THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 8, 1899. 861 GLAND BBS (INCLUDING FARCY). John Stock. Huxloy^Steam Mill, Silver Street, Edmonton, Middlesex, miller and corn dealer. Animals William Smith, 28 Castle Street, Hinckley, in the county which Animals of Leicester, and Waterloo House, Earl Shilton, in the remained Reported COUNTY. Outbreaks Diseased at during the county of Leicester, draper, clothier, boot dealer, Reported. the end of Week as leather merchant, and boot manufacturer, also carrying t the previous Attacked on business under the style or firm of Reynolds & Co. at Week. Victoria Street, Hinckley aforesaid. Robert Milligan Thompson, residing and carrying on business at 4 Bronte Street, Sunderland Road, Gates- No. No. No. head, county of Durham, builder. Lanark 1 1 James Jillings, Garden Street, Cromer, Norfolk, builder — and contractor. John Stevenson, residing in lodgings at 219 Woodborough TOTAL 1 1 Road, Nottingham, cigar merchant. — William George Overton, 21 St. Ebbes Street, in the city of Oxford, lately residing and carrying on business at Snettisham, Norfolk, and Fakenham Road, Docking, Norfolk, watchmaker and jeweller. Frank Chierici, residing at 137 High Street, Stockton-on- Tees, in the county of Durham, and Elizabeth Louisa Humphrey, late residing at 137 High Sheet, Stockton- BANKRUPTS. on-Tees aforesaid, now residing at 3 Albany Place, FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. Stratford-ou-Avon, in the county of Warwick, widow, trading together as Humphrey & Co. at 137 High Street, Stockton-on-Tees aforesaid, jewellers. RECEIVING ORDERS. Thomas Richmond, 74 Aldam Street, Darlington, in the county of Durham, bricklayer. George James Barlow, 126 Albion Road, Dalston, and 93 Lansdowne Road, Hackney, both in Middlesex, tin box manufacturer. Edmond W. C. Erskine, residing at 1 Roxburgh Mansions, Kensington Court, Kensington, in the county of London, managing director of a company. BURGH OF FRASERBUR'^H. Home Johnstonc Fergusson, a member of the Naval and EXTENSION OF BUKGU BOUNUAKIKS. Military Club, 94 Piccadilly, Middlesex, whose residence the petitioning creditor id unable to ascertain, a retired "VTOTIOE is hereby given—('!) That the Commissioners major in Her Majesty's Army. -Li of the Burgh of Fraserhurgh have presented to the Frank John Hawkins, 80 London Road, Northfleet, Kent, Sheriff of Abeideen, Kincardine, and Banff at Pctcrhead, lately carrying on business as manager of the Arundel a Petition praying the Court— Hotel, Thames Embankment, in the county of London, " To Revise, Alter, and Extend the Boundaries of the " said Burgh for the purposes of 'The Biugh Police \Scot- gentleman. " land) Act, 1892,' and to define in a written Deliverance Albert James Horlock, 12 Osten. Mews, Emperor's Gate, '• the new boundaiies of the said Burgh in manner follow- South Kensington, in the county of London, cab pro- " iug, viz.:—Commencing at a point at low-water mark on prietor. " the West Shore north of the west boundary line of the W. A. Jewell, formerly of 261 Stansted Road, Catford, " quarry feuerl off to the Burgh Commissioners of Fraser- Kent, now of 40 Chancery Lane, in the county of " burgh (being the point marked A on the copy of the London, builder. " Orduauyp Plan produced in process, and hereby referred Bezly Houghton Thome, 53 Upper Brook Street, in the " to), and from thenco running southwards along the county of London. " boundary line of said quarry in a straight line till it " reaches the Banff Turnpike Road at a point immcdi- James Harding, Broughton Gifford, in the county of " ately west of the buildings at Broiulspa Farm (being the Wilts, carpenter and wheelwright. "point marked B on said Ordnance Plan), thence in a Henri Guillaume, residing at The Hollies, and trading at " straight line southwards or thereby to the north-east the Old Rectory Mills, both in the parish of Alvechurch, " corner of the dwelling-house on the farm of Fatson's Worcestershire, cycle manufacturer. " Loch (being th<> point marked C on the said plan), and David Panton, formerly of 37 Victoria Terrace, Skirbeck, "in the same line to a point on the public road south Lincolnshire, and now of 34 Torrington Square, Middle- " thereof marked I) on the said plan, thence in the same sex, cattle dealer. " straight line to a point on the Stricheu Road opposite John Edward Rycroft, residing at 100 Preston Street, and " the division of the fields numbered two hundred and lately carrying on business there and at 27 Bentley " fifty-seven ami two hundred and fifty-eight on said Street, both in the city of Bradford, manufacturer. " Ordnance Plan (being the point marked E thereon), " thence eastwards along the line dividing the said fields ^Alfred George Beale, High Street, Highbridge, Somerset, " to the Kessock Burn at the point marked F on said boot and shoe dealer. '' Ordnance Plan, and thence along the centre of said burn Henry Blood, Tarn worth Road, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, " to its junction with the sea at low-water mark (being Leicestershire, tax collector. " the point G on said Ordnance Plan), thence northwards Adam Lord, Woolpit, Suffolk, retired farmer. "or thereby by low - water maik along the coast to Catherine Mary Cadle, the Half Moon Hotel, Carmarthen, " Kinnaird's Head, and thence westwards by low-water licensed victualler, wife of Henry Cadle, trading '' mark along the coast to the point A on said Ordnance separate from her husband. " Plan, where the boundaries 'commence as aforesaid ; all Henry Cousins Marsh, 3 Barnaby Road, Southend-on-Sea, " as marked out and laid down on the said plan j and Essex, boatbuilder. " further, to determine in a summary manner all questions " th.it may arise in reference to the matter embraced in Thomas William Sinclair, residing at 110 Northgate Street, " said Petition ; and to appoint the Deliverance of the iu the city of Chester, and carrying on business at that " Court (along with the sj.id application) to be recorded in address and at the Old Post Office Yard, Eastgate, " the Sheriff Court Books of the County, and in the Chester aforesaid, coachbuilder. " Minute Book of the Commissioners of the said Burgh." .Alfred Blake, Soresby Street, Chesterfield, in the county (2) That in said Petition the Sheriff has pronounced of Derby, plumber and glazier. the following Deliverance, viz. :— -George William Kraut, Sh"lfield Road, Whittington Moor, "Edinburgh, J$h September 1809.—Appoints intima- in the county of Derby, pork butcher. " tion of-the foregoing Petition of the boundaries pro- " posed for the revised, altered, and extended boundaries George Terheege, Park Gates, Great Packington, Warwick- " of the said Burgh, as set forth therein, a.id of this shire, assistant gamekeeper. " Deliverance, to be given by advertisement in the .George Flawith, 14 Mount Joy, carrying on business at 16 " Edinburgh Gazette, and in the Fraserbur^h Herald New Elvet, both in the city of Durham, cycle dealer. " newspapers, and'also by handbills to be posted within -Thomas Walker, Coundon, in the county of Durham, " the Burgh, and also within the area proposed to he builder and fishmonger. " included within the said revised and extended.
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