THE JEFFERSONIAN PAGE SEVEN Il All the Ex-Priests Are Such graduate of the great Maynooth Catholic col- own record. Brother E. B. Daniel touched Fearful Villians, What Must lege. him on a sore spot. After he We Think of Those Who was initiated into the real myste- The Judge says that he did not attend the Take ries and diabolical secrets of the Catholic mass-meeting that year. Whose fault was These Bad Men Into Such a priesthood, he pulled out, and wrote against that, Judge? Good Church ? them one of the most terrible books that was My idea of rock-ribbed loyalty has been, ever published. that those who stayed at home were honor of the strangest If this New QNE things in Catholic York magazine, Truth, of bound by what w’as done by the more active literature of today, is, that they are com- which Senator Ransdell of Louisiana is one patriots who meandered to the county-site. pelled to make such a weak reply to those of the sponsors, was a word to say against Where would we go, ifit should be accepted Dl(’ n and women who have abandoned Rome. William Hogan, let us hear it. as doctrinal Democracy, that the Reagans who The invariable reply which the papist Is there anything to be said against the stay at home are not bound by the official papers and sermonizers make to the ex-priests character of Joseph McCabe, who quit the action at the court-house? and the ex-nuns, can be boiled down to this Catholic church a few years ago, and pub- Hoots! Toots! Such a doctrine as that formula: lished in New A ork the book as disorganize r known would us, demoralize us, disin- “Iou are the vilest of the vile, and that’s “Twelve Aear s in a Monastery?” tegrate us, dissolve us, dismember us, rend us the reason why you quit the Roman Catholic Can the Truth Magazine, or Senator Rans- into distracted fragments, and fill the atmos- church.” dell bring a single accusation against the phere with frantic inquiries of “Where am That seems to me to be mighty poor logic. good name of Blanco White, the ex-monk, I at?” It is a double edged sword, and cuts both who was the personal friend of John Stuart Please excuse me for laughing at you, ways. Mill, the English port Coleridge, and of the Judge. I don't mean any harm by it. If the Rev. P. A. Seguin, for instance, was great Dublin Archbishop, Richard Whatley? In 1896, the Judge thought he had a right a bad priest, a drunkard, and unchaste, as The present pastor of the Baptist church to exercise his individual judgment. So you they now say, why did they allow him to re- in Thomson, Georgia, Rev. Dr. W. H. A oung, had, Judge. Nobody fell out with you for main a priest for so many years? was personally acquainted with the late bolting the regular, official Democratic nomi- When did he become a drunkard? What Father Charles Chiniquy, both in Canada and nation in 1896, even though the defection of facilities has a priest to get liquor? in the United States. such men as you defeated the Democratic When did Seguin become unchaste? What Dr. A oung assures me that Chiniquy was a ticket and elected McKinley. facilities has a priest for getting at bad good man, and a good Christian. That was the year I canvassed Bryan’s own women ? When a Canadian paper, Romanist of State for him, at the very urgent request of Who were the weak sisters with whom course, assailed his memory a few years ago, his Nebraska managers; and I happen to Seguin went astray, while he was one of the his daughter sued for damages, and the libel- know how much the Republicans were helped papa’s good boys? lous paper had to pay SIO,OOO for slandering by such bolters as my friend Judge Reagan. If Seguin, being a priest, could be a drunk- the living and the dead. Still I didn't lose my love for the Judge. ard and a libertine, and still remain in the Knowing how many lies the Romanists tell But when he comes out in the newspapers church, confessing women, forgiving sins and on the. ex-priests, I am prepared to believe now, and threatens to put the Smith-Hard- changing pancakes into Gods, how many that they have slandered Seguin, just as they wick black mark on truer Democrats than more drunkards and libertines are doing those have libelled Chiniquy. Smith and Hardw’ick ever were, I feel that things? the Judge is not considerate and consistent. •We now know that The the priest, Hans Ex-Judge Reagan’s Smith-Gray-Hardwick combination Schmidt of New A ork, was performing all Explanation brought out the ex-Populist, Yancey Carter, of his santimonious functions, at the time he and Threat. as Independent against the Democratic nomi- was living in adultery with Anna Anmuller. nee in 1908. will be found a We also know that he was acting as God- PLSEWHERE card from Hoke Smith financed that bolt! on-earth, pardoning Chairman E. J. Reagan of the Demo- The whole sins and sacrificing Jesus cratic party of Atlanta push were against the Christ on the altar, at the Georgia. Democratic very time that the Let me nominee for Mayor in 1910; and fragments of that poor woman’s remind you of the exact language these bolters i*sed body were used by Chairman Reagan, every purchasable negro in floating in the waters around New York, when he was the City, to beat Jim Woodward. Bob Mad- ordered by Hoke Smith and Hardwick to where he had thrown them after murdering dox W’?.3 as truly a bolter, as 'William J. Bryan her, and crack the whip over the white voters of Geor- cutting her up, with the brutality gia. 'o;o's, in Nebraska, when he bolted the regular of a butcher slaughtering a cow. Democratic for Obeying his orders from nomination governor. All the power of the the Bosses higher When Judge Reagan indi- Roman Catholic hier- up, Judge Reagan published in all the exercised his archy has been exerted to save papers vidual judgment against the official Schmidt from a card in which he said: Demo- punishment, and this secret cratic nominee in he did nothing more influence has thus “Ihat a rule has been 189f>, far halted the feet of justice. adopted as a party than a free man had the right to do. law, that no Democrat who Hans Schmidt, the the '"participated in Everybody knew that the Rump-ticket, drunkard, adulterer, the primary of August and votes the hypocrite, the merciless murderer of the 19th, against Palmer and Buckner, was put out to aid Mc- the nominees in T November, shall be allowed Kinley, and w as financed by the young German woman who loved him, has to participate same Wall in/the primaries of 1916.” Street interests up been given the fullest possible protection by Judge Rofigan that put the campaign the Roman Catholic church. does not now undertake to funds for the regular Republican ticket; but, explain ’now a rule adopted by the party If P. A. Seguin had remained inside, he nevertheless, if Judge Keagan thought that Bosses shall be made to override the acts of Bryan’s election would be a heavier could have done everything that Schmidt has the Legislature. blow to done, and not a single Roman Catholic paper the country than McKinley’s, he had a perfect The Judge does not tell us how he, and right to his opinion. would have denounced him. Hoke Smith, and Hardwick, and Clayt. Rob- long. Judge. Please excuse me for No Catholic priest, paper or magazine has inson, and St. Elmo !$o Massengale propose to laughing at you, a little bit: I don’t mean roasted Hans Schmidt. set their own personal _wishes above the Not a single one of them had a word to any harm by it. statute law of the land. But these reformed Bolters ought say against Archbishop Mora of Mexico Won’t not to be you please be more explanatory, so hard on us bolters who haven’t repented. City, when that prelate acted as the accom- Judge ? in Let the lamp hold out to burn a little plice of Huerta, the overthrow and the Won’t you kindly condescend to tell the assassination longer, Judge. of President Madero and the registered white voters of Georgia 7/uw you Protestant members of the Mexican Congress. intend to prevent their exercise of their legal Do You Want to Understand Not one of these Catholic papers spoke in rights in the primary of 1916? condemnation of the priest who acted as the Do tell us, Judge! Why Our Country Is In Its accomplice of Gallagher in the assassination The law is plain and positive: any Baptist, Present Condition? of Mayor William J. Gaynor. Methodist, Presbyterian, Mormon, Catholic, speaking Seguin T'HE business depression and financial cri- But in of and Chiniquy, Russellite, Atheist. Unitarian. Demo- -1 Deist. sis now afflicting the people are the re- the language of these Catholic publications is crat, Republican, Socialist, Prohibitionist or scurrilous and vindictive. sults of evil law’s. Progressive, whose name is on the list of This explained In “Truth” magazine, published in New registered is fully in two books that voters, can vote as he pleases in the we sell.
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