(Universal Algebra And) Category Theory in Foundations of Computer Science

(Universal Algebra And) Category Theory in Foundations of Computer Science

(Universal Algebra and) Category Theory in Foundations of Computer Science Andrzej Tarlecki Institute of Informatics Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics University of Warsaw http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~tarlecki office: 4750 [email protected] phone: (48)(22)(55) 44475, 20443 This course: http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~tarlecki/teaching/ct/ Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 1 - Universal algebra and category theory: basic ideas, notions and some results • Algebras, homomorphisms, equations: basic definitions and results • Categories; examples and simple categorical definitions • Limits and colimits • Functors and natural transformations • Adjunctions • Cartesian closed categories • Monads • Institutions (abstract model theory, abstract specification theory) BUT: Tell me what you want to learn! Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 2 - Literature Plenty of standard textbooks But this will be roughly based on: • D.T. Sannella, A. Tarlecki. Foundations of Algebraic Specifications and Formal Program Development. Springer, 2012. − Chap. 1: Universal algebra − Chap. 2: Simple equational specifications − Chap. 3: Category theory Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 3 - One motivation Software systems (modules, programs, databases. ): sets of data with operations on them • Disregarding: code, efficiency, robustness, reliability, . • Focusing on: CORRECTNESS Universal algebra Category theory from rough analogy A language to further abstract away from the standard notions of univer- module interface ; signature sal algebra, to deal with their numer- module ; algebra ous variants needed in foundations of module specification ; class of algebras computer science. Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 4 - Signatures Algebraic signature: Σ = (S; Ω) • sort names: S • operation names, classified by arities and result sorts: Ω = hΩw;siw2S∗;s2S Alternatively: Σ = (S; Ω; arity; sort) with sort names S, operation names Ω, and arity and result sort functions arity :Ω ! S∗ and sort :Ω ! S. • f : s1 × ::: × sn ! s stands for s1; : : : ; sn; s 2 S and f 2 Ωs1:::sn;s Compare the two notions Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 5 - Fix a signature Σ = (S; Ω) for a while. Algebras • Σ-algebra: A = (jAj; hfAif2Ω) • carrier sets: jAj = hjAjsis2S • operations: fA : jAjs1 × ::: × jAjsn ! jAjs, for f : s1 × ::: × sn ! s • the class of all Σ-algebras: Alg(Σ) Can Alg(Σ) be empty? Finite? Can A 2 Alg(Σ) have empty carriers? Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 6 - Subalgebras • for A 2 Alg(Σ), a Σ-subalgebra Asub ⊆ A is given by subset jAsub j ⊆ jAj closed under the operations: − for f : s1 × ::: × sn ! s and a1 2 jAsub js1 ; : : : ; an 2 jAsub jsn , fAsub (a1; : : : ; an) = fA(a1; : : : ; an) • for A 2 Alg(Σ) and X ⊆ jAj, the subalgebra of A genereted by X, hAiX , is the least subalgebra of A that contains X. • A 2 Alg(Σ) is reachable if hAi; coincides with A. Fact: For any A 2 Alg(Σ) and X ⊆ jAj, hAiX exists. Proof (idea): • generate the generated subalgebra from X by closing it under operations in A; or • the intersection of any family of subalgebras of A is a subalgebra of A. Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 7 - Homomorphisms • for A; B 2 Alg(Σ), a Σ-homomorphism h: A ! B is a function h: jAj ! jBj that preserves the operations: − for f : s1 × ::: × sn ! s and a1 2 jAjs1 ; : : : ; an 2 jAjsn , hs(fA(a1; : : : ; an)) = fB(hs1 (a1); : : : ; hsn (an)) Fact: Given a homomorphism h: A ! B and subalgebras Asub of A and Bsub of B, the image of Asub under h, h(Asub ), is a subalgebra of B, and the coimage of Bsub −1 under h, h (Bsub ), is a subalgebra of A. Fact: Given a homomorphism h: A ! B and X ⊆ jAj, h(hAiX ) = hBih(X). Fact: If two homomorphisms h1; h2 : A ! B coincide on X ⊆ jAj, then they coincide on hAiX . Fact: Identity function on the carrier of A 2 Alg(Σ) is a homomorphism idA : A ! A. Composition of homomorphisms h: A ! B and g : B ! C is a homomorphism h;g : A ! C. Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 8 - Isomorphisms • for A; B 2 Alg(Σ), a Σ-isomorphism is any Σ-homomorphism i: A ! B that −1 −1 has an inverse, i.e., a Σ-homomorphism i : B ! A such that i;i = idA and −1 i ;i = idB . • Σ-algebras are isomorphic if there exists an isomorphism between them. Fact: A Σ-homomorphism is a Σ-isomorphism iff it is bijective (\1-1" and \onto"). Fact: Identities are isomorphisms, and any composition of isomorphisms is an isomorphism. Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 9 - Congruences • for A 2 Alg(Σ), a Σ-congruence on A is an equivalence ≡ ⊆ jAj × jAj that is closed under the operations: 0 0 − for f : s1 × ::: × sn ! s and a1; a1 2 jAjs1 ; : : : ; an; an 2 jAjsn , 0 0 0 0 if a1 ≡s1 a1; : : : ; an ≡sn an then fA(a1; : : : ; an) ≡s fA(a1; : : : ; an). Fact: For any relation R ⊆ jAj × jAj on the carrier of a Σ-algebra A, there exists the least congruence on A that conatins R. Fact: For any Σ-homomorphism h: A ! B, the kernel of h, K(h) ⊆ jAj × jAj, where a K(h) a0 iff h(a) = h(a0), is a Σ-congruence on A. Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 10 - Quotients • for A 2 Alg(Σ) and Σ-congruence ≡ ⊆ jAj × jAj on A, the quotient algebra A=≡ is built in the natural way on the equivalence classes of ≡: 0 0 − for s 2 S, jA=≡|s = f[a]≡ j a 2 jAjsg, with [a]≡ = fa 2 jAjs j a ≡ a g − for f : s1 × ::: × sn ! s and a1 2 jAjs1 ; : : : ; an 2 jAjsn , fA=≡([a1]≡;:::; [an]≡) = [fA(a1; : : : ; an)]≡ Fact: The above is well-defined; moreover, the natural map that assigns to every element its equivalence class is a Σ-homomorphisms [ ]≡ : A ! A=≡. Fact: Given two Σ-congruences ≡ and ≡0 on A, ≡ ⊆ ≡0 iff there exists a 0 Σ-homomorphism h: A=≡ ! A=≡ such that [ ]≡;h = [ ]≡0 . Fact: For any Σ-homomorphism h: A ! B, A=K(h) is isomorphic with h(A). Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 11 - Products Q • for Ai 2 Alg(Σ), i 2 I, the product of hAiii2I , i2I Ai is built in the natural way on the Cartesian product of the carriers of Ai, i 2 I: Q Q − for s 2 S, j i2I Aijs = i2I jAijs Q Q − for f : s1 × ::: × sn ! s and a1 2 j i2I Aijs1 ; : : : ; an 2 j i2I Aijsn , for i 2 I, fQ (a ; : : : ; a )(i) = f (a (i); : : : ; a (i)) i2I Ai 1 n Ai 1 n Fact: For any family hAiii2I of Σ-algebras, projections πi(a) = a(i), where i 2 I Q Q and a 2 i2I jAij, are Σ-homomorphisms πi : i2I Ai ! Ai. Define the product of the empty family of Σ-algebras. When the projection πi is an isomorphism? Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 12 - Terms Consider an S-sorted set X of variables. • terms t 2 jTΣ(X)j are built using variables X, constants and operations from Ω in the usual way: jTΣ(X)j is the least set such that − X ⊆ jTΣ(X)j − for f : s1 × ::: × sn ! s and t1 2 jTΣ(X)js1 ; : : : ; tn 2 jTΣ(X)jsn , f(t1; : : : ; tn) 2 jTΣ(X)js • for any Σ-algebra A and valuation v : X ! jAj, the value tA[v] of a term t 2 jTΣ(X)j in A under v is determined inductively: − xA[v] = vs(x), for x 2 Xs, s 2 S − (f(t1; : : : ; tn))A[v] = fA((t1)A[v];:::; (tn)A[v]), for f : s1 × ::: × sn ! s and t1 2 jTΣ(X)js1 ; : : : ; tn 2 jTΣ(X)jsn Above and in the following: assuming unambiguous \parsing" of terms! Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 13 - Term algebras Consider an S-sorted set X of variables. • The term algebra TΣ(X) has the set of terms as the carrier and operations defined \syntactically": − for f : s1 × ::: × sn ! s and t1 2 jTΣ(X)js1 ; : : : ; tn 2 jTΣ(X)jsn , fTΣ(X)(t1; : : : ; tn) = f(t1; : : : ; tn). Fact: For any S-sorted set X of variables, Σ-algebra A and valuation v : X ! jAj, # there is a unique Σ-homomorphism v : TΣ(X) ! A that extends v. Moreover, for # t 2 jTΣ(X)j, v (t) = tA[v]. idX ,!jTΣ (X )j X - jTΣ(X)j TΣ(X) HH H S H jv#j # Alg(Σ) Set v H 9! v HH HHj ? ? jAj A Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 14 - One simple consequence Fact: For any S-sorted sets X, Y and Z (of variables) and substitutions θ1 : X ! jTΣ(Y )j and θ2 : Y ! jTΣ(Z)j # # # # θ1 ;θ2 = (θ1;θ2 ) idX ,!jTΣ (X )j X - jTΣ(X)j TΣ(X) HH S H $ Set H θ# 9! θ# Alg(Σ) θ1 H 1 1 HH id HHj ? ? X ,!jTΣ (Y )j - # # Y jTΣ(Y )j TΣ(Y ) 9! (θ1;θ2 ) HH H H θ# 9! θ# θ2 H 2 2 HH HHj ? ? jTΣ(Z)j TΣ(Z) % Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 15 - Equations • Equation: 8X:t = t0 where: − X is a set of variables, and 0 − t; t 2 jTΣ(X)js are terms of a common sort. • Satisfaction relation: Σ-algebra A satisfies 8X:t = t0 A j= 8X:t = t0 0 when for all v : X ! jAj, tA[v] = tA[v]. Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 16 - Semantic entailment Φ j=Σ ' Σ-equation ' is a semantic consequence of a set of Σ-equations Φ if ' holds in every Σ-algebra that satisfies Φ. BTW: • Models of a set of equations: Mod(Φ) = fA 2 Alg(Σ) j A j= Φg • Theory of a class of algebras: Th(C) = f' j C j= 'g • Φ j= ' () ' 2 Th(Mod(Φ)) • Mod and Th form a Galois connection Andrzej Tarlecki: Category Theory, 2018 - 17 - Equational specifications hΣ; Φi • signature Σ, to determine the static module interface • axioms (Σ-equations), to determine required module properties BUT: Fact: A class of Σ-algebras is equationally definable iff it is closed under subalgebras, products and homomorphic images.

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