Northwestern College, Iowa NWCommons The Beacon, 2019-2020 The Beacon student newspaper 11-8-2019 The Beacon, November 8, 2019 Beacon Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://nwcommons.nwciowa.edu/beacon2019 BEACONNORTHWESTERN COLLEGE November 8, 2019 Volume 93 - Issue 6 Library Cat has found a new home CAT BRINGS JOY the LC, to escape the cold, too. Oth- TO STUDENTS ers have also reported seeing Library Cat outside of the LC. It was one of CAMBER HERRIG his preferred spaces, one where many PUBLIC RELATIONS students interacted with him. Even though it’s uncertain how Library Cat Over the past few weeks, there came to be at Northwestern, the love has been one very popular topic of students had for him was obvious. conversation among students: Li- Ashlynn Anderson formed a quick brary Cat. How the cat came to be bond with Library Cat. a part of campus is unknown, but “He warmed up to us really fast and the impact he left is astronomical. was always willing to greet us when Library Cat’s name is up for debate, we walked by,” she said. but many seemed to call him Titus, Delanie Coady took it upon herself Greg, Crunch, Smokey or just plain to cut up some beef and turkey from Library Cat. the cafeteria for Library Cat’s supper. Alyssa Glanz first saw Library Cat She also brought him a blanket on a at Steggy Keggy. Those waiting in line cold, rainy day, along with petting let the feline come inside the warm him each time she saw him. entryway, where he soon curled up in Coady wasn’t the only one feeding him. a corner and watched the commotion “Honestly, I almost started car- before him. Glanz last saw the cat on rying around cat treats, so I could Oct. 25 when she sat with him out- feed him when I saw him,” Rachel PHOTO BY HANNAH JOHNSON side, showing him an abundance of Smart said. Library Cat sits outside watching students walk around Northwestern’s campus. love and affection. Kelsey Epp and Sydney Kolb, “He is such a sweet boy, and he was roommates in Bolks B, also inter- the cat followed Epp home where well-being, so they constructed a he realized how warm it was, he a joy to spend time with,” she said. acted with the cat. Epp first saw Li- she brought him water and chick- cat bed out of cardboard and duct hopped right in. Some students let him into the brary Cat outside of the LC sleep- en soup, and he immediately gob- tape. It was obvious he had nev- entryway of Christ Chapel and the ing, and later she found him in bled up the meal. They were both er been in a cat bed before, so he Learning Commons, also known as the exact same spot. The next day, extremely worried about the cat’s was nervous at first. However, once CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 Dr. Holt exemplifies her faith to students BAND DIRECTOR a response as to which professor INTEGRATES FAITH deserves the award and why. The students who choose to honor a professor by submitting a nom- VANESSA STOKES ination must answer how the WRITING AND RHETORIC professor integrates faith and learning into and outside of Being rooted in both faith their classroom. These nomina- and learning is what North- tions are then viewed by the vice western constantly strives for. president of academic affairs It is laid out in their mission who chooses the recipient. statement and was their prior Holt is currently in her third tagline: “Building Minds, Build- year of teaching at NW but has ing Faith.” The most prominent already made quite an impact on force that fosters this vision is her students. the professors. “From day one, Dr. Holt To encourage and congratu- made it clear that she was all late professors who stood out about using her vocation in for their work in students’ lives, service to the King,” said se- NW created the Faculty Ex- nior Aften Pennings. “Dr. Holt cellence in Faith and Learning models Jesus’ primary method Award in 2018. of ministry: relationship.” The second recipient of this Every Tuesday at 2 p.m., Holt award was Angela Holt, direc- holds “Tea Time” where any stu- tor of instrumental studies and dent, music major or otherwise, music education, who was rec- can go to talk about faith and ognized during the May 2019 life while drinking tea together. PHOTO COURTESY OF NW MARCOMM commencement service. She wants every student to have Carl Wynja presents the Faith and Learning Award to Angela Holt at the 2019 commencement service. Each recipient of this award an opportunity to ask questions is chosen by the students. They about their faith in a space that This student opportunity en- are commanded to “go into all pel to all creation,” according to have the opportunity to submit is safe and comforting. compasses Holt’s belief that we the world and preach the gos- Mark 16:15. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 beacon.nwciowa.edu 2|Maleficent 4|A Day in the Life 7|Basketball Northwestern College - Beacon INSIDE 3|Curious Incident 5|Student Business 8|Bad Winter @NWC_Beacon ARTS & CULTURE 2 Live-action remakes are hopeless MOVIE REVIEW DISNEY DISAPPOINTS up the classic storyline of hu- in 2015. Part of the reason for ed images put together by fa- YET AGAIN mans versus creatures. the shortened screen time was mous Disney artists to make Pfeiffer continues to reprise because of the characters add- the film’s aesthetic appeal cap- MATTHEW AGUILAR her roles as a villainous woman, ed to the story of Maleficent’s ture the “ooo’s” and “ah’s” of PSYCHOLOGY like her roles as Catwoman in species and Ingris’ kingdom. the audience. The story is well Batman Returns and Mrs. Hub- Disney goes more deeply laid out for the film to be suc- “Well, do you know better?” bard in Murder on the Orient into the fairy tale lore than cessful, but what hinders the A question that Angelina Jolie Express, as she devises a plan to the audience can take and achievement of the film is the poses to Michelle Pfeiffer as get rid of the magical creatures, they show that Maleficent fairy tale background itself. their two characters go head- especially Maleficent. isn’t the only one of her kind. Take away the story of to-head in Disney’s latest It’s no surprise that Disney The company also made good Sleeping Beauty and the installment of their ongoing is keeping up with the times to use of bringing new charac- characteristics of a kingdom live-action remakes. feature two female lead roles ters into the mix so that they and the audience is left with Jolie plays a conflicted fairy in the film, but neither role weren’t making a similar film a simple story about humans known as Maleficent, who painted a good picture for fe- to the first, but their delivery versus creatures. happens to be the godmoth- male-led antagonist roles for fell short in introducing their Since the first film, it’s al- er of Aurora, played by Elle the future. new characters. ways been a question whether Fanning. Fanning’s Aurora Disney attempted to make Overall, the writing and Jolie fits this role. She does a is known to the audience as Jolie and Fanning’s characters acting of supporting actors good job, but unfortunately, Sleeping Beauty, but, as the find a way to be independent, was sub-par in creating a it isn’t enough to help Disney fairy tale goes, she has been but they have a hard time detailed look into a beloved look like they are able to make lifted from the curse and now separating themselves from fairy tale. their own movies without the lives with her godmother in the help of others. Pfeiffer’s Luckily, some of the movie help of partner companies like the woods. character is too wild in her is saved by the plotline and Pixar and Marvel. Pfeiffer’s character, Ingris, methods and, quite frankly, cinematography used in the This film doesn’t close the plays a queen whose son is in her script was poorly written film. The film uses a budget- door for Disney’s live-action love with Aurora, and he has and a challenge for Pfeiffer to ed-CGI, an impressive feat remakes, however, as they are asked Aurora for her hand in work with. for Disney considering their slated to release several more marriage. Ingris despises the Something new to the de- CGI-track record with Marvel in the next few years. To an- PHOTO COURTESY OF GOOGLE IMAGES magical creatures as they im- velopment of this film was and other live-action films, to swer Jolie’s question at the be- pede on the lives of humans that Jolie’s screen time was create the scenery and make ginning of this article, I think by taking up land that she significantly less compared to the creatures look realistic. the audience should know wishes to have. This film takes the first Maleficent film back The audience will see craft- better than to see this movie. “Jesus Is King” underwhelms rap fans MUSIC REVIEW CHORAL SECTIONS DON’T and the synthesizers from produc- “Closed on Sunday, you my Chik- HIDE BAD LYRICISM er Pierre Bourne are a delight in fil-A//You’re my number one with the “On God.” lemonade” are his worst bars to date.
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