§ 63.2291 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition) § 63.2291 Who implements and en- ess units associated with the manufac- forces this subpart? turing of plywood and composite wood (a) This subpart can be implemented products. The affected source includes, and enforced by the U.S. EPA or a dele- but is not limited to, green end oper- gated authority such as your State, ations, refining, drying operations (in- local, or tribal agency. If the EPA Ad- cluding any combustion unit exhaust ministrator has delegated authority to stream routinely used to direct fire your State, local, or tribal agency, process unit(s)), resin preparation, then that agency has the authority to blending and forming operations, press- implement and enforce this subpart. ing and board cooling operations, and You should contact your EPA Regional miscellaneous finishing operations Office to find out if this subpart is dele- (such as sanding, sawing, patching, gated to your State, local, or tribal edge sealing, and other finishing oper- agency. ations not subject to other NESHAP). (b) In delegating implementation and The affected source also includes on- enforcement authority of this subpart site storage of raw materials used in to a State, local, or tribal agency the manufacture of plywood and/or under 40 CFR part 63, subpart E, the composite wood products, such as res- authorities contained in paragraph (c) ins; onsite wastewater treatment oper- of this section are retained by the EPA ations specifically associated with ply- Administrator and are not transferred wood and composite wood products to the State, local, or tribal agency. manufacturing; and miscellaneous (c) The authorities that will not be coating operations (defined elsewhere delegated to State, local, or tribal in this section). The affected source in- agencies are listed in paragraphs (c)(1) cludes lumber kilns at PCWP manufac- through (4) of this section. turing facilities and at any other kind (1) Approval of alternatives to the of facility. compliance options, operating require- Agricultural fiber means the fiber of ments, and work practice requirements an annual agricultural crop. Examples in §§ 63.2240 and 63.2241 as specified in of agricultural fibers include, but are § 63.6(g). For the purposes of delegation not limited to, wheat straw, rice straw, authority under 40 CFR part 63, sub- and bagasse. part E, ‘‘compliance options’’ represent Biofilter means an enclosed control ‘‘emission limits’’; ‘‘operating require- system such as a tank or series of ments’’ represent ‘‘operating limits’’; tanks with a fixed roof that contact and ‘‘work practice requirements’’ rep- emissions with a solid media (such as resent ‘‘work practice standards.’’ bark) and use microbiological activity (2) Approval of major alternatives to to transform organic pollutants in a test methods as specified in process exhaust stream to innocuous § 63.7(e)(2)(ii) and (f) and as defined in compounds such as carbon dioxide, § 63.90. water, and inorganic salts. Wastewater (3) Approval of major alternatives to treatment systems such as aeration la- monitoring as specified in § 63.8(f) and goons or activated sludge systems are as defined in § 63.90. not considered to be biofilters. (4) Approval of major alternatives to Capture device means a hood, enclo- recordkeeping and reporting as speci- sure, or other means of collecting fied in § 63.10(f) and as defined in § 63.90. emissions into a duct so that the emis- [69 FR 46011, July 30, 2004, as amended at 72 sions can be measured. FR 61063, Oct. 29, 2007] Capture efficiency means the fraction (expressed as a percentage) of the pol- § 63.2292 What definitions apply to this lutants from an emission source that subpart? are collected by a capture device. Terms used in this subpart are de- Catalytic oxidizer means a control sys- fined in the Clean Air Act (CAA), in 40 tem that combusts or oxidizes, in the CFR 63.2, the General Provisions, and presence of a catalyst, exhaust gas in this section as follows: from a process unit. Catalytic oxidizers Affected source means the collection include regenerative catalytic of dryers, refiners, blenders, formers, oxidizers and thermal catalytic presses, board coolers, and other proc- oxidizers. 240 VerDate Mar<15>2010 08:07 Aug 24, 2012 Jkt 226158 PO 00000 Frm 00250 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\226158.XXX 226158 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with Environmental Protection Agency § 63.2292 Combustion unit means a dryer burn- Direct-fired process unit means a proc- er, process heater, or boiler. Combus- ess unit that is heated by the passing tion units may be used for combustion of combustion exhaust through the of organic HAP emissions. process unit such that the process ma- Control device means any equipment terial is contacted by the combustion that reduces the quantity of HAP emit- exhaust. ted to the air. The device may destroy Dryer heated zones means the zones of the HAP or secure the HAP for subse- a softwood veneer dryer or fiberboard quent recovery. Control devices in- mat dryer that are equipped with heat- clude, but are not limited to, thermal ing and hot air circulation units. The or catalytic oxidizers, combustion cooling zone(s) of the dryer through units that incinerate process exhausts, which ambient air is blown are not biofilters, and condensers. part of the dryer heated zones. Control system or add-on control system Dry forming means the process of means the combination of capture and making a mat of resinated fiber to be control devices used to reduce HAP compressed into a reconstituted wood emissions to the atmosphere. product such as particleboard, oriented Conveyor strand dryer means a con- strandboard, medium density fiber- veyor dryer used to reduce the mois- board, or hardboard. ture of wood strands used in the manu- Dry rotary dryer means a rotary dryer that dries wood particles or fibers with facture of oriented strandboard, lami- a maximum inlet moisture content of nated strand lumber, or other wood less than or equal to 30 percent (by strand-based products. A conveyor weight, dry basis) and operates with a strand dryer is a process unit. maximum inlet temperature of less Conveyor strand dryer zone means than or equal to 600 °F. A dry rotary each portion of a conveyor strand dryer dryer is a process unit. with a separate heat exchange system Engineered wood product means a and exhaust vent(s). Conveyor strand product made with lumber, veneers, dryers contain multiple zones (e.g., strands of wood, or from other small three zones), which may be divided into wood elements that are bound together multiple sections. with resin. Engineered wood products Deviation means any instance in include, but are not limited to, lami- which an affected source subject to this nated strand lumber, laminated veneer subpart, or an owner or operator of lumber, parallel strand lumber, wood I- such a source: joists, and glue-laminated beams. (1) Fails to meet any requirement or Fiber means the discrete elements of obligation established by this subpart wood or similar cellulosic material, including, but not limited to, any com- which are separated by mechanical pliance option, operating requirement, means, as in refining, that can be or work practice requirement; formed into boards. (2) Fails to meet any term or condi- Fiberboard means a composite panel tion that is adopted to implement an composed of cellulosic fibers (usually applicable requirement in this subpart, wood or agricultural material) made by and that is included in the operating wet forming and compacting a mat of permit for any affected source required fibers. Fiberboard density generally is to obtain such a permit; or less than 0.50 grams per cubic centi- (3) Fails to meet any compliance op- meter (31.5 pounds per cubic foot). tion, operating requirement, or work Fiberboard mat dryer means a dryer practice requirement in this subpart used to reduce the moisture of wet- during startup, shutdown, or malfunc- formed wood fiber mats by applying tion, regardless of whether or not such heat. A fiberboard mat dryer is a process failure is permitted by this subpart. A unit. deviation is not always a violation. Flame zone means the portion of the The determination of whether a devi- combustion chamber in a combustion ation constitutes a violation of the unit that is occupied by the flame en- standard is up to the discretion of the velope. entity responsible for enforcement of Furnish means the fibers, particles, the standards. or strands used for making boards. 241 VerDate Mar<15>2010 08:07 Aug 24, 2012 Jkt 226158 PO 00000 Frm 00251 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\226158.XXX 226158 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with § 63.2292 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition) Glue-laminated beam means a struc- Kiln-dried lumber means solid wood tural wood beam made by bonding lum- lumber that has been dried in a lumber ber together along its faces with resin. kiln. Green rotary dryer means a rotary Laminated strand lumber (LSL) means dryer that dries wood particles or fi- a composite product formed into a bil- bers with an inlet moisture content of let made of thin wood strands cut from greater than 30 percent (by weight, dry whole logs, resinated, and pressed to- basis) at any dryer inlet temperature gether with the grain of each strand or operates with an inlet temperature oriented parallel to the length of the ° of greater than 600 F with any inlet finished product. moisture content. A green rotary dryer Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) means is a process unit. a composite product formed into a bil- Group 1 miscellaneous coating oper- let made from layers of resinated wood ations means application of edge seals, veneer sheets or pieces pressed to- nail lines, logo (or other information) paint, shelving edge fillers, trademark/ gether with the grain of each veneer gradestamp inks, and wood putty aligned primarily along the length of patches to plywood and composite the finished product.
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