(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,693,956 B2 Seigfried (45) Date of Patent: *Jul

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,693,956 B2 Seigfried (45) Date of Patent: *Jul

USOO9693956B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,693,956 B2 Seigfried (45) Date of Patent: *Jul. 4, 2017 (54) LIQUID COMPOSITIONS CAPABLE OF 5,556,638 A 9, 1996 Wunderlich et al. FOAMING AND INCLUDING ACTIVE 5,560,924 A 10, 1996 Wunderlich et al. 5,565,613 A 10/1996 Geisslinger et al. AGENTS, AND METHODS FOR MAKING OR 5,580,491 A 12/1996 Phillips et al. DEVELOPNG SAME 5,738,869 A 4/1998 Fischer et al. 5,747,058 A 5/1998 Tipton et al. (71) Applicant: MIKA Pharma GmbH 5,958,379 A 9/1999 Regenold et al. 5,976,566 A 11/1999 Samour et al. (72) Inventor: Bernd G. Seigfried, Limburgerhof 6,066,332 A 5, 2000 Wunderlich et al. 6,165,500 A 12/2000 Cevc (DE) 6,287,592 B1 9, 2001 Dickinson 6,309.663 B1 10/2001 Patel et al. (73) Assignee: MIKA Pharma GmbH 6.432,439 B1 8, 2002 Suzuki et al. 6,464,987 B1 10/2002 Fanara et al. 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S ------------------------------------------------------------ o 6OO t ...-------------------,-,-,-, ... ... ------------------------- St eastreet 5 -o-, 2nd measurement O 400 --- m - 3rd measurement ors S. 2OO O - m-m- ------------- --- 50 1 OO 15.0 200 25.0 30.0 350 time (min) Figure 4 U.S. Patent Jul. 4, 2017 Sheet 5 of 19 US 9,693,956 B2 200 1000 g 600 . -as-, 2nd measurement -- 3rd measurement 4O O 200 O.O 50 10.0 15.0 200 250 30.0 35.0 time (min) Figure 5 U.S. Patent Jul. 4, 2017 Sheet 6 of 19 US 9,693,956 B2 1200 - 1 OOO - --- - 800 1st measurement -- 2nd measurement S ... 3rd measurement a 600 - - T" ...------- vmm-mm-um-m-m-m-m-ul S E 9 S its S. 200 - - - -m-m-m------ -------------w 0 - s ----------.......... r -----...- O.O 5.O 10.0 15.O 2O.O 25.0 3OO 35.0 time (min) Figure 6 U.S. Patent Jul. 4, 2017 Sheet 7 of 19 US 9,693,956 B2 1200 -...-ro 1 OOO now--- ----------- 800 S 600 - -- 1st measurementdumula-a-N-woma---------------- s -o-, 2nd measurement S 400 — -- 3rd measurement s S. 200 v-M- M-----------------------------M. O ...un- mm - error- r OO 5.O 10.0 150 200 250 30.0 350 time (min) Figure 7 U.S.

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