The Sisters of Bon Secours in the United States 1881-1981 A Century of Caring The Sisters of Bon Secours in the United States 1881-1981 A Century of Caring Written on the occasion of the Centenary Celebration of Foundation Sisters of Bon Secours in the United States of America Sister Mary Cecilia O'Sullivan, C.B.S. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data O'Sullivan, Mary Cecilia, 1920- The Sisters of Bon Secours in the United States, 1881-1981. "Written on the occasion of the centenary celebration of foundation, Sisters of Bon Secours in the United States of America." Includes bibliographical references. 1. Sisters of Bon Secours of Paris--United States-­ History. 1. Title. BX4449.Z5U66 1982 271'.94'073 82-10775 © 1982 Congregation of Bon Secours of Paris. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. by The Maple Press Company, York, Pennsylvania. TO THE SICK AND THE NEEDY TO WHOM WE ARE SENT TO SERVE "For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome; naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me . .. " Matthew 25: 35-36 Acknowledgments "How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me? .. o Lord, I am your servant; To you will I offer sacrifice of thanksgiving .... My vows to the Lord I will pay in the presence of all His people." Psalm 116: 12-18 I would like to take this occasion of expressing sincere gratitude to all who have contributed to the compilation and completion of this work. First, I especially thank Sister Justine, my provincial, for entrusting this task to me-indeed an honor-and for her support and guidance along every step of the way, which were not only encouraging but stimulating and inspiring. And for her precious time spent in proofreading and perfecting input for the manuscript. I am greatly indebted to my sisters in all our houses in the United States for their gracious hospitality while collecting material and for their valu­ able help in providing information; as well as for their sustained interest and prayers. Grateful acknowledgment is made for the help given and courtesy shown when I visited diocesan archives in the areas where our houses are located. A very special word of thanks is due to the secretaries in the provincial office for typing the original manuscript, to Astreed Bagdoian, pastoral services office, Bon Secours Hospital, Methuen, for her invaluable help in various ways, to Sister Julia Marie and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Glynn for help with initial proofreading of manuscript. vii viii Acknowledgments I express deep appreciation to Susan Branch Smith for her editorial assistance and to Sister Mary Vincentia, Marriottsville, for her generous help in proofreading the galleys. To my family and friends and all others who have prayed for me, and offered words of counsel and encouragement, the writer is likewise grateful. Finally, how can I sufficiently thank Rev. Gerald G. Wyrwas, Director of Pastoral Services, Bon Secours Hospital, Methuen, and Sister Mary Gemma, assistant, for giving me sufficient time from my work in their department to bring this work to completion, and my sisters in the Methuen community for their understanding, support, and prayers, and above all for putting up with my prolonged absences from community and my apparent lack of thought for them. With everyone's help and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit I persevered to the end. My thanks to one and all. Table of Contents Dedication .•.. _.. _", ...........•........................ v Acknowledgments ... " ......... , ........... ,' .. ..... vii Table of Contents .... , .......... , ..... .., .. ix Ust of lJIustralion .. ....... .......... ...... xi Preface ...... , ...... • ••••••••••• • " ••••••••••••••••• XV Foreword .................. , ......................... , .... "vii I Early History Paris, Fro"« .. , ............. , ..... , ................. n The Beginnings Baltimo .... Maryland ...................... , ....... 9 III The Foundation Washington. D.C. ..... .......................... ~7 IV St. Mortin's Day Nursery 'Bon"' s..cours Novitiate Balhmo .... Maryland .............................. 6J V The foundation Detroit. Michigan ., ..... , ....... , . 7S VI 51. Edmond's Hom~ for Crippled Children Rosemont, P~nnsylvania .... , .... _ S5 y" Bon 5e<;Qurs Hospital, School of Nursing, ,"d Outreach Programs Baltimore, Maryland .. , .............. w. x Table of Contents VIII St. Francis Country House, Villa St. Joseph Darby, Pennsylvania and Our Lady Help of Christians Convalescent Home Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. .. 137 IX Bon Secours Hospital Grosse Pointe, Michigan. .. 161 X Bon Secours Hospital Methuen, Massachusetts and Regina CIeri Boston, Massachusetts. .. 181 XI Angelus Convalescent Home Wildwood, New Jersey. .. 213 XII Villa Maria Nursing and Rehabilitation Center North Miami, Florida. .. 219 XIII St. Mary's Hospital and St. John Vianney Center Richmond, Virginia. .. 231 XIV Bon Sec ours Provincial House and Spiritual Center Marriottsville, Maryland . .. 257 XV Good Samaritan Hospital Baltimore, Maryland ................................... 265 XVI Experimental Apostolates Harlem, New York City Appalachia, Kentucky. .. 271 XVII Aggiornamento....................................... 279 XVIII Remembering and Going Forward in Faith . .. 297 Footnotes. .. 309 List of Illustrations D Mother St. Fulgence, fifth superior general; D His Eminence James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore D Mother St. Ferdinand first superior, Baltimore; D Sister St. Flavie, pioneer, United States foundation D Original convent, 2000 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore; D Original Bon Secours Hospital, Baltimore D Mother St. Clara with first novitiate, seated left to right: Sister St. Alberic, Sister Mary of the Presentation, Mother St. Clara, Sister St.Thomas, Sister Jane McGonigal (Sister Mary Gertrude), standing left to right; Sister St. Luke, Sister Mary Agnes, and Sister St. Victorine D Bon Secours Guild, founded 1940, Baltimore D Mother St. Urban, early years; D Mother St. Juliana, first regional superior D Mother St. Benedict, groundbreaking, Bon Secours Hospital, Grosse Pointe D Home nursing, Baltimore; D Sister Malachy, visiting nursing, Baltimore D Mother St. Donat and founding Sisters, Bon Secours Hospital, Methuen, Massachusetts, front row left to right: Mother St. Donat and Sister Mary Margaret, middle: Sister Mary Pauline, back row left to right: Sister Cornelius and Sister Mary Beatrice D Mother St. Emerentiene, a founding Sister, Villa Maria Nursing Home, North Miami, FL D Original habit and first modification 1960, Sister Frances Helen and Sister Mary Emma D Mother Mary Alice, Provincial; Mother Germanus, pioneer and first administrator, St. Mary's Hospital, Richmond, VA; D Mother Mary xi xii List of Illustrations Angelina, 10th Superior General (U.S.A.) and General Council repre­ senting each Province: Sister Margaret Nugent (U.S.A.);. Sister Lucius (England), Sister Rose Anne (Ireland), Soeur Claire d' Assise (France) o Sister Imelda, pharmacist; 0 Sister Mary Pauline, ministering to the aged 0 Sister St. Liborius, care of crippled children; 0 Sister Mary Emma, pediatric nursing o Sister Rose of Lima, clinical laboratory technician; 0 Sister Mary Christine, medical record librarian; 0 Sister Mary Herminie, caring for sick and aged priests o Sister Victoria Segura,M.D., pathologist; 0 Sister Rose Marie Ja­ sinski, home health care nurse; 0 Sister Frances McCabe, re­ habilitation of the crippled child o Sister Alice Talone, eucharistic minister; 0 Sister Margaret Mathewson, primary care nurse practitioner; 0 Sister Mary Cabrini, emergency room nursing Spiritual Ministry: 0 Sister Alice Talone; 0 Sister Mary Gemma; 0 Sister Elaine, Sister Mary Monica, Sister Mary Shimo, Sis­ ter Angela; 0 Sister Mary Cecilia, Sister Mary Florence Retirement: 0 Sister Mary Beatrice and Sister Patricia Dowling, youth and age; 0 Sister Mary Gertrude, half a century of caring in Detroit and Grosse Pointe; 0 Sister Bruno, after years of home nursing Formation today: 0 Sister Mary Regina, Director, Sister Patricia Dow­ ling, Sister Victoria Segura; 0 Sister Anna Mae Crane; 0 prayer in solitude o Sister Theophane, hospital administration; 0 Sister Mary Rita, as­ sistant director of nursing; 0 Sister Anne Lutz, nursing home admin­ istrator; 0 Sister Mary Elizabeth McGlade, director of inservice education o Health Care Corporation of the Sisters of Bon Secours, Sister Regina Clifton, President; 0 Boards of Trustees: Sister Nancy Glynn, Sister Mary Regina o Sister Ruth Ann Belfi, pediatric nurse clinician; 0 Sister Theresa Marie, maternity nursing; 0 Sister Elaine Davia, family nurse practitioner o Sister Mary Florence, pastoral services, ministering to the terminally ill; 0 Sister Anne Marie Mack, nurse supervisor; 0 Sister Anne Mau­ reen, bedside nursing o Sister Mary Catherine, cardiac care nursing; 0 Sister Marie Lucille, rehabilitation nursing; 0 Sister Julia Marie, medication nurse Centennial, U.S.A., 1981: 0 Mother Helena, first provincial superior and successors: Mother Mary Alice, Mother St. Urban Auer, Sister Rita Thomas, and Sister Justine Cyr List of Illustrations xiii o Bon Secours Hospital, Baltimore (today) 0 Bon Secours Provincial House and Spiritual Center, Marriottsville, MD o Centennial historic marker, site of original covent 2000 West Balti­ more Street o St. Francis Country House, Darby, PA 0 St. Edmond's Home for Crippled Children, Rosemont, P A o Bon Secours Hospital, Grosse Pointe, MI; 0 Bon Secours Hospital, Methuen,
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