1341 Jolin Boardman, late of London-street,- St. Peter Mancroff, and Rope-Mater, and Clerk of St. George's Cliapel afore-^- Norwich, Straw Bonnet-.Manufacturer, Furrifr, Silk- «aid. Mercfii, Haberdasher, Commission Au>ut, wife a Milliner Jolm Wright, late of Wells next the Ssa, Norfolk, Fishe*- and Dress-Maker, at London-street aforesaid. m an, James King;, late of St. Siepnen's-street, St. Stephen, Norwich, James Ryan, late of No. 29,.Queen-street, King's Lynn, Nor- Gardener and Green-Gruci-r, pr.-vioiialy of the Kind's Huad. folk, Ship-Chandler and Dealer in Marine Stores. St. Stephen-street aforesaid, Publican, before that of the James C.'okby, late of Newton St. Faith's, Norfolk, Market- New'City, in'King's-street, Crook's-place, Norwich, Publi- Ganii'ner. can and Gardener. Cenjiimivj Bilha-m, fate of Attlehurgh, previously of Winterton, George Benson, late of Kingston-npon-Hull, Yorkshire, hefore hefore that "lodging in Charlotte street, Great Yarmouth, that of the hamlet of Heigham, Norwich-, Surgical lustru- and formerly of Rolle*by, Norfolk, .Journeyman Car- roent-Maker. penter. - James Linstead, late of Chapel -street, Crook's-place, Saint William Bartell Rackham, late of East Derelumi, Norfolk, Stephen, Maltster and Porter, before ihat of King-street, Attorney at Law and Agent to the' Royal Exchange In- St. Julian. Maltster and Porter, aud previously of King- surance Company. street, St. Gate's, parish of St. Peter, Soulhs^ate, Maltster, John Reynolds, late of Great Cressingham, Norfolk, Baker, Publican, and Porter, all in the city of Norwich. afterwards Farmer and Baker, one of the Orerseers of Great John Hiibbard. late of White Lion-street, St. Peter of Man- Cressirigham aforesaid, and lately a baker on behalf of croft, Norwich, Thatcher, his wife a Millinei and .Straw Brook and Garrod. Bon net-Manufacturer. Robert Syme, late of Church-street, St. Margaret, Kind's John Davy the younger, late of Pbttergate-street, St. Andrew, Lynn, Norfolk, Travelling Tea-Deal*r and Tallyman. Norwich, Printer, Stationer, Bookbinder, aud Copper plate John Harbourd, late of Sou'h Denes: Great Yarmouth, Nor- Printer, previously of same place, in partnership witn Chris- folk, Confectioner and Maker, previously of the Broad-row., topher Rochester Berry, now deceased, formerly residing in Yarmouth-aforesaid, Baker, and formerly of Charlotte-street, Calvert-street, Norwich, carrying on same business at Pot- Yarmouth;' trading in partnership with James Wavling, as- tererale-street, in partnership.as aforesaid, aiid before that a'&onfeciioner and Baker. residing and carrying on business in partnership as afore- Samuel Goode, late lodging in the Tuesday Market-place, pre? said,- in Pottergste-streel aforesaid. viously of King-slrei-t, both in King's Lynn, Norfolk, Lewis Cox, late of Pd'UesonVyard, Magdalen, Norwich, Attorney at Law, and formerly of West Lynn, Norfolk, unemployed, formerly of Sise-corner, North Quay, Grer.t Attorney at Law. Yarmouth, Norfolk, Root and Shoe-Maker, previously of James Carlton, formerly of Great Cressingham, Norfolk, Patteson's-yard, Magdalen-street, Norwich, Boot and Shoe- Tailor, 1 hen of No. 47, Palace-street, Pimlico, Middlesex, Maker, Tailor, and.late of Mundford," Norfolk, Tailor. William Gedge, late of Blofteld, Norfolk, Shopkeeper, Brick- Janes Woolman, lafe of the Jetty-road, Great Yarmouth, layer, Glazier, Farmer, and Licenced lo Sell Beer by Retail, Norfolk, before that lodging in Bethcl-sireer, St. Giles', aff'erwards Bricklayer, Glazier, Fanner, and Licenced to before lodging in St. Lawrence-lane, both in Norwich, Sell Beer by Retail, previously of Hemblington, Norfolk, before Ihat of Bath-place, and previously of Broavi-street Bricklayer, Glazier, and Shopkeeper. Stamford, Lincolnshire, Piano-Forte Teacher and Mu- William Brett, late of Magdalen-street, St. Clement, Norwich, sician. Journeyman Bricklayer, previously of the Flickered Bull- James Waylinsr, late of St. George's-street, Yarmouth, Nor- yard, Ber street, St..Michael at Thorn, Norwich, Journey- folk, Baker and Confectioner, previously- of Broad-ro'.v, man 'Bricklayer. Yarmouth, Baser, before that of the Wheel of Foriune-roiv, George Casper, late lodging.in Shillings-buildings;- near Mag- Yarmouth, Baker, and formerly of Charlotte street, Yar- dalen-gates, Norwich, out of business, previously of London- luouthy trading in partnership with-John Harbuurd, as street, Jeweller and Watch-Maker, same time residing in Baker and Confectioner; Cockey-lane, both in Norwich, before ihat in same business ja Cockey-lane afore-aid, before that of. Pottergate-street,. opposite the Exchange Wine Vaults, Norwich, same busi- At the Court-House, at Dolgelly,, in the County ness, and formerly of St. Andrew's-hill, Norwich, same of Merioneth, on the 26th day oi July 1839,, at business. Ten o'clock in the Forenoon. John Plummer the younger, late of Horsford, .Norfolk, Batcher. Ellis Pnsrh, late of Dolgelley, in the county of Merioneth, John Robinson, late of Cowgate-street, St. Paul, previously Nurseryman and Seedsman, and formerly carrying on busi- lodging at St. Paul's- Tav.ern, Cowgate-street, St. Paul's, ness in the tnwn oSMachynlletb, in the county of Mont- formerly of Magdalenrstreet, St. Paul's aforesaid, all in Nor- gomery, as a Gardener, Nurseryman, and Seedsman. wich, Carpenter and Builder. John Beevor, late of Queen-street, previously of Chapel-street,, botli in Crook's-place, Norwich, and formerly of Thorpe, At the Court-House, at Welch Pool, in the County next Nor.vich, Boot and Shoe-Maker. of Montgomery, on the 29th day of July 1839., at John Copland, late of Lower Westwick-street, St. Lawrence, Ten o'Ciock in the Forenoon. Norwich, Cordvvainer. Mary Hillings,' late of .Llanidloes, in- the county of Mont- Henry Springall, late of Hetherset, Norfolk, Labourer. gomery, Flannel Manufacturer. James Wright, late of Scales-green, parish of St. Michael at Thnrn, before that of Common Pump-street, St. Peter per Monntergate, before that of Rampant Horse-street, Saint At the Court-House, at Hertford, in the County S-irphen's, and before that of King-street, Crook's-place, in of'Hertford, on the 25th, day of July 1839;' at said parish of St. Stephen, and before that of- the Shuulden of Mutton, in St. Stephen's-street, parish of St. Stephen, all Ten o'Ciock in the Forenoon. in Norwich, Journeyman Tailor. William Wells, formerly of Benson, otherwise Bensington, county of Oxford, Builder, Carpenter, and Wheeler, and Beer-Shopkeeper and Dealer in Tobacco, afterwards of the At the Court- House,, at Norwich Castle, in the County Sun Public house, in Benson aforesaid, then of Wheat- of Norfolk, on the 26th day of July 1839, at hamstead, in the county of Hertford, out of business, aad Ten o'clock in the Forenoon. lastly of St. Alhaii's, in HerUorcistihe, Journeyman. Car- penter and Builder. James Larn, formerly of No. 87, Row, Great Yarmouth, William Munt the younger, late of Weston, in the county of Norfolk, Flour and Pollard-Seller and Carter, and hvie of Herf.ord, l-arrier and Hay-Binder and Dealer. Charloue-street, Great Yarmouth aforesaid-, Flour and Henry Ki'n^sley, late of Bishop Storiford, in the county of Pollard-Seller, Corn-Cnandler, Grocer, and Carter. Hertford, Assistant to Joseph Heath the younger, Draper, William Hammond, late of Diss, Norfolk, Boot and Shoe- Gsocer, and- Dealer, previously of Enfield, in tiie county of Maker. Middlesex, Tailor, trading under the name of Kingsley and Benjamin Weleh, late of the Duncan Head-row, Great Yar- Co., arid part of the time whilst at Enlield, also being at mouth, Clerk to St. George's Chapel, Yarmouth, and pre- Tottenham, in the same county, Tailor and Licenced . viously of the Dciies, Yarmouth aforesaid, Fish-Merchant Hawker, and formerly of- Bishop.Stortford, aforesaid, in co^-.
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