BROAD TOWN PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Meeting – Monday 14th December 2020 at 6.30pm Members of the public are invited to join the meeting using the following link: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82908015829?pwd=S004ZU5iNDJpTFBmaW4zV2xham80QT09 Meeting ID: 829 0801 5829 Passcode: 348127 To join the meeting by telephone call 020 3966 3809. Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdjNisghvP Instructions on joining the meeting and using Zoom can be found at https://zoom.us/ Please contact the Parish Clerk if you need assistance to join the meeting. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST In accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct, all Members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable interests which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. Members may however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registerable interests. 3. MINUTES To confirm as a true record the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th November 2020. 4. PLANNING 4.1 PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED Application Applicant Location of Description of Number Development Development Rhian Morris The Banks Re-siting of 1000 litre oil 20/08027/FUL 78 Horns Lane tank for domestic Broad Town heating/hot water. Wiltshire SN4 7RH Comments from Parish Council invited until: 15th December 2020. 20/09825/PNCOU Mr Colin Young Merlins Gate Application to determine if Broad Town Road Prior Approval is required Broad Town for a proposed Change of SN4 7RB Use of Agricultural Building to a Dwelling (Class C3) and for Building Operations reasonably necessary for the Conversion. Comments from Parish Council invited until: 15th December 2020. 20/05636/FUL Ms A Phillips Littletown New studio on the Farmhouse footprint of the original Chapel Lane pigsties and alterations to Broad Town the existing building. SN4 7RJ Revised plans received. Comments invited until: 24th December 2020. 20/06359/LBC Ms A Phillips Littletown New studio on the Farmhouse footprint of the original Chapel Lane pigsties and alterations to Broad Town the existing building. SN4 7RJ Revised plans received. Comments invited until: 24th December 2020. 20/08815/FUL Mr G Bovingdon Lay Marsh Farm, Erect Rural Workers Cotmarsh Lane, Dwelling. Broad Town, Swindon, Wiltshire, Revised plans received. SN4 7RA Comments invited until: 22nd December 2020. 4.2 PLANNING APPLICATIONS DETERMINED Application Location of Description of Decision Number development development Land at Thornhill Variation of Condition 5 Approve with conditions. 20/05067/VAR Royal Wootton of 16/11126/FUL Bassett Relating to Approved SN4 7QJ Plans 19 Thornhill Retrospective Approve with conditions. 20/02208/FUL Royal Wootton application for the Bassett erection of timber cabin SN4 7RX for use as office. 4.3 PLANNING APPEALS Application Location of Description of Appeal Lodged Number development development 19/03874/OUT Land South of Residential 11th November 2020. Broad Town development of up Primary School to 10 entry-level Additional comments until Broad Town Road affordable dwellings, 16th December 2020. Broad Town with associated SN4 7RE access roads and car parking, a community car park, a publicly accessible village green, landscaping, drainage and other associated infrastructure. 20/05588/FUL Hambrook Farm, Demolition of 2nd December 2020. Thornhill, Royal existing barn and Wootton Bassett, erection of a new Additional comments until SN4 7RZ dwelling with 6th January 2021. associated works. All planning documents and decisions can be viewed at: https://planning.wiltshire.gov.uk/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/Home.aspx 5. APPLEFORD ENFORCEMENT To note the current enforcement position at Appleford and the most recent correspondence from Sean Williams, Head of Planning Enforcement. 6. BANK BALANCES AND BANK RECONCILIATION at 30.11.20 Balances: Treasurers Account £6266.39 Capital Projects Account £3248.62 Community Fund £ 9389.51 Bank reconciliation: Treasurers Account £6266.39 Less unpresented cheques £Nil Cashbook Balance £6266.39 7. DRAFT BUDGET 2021/22 Draft Budget circulated with agenda; for discussion and agreement by members. The final budget will be presented at the January 2021 meeting in order to approve the precept for 2021/22. 8. PAYMENTS FOR APPROVAL 8.1 REIMBURSEMENT TO CLLR JOYCE – ZOOM SUBSCRIPTION DECEMBER 2020 Members are requested to approve the reimbursement payment of £14.39 (Inc. VAT) to Councillor Joyce for the December Zoom subscription. 8.2 VILLAGE NEWSLETTER Members are requested to approve the contribution of £110.00 towards the Parish Council news page for 2020. 8.3 COMMUNITY HEARTBEAT TRUST Members are requested to approve the payment of £151.20 (inc VAT) to the Community Heartbeat trust for the annual support costs of the community defibrillator. 8.4 CHRISTMAS TREE FOR CHRIST CHURCH, BROAD TOWN Members are requested to approve the contribution of £75.00 towards the Christmas Tree at Christ Church, Broad Town. 9. APPLICATIONS TO THE GOOD ENERGY COMMUNITY FUND The Community Fund Advisory Group has recommended that the following grants are awarded by the Parish Council. Members will need to assess the applications circulated and decide whether to approve the grants. 9.1 BROAD TOWN VILLAGE HALL – COVID-19 EXPENDITURE Application received for a grant of £112.00. Application and supporting details circulated with agenda. 9.2 BROAD TOWN PARISH COUNCIL – REDHILLS FENCING REPLACEMENT PROJECT Application received for a grant of £2000.00. Application and supporting details circulated with agenda. 10. BRIEFING NOTE 20-34 – RETURN TO STREAMLINED OVERVIEW To note the correspondence from Wiltshire Council. 11. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION Please note no decisions can be made on these items. Anything raised which requires a decision of the council will be included as an agenda item at the next Parish Council meeting. .
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