S8240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 15, 2004 ‘‘§ 414a. Special postage stamps to benefit any regulation prescribed under subsection the United States and the members of the childhood drinking prevention and edu- (e)(1)(C) of that section), the special postage European Union and faces growing competi- cation stamp issued under this section shall not tion from numerous nations, including ‘‘(a) In this section the term ‘childhood apply to any limitation relating to whether China, Russia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, and drinking’ means the consumption of alco- more than 1 semipostal may be offered for others; and holic beverages by children who are between sale at the same time. Whereas numerous public policy issues im- 9 and 15 years of age. ‘‘(i) This section shall cease to be effective portant to the future of aerospace are now ‘‘(b) In order to afford the public a conven- 2 years after the date of enactment of this before Congress, including the United States ient way to contribute to funding for child- section.’’. air traffic control system, export controls, hood drinking prevention and education, the (b) TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMEND- the aerospace workforce, homeland security, Postal Service shall establish a special rate MENTS.— national security, foreign competition, re- of postage for first-class mail under this sec- (1) TABLE OF SECTIONS.—The table of sec- search and development, mathematics and tion. tions for chapter 4 of title 39, United States science education, corporate tax and export Code, is amended by striking the item relat- ‘‘(c)(1) The rate of postage established promotion, and others: Now, therefore, be it under this section— ing to section 414 and inserting the fol- Resolved, lowing: ‘‘(A) shall be equal to the regular first- SECTION 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMITTEE. ‘‘414. Special postage stamps to benefit class rate of postage, plus a differential of (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established a not to exceed 25 percent; breast cancer research. ‘‘414a. Special postage stamps to benefit temporary Select Committee on Aerospace ‘‘(B) shall be set by the Governors in ac- in the United States (hereinafter referred to cordance with such procedures as the Gov- childhood drinking prevention and education.’’. as the ‘‘Committee’’). ernors shall by regulation prescribe (in lieu (b) COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE.— of the procedures under chapter 36); and (2) AMENDMENT TO HEADING.—The heading (1) VOTING MEMBERS.—The Committee shall ‘‘(C) shall be offered as an alternative to for section 414 of title 39, United States Code, be composed of 11 Senators, 6 to be appointed the regular first-class rate of postage. is amended to read as follows: by the majority leader of the Senate and 5 to ‘‘(2) The use of the special rate of postage ‘‘§ 414. Special postage stamps to benefit be appointed by the minority leader of the established under this section shall be vol- breast cancer research’’. Senate. untary on the part of postal patrons. (2) EX OFFICIO MEMBERS.—Ex officio mem- ‘‘(d)(1) Amounts becoming available for f bers of the Committee shall include— childhood drinking prevention and education SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS (A) the majority leader of the Senate; under this section shall be paid to the De- (B) the minority leader of the Senate; and partment of Health and Human Services. (C) the chairman and ranking member of Payments under this section shall be made SENATE RESOLUTION 406—ESTAB- each of the following committees: under such arrangements as the Postal Serv- LISHING A SELECT COMMITTEE (i) The Committee on Commerce, Science, ice shall by mutual agreement with the De- ON AEROSPACE IN THE UNITED and Transportation of the Senate. partment of Health and Human Services es- (ii) The Committee on Finance of the Sen- tablish in order to carry out the purposes of STATES ate. this section, except that, under those ar- Mrs. MURRAY submitted the fol- (iii) The Committee on Armed Services of rangements, payments to the Department of lowing resolution; which was referred the Senate. Health and Human Services shall be made at to the Committee on Rules and Admin- (iv) The Committee on Appropriations of least twice a year. istration: ‘‘(2) In this subsection, the term ‘amounts the Senate. S. RES. 406 becoming available for childhood drinking (3) LIMITATIONS ON EX OFFICIO MEMBERS.— prevention and education under this section’ Whereas the aerospace sector of the United An ex officio member— means— States economy generates economic activity (A) shall not be counted for the purpose of ‘‘(A) the total amounts received by the equal to 15 percent of the Nation’s Gross Do- ascertaining the presence of a quorum of the Postal Service that it would not have re- mestic Product and supports approximately Committee; and ceived but for the enactment of this section, 11,000,000 American jobs; (B) shall be a nonvoting member of the reduced by Whereas the United States aerospace in- Committee. ‘‘(B) an amount sufficient to cover full dustry directly employs 574,600 people of the (c) ORGANIZATION OF COMMITTEE.— costs incurred by the Postal Service in car- United States, the lowest employment level (1) CHAIRPERSON.—The majority leader of rying out this section, including those at- of United States workers since World War II; the Senate shall select the chairperson of the tributable to the printing, sale, and distribu- Whereas employment in the United States Committee from the members of the Com- tion of stamps under this section, aerospace industry is down 57 percent, as mittee. (2) RANKING MEMBER.—The minority leader as determined by the Postal Service under more than 750,000 jobs have been lost since of the Senate shall designate a ranking regulations that it shall prescribe. 1989; ‘‘(e) It is the sense of the Congress that Whereas the United States share of the member from the members of the Com- nothing in this section should— global aerospace market fell from 72 percent mittee. ‘‘(1) directly or indirectly cause a net de- in 1985 to less than 52 percent today; (3) VACANCIES.—A vacancy on the Com- crease in total Federal funding for childhood Whereas according to the Commission on mittee shall not affect the power of the re- drinking prevention and education below the the Future of the United States Aerospace maining members to execute the functions of level that would otherwise have been re- Industry, ‘‘Foreign government subsidies di- the Committee, and shall be filled in the ceived but for the enactment of this section; rectly affect the competitiveness of our com- same manner as the original appointment. (d) COMMENCEMENT OF STUDY.—The Com- or panies. Subsidized prime manufacturers as mittee shall commence its study of the aero- ‘‘(2) affect regular first-class rates of post- well as suppliers are able to undercut prices space industry under section 2 on January 3, age or any other regular rates of postage. offered by their U.S. competitors, and are ‘‘(f) Special postage stamps under this sec- better able to weather market downturns. 2005, or upon the date of appointment of the tion shall be made available to the public be- Subsidized companies are able to secure members of the Committee under subsection ginning on such date as the Postal Service cheaper commercial financing since their (b)(1). shall by regulation prescribe, but in no event governments share the risk associated with (e) TERMINATION.—The Committee shall later than 1 year after the date of the enact- bringing new products to market. Subsidized cease to exist on December 31, 2006. ment of this section. production skews the market itself by flood- SEC. 2. OPERATION OF THE COMMITTEE. ‘‘(g) The Postmaster General shall include ing it with products that are not commer- (a) IN GENERAL.—The Committee shall— in each report rendered under section 2402 cially viable. Governments providing the (1) make a full and complete study of the with respect to any period during any por- subsidies also apply political pressure on United States aerospace industry, including tion of which this section is in effect infor- customers in an effort to facilitate a positive its present and future competitiveness and mation concerning the operation of this sec- return on the governments’ investments. In its importance to the United States and to tion, except that, at a minimum, each shall many cases, these government subsidies sti- the global economy; and include— fle competition and often slow the introduc- (2) recommend legislative, administrative, ‘‘(1) the total amount described in sub- tion of new technology into the market. Eu- and regulatory remedies, as approved by a section (d)(2)(A) which was received by the ropean funding has had the most dramatic majority of the committee members. Postal Service during the period covered by impact on U.S. competitiveness because Eu- (b) FOCUS OF STUDY.—The study shall in- such report; and ropean products directly compete with clude an examination of— ‘‘(2) of the amount under paragraph (1), United States products in most sectors....if (1) the role of the Federal Government in how much (in the aggregate and by category) we maintain the status quo, U.S. industry the aerospace industry; was required for the purposes described in will be left to compete against companies (2) the importance of the aerospace indus- subsection (d)(2)(B). that don’t play by the same rules.’’; try to the United States economy; ‘‘(h) Section 416 shall not apply to this sec- Whereas the aerospace industry is globally (3) global competition and its impact on tion. For purposes of section 416 (including competitive with established nations like the aerospace industry of the United States; VerDate May 21 2004 05:29 Jul 16, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15JY6.092 S15PT1 July 15, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8241 (4) technological challenges before the SCHUMER, Mr.
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