08 CROXTON-SOUTH [COUNTY Fardell John, jun Dewey Geo.Henry, grazier & shopr] Shopkeepers. Fox Thomas, & baker, shopkeeper, F~rnsworth Rt. gr~zier & shopkpr Dewey George Henry, & grazier & sub-postmaster Hmde Mrs. Cathe.rme Farnsworth Robert, & grazier Mackley George, & carrier' Knott John, grazIer & butcher Fox Thomas, & baker & cottager Hall Mrs. Rebecca Mount John Thomas Tipping Miss Lucy Elizabeth Marriott Alfred Parnham Thomas Mount J oseph Roberts Thomas Carriers. Tipping Herbert 'Shipman Mrs. Ann Durrands John, Melton Tu. Grant. Tipping Mrs. Mary Ann Shires Newman, baker, miller & grzr ham, \V. & S Staniland George \Viliam, R.Dc Mackley Geo. ·M., W., S. Grantham, Farmers & Graziers. Stannage John William (exors) Melton, Tuesday Annis John Sessions Fredk. Grantham, W. & S CROXT~~ .(South) is a village and parish in the Iby the brook, the lord of the upper manor being Mr. Melto~ dlv1sIOn, that of Barkby for the County G. W. Lillingstone·Johnson. This gentleman, with CounClI, East Goscote hundred, rural deanery of the Rector, the representatives of the late Mr. E. H. Goscote No. 1, Barrow union, and Leicester County Cheney, Mr. \V. A. Pocilin, and Mr. E. Burnaby, Court district, 10 miles N.E. from Leicester, 8~ S.\V. are the chief landowners. Area, 1,584a. 3r. 2p.; from Melton, 5 S.E. from Syston station (M.R.), rateable value, £1,930; population in 1891, 340. and. 4~. fr.om Ingarsb! station G.N. Part. of t~e St. John's Church.-Services, Sunday 11, also at parIsh IS ID the pecuhar of Rothley. The VIllage IS 3 in winter; 6 or 6.30 in summer. Rev. F. K Hor. built chiefly upon a hill side facing the south, a!ld a wood M.A.; Wardens, Messrs. S. Knapp and J. brook runs at the bottom, crossed by a foot brIdge. Leatherland· Harmonium Mr. E. J. Smith· Clerk St. John'.s Church is an. ancient fabric, of mixed William Hu~t. Hymns A: and M. " styles,. cluefly Early Enghsh and D~corated. £800 Primitive Methodist Chapel.-Sunday evening at llave Just been ~xpended upon res~ormg. the church, 6. Steward, Mr. Cooper Leatherland. but further repaIrs are needed. It IS partIally covered . with ivy. The Registers date from 1660, but 30 years School Board:-Messrs. J. Rlgby (chaIrman), T. are wanting. The living is a rectory of the yearly Ball, Hy. J. Swi!t, and S. Knapp; Clerk, Mr.. Cooper value of £110, derived from 103 acres of glebe, with Leatherland; MIstres~, Mrs. Emma Jane Snuth. residence, in the gift of the Duke of Rutland. A Post Office.-Mr. LlOnel T. Palmer, sub-postmaster. School Board was formed in 1880-81. The Prilnitive Letters received from Leicester, via Houghton, at 8.50 Methodist Chapel was built in 1857. A share of the a.m.; box cleared at 4.40 p.m. (week.days only). Wollaston charity, producing about £25 a year, is Nearest Money Order and Telegraph Office at Gad· disbursed in clothing. There are two manors, divided desby (2 miles). Horwood Rev. Francis Edward M.A Cottagers & Cowkeepers. Earp John, Brancliffe cottage Littlewood Chas. blksmth. h. Barsby Leatherland Francis, & builder Gilchrist Wiliam Pollard \Villiam, bag hosier Smith John Green Albert Schwind Mr. Francis Herbert Farmers & Graziers. Kilby Miss Mary Smith Screaton l\I~sses In.& .Hrt.dress mkrs Bednall Mrs. Srh. North Manor ho Kirk George, Ivy house,. & overseer Scr.eaton RIChard, brIcklayer & bldr Knapp Stephen Leatherland Joseph, MaIda house ~m~th Edwd.carpenter & wheelwrght North John, South Croxton lodge Randall Thomas, h. Barsby ~mlth Mrs. Emma Jane, The School Rigby Joseph Manor house Smith Mrs. Ann Stevenson 1\1rs. Jane Alice, shopkpr G .. Swift John Swift Thomas. boot maker raZlers. Carriers. Ward 1\1iss Elizabeth Ball Thomas, & v. Golden Fleece & Darling J. Melton, Tuesday; Leices· Ward Mr. Henry overseer ter, Saturday Yates Thos. gardener to :Mr.Schwind Black George Garrood AIf. Melton,Tu.; Leicstr.S DADLINGTON is a small village, township and ba.ttle of Bosworth Field, which is in the vicinity, pari.sh, in the Bosworth division of the county, hun· were buried in this churchyard, and relics of the fighv dred and rural deanery of Sparkenhoe N~. 2: Market are occasiorna.lly dug up. The Ecclesiastical Com· Eosworth union and County Court distnct, and missioners, Mr. J. A. Geary and Miss M. Scrivener division of Bosworth for the County Council, on the are the principal landowners. Area, 997a. 3r. 15p.; east side of the Ashby canal, 4 miles S. from Market rateable value, £1,547; population, 163. Bosworth. 3 N.W. from Hinckley, 5 N. from Nun­ eaton, and 12 S.'V. by S. from Leicester. St. James' St. James' Church.-Services Sunday at 3. H.C. Church is a curious relic of antiquity. The north second Sunday in month. Rev. HU§O'h Bryon ~LA. wall and some other portions have been renovated, (Stoke Golding); \Varden, Mr. tephen Smith. and in 1887 the chancel was restored by the Ecclesias­ Hymns A. and M. tical Commissioners. The Registers date from 1734. Letters from Nuneaton delivered about 8 a.m. ; box The living is annexed to Stoke Golding, and is of the cleared at 8 p.m., week-days only. Money Order yearly yalue of £200, in the gift of the Bishop of Office at Stoke Golding, and Telegraph Office at :Peterborough. Many of those killed at the famous station there. Beeby Charles, cottager Busby Geo. & shollkpr. & tobacconist Scrivener Edw. The Hall Dawkins James, oil dealer & beekpr Cl ewes Willoughby Smith Stephen, The Cottage Keightlev Thomas. coal dealer Critchlow Ralph Tanser George, Manor house Wragg ',alter. v. Dog & Hedgehog *Freeman In. \Vltr.Hy.Orchard fm Farmers & Graziers. *Geary John Abel, The Poplars Carrier. Marked * are landowners. Matthews Mrs. Mary Jane 'Vardle (through from Osbaston), to Derry Samuel Abel Peberdy William, The Glebe farm Hinckley M DALBY (GREAT) is a parish and village, 3 miles Great Northern and London and North-Western joint S.W.S. by S. from Melton, and 15 N.W. fromLeices- railway from Northampton to Nottingham, and Leices· ter, in the Melton Parliamentary division (that of ter to Newark. St. Swithin's Church is an Early Somerbv for the County Council), East Gosoote hun- English edifice. In 1887 restorations were commenced, <ked, rural dea.nery of 'Goscote No. 2, Melton union estima.ted to cost £760. In 1891 Mr. J. W. Wart· and County Court district. Here is a station on the naby restored the west side of the tower in memory of .
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