Regulation 2021 ÍNDEX 1. ORGANIZATION. 2 2. RACES. 2 3. PARTICIPATION. 2 4. SEMI SELF-SUFFICIENCY. 2 5. PREVENTION AND MEDICAL MEASURES. 3 6. REGISTRATION CONDITIONS. 3 7. REGISTRATI N. 4 !. COMPLIANCE "IT# EVENT REGULATIONS AND ET#ICS. 4 $. E%UIPMENT. 5 1&. RACE 'I'S AND DROP 'AGS. 5 11. LOST AND FOUND ITEMS AND NOT COLLECTED DROP 'AGS 5 12. SAFETY AND MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. 6 13. C#EC(POINTS) AID STATIONS AND CUTOFF TIMES. 6 14. DROP OUT) EVACUATION AND RETURNING FROM T#E FINIS#. 7 15. COURSE MAR(INGS. 7 16. PENALTIES. 7 17. DOPING CONTROL. ! 1!. COMPLAINTS AND RESOLUTIONS. ! 1$. MODIFICATION OF T#E COURSE OR CUTOFFTIMES* CANCELLATION OF T#E RACE. ! 2&. INSURANCE. ! 21. CATEGORIES AND PRIZES. !-$ 22. IMAGE RIG#TS. $ 23. DATA PROTECTION. $ 24. MODIFICATION OF REGULATION. $ ANNEX I - ULTRA-TRAIL "ORLD TOUR+ #EALT# POLICY RULES. 1& ANNEX II - SUSTAINA'ILITY POLICY. 11 ANNEX III – COVID 1$ 12 Regulations P-./012324a T50634+ 2&21 www.penyagolosatrails.com 1/14 A57683- 1. ORGANIZATION. The Club Marató i Mitja with the sponsorship of the Castellón County "eneralitat #alenciana an$ the collaboration of the pro%ince&s clubs an$ the municipalities of' Castelló $e la (lana )orriol #ila!am*s +es ,seres +lucena $el Ci$ -t.eneta $el Maestrat )ena/gos Culla 0odos #illahermosa $el Rio an$ #istabella $el Maestrat are P-./0123240 T50634® organi.ers. A57683- 2. RACES. P-./0123240 T50634+ is a sports e%ent compose$ of three long-$istance semi sel!1su2cient races. 3eparting !rom Castelló $e la (lana runners will /nish at the 4anctuary of 4ant Joan $e (enyagolosa in the heart of the P-./0123240 Na79503 P05:. The route runs through trails an$ paths of the mountain ranges that make up the secon$ most1mountainous pro%ince of 4pain. 7 XXII P-./0123240 T50634+ M6M+ 8Marató 6 Mitja9' :0; <<00$= 2000$1. 3epart at 0:'00 on October 1:th. Ma?imum race time' 1@ h. Aith < BTR- points. 7 IX P-./0123240 T50634+ CSP+ 8Ca4telló1Penyagolosa9' 110; @:00$= 4400$1. 3epart at 00'00 on October 1:th. Ma?imum race time' 2: hours an$ <0 minutes. Aith @ ITR- points. The race is part of the U3750 T5063 "253; T295® PRO an$ Cuali!ying !or "-47-5. S707-4 E.;950.8- R9.+ 2&22. A57683- 3. PARTICIPATION. To participate you must' 7 Obtain prior to the race a capacity to be sel!1su2cient which woul$ allow you to sol%e unassiste$ the challenges that can occur in this type of race especially' ◦ Aeather con$itions that can be %ery $i2cult $ue to heat win$ col$ or rain. ◦ ;now how to manage e%en i! isolate$ physical or mental challenges resulting !rom !atigue $igesti%e problems muscle or joint pain minor injuries etc. 7 )e !ully aware that !or this acti%ity in the nature sa!ety $epen$s on the runnerDs ability to sol%e !oreseeable problems that may be encountere$. 7 )e of legal age on the $ay of the race an$ accept race regulations. (articipants registere$ in this race participate %oluntarily take responsibility !or themsel%es an$ meet the necessary physical an$ health reCuirements to participate in a race of this nature. A57683- 4. SEMI SELF-SUFFICIENCY. These races are go%erne$ by the singular race principle of semi sel!1su2ciency. That is the ability of a runner to manage his/her own sur%i%al between two ai$ stations inclu$ing !ood clothing an$ security. This principle implies the !ollowing rules' 7 Each runner must carry all man$atory eCuipment throughout the race Fsee article G EH,B(MEITJ. -t any time commissioners may reCuest a chec6 of this eCuipment. -ll runners are oblige$ to submit to such reCuests un$er penalty of elimination !rom the race. 7 E?cept in case of acci$ent or emergency personal assistance is authori.e$ only at certain ai$ stations FKJ in areas reser%e$ !or that purpose or within 100 meters be!ore or a!ter $esignate$ areas. 7 Bt is !orbi$$en to be accompanie$ $uring all or part of the race by an unregistere$ person outsi$e of $esignate$ ai$ stations. FKJ (ersonal assistance is allowe$ in the !ollowing places' 7 P-./0123240 T50634+ M6M+< )orriol ,seres Torrosselles an$ 0odos. 7 P-./0123240 T50634+ CSP+< )orriol ,seres -t.eneta $el Maestrat )ena/gos Culla #istabella an$ 0odos. I7 64 =25>6;;-. 6. 033 27?-r 06; 470762.4 2r 6. 0./ 27?-r @26.7 2. 7?- 5297-. Bt is the obligation of each participant to carry their own waste until the /nish or until places $esignate$ by organi.ers. Regulations P-./012324a T50634+ 2&21 www.penyagolosatrails.com 2/14 A57683- 5. PREVENTION AND MEDICAL MEASURES. The race organi.ation will implement its own pre%entati%e me$ical measures. These measures ha%e neither the aim nor the competence to substitute national an$ international regulations in !orce in the anti$oping /ght but they are inten$e$ to strengthen me$ical assistance put in place by organi.ers. Each runner commits to: 7 In!orm organi.ers in case of use of a prescription subject to a Therapeutic ,se E?emption FT,EJ. -llergy an$/or any other type of me$ication that coul$ Cuali!y !or a T,E. 7 Comply with the collection of urine blood or capillary samples an$ their correspon$ing analyses as reCueste$ by the organi.ationDs Me$ical Council un$erstan$ing that the e?penses inherent to both e?traction an$ analysis will be responsability of the organi.ation. 7 -ccept any appointment ma$e by the race $octor base$ on the in!ormation collecte$ to assess the runnerDs ability to participate in any of the races. -!ter that appointment organi.ers may $etermine the runnerDs participation in the race. 4ee ANNEX I. A57683- 6. REGISTRATION CONDITIONS. To %ali$ate registration !or any P-./0123240 T50634+ HG+ race each runner must' 7 (ro%i$e a $isclaimer FKJ. Le/she must in a$$ition to the pre%ious $ocument !or P-./0123240 T50634+ CSP+' 7 (ro%i$e a non1contrain$ication me$ical report !or ultra1en$urance sport FKJ. These $ocuments must be uploa$e$ to the correspon$ing space ne?t to the list of registere$ runners >-=25- 7?- 147 2= S-@7-A>-5. Organi.ers will not accept any $ocuments sent by e1mail or any other means other than the one in$icate$. Bn case of non1receipt of either $ocument be!ore the $ate in$icate$ the registration will be cancele$. BCD D289A-.74 E633 >- 0F0630>3- =2r ;2E.320; 2. 7?- E->467-. The !ollowing registration !ees ha%e been establishe$' 7 P-./0123240 T50634+ M6M+< M0 N. 7 P-./0123240 T50634+ CSP®: 110 N. The registration !ee inclu$es' 7 -cci$ent insurance. 7 -ccess to all ai$ stations establishe$ by the organi.ation. 7 Me$ical care throughout the race an$ upon arri%al at the /nish. 7 "i!t bag Frace 6itJ. 7 (ossibility of obtaining trophies an$ cash pri.es offere$ by organi.ers. 7 )us transportation !or all participants !rom the /nish back to the start. 7 Cloa6room storage at the /nish line. >nce registration is complete$ an$ pai$ !or any runner can reCuest !ee re!un$ in case he/she $eci$es not to participate. Por this purpose the !ollowing $ea$lines ha%e been establishe$' 7 ,ntil -ugust 1@th' Q0R of registration. 7 Prom -ugust 1@th to -ugust <1th' @0R of registration. 7 -s of 4eptember 1st no amount of the registration !ee will be re!un$e$. -ll reCuests !or registration re!un$ must be ma$e in writing to [email protected] an$ inclu$e rele%ant personal in!ormation an$ a ban6 account number into which the amount of the correspon$ing registration reimbursement will be trans!erre$ accor$ing to the con$itions establishe$ abo%e. Regulations P-./012324a T50634+ 2&21 www.penyagolosatrails.com </14 A57683- 7. REGISTRATION. Por reasons of sa!ety respect !or the en%ironment an$ respect !or runners it is necessary to limit the number of bibs. -ll pre1registrations an$ registrations will be $one e?clusi%ely by completing the !orm %ia Bnternet. Bn this e$ition the bulk of the bibs is covere$ by the entries of the pre%ious e$itions postpone$ by health situation reasons. #acancies shall be /lle$ as !ollows' 7 P-./0123240 T50634® M6M+< >nly those pre1registere$ in the last lottery who ha%e not ha$ the option to enter ha%e the option to con/rm their bib in a $irect registration system until a%ailable %acancies will be complete 7 P-./0123240 T50634®CSP®: )ecause all pre1registere$ in the last lottery alrea$y ha$ the option to get a bib, a system of $irect registration is establishe$ until the a%ailable %acancies are /lle$. The con/rmation period of the registration will be !rom 1$<&& 2. &7G1$G2&21 9.763 1$<&& 2. &7G31G2&21. 4ince 201@ there has been no waiting list. "i%en the e?perience of pre%ious years most cancellations occur as late as possible an$ it is not reasonable to consi$er participating in a long-$istance race without a$eCuate preparation. There!ore registrations will be manage$ through overbooking that is to say when registration closes more runners than slots a%ailable will be registere$ because cancellations are anticipate$. Thus all runners will ha%e the same time to properly prepare. Then organi.ers will then reser%e an amount of slots !or' 7 C39>4 0.; Sp2.4254< !or the teams of our partner clubs an$ official sponsors.
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