... CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION. He is, therefore, to have and to hold the said office, together with all the SENATE. rights, :powers, and privileges thereunto belonging, or by law in anywise ap~ertaming, until the next meeting of the legislature of the Common wealth 1\IONDAY, December 4, 1899. of Pennsylvania, or until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified, i! he shall so long behave himself well. The first Monday of December being the day prescri.bed by the 'l'his appointment to compute from the day of the date hereof. Constitution of the United States for the annual meetmg of Con­ Given under my hand and the great seal of the State at the city of Harris­ burg, this 21st day of April, in the year of our Lord 1899, and of the Common­ gress, the first session of the Fifty-sixth Congress commenced wealth the one hundred and twenty·third. this day. [SEAL.] WILLIAM A. STONE. The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. By the governor: The PRESIDENT pro "tempore (Mr. WILLIAM P. FRYE, a Sen­ W. W. GRIEST, ator from the State of Maine) took the chair and called the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. COCKRELL. I move that the credential'! be referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. PRAYER. Mr. CHANDLER. '!'here isnoobjection to that course. I sub­ Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D., Chaplain to the Senate, offered mit a resolution which I ask may be referred at the same time. the following prayer: The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Missouri 0 Eternal God, we come into Thy presence bowed and heavy in moves that the credentials just read be referred to the Committee heart under a weight of sorrow which words can not express, for on Privileges and Elections. we miss the presence of our beloved and honored Vice-President, The motion was agreed to. a man to whom the nation gave the second place of honor and dig­ Mr. CHANDLER submitted the following resolution; which nity in the land, and who, by his manliness, his sweet and genial was referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections: character and bearing, won for himself the affection and warm Resolved, That Matthew S. Quay be admitted as a Senator from the State regard of all who were brought in contact with him, so that we of Pennsylvania in accordance with his appointment made on April 21, 18W, who remain behind feel that we have had a personal loss of the by the governor of said State. highest and tenderest sort. Mr. BURROWS. There has been placed in my hands a memo­ Bless, we beseech Thee, the broken-hearted wife and the son. rial in the nature of a remonstrance against the seating of the Fulfill Thy promise to be the stay of the widow and the father of appointee by the governor of the State of Pennsylvania, and J the fatherless. Grant Thy blessing unto all his friends and ask that it be received and referred also. brethren, the members of the Senate. Keep us in Thy ways, and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The memorial wiil be received may we bear in mind the testimony of this man's life and char­ and referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. acter to the best, the highest, and the noblest things. We humbly Mr. JONES of Arkansas. I present a remonstrance by 78 mem· ask, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. bera of the legislature of Pennsylvania protesting against the seat· CREDENTIALS. ing of Hon. l\1. S. Quay as a Senator in this body. I move that the l\Ir. BACON. Mr. President, in the absence of the Senator memorial be referred, with the credentials and other papers, to the from Florida [Mr. MALLORY], who is not able to be present on Committee on Privileges and Elections. account of personal illness, I present the credentials of the Hon. The motion was agreed to. James P. Taliaferro as a duly elected Senator from the State of The PRESIDENT pro temporepresented the credentials of Mon­ Florida. I ask that the credentials may be read and placed upon roe L. Hayward, chosen by the legislature of Nebraska a Senator the files. from that State for the term beginning March 4, 1899; which were The credentials of James P. Taliaferro, chosen by the legislature read and orderecl to be filed. of Florida a Senator from that State for the term beginning Mr. HOAR. Mr. President, I hope that the usual and orderly March 4, 1800, were read and ordered to be filed. method of procedure will now go on; that the Senators-elect Mr. PENROSE presented the credentials of Matthew S. Quay, whose credentials are undisputed will be admitted to take the a.ppointed .by the governor of Pennsylvania a Senator from that oath, and that if any Senator presents himRelf about whom there 8 tate; which were read, as follows: is a question he will stand aside and the proper order be taken. In the name and by authority of the Commonwealth of P.ennsylvania, execu­ My reason for insisting upon this course is that so many Senators tive department. as are clearly entitled to their seats ought to be permitted to take To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: part in every vote which we may pass. p Wheleas !lo ~acahncy; exists in tbe representation of the Commonwealth of ennsy van~ 1 ~ t e :Senate of the Umted States by reason of the expiration SWEARING IN OF SENATORS, of the constltut1onal term of the Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay and the failure of the ~eneral assembly of the Eaid .commonwealth to elect his successor: The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Senators-elect whose creden­ The1efo~e, kn~w ye, That. !eposing e1:1pecial trust and confidence in the tials have been received and are on file will present themselves in ~rudence, mtegr1ty, and ability of the Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay, I, Wil­ groups of four to take the required oath of office. The Secretary µitm A. Stone, ~'?Vernor of the Commo~wealth of Pennsylvania. in conform­ ity to the prov1s1ons of clause 2 of sect10n 3 of Article I of the Constitution will call alphabetically the names of the newly elected Senators. I of the United States, have ap:pointed, and do by these presents commission The Secretary read the names of- him. a Senat.or to reJ?resent this State in the Senate of the United States to Nelson W. Aldrich, of the State of Rhode Island. ~PP~Y the vacancy m the Senate of the United States occasioned by the 'ex­ Pll"at1on of the term of office of the Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay which William B. Bate, of the State of Tennessee. l occurred ou the 4th day of March last. ' Albert J, Beveridge, of the State of Indiana. ~ 1 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEl\IBER 4, Julius C. Burrows, of the State of Michigan. South Dakota-James H. Kyle and R. F. Pettigrew. As their names were called the respective Senators-elect (with Tennessee-Thomas B. Turley. the exception of Mr. Bate) came forward, and the oath prescribed Texas-Charles A.. Culberson. by law was administered to them. Utah-Joseph L. Rawlins. The Secretary read the names of- Vermont-Redfielcl Proctor and .Jonathan Ross. Clarence D. Clark, of the State of Wyoming. Virginia-John W. Daniel anrl Thomas S. Martin. William A. Clark, of the State of Montana. TVashington-Addison G. Foster and George Tnrner. Francis M. Cockrell, of the State of Missouri. lVcst Virginia-Stephen D. Elkins and Nathan B. Scott. Charles A. Culberson, of the State of Texas. Wisconsin-Joseph V. Quarles and .Tohn C. Spooner. As their names were called the respective Senators-elect came TVyomill{i-Clarcnce D. Clark and Francis E. Warren. forward, and the oath prescribed bylaw was administered to them. l\Ir. McENERY. I wish to state that the senior Senator from The Secretary read the names of- Florida rMr. 1.IA.LLORY] is absent on account of severe illness. John W. Daniel, of the State of Virginia. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Seventy-eight Senators having Cushman K. Davis, of tho State of Minnesota. responded to their names, there is a quorum of the Senate present. Chauncey M. Depew. of the State of New York. Addison G. Foster, of the State of Washington. N01'IFICA.TION TO THE HOUSE. As their names were called the respective Senators-elect came .l\Ir. CULLOM submitted the following resolution; which was forward, and the oath prescribed by law was administered to them. consid~red by unanimous consent, and agreed to: The Secretary read the names of­ Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives that a Eugene Hale, of the State of 1.Iaine. quorum of the Senate h> assembled, and that the Senato is ready to proceed to Marcus A. Hanna, of the State of Ohio. business. Joseph R. Hawley, of the State of Connecticut. NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. Monroe L. Hayward, of tlle State of Nebraska. Mr. PLATT of Connecticut submitted the following resolution; Mr. THURSTON. I desire to announce that my colleague, which was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: Senator-elect Hayward, is confined at his residence by illness and Resozt,ed, That a committoo consisting of two Senators be appointed, to can not be present to take the oath at this time. join such committee a.'i may be appointed by the Hou<;e of Re11resentatives, to wait upon the President of the United StatPs and inform him that a quo­ As their names were called the respective Senators-elect (with rum of each Houso is assPmblod, and that Congress is ready to receive any the exception of Mr.
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