Official Publication of the Seafarers International Union • Adantic, GuU, Lakes and Inland Waters District• AFL-CIO Vol. 48, No. I2 December I986 ''We have to look at Annual Reports for: new i.d eas . .. " Seafarers Pension Plan, Great Lakes Tug & Frank Drozak (page 2) Dredge Pension Fund Page 19 got jobs for this membership. try go down before and we President's Report There's not an A man that have seen it come back. In can't go to work, and B men the 1800s, in the 1920s, in the by Frank Drozak are taking 54 percent of the years prior to World War II, jobs. That's good. But as I after World War II, after the I have reported to this said to you, how long will it Korean War, and after the membership several times last and how long can we keep Vietnam War we have seen it about discussions that our ex­ it up with no growth out there all happen to us. We have ecutive board and myself have under the present conditions? been down before, but the one had with MEBA-2. We have So I strongly believe that good part about it is that we been reviewing this maritime we must continue our efforts are living and we still have industry and taking a hard to put together this new con­ job security. look at what we should do cept with MEBA-2. This will Let's maintain that job se­ about it. I do not see any mean new job opportunities curity by cooperating with growth potential given the across the board for our mem­ each other and together build­ present situation of our in­ bership, and expanding po­ ing for the future. We can do dustry, and I do not see any tentials for new operators in it under the concept I am of our companies growing­ our industry. I view as the talking about, and I would ask in fact, I see them declining. only answer to revitalize this your approval for it. I think we have to look at maritime industry. 1986 was a tough year. It a new approach. With auto­ mation taking effect, crews on U.S. ships are down to 21 top " ... We have to look at new ideas and take new views if we are to bottom, and soon to be down to 18. On the foreign to organize and grow ..., the only way it's going to work is with side of it, West Germany, new concepts ..." Norway and Sweden are run­ ning ships with 12 people on­ board. We have to look at are to organize and grow, that's I would ask your coopera­ was hard, no question about new ideas and take new views. the only way it's going. to tion on it and I would ask it. But I believe that if we can We have discussed alterna­ work. It's not going to work your support for it. It's a tough get over this hump we'll be on tives in what we can do and any other way. We cannot be decision for me to come to our way. It means you have what we should do, and we sitting here with six crew­ you and tell you what the real to understand what the issues are looking at what is in the members and the other orga­ facts are. But that is what you are all about. You have to best interest of trying to re­ nization be sitting there with pay me for, to look out for understand that you cannot go vitalize this maritime indus­ six people. We have to begin your security. If I don't level to the well and get water when try. to look at how we can move with you, then I'm not treat­ there is no water there. You've We have come up with some in this direction to revitalize ing you right and you should had no help from this admin­ ideas and thoughts. We dis­ our industry and preserve the not treat me right. That's just istration. They made it very cussed it for a week or two in jobs and job security of our how simple it is. I believe in clear that they are not going Miami, Fla. at Ray McKay's membership. In order to re­ laying the cards on the table to put one thin dime into this MEBA-2 training school, and vitalize this maritime indus­ to you. I have always leveled industry. Even those who are we discussed it in Piney Point try, we must try new ap­ with you and I have always enjoying some subsidy can't back in July when our two proaches to restructure our told you the facts. Sometimes make it. U.S. Lines, which is executive boards held joint efforts and put our objectives it's hard. It would be very subsidized, is going under. And meetings. into proper order. easy to tell you everything is Lykes, which is also subsi­ How do we put a joint pro­ We will be continually re­ rosy, but I have never done dized, is in deep financial trou­ gram together? We cannot and porting to this membership on that to you and I don't intend ble. Sea-Land is not subsi­ will not be able to sign one the activity of this program. I to do it now. I'm going to tell dized, and I don't know what new company up under the believe it's the only way we it just like it is, and hope that we do with it. But we have got present conditions of having can go. I don't know of any you will understand and hope totrytosavethosejobstothe three and four unions on board other way for us to go, and that you will cooperate with best of our ability. the ship, or even having just believe me, I have tried every us, and that you will work In closing out 1986, I want two. So we have come to a angle I know to bring new life together with us because there to wish you all a very Merry resolve that we set up a sep­ to our industry. is a future for us and for our Christmas and Happy New arate unit, a top to bottom While this membership is industry. Year. Hopefully, as we work unit, combining the resources doing quite well, we have to Look at history. Time and together in the coming year, of our two unions, meaning ask ourselves, how long can time again history repeats it­ we will turn· this thing around. the SIU and MEBA-2. If we it last? Right now, we have self. We have seen. this indus- I will keep you informed. Official Publication of the Seafarers International Union of December 1986 North Amenca , Atlantic , Gulf. Lakes and Inland Waters District, Vol. 48, No. 12 AFL-CIO Executive Board Frank Drozak President Angus "Red" Campbell Joe DiGiorgio Ed Turner Vice President Secretary Executive Vice President Joe Sacco Mike Sacco Leon Hall Vice President Vice President Vice President Charles Svenson George McCartney Roy Mercer Steve Edney Editor Vice President Vice President Vice President Mike Hall Managing Editor Max Hall Deborah Greene Associate Editor Associate Editor The LOG (ISSN 0160-2047) is published monthly by Seafarers International Union , Atlantic, Gulf, Ray Bourdius Lynnette Marshall Lakes and Inland Waters District, AFL-CIO , 5201 Auth Way , Camp Springs , Md . 20746 , Tel. 899- Assistant Editor Assistant Editor/Photos 0675 . Second-class postage paid at M.S.C. Prince Georges , Md. 20790-9998 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER : Send address changes to the LOG , 5201 Auth Way, Camp Springs , Md. 20746 . 2 I LOG I December 1986 America's Oldest and Largest U.S. Lines Files for Bankruptcy, Slashes Service United States Lines (USL), the larg­ one stage of his career, when he was thought of bailing out USL. be given a competitive edge that other est and oldest U.S.-flag line, has filed in charge of Sea-Land's Pacific oper­ The bankruptcy and the lack of countries give to their merchant ma­ for bankruptcy. Facing some $1. 7 bil­ ation, that division turned more profit action by the White House is ''further rine, said Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D­ lion in debts, the company has asked than all the other company's opera­ evidence of the indifference of the Hawaii). for protection while it tries to reor­ tions combined. administration" to the U.S.-flag mer­ The USL bankruptcy is a reflection ganize and get itself back on its feet. Predictions are mixed as to whether chant fleet and the role it plays in of a ''government without a (maritime) Under the terms of Chapter 11 of the giant line will be able to emerge defense, said Rep. Walter B. Jones policy,'' said Rep. Mario Biaggi, chair­ the federal bankruptcy laws, USL will from Chapter 11 and continue to op­ (D-N.C.), chairman of the House Mer­ man of the House Merchant Marine have at least 120 days of protection erate. While the SIU-contracted chant Marine and Fisheries Commit­ Subcommittee. from its creditors in the United States. Waterman Steamship Co. recently tee. During that time USL will draw up came out of bankruptcy and is oper­ "I hope ... Congress can get to­ He called for ODS reform and en­ plans to restructure the company, set ating three ships and chartering three gether with the administration and work hanced cargo preference regulations.
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