April 13, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5851 the weapons research and development facil- ARMENIAN GENOCIDE I urge the House to consider this bill before ity was decontaminated and demolished—six Mother’s Day as a statement of our sincere months ahead of schedule. SPEECH OF commitment to the millions of women in this Within this decade, all nuclear materials and HON. NANCY PELOSI country who suffer from these diseases. radioactive waste will be shipped to off-site OF CALIFORNIA f storage facilities. Environmental remediation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN HONOR OF DR. NESTOR will be completed so that land is available for Wednesday, April 12, 2000 CARBONELL-CORTINA FOR HIS open space and industrial use and down- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in LIFE-LONG COMMITMENT TO stream water supplies are protected. More- FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY over, billions of taxpayer dollars that have memory of the victims of one of history’s most been used in the operations, security and terrible tragedies, the Armenian Genocide that cleanup of Rocky Flats can be reallocated to took place in Turkey between 1915 and 1923. HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ similar sites throughout the country. This antecedent for all subsequent 20th-cen- OF NEW JERSEY tury genocides began on April 24, 1915, when IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Imagine, after more than 50 years as a top- the rulers of the Ottoman Empire began the Thursday, April 13, 2000 secret nuclear weapons facility that contrib- systematic and ruthless extermination of the uted to winning the Cold War, the Rocky Flats Armenian minority in Turkey. By the end of the Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I honor Dr. acreage will once again be available to the Terror, more than a million Armenian men, Nestor Carbonell-Cortina for his life-long com- people of Colorado. Please join me in con- women, and children had been massacred mitment to freedom and democracy. gratulating the DOE, the State of Colorado, and more than half a million others had been Born in Havana, Cuba, Dr. Carbonell-Cor- and the companies involved for this extraor- expelled from the homeland that their tina understood early in his life that the price dinary effort. forebearers had inhabited for three millennia. for freedom is high; that the fight for freedom April 24, 1915 is remembered and com- is long; and that the cost for freedom is often f memorated each year by the Armenian com- paid for with the lives of those who never munity and people of conscience throughout knew it. IN RECOGNITION OF THE the world. The Armenian Genocide is a histor- In 1960, shortly after Castro seized control REEDSBURG AREA HIGH SCHOOL ical fact. The Republic of Turkey has ada- of Cuba, Dr. Carbonell-Cortina was forced to EARTH DAY CELEBRATION mantly refused to acknowledge that the Geno- leave his native land, fleeing the oppressive cide happened on its soil but the evidence is communist rule imposed by the Castro regime. irrefutable. However, he returned and courageously HON. TAMMY BALDWIN As we enter the Third Millennium of the fought in the Bay of Pigs Invasion, hoping to OF WISCONSIN Christian Era, it behooves us to remember. If restore freedom to his homeland. In 1962, Dr. Carbonell-Cortina was responsible for the dip- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES we ignore the lessons of the Armenian Geno- cide, then we are destined to continue our lomatic strategy that removed the Castro re- Thursday, April 13, 2000 stumbles through the long, dark tunnel of end- gime from the Organization of the American less ethnic-cleansings, genocides, and holo- Estates. Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, this afternoon, causts. Let us, then, remember to remember. With the publication of numerous articles, I pay tribute to the Reedsburg Area High f essays and speeches, Dr. Carbonell-Cortina School students and staff for their fantastic has continued his fight for freedom and his op- contributions in order to improve their environ- SUPPORTING THE BREAST AND position to the Castro regime. Among his ment, enrich their community, and celebrate CERVICAL CANCER TREATMENT many publications are: El Espiritu de la Earth Day. ACT Constitucion de 1940; Perfil Historio del IV This year’s Earth Day will be the ninth that Presidente de Cuba; Cortina: Tribuno de la the Reedsburg Area High School students and HON. PAUL RYAN Republica; And the Russians Stayed; y Por La staff celebrate by volunteering their time. In OF WISCONSIN Libertad de Cuba: Una Historia Inconclusa. previous years they have worked to maintain IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dr. Carbonell-Cortina graduated from the University of Villanueva in the city of Havana trails, clean and restore wilderness areas, and Thursday, April 13, 2000 plant thousands of trees. With this tireless vol- with a law degree, and received his MA from unteer work they are making Wisconsin a bet- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, I am Harvard. Currently, he is Vice President of ter place for every citizen. here today to speak in support of H.R. 1070, International Relations for PepsiCo., Inc. the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment I ask my colleagues to join me in congratu- The students and staff at Reedsburg Area Act. I believe this bill, which provides coverage lating Dr. Nestor Carbonell-Cortina for his cou- High School are also very special because of for low-income women who have been diag- rageous commitment to the pursuit of freedom the amazing manner in which they celebrate nosed with breast or cervical cancer, provides in the face of extraordinary opposition. Earth Day each year. As the Reedsburg stu- a logical expansion of early detection efforts f dents recently said to me in a letter, they are throughout the nation. not ‘‘just another high school planting a tree.’’ The federal government, through the Center A TRIBUTE TO ROSE KEMP The entire high school, including over 900 stu- for Disease Control and Prevention, currently dents and staff work together on this day. provides screening for early detection of HON. KAREN McCARTHY They also branch out to other communities. breast and cervical cancer. This bill would pro- OF MISSOURI This year they will send an astounding 26 vide the next step by giving states the option IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work crews to different locations surrounding of receiving an enhanced match through Med- the Reedsburg area! icaid if they choose to offer treatment services Thursday, April 13, 2000 Americans are increasingly learning the for women who have been diagnosed with Ms. MCCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, benefits of youth service and focusing that breast or cervical cancer during the screening today I pay tribute to an outstanding individual work in the preservation of our environment. process. from the State of Missouri. On April 27th, the The students and staff of Reedsburg Area As a member of the House Budget Com- Missouri Women’s Council will honor Rose High School are pioneers in an effort that en- mittee, I offered an amendment, which was Kemp, Regional Administrator of the Women’s gages and empowers young people while con- accepted, to provide funding for these services Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, with an necting them with adults that provide edu- in the Medicaid program. Now that this funding award named on her behalf, the ‘‘Rose Kemp cation and guidance. It is an effort that views has been set aside, it is time to bring H.R. Public Service Award.’’ young people as assets and resources to their 1070 to the floor. The principles of this bill Ms. Rose Kemp was appointed as Regional community. They are setting an impressive ex- have been agreed to in the budget, and it is Administrator of the Women’s Bureau in 1983. ample for all people, young and old, across now time to bring the actual bill to the floor for She is responsible for policy development and Wisconsin and the nation. a vote. implementation of workplace issues affecting VerDate jul 14 2003 10:42 Aug 18, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E13AP0.000 E13AP0.
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