descriptions by previous download Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/ STUTTGARTER BEITRAGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. A, Nr. 490 — Figs. 1 — 7. Tylos minor; Cf. — 1. Dorsal scale-spine; — 2. Cephalon, dorsal view; 3. Cephalon, frontal view; — 4. Epimera of pereon, lateral view; — 5. Epimera of pereonites 1 and 2, ventral view; — 6. Pleonites 3 — 5 and telson; — 7. Pleon and telson, ventral view. authors (Dollfus 1893: 189, Fig. 4a-d; Budde-Lund 1906: 76, pl. 3, Figs. 25-26), — a füll illustration is given of the specimens from Aldabra Island. Tylos minor is morphologically similar to T. opercularis Budde-Lund, 1885 from the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia (for illustrations of this KWON &downloadTAITI, BiodiversityISOPODA HeritageFROM Library,CHINA, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/MACAO, HONG KONG Figs. 8 — 12. Tylos minor; cf- — 8. Antennule; — 9. Antenna; — 10. Pereopod 1; 11. Pereopod 7; — 12. Pleopod 2. species see Taiti, Ferrara & Kwon 1992), from which it is essentially distinguished in having the ventral plates of pleonite 5 with shorter medial margin, and anterior pereopods with smaller distal process of the basis. download Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/ 6 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. A, Nr. 490 3. Ligiidae Genus Ligia Fabricius, 1798 3.1. Ligia exotica Roux, 1828 Ligia exotica: Budde-Lund 1885: 266; Arcangeli 1927: 268; Chen 1987: 9, Fig. 1; Ma 1990: 1025. Ligyda exotica: Richardson 1905: 676, Figs. 716—718. Ligia (Megaligia) exotica: Arcangeli 1952: 312. Specimens examined: Hong Kong: 1 cf, 1 ?,
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