ROCK ISLAND INDEPENDENTS' ROCK ISLAND BOOSTER EDITION T3HE INDEPENDENTS' ROCK BOOSTER EDITION AND DAILY ANDUNION. ARGUS. SEVENTIETH YEAR-N-O. 298. ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WTK.11 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1921 UNITED PKESS LEASED WISE -- FA n F aS:-- rx m r 1 r-- rTi mI n n r n n1 1 r n rrv ' tr-,-i r Mill u fill i ftsj n ft r r1 JVl n Uu mm m wimw, Metre i , THRILL I i winkling Stars of Gridiron Firmament FANS AS TEAM ASSOCIATION A1S TO EMBARKS ON ITS 10TH ESTABLISH UNIVERSAL NNIVERSARY JOURNEY REGARD FOR FOOTBALL Every Year a Greater Roster Shows Club's Record Rock Island's Pride Year Is the a Fine Squad in Aspirants of Nine Years Membership Motto. of Pride of Fans FRANK COUGHLIN, captain and tackle A great player and an 1912. Every year a greater year for Oct. 13 Moline IlUnl. O R. I 6 Ideal leader. 0 K. 12 ! Oct. 20 Columbus Joncuon. I.. Rock Island may well bo proud football OBE WOENIG-, end Big. steady, Oct. 2T Davenport Ind.. o H. I, Guided by this motto, which baa reliable. An excellent punter Nov. 3 Kckanee Regulars. O H. I.. 52 of its membership in the American been the spirit behind the rise of Nov. in .Molme West Ends. 0 R. I.. 53 and capable. Not. 17 V. S. Rcyulars. 0 R. I . 47 Professional FootbaJl association. the Independents from an obscure 24 Molme Olympics, 0 R. I., 32 OKE SMITH, end Possesses keen EMMETT-KEEFE-- y Not. Such pride is pardonable. To be emi-pr- o organization to the fore- Dec. 1 Spmis Valley. 0 R. 1, 7 ability at his position. Popular .. M expon- most rank of profefsslonal football 1 Mwti-J&'-lTT- Sx . , jf classed with the foremost seasons, with the fans. i I 1013. ents of phase in America wituin nine the 4$? ' this of the preat fall JJ3s Oct. 5 Davenport lnd.. 0 R. 20 ready once again to set sail, DAVE HAYES, end Small but game, and at the same time enjoy team is mighty, Oct. 12 Moline llhni. 0 R. 13 this time on the tenth anniversary exercises a keen mind Oct. IB Peona Socials. 9 R. 26 the distinction of being the smallest cruise. at all stages of game. Nov. 2 Mohne Olympic. O R. 0 city within the select circle. Is Nov. 16 Moline Olympics. 7 R. 10 who ED .ll something to warrant a general ex- No loyal fan, there is, but HEALY, gnard Hard working. H m Wliin i ill ii iiilii, 1, 1." HI. - ..;:..:...; i 5. Nov. 23 Peona Socials. R. 12 honestly believes that this event- willing enthusiastic. Great things Nov. 30 Columbus Junction. 0 R. 13 pansion of chests. ful period in the history of the team expected of him. The organization was conceived, is destined to be told as a tale of WALTER BULAND, tackle Al- 191. fostered and carried to successful Island Is to ways Moline Red Men. 0 R. I, formation from an honest desire lo triumph; that Rock a favorite in Rock Island. - Davenport lnd. 0 R. I.. achieve- Expect elevate the professional game to a enjoy a continuation of the big year for him. Sit Moline Olympics. O R. I.. IV -- place of high regard the of ments of the past, that e'en now EMMETT KEEFE, guard Veteran mkS Aurora All Stars. 0 R. 1.. in heart R produce a thrill in the old-tim- er college and professional player. .3C Nov. Des Moines Champs. 7 R. I.. the sport loving public. Although Nov. 15 Moline Red Men, 9 R. I.. still in its swaddling clothes, who is wont to turn back the pages Enjoys well- - earned reknown. Nov. 29 Evanston N. Ends. 8 R. L. the of memory. DUEY LYLE, guard A true and association has spread its Influence Yet the optimism is tempefed by and tried performer. Holds place 1915. out over a vast area, extending knowledge a grid machine, or In of all. Oct. 10 900 Block. 0 R. I.. from the Atlantic seaboard to the the that warmth hearts Oct. 17 Moline Red Men. O R. I., Mississippi, and early official no how really wonderful, is HAROLD HANSON, New O its matter center Oct. 24 Dubuque Hawkeyes. R. I.. acts hold promise real- not invincible. The fan comer to these parts. Rated as Oct. 31 Aurora Greyhounds. O R. 1.. of ultimate professional football scrappy man on line. Nov. 7 Des Moines Champs. 0 R. I. ization of its purpose. realizes that Nov. 14 N. Henderson A. C. 0 R. I, 66 The association is really the idea , has reached the stage where there FREEMAN FITZGERALD, center Nov. 21 Moline Red Men. 10 R. I.. 0 com of four men, Frank Neld, Art are numerous aggregations of Has proved his worth for two Rainey, Ralph Hay paratively equal strength, and he is years. Fans glad to have him. 1916. and Jim Thorpe, Oct. R Roekford A. 25 . R. I- - o whose endeavors for five years have not deluding himself into believing "JUGT EAR PS, center Comes 1 C o sweep I Oct. 15 Moline Red Men. 3 R. I., been directed toward a really worth that the Independents must with fine reputation. Looks to IB J?&S Oct. 22 Aurora Greyhounds. 0 R. I 21 while organization everything from the path if the be player of real merit. vT v Oct. 29 Davenport A. C 8 R. I, 0 of professional 1921. t Nov. 12 Davenport A. C. 0 R. I- - 0 football clubs. Between times the3e squad is to success after SID NICHOLS, quarterback Sid 'gaum.iSlWumwZ .1 I- write I 1 I i.i S" & j I Nov. 10 Moline Red Men. 3 R. - 21 four produced wonderful teams. Experiences of the past have proved he has the goods to de Nov. 2fl Haywood A. C. 0 R. I.. 14 Neid and Rainey at Akron; Hay and taught the lovers of Rock Island s liver by his work last fall. I PAVE HAYES j jWALT BRlNDLEYjl j Dec 3 Roekford A. C. 6 R. I. 34 Thorpe at Canton, by faithful sport ALTER BRINDLEY, Dec. 10 Spnne Valley Moose. 0 R. L. 13 that major league class of fall that ( quarterback II performance came into national , the team can be beaten and still The prodigal son returned, - 1917. x i . ! reputation. The example set by high. This should be Established himself years ago. 1 1 't J"4, . ,! I Sept. 23 Sterling lnd 0 R. 33 hold its head 1 t i . ,. &M1 i Sept. 30 Alton Tigers. 3 R. 33 these clubs induced other cities to heretofore, GROVER MALONE, I P'jt 1 .. r iZM,mAs& truer this season than halfback A ' ' ' f i Oct. 7 Davenport A. C. 0 R. 3 strive to emulate, and withia the perhaps, for varied reasons. Aboe j running mate of George Gipp at ' Oct. 14 Peona Socials. 0 R. 49 last few years many strong aggre- all we must consider the time and j Notre Dame in 1929. 1 1 Oct. 21 Mohue Indians. 0 R. 20 gations developed in var- I FRANK C0U6HL1N Oct. 2.8 Racine F. B. A.. 0 R. 12 have been defenders of the green EDDIE NOVAK., halfback Believ-- ICAPT. middle-wes- attention the plfpi:4 jfeW. Nov. 4 Minneapolis Marines. 7 R. 3 ious parts of the..east and t, and white are putting into their ed by many to be the equal of Nov. 11 Davenport. A. C. 12 R. I, 10 prominent among these be- work, with the avowed intention o any backfiold man in country. Not. 18 Minneap's Marines. 33 R. I., 14 ing the Rock Island Independents. halfback-Conscien- Dee. 2 Davenport A. C. 7 R. I 23 being in the best possible physical JIMMIE CO.NZELMAN, tious When numbers at last warrant- condition every time the whistle and well versed in 191. ed, these four made their plana blows sending them into a man's fine points of the game. Sept. 29 Rock Island Tigers 0 R. I.. 20 known generally. Those who had en- Oct. 1.1 Peru A. C. O R. I- - 64 dis- game against men. This should EDDIE DUGGAN, fullback Is Nov. 10 Camp Grant. 0 R. I., 7 bucked against the trials and able each and every player from anxious to prove his qualifica- Nov. 17 St. Paul A. School 0 R. I.. couragements of uncontrolled foot- the lowliest sub to the most cheered tions in a regular contest. Nov. 2 St. Paul A. School." 0 R. I, 13 ball, were quick to grasp the idea power fullback-Stoc- ky, power. star to give every ounce of "FRATZ" POTTHOFF, 1919. of centralized Too mush and ability he is capable of in the fast and a good punter. 28 Roekford A. C 0 effort to win. Then, if the team Seems to possess stuff needed 5 Cornell Hambures. 0 R. ai ' summer of 1320, rf presentatives 12 13 R. 7 I loses, will he success anyhow, for JERRY MANSFIELD. fullback-Prod- uct Oct. Hammond All Stars. i.. were called into meeting at CI" ve- - it Oct. 19 Davenport A. C. 0 R. Zv, ' the fan will be getting everything of Rock Island. Plays Oct- - 26 Cincinnati Celts. 0 R. , land for organisation purposes. The that he pays for. because of love for game. Nov. 2 Pine Vilaffc, 0 R. o frail structure that evolved from Rock Island faces a hard sched- STANLEY MILLS, halfback and Nov.
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