February 14, 2021 6TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME HOLY ROSARY CATHEDRAL Cathedral Church of the ARCHDIOCESE OF REGINA 3125-13th Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4T 1P2 Holy Rosary Cathedral respectfully acknowledges that we are situated on Treaty 4 territory, traditional lands of First Nations and Métis people. Archbishop of Regina Archdiocese of Regina Coat of Arms MISSION STATEMENT Coat of Arms We, the Catholic Community of Holy Rosary Cathedral Parish, under the Patronage of Our Lady, are called to be a caring, outreaching church, proclaiming and celebrating our faith with all who seek a relationship with Christ. Most Rev. Donald Bolen Archbishop of Regina Rev. Danilo Rafael Administrator/Rector Very Rev. Thomas Nguyen, J.V. Sacramental Ministry Rev. Mr. Barry Wood Rev. Mr. Eric Gurash Assisting Deacons MASS TIMES PARISH OFFICE HOURS PARISH OFFICE Sunday 9 AM, 11 AM, 7 PM Mon-Thur 9AM – 4PM & Friday 9 AM – 1PM 2104 Garnet Street Tuesday-Friday 9 AM Closed: Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Regina, SK S4T 6Y5 Saturday 9 AM, 6 PM Email: [email protected] Tel: 306-565-0909 CONFESSIONS Website: www.holyrosaryregina.ca Fax: 306-522-6526 Saturday 8 AM or by appointment FB: www.facebook.com/HolyRosaryReginaSK Hall: 306-525-5595 PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Chairperson ..................... Samira McCarthy Past Chairperson ............. Rob Chapple Pastoral Team .................. Rev. Danilo Rafael, Deacon Barry Wood & Deacon Eric Gurash Representatives: CWL …………………….....Shannon Chapple Ecumenism ........................ Gillian Brodie Finance Council ................. Jim Hall, Paul Malone Knights of Columbus ......... G.K. Tyler Wolfe Liturgy ................................ Brad Hanowski St. Vincent de Paul.............Carol Schimnosky Spiritual Life........................Krista LaBelle Leaders: Parish Adjuncts Catering ............................. Shannon Chapple Challenge Girls* ................ Cathy Craig Children’s Liturgy ............... Miri Schiller Good Shepherd Catech* .... Angela Montano Singles for Christ………….Pam & Rob Jaldon Youth for Christ..................Leah & Roel Ubongen * inter-parochial FEBRUARY 14, 2021 6TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “Brothers and sisters, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” - Corinthians 10:31 Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does God rank in that list? If He’s not first, you have some work to do. Putting God first in everything helps us from putting other “gods” (like our pride, ego, money and possessions) before God. Before making a decision, ask yourself, “Am I doing this for the glory of God or for the glory of me?” MASS INTENTIONS Fr. Dan celebrates Mass and fulfils your request for the repose of souls of the dearly departed and special intentions of the living or in thanksgiving. Call the parish office for Mass offerings. Sun Feb 14 MASSES 9 AM, 11 AM, 7 PM 9 AM Mass Missa Pro Populo (Mass for the People) 11 AM Mass Rommel Alvarez Adolfo & Eleanor Alvarez Mon Feb 15 No Mass Parish Office is Closed Tue Feb 16 9 AM Mass In Thanksgiving for Tito Piezas, Jr. by Piezas’ Family Wed Feb 17 Ash Wed. 9 AM (livestreamed), 11 AM, 7 PM Thu Feb 18 9 AM Mass Caroline Konecsni Fri Feb 19 9 AM Mass Holy Souls in Purgatory Sat Feb 20 9 AM Mass Sister Geraldine Boyle Schedule of Masses and Devotion Tuesday-Saturday 8:00 A.M. – Rosary and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (On Saturday - there’s confession after the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) 9:00 A.M. – Mass Saturday 6:00 P.M. – Vigil Mass (starting Feb 6, 2021) Sunday 9:00 A.M., 11:00 A.M., & 7:00 P.M. – Masses Ash Wednesday Masses – February 17 9:00 a.m. – presider: Archbishop Donald Bolen (Livestreamed) 11:00 a.m. – presider: Fr. Thomas Nguyen 7:00 p.m. – presider: Fr. Dan Rafael Registration required for ALL Masses The new restrictions from the provincial health office allow for only 30 attendees at each Mass. Wearing masks and registering to attend Mass are mandatory. Telephone: 306-565-0909 press “0”(zero) for Mass Registration Or email: [email protected] Registration: Monday to Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. We ask that you not register two Sundays in a row, to give a chance for others to attend Mass. Livestream Mass Livestreams of Sunday Masses and daily Masses (link below) Mass in French: Livestreamed from St. Jean Baptiste, Regina, SK (link below) https://www.youtube.com/c/ArchdioceseofRegina/videos or https://archregina.sk.ca/live FROM SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Please donate warm toques, mittens, scarves, socks, winter coats, winter boots, sweaters, etc. These will be distributed to Marian Centre, Mamaweyatitan Centre, and other locations in Regina serving the most vulnerable in our city. Please ensure that everything is VERY clean and in GOOD condition (that zippers work, for example). These can be placed in the blue barrel at the back of the church and will be picked up on Sundays after the 7 p.m. Mass. Limited pickups will be possible. These will be arranged by telephone. Thank you for your generosity! Bernadette at (306) 537-4158, mobile/text, on behalf of SSVP 2020 Donations Receipts It is that time of the year again when Income Tax receipts will be issued. This year we will not be putting all the receipts at the church entrance as has been our custom, because the pandemic has kept many people from coming to the cathedral. We are therefore sending receipts by e-mail before the end of February, as many registered charities do. This helps to save the cost of mailing them out. Those we cannot reach by e-mail, either because they do not use computers or have no printers, can pick them up at the church entrance when they are scheduled to attend Mass, or at the parish office. Please email or call us if you have moved so we can provide the correct address on your receipts. Again, we ask you to spread the word among your friends to give us their e-mail addresses, if they have not done so as yet. Thank you for doing this, and for your understanding. HRC now accepts Interac e-transfer You can send your donations and mass offerings to us directly. Please utilize message portion for transfer details and send to [email protected] Your e-donation will be included in your annual tax receipt. Thank you for your continuing support of our parish. In Loving Memory of PRAYER All CWL Members Lord, Jesus. (deceased) We repent of our sins. Come by the Holy Rosary CWL into our hearts. Wash us clean. You are our Lord and Savior. Lead us to our In Loving Memory of heavenly home. AMEN. Rob Heidt Feb.11,1969 – Oct. 3, 2016 Love, Sarah, Nadia & family In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Tommy Lucia Phonsavatdy Edwin Fesser Francis Edward Craig Penner Sept.30, 1916 – Dec. 2, 1998 d. Nov. 3, 2015 Oct. 27, 2011 - Oct. 10, 2012 by Family Love, Louella & Family The Craig Penner family In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Augusta Thiele Trevor Miazga Mariano, Elsie, Nestor, Emma, Shirley & Imelda Passed away Oct. 8, 2019 Love Grandma Alice RAFAEL The Dove House In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Robert J. Garchinski Eugene Allan Hoffert William Jaworski May 13, 1941 – March 22, 1995 Dec. 5, 1937- July 14, 2015 Passed away Oct. 8, 2019 Chapple families by Louise Hoffert & family The Dove House In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Archbishop Daniel Bohan Alma Luzny Al Luzny Nov. 8, 1941 – Jan. 15, 2016 May 16, 1930 – Oct. 19, 2017 Nov. 20, 1928 - May 28, 2012 Chapple families by Luzny Family by Luzny Family In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Peace Prayer of St. Francis Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy. Hail our life, our sweetness and our hope! Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace: To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Where there is hatred, let me sow love; In Grateful Memory of Where there is injury, pardon; Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, Where there is doubt, faith; Gerald Frank Grill mourning and weeping in this valley of tears! Turn then O most gracious Advocate, Thine Where there is despair, hope; Bernadette Kutarna, Wife eyes of mercy toward us. And after this, our Where there is darkness, light; exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy Where there is sadness, joy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so Virgin Mary. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. much seek to be consoled as to console, In Grateful Memory of That we may be made worthy of the to be understood as to understand, promises of Christ. to be loved as to love. Lillian E. & Henry A. ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫ For it is in giving that we receive, Kutarna O my Jesus, forgive us our sins It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, by their Children Save us from the fires of hell And it is in dying that we are born to eternal Lead all souls to heaven life. AMEN. Especially those most in need of thy mercy. February 14, 2021 Archdiocese of Regina 6th Sunday in Bulletin Ordinary Time Ash Wednesday and the Distribution of Ashes TF231: Inoculating Truth: The Recently, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Morality of Vaccination - Part Discipline of the Sacraments at the Vatican published a note 2 - Deacon Eric and Dr. Brett detailing how Catholic priests are to distribute ashes in the Salkeld continue to wrestle with midst of the current pandemic and its restrictions: the morality of vaccinations in this part 2 of 2, digging deeper into the • After blessing the ashes and sprinkling them with categories and arguments prevalent holy water in silence, the priest addresses those in recent weeks.
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