*****************ECRWSS**** PRSRT STD U.S.POSTAGE The Local PAID Postal Customer KOHLER, WI 53044 KoKohhlelerr PERMIT NO. 6 VillagerVillager219 Church St., Kohler, WI 53044 FREE Published Monthly In Kohler, WI 53044 DECEMBER, 2011 Volume 7, Number 5 School’s strategic Foundation plan emerges from grants $79,000 community advisory to school As a result of generous giving In addition to technology and by the Kohler community, the classroom academic experiences, groups Kohler School Foundation was the grant provides funding for an able to grant $79,100 to Kohler experience beyond technology and Schools to be used for district en- books. As a result of the contribu- Community input needed next hancements. tions to the Foundation, the district “Our ability to make such a sig- is now able to offer a comprehen- By Marty Lexmond, District thinkers and ethical and innovative nity and Culture nificant contribution to the school sive high school leadership devel- Administrator for Kohler Schools leaders for a complex, global envi- • Create a Technology-enabled is a direct result of the generous opment program. It is intended to During the 2010-2011 school ronment. Learning Environment giving by our community, local provide an experience which year, a number of community ad- Kohler Schools Mission On December 15, 2011 and businesses, parents, and faculty. builds a sense of cohesion and visory groups formed to provide Every day at Kohler Schools we again on January 17, 2012 parents Events like our annual Fall Follies team within each high school advi- detailed input on setting the direc- inspire inquiry; engage hearts, and members of the community are not only community building, sory group. This program is done tion for Kohler Schools. These ad- minds, and bodies; and provide are invited to an input session to but help to raise money that feeds outside of the classroom, and is de- visory groups focused on supports which ensure all students review the strategic areas and re- our Annual Fund and goes directly signed to be adventurous, challeng- achievement and growth for all are college-ready. lated goals. Participants will be back to the students and faculty of ing, and hands-on experiential students, creating a 21st century On Saturday, November 12th, asked to share thoughts about how Kohler Schools,” stated Kohler learning. The initiative is unique to vision of education for our school, the Board met to draft the strategic to best move the school system to- School Foundation president, Nina any offered in Sheboygan County developing a robust technology areas focusing on the next five ward its goals and new vision. Kohler. for high school students. Similar plan, and developing a new vision years. School staff members pro- Please join Kohler Schools on De- This year’s funding will be di- adventure leadership development for our special education services. vided feedback on the strategy cember 15, 2011 or January 17, rected toward improvements in programs are sometimes found in The recommendations from statements on November 18. The 2012 at 7:00 pm. The meetings technology for the entire school’s elite private schools and graduate these advisory groups were used to proposed strategy statements are: will take place in the band room. use which will include two iPad programs. The Foundation is ex- develop and adopt new mission • Maximize Achievement and Kohler School District appreci- mobile labs consisting of twenty- cited to be a part of developing the and vision statements. The new Growth for Each Student ates all the community members five units each. Designed to work student as a whole and to help its mission and vision language are • Create Curriculum and Instruc- and advisory groups. The work of hand in hand with the recent up- future graduates learn to be great aligned with the development of tion that is Inclusive, Engaging, these groups provides a strong grade that made the entire school leaders, team players and creative- the new strategic plan. Collaborative, and Mobile foundation for the development of wirelessly capable, each of these thinkers. Kohler Schools Vision • Attract, Support and Retain the strategic plan. portable labs can be used by The Kohler School Foundation Kohler Schools will be recog- Highly Effective Staff classes in their rooms, then would like to thank its donors, who nized for preparing 21st century • Build a Positive School Commu- wheeled down the hall for a differ- have been the source of these sig- ent project in the next classroom. nificant improvements to the dis- The grant also funds twenty-five trict. For more information on the laptops for the school library that Foundation or to make a contribu- Changes in Village garbage students can check out and use for tion, please visit www.kohler- collection procedures projects. schoolfoundation.org. As reported in the November Kohler Resident so they can direct charged to the resident for both the issue of The Kohler Villager, the you to the correct dumpster. pick-up and disposal. Alterna- Village’s previous waste collection Container weight limit tively, you may take your Freon provider, Larry’s Hauling, was ac- There is a 50 lb. limit on each containing appliance directly to quired by Veolia Environmental yard waste and garbage container. Sheboygan Scrap Metals at no Services. Veolia began collecting If the 50 lb. limit is exceeded, Ve- charge. The business is located at waste in the Village immediately olia will tag the container and not 2801 North 21st Street in Sheboy- on November 1, 2011. Residents remove the rubbish. gan, or call 920-452-1894. When should make note of a few minor purchasing a new appliance, resi- changes. Freon containing appliances If you need to dispose of a dents are encouraged to inquire Yard Waste about the removal of the old appli- Yard waste will continue to be Freon containing appliances ance. picked up on Tuesdays, but if there (freezers, refrigerators, dehumidi- is an excessive amount, residents fiers, or air conditioners), you will Christmas trees should take it to Veolia (located at need to call Veolia directly at 920- Christmas trees are considered 458-6030 to arrange a pickup garbage per Veolia and will be 2905 Paine Ave. in Sheboygan), Kohler School Foundation’s Fall Follies attendees kick off the live auction by winning the where you should let the staff (every third Wednesday of each picked up with the regular garbage “Raise your flag for a week at the school” item. know that you are a Village of month). There will be a fee on Tuesdays. 2 DECEMBER, 2011 = KOHLER VILLAGER KOHLERVILLAGER.COM KPAL seeks Call 920.457.WOOF to schedule your next new members appointment. (Weekends available) Kohler Police Athletic Associ- youth are encouraged to attend the ation (KPAL) is seeking new December 14 KPAL meeting at the 3513 S. 32nd Street, Sheboygan, WI 53081 920.457.WOOF (9663) members. KPAL is dedicated to fire house beginning at 7:00 p.m. www.centralbarkusa.com youth sports in the Village of Lunch, soda and beer will be Kohler, annually donating more served. Current members also plan than $14,000 to Village and school to bring a guest to the meeting. For youth sports, and Girl Scouts and more information, call Robert Boy Scouts programs. Anyone in- Hiers at 467-6673, Dan Borowski terested in being part of the com- at 452-2583, or Bill Kunst at 452- munity by supporting Village 5482. FALLS HIROPRACTIC C Below is a partial list of conditions that may readily respond to chiropractic care = Neck Pain = Sciatica = Back Pain = Auto Injuries = Headaches = Work Injuries = Extremity Pain = Sport Injuries = Ear Infections = Colic = Tingling/Numbness = And Many Other = Carpal Tunnel Conditions Syndrome Most Insurances Accepted We are the IN Network provider located closest to Kohler Co. Monday-Friday MAKE THE 920.467.6281 by appointment SEASON BRIGHT FALLS CHIROPRACTIC The Shops at Woodlake Brett Egelseer, DC 260 Fond du Lac Ave., Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085 Kohler are sparkling with unique gifts for that special someone. Village Board and HOLIDAY CUSTOMER School Board seats SERVICE CENTER Complimentary gift-wrapping up for grabs in 2012 for all your purchases from The Shops at Woodlake. Located next to Scentualities. spring election Open through December 24 Daily 11am–6pm Three Village Board Trustees Jane Bishop and John Suralik. A Christmas Eve 11am–4pm and two School Board members Campaign Registration Statement will seek re-election in the 2012 and a Declaration of Candidacy, spring election. must be filed no later than 4:00 MOVERS & SHAKERS Up for election on the Village p.m. on Tuesday, January 3, 2012, KIDS TOYS board are Brett Edgerle, John in the Kohler School District office Kids can drop off their letters to Pethan, and John Renzelmann. located at 333 Upper Road, Anyone interested in challenging Kohler, between the hours of 8:00 Santa in our North Pole mailbox the incumbents for the three Vil- a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Monday through December 24. lage Board Trustee seats may pick through Friday. The paperwork Visit with Santa up nomination papers at the Vil- should be mailed to the address December 3, 10 & 17 Noon–2pm lage offices during regular busi- noted above or filed personally ness hours, or online at with the Kohler Schools District www.gab.wi.gov. Nomination pa- Clerk, Diane Kelly, or Deputy HOLIDAY SHOPPING HOURS* pers may not be circulated until Clerk, Mr. Martin Lexmond. If Monday–Friday 10am–6pm Thursday, December 1, 2011, and nomination papers are required, Saturday 10am–5pm are due on Tuesday, January 3, the first day to circulate them is Sunday Noon–5pm 2012, at 5:00 pm. If a spring pri- December 1, 2011, and the final Christmas Eve 10am–4pm mary is necessary, it will be held day for filing nomination papers is Some stores open additional hours.
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