CENSUS 1961 GUJARAT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK 13 PANCHlVlAHALS DISTRICT' R. K. TRIVEDI Superintendent of Oensus Operations. Gujarat: PRICE Be. S·'70np. \ DISTRICT: PANCHMAHALS .,o ~ ...In ~ .....; i ,.; ~ Ii z _,........_ ~ !! .::c-"i( ,. ...... " I.... Ii 0) \~ • .f' t- ~ :' ..... 0 en_. Q;"i( r' « «J: ~ J: U Z a: I- ~ (J) <t 0- II- r- 1-(.) () «0::z- a::- ::.:::1- f- «-er(/) (/) cOO « .... ~'t>- Cf) - J.O/~J.Sla 0 ~ ~o 0 ...z <o~ ::0 \ 1. ~'liIV)/ ~ ~'" <> i .." CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIOATIONS Census of India., 19tH Volume V-Gujarat is being published in the following pa.rts : I-A Genera.l Report I-B Report on Vital Statistics and Fertility Survey I-C Subsidiary Tables II..... A General Popula.tion Tables II-B (1) General Eoonomic Tables (Tables B-1 to B-IV-C)· II-B (2) General Economic Tables (Tables B-V to B-IX) II-C CultUral and Migration Tables III Household Eoonomic Tables (Tables.. B-X to B-XVII) IV-A Report on Rousing and Establishments IV-B Housing and Establishment Tables V-A Tables· on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes V-B Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (including reprints) VI Village Survey Monographs (25 Monographs) VII-A Selected Crafts of Gujarat VII",B Fairs and Festivals VIII...... A Administration Report-Enumeration } Not for Sale VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation IX Atlas Volume X Special Report on Cities STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLIOATIONS 17 District Census Handbooks in English 17 District Census Handbooks in Gujarati CONTENTS PAGES PR1!l),AOE vii-xi ALPHABETIQAL LIST OF VILLAG-EB PART I (i) Introductory EssaLV • • • (1) Location and Physical Features, (2) Administrative Set-up, (3) LocalSelf Government, (4) Population, (5) Housing, (6) Agriculture, (7) Livestock, (S) Irrigation, (9) Co-operation, (10) Economic Activity, (11) Industries and Power, (12) Transport and Communications, (13) Medical and Public Health, (14) Labour and Social Welfare, (15) Price Trends, (16) Community Development, (17) Five Year Plans, (IS) Important Place ~ames (ii) Gazetteer of Place Names • • • • PART II (i) Census Tables A-GENERAL POPULATION TABLES NOTE • • • • • • • • 3-5 TABLE A-I Area, Houses and Population • • • • 6 Al'PENDIXI 1951 Territorial units constituting the present set-up of district and each taluka/mahal 7 SUlJ-APl'ENDIX 1 TO APPENDIX I Area for 1951 and 1961 for those municipal towns which have undergone changes in area since 1951 Census. • 7 SUB-A'PPENDIX 2~TO ApPENDIX I District/Taluka/Mahal showing 1951 population according to territorial jurisdiction in 1951 changes in area and the population involved in those changes. • 8 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX I Villages transferred from and to Panchmahals District 9 APPENDIX II Number of villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000 10 ApPl!lNDIX III House~ess and Institutional Population 10 T.&BLE A-III Vil1ages classified by population • 11 T.AlJLE A-IV Towns and Town-groups classified by population in 1961 with variation since 1941 12 APPENDIX I New Towns added in 1961 and Towns in 1951 declassified in 1961 12 NOTE A-Particulars of new Towns added in 1961 • • • 13 NOTE B-Particulars of 1951 Census Towns declassified in 1961 • • • 13 SPEOIAL .APPENDIX Towns with their area. and jurisdiction 13 B (i).GENERAL ECONOMIC TABLES NOTE • • 16-21 TABLE B-1 Workers and Non-workers classified by sex and broad age-groups 22 TABUE B-III PART A Industrial classification of workers and Non-workers by educational levels in Urban areas only 23 PART B Industrial classification of Workers and Non-workers by educationallevels in Rural areas only 24-27 iii PAGBS TABLE B-IV Industrial classification l'y sex and cl8BB of worker of persons at work at house- hold industry. • • • • • • • • '. 28-29 PART B Industrial classification by se" and class of wo~kE1r of persons at wOrk in non-household industry, trade, buSinE'BS, profession or service. • • • • • 30-35 PART C Industrial classification by s~x and divisions, major groups and minor groups of pcrsons at work other than cUltivation. • • • •• 36-44 Al'Pl!lNJ[):LX TO TABLE B-IV PART C 45 TABI.E B-V Occupational classification by sex of persons at work other than cultivation 46-67 APlPEN'I).IX TO TABLE B-V 68-69 ANNEXUBJil Appropriate Industrial Categories of Occupational Fa.milies 69 TABr.E B-VII PART A Persons working principally (il as Cultivators, (ii) as Agricultural labourers Or (iii) at Household Industry classified by sex and bySocondaryWork (i) at Household Industry, (ii) itS Cultivator or (iii) as Agricultural labourer 70-72 APPlIlNDIX TO TAsLlD B-VII PABT A 72 TABLE B·VII PABT B Industrial classification by sex of persons working in non-household industry, trade, bUsiness, profession Or service who are also engaged in houEehold industry 7~75 TABLE B-VIII PAlBT A Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by sex, broad age-groups and educational levels in Urba.n areas only 76-77 PAlBTB PtlrSOns unemployed aged 15 and above by BeX and educational levels in Rural areas only 76-77 Persons not at work classified by sex, broad age-groups andi>ype of activity 78-81 B (H)-HOUSEHOLD ECONOMIC TABLES TABLE B-X Sample Households (i) engaged neithE'r in cultivatiOn nOr household industly. (ii)"engaged either in cultivation or household industry but not in both and (iii) engaae<1 bothin cultivation and household industry fOr all areas • • • • • 82 TABLE B.X! Sample llouseholds engaged in cultivation c)assifitod by interest in Im_d and size of land cultivated in Rural and Urban areas separately. 82--83 TABLE B-XII Sample Households engsged in ,·ultivation only classified by size of laLd cultivated and number of family workers m-.d h:ired war kers in Rural and Urban areas separately • 84--91 TABLE B·XVI Sample Principal Household industry olassified by period of working and total number of workers engsged in household industry in all areas. " 92-95 Al'l'ENDIX TO TABLE B-\XVI • • 97 TABLE B.XVII Sample Households classified by (i) number of male' and female' members by size of households and (ii) engagement (a) Ileither in cultivation nor in industry, (b) in house­ hold industry only and {c)in cultivation sub-classifil-d by size of lar.d cultivated 98 -C-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES NOTE • 99-100 TA.BLE C-I Composition of Sample Households by relationship to head offamily classified by size of land cultivated " 1(}1 TABLE C-II Age and Marital Status' • • 102-106 'TABLE C-III" PABTA Age~ Sex and Education in all areas • 106-107 PABTB Age, Sex and EdUcation in Urban areas only • 106-107 'TABLE C-IV Singlo Year Age Returns 108 TABLE C·V Mother Tongue (Alphabetical ordor) • 109-111 'TA.:BI.E C-VII Religion 112 iv l'AliES TABLE C-VIII SOHEDULED CASTES -AND SOBlllDULED 'I'B.IBES PAETA Classification by literacy a-nd industrial category of workers and non·workers among Scheduled Castes 113 PAJlTB Classification by literacy and industrial category of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Tribes 114 E·HOUSING TABLES NOTE • • • • 115-117 TABLE E-! Census Houses and the usas to which they are put 118-119 TABLE E-I1 Tenure status of sample census households living in census houses used wholly Or partly as dwelling 120-121 TABLE E·IV Distribution of sample households living in census houses used wholJy or partly as dwelling by predominant material of wall and predominant material of roof • 122-123 TABLE E·V Sample households classified by number of members and by number of rOoms OOcU pied. 124-125 SCT-SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES NOTE • • • • .0 127 TAJILE SCT·I PAUTA Industrial classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for Schtlduled Castes 128-129 PARTB Industrial classification of persons at work and non·workers by sex for Scheduled Tribes 130-132 STATEMENT A-POPULATION OF SCHEDULED CASTES 133 STATEMENT B-POPULATION OF SCHEDULED TBUIES 133 VILL\.GEWISE LIST OF IN"J)USTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS • 135-138 ANNEXURE-STANDARlD INDUSTRIAL Cr.ASSIFICAT10N 139-141 LIST OF RURAL CRAFTS AND NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED :tN PRODUCTION 143-157 (ii) Official Statistics 159-190 (A detailed list of tables on Official statistics is given at page 160) -PABT IU YlIIage Directory NOTE • • • • . - • 3 GoDHRA TALUXA 5-16 KALOL TALUXA. 17-21 liALOL TALUXA. 23-29 J..umUGHODA MAlu.L 31-34 SHEHEBA. TALUXA. 35-39 LUNAVADA TALUXA. • 41-57 SANTBAMPUB TALUXA. • 59-76 JHALOD TALUXA. 77-83 DOHAD TALUXA. 85-95 LIMJO[EDA. TALUXA 97-107 DEVGAD BABIA TALUXA. 109-118 PAQ,ES MAPS DXl!SrBI(lT M:~p FBol'l'l'lSl'IBOB FAIRS • • FAOIliG PAGE 186 T.UiUKA GoDBBA .. •• Ii TALUKA KALOL . .. n 17 TALUKA HALoL .. .. 23 M:AH~L J~UGHODA .. •• 31 TAlLUKA SHElIEBA 36 'J .. TALlJ(KA LUNAVADA •• •• 41 T ALUKA SAlfTBAJIIP1)B .. 69 TALUK<A JnA.LOD . •• .. 77 .... T ALUltA DOlbD • • • .. .. 86 TALUltA LnoolEDA • •• .. 9'1 TALutJ[A DEVGAD BAllIA • •• •• 100 vi PREFACE Before 1951, only the figures of population advisable to incorporate as many of the of revenue villages were given in what were census tables as possible to enhance its use­ then called 'Village Handbooks'. But the fulness. The result has been that the District decision to bring out the District Census Census Handbook of 1961 differs widely in the Handbooks giving extracts from all the impor­ matter of content and coverage from that tant census tables for every district of the published after the Census of 1951 and State was taken for the first time" in 1951. In contains a number of new features, examined addition to the census tables, the minimum below.
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