2015 ~ 2016 DeWitt Smith Jobe Award Winner Vol. III Issue 5 Official Publication of the Georgia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans March/April, 2017 Early Beginnings: Confederate Memorial Day in Georgia: April 26th 26 April 1866, Columbus Georgia “Mrs. Williams [widow of Col. Charles Williams, d.1862] and her little In 1874, the Georgia General Association was organized, and on girl visited his grave every day, and often comforted themselves by Assembly approved legislation April 26, 1866, the association wreathing it with flowers.” Confederate Veteran 1 (May 1893): 149. adding as a new public holiday held a Confederate memorial ob- “So in March 1866, [Mrs. Williams] published an appeal for the people "The 26th day of April in each year servance at Oakland Cemetery. of the South to join in setting apart a certain day ‘to be handed down - commonly known as Memorial through time as a religious custom of the South to wreathe the graves of Day." our martyred dead with flowers,’ and she proposed the 26th of April as April 26 marks the anniversary the day.” Confederate Veteran 22 (May 1914): of the end of the Civil War for 194a Georgia, for it was on this day in “To the State of Georgia belongs the credit of having inaugurated what has since become the universal custom of decorating annually the graves 1865 that Confederate General Jo- of the heroic dead. The initial ceremonies which ushered Memorial Day seph E. Johnston's surrender to into life were held in Linnwood[sic] Cemetery, at Columbus, on April 26, General William T. Sherman at 1866; and the patriotic Southern woman in whose loyal heart the idea first Durham Station, North Carolina took definite form was Miss Lizzie Rutherford, afterwards Mrs. Roswell became official. Johnston had been Lion of the Confederacy: Ellis, the wife of a gallant ex-Confederate officer. .” in charge of Georgia's defense, so Oakland Cemetery “For a long period of time there waged in the public prints a controver- this day marked the end of the war The Confederate section of Oak- sy between enthusiastic partisans respecting the true parentage of the Me- for Georgia. land is home to an estimated 6,900 morial Day idea; but the issue has at length happily been settled [in Mrs. Exactly when Georgians began burials, of which about 3,000 are Ellis’s favor].” commemorating April 26 as Me- unknown. During the Civil War, Lucian Lamar Knight, Georgia’s Landmarks, Memorials and Legends, morial Day is unclear, but the lan- Atlanta was a major transportation 2 vols. (Atlanta, Ga.: The Byrd Printing Co., 1914), I: 156-166, quotes guage of the 1874 act clearly rec- and medical center for the South- from 156, 157. ognizes that April 26 was already ern states. Since several of the larg- See Also: being celebrated as an unofficial est military hospitals in the area A History of the Origin of Memorial Day as Adopted by the Ladies’ Me- holiday. The day of observance were within a half mile (800 m) morial Association of Columbus, Georgia (Columbus, Ga.: Thos. Gilbert, may trace to the women of Colum- from Oakland, many soldiers who 1898). bus, Georgia, who on April 12, died from their wounds were bur- W. Avery, The History of the State of 1866 organized a memorial associ- ied here. Shortly after the war end- Georgia from 1850 to 1881 (New ed, a few thousand fallen soldiers York: Brown & Derby, 1881), 242. ation and began a campaign to from the Atlanta Campaign who have a special day for "paying hon- were previously buried in battle- Source: The Center for Civil [sic] or to those who died defending the ground graves were moved to the War Research life, honor and happiness of the Southern women." Three days lat- Confederate grounds in Oakland. er, the Atlanta Ladies' Memorial The Charge Inside this issue: to the Georgia Division COMMANDER’S 3 To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindi- REPORT cation of the cause for which we fought; to your strength will COLOR PHOTOS 2, 13, be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, 16, 27 the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, DIVISION NEWS 5—11 the perpetuation of those principles he loved and which made CAMP DIRECTORY 20 –24 him glorious and which you also cherish. CAMP NEWS 25, 26 Remember, it is your duty to see that the true history of the Permit # 80002 # Permit NON PROFIT ORG PROFIT NON Trion, GA 30753 GA Trion, HISTORY: POLLARD 14, 15 U.S. POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE U.S. South is presented to future generations. Page 2 The Georgia Confederate March/April, 2017 ☝ L. Welcome the Georgia Division newest Division Cadets Joseph and John Buggay, sworn in by Division Adj. Tim Pilgrim. ☝ Compatriot Ben Creech “loads” his musket for a memorial salute near Augus- ☝Above,[R] Compatriot Robert McKemie joins the Kennesaw Battlefield Camp # 700, sworn in by Camp Cmdr. Tim Pilgrim. ta. ☝ Haralson Invincibles Camp 673, Commander Billy Bearden [R] re- ceives the 2017 Confederate Heritage and History Month Proclamation from Haralson County Commission Chairman Allan Poole, on behalf of the Haralson County Board of Commissioners, accompanied by Richard Boarts [L]& Nathan Forrister [2nd from L]. Lest we ☝ Compatriots Sam Pyle,Jimmy Riggs, Darrell Smith, Carter Clay,Donald Penhale, forget Chuck Mulkey, and Bill Maddox placing the Confederate cross of honor at the grave of Lt Robert Houseworth Co F 7th Ga Info in the Carrollton city cemetery. McDaniel-Curtis Camp#165,Carrollton ☞ Carl Tommy Miller, Camp 1914 Gen. Am- brose Wright and Beautiful South- ern Belle Rachel Holland at Stone Mountain Con- federate Memori- al 1April2017. ☜ Saturday, April 1, members from the Yancey Independents and the Jeff Davis Cowboys Camp joined the Boy Scouts Pack 875 to help clean up Jeff Davis Historic Site Park Area in Irwinville. Photo courtesy of Shannon T. Bynum. Sent in by Bo Slack Camp Commander, Yancey Independents. March/April, 2017 The Georgia Confederate Page 3 Commander's Report. September pending confirmation rick’s Day Parade in Dublin, Ire- of availability. land several years ago, and being a Fellow Compatriots of the descendant of a first generation Georgia Division: The major business item dis- Irish-American Confederate, I was cussed was my previous call at the curious to see how Savannah The year continues to be busy January EC meeting for an audit. would compare. We were not dis- for the Division, and our leader- At the time I appointed an Audit appointed! ship team. I have been privileged Oversight Committee consisting of to be able to visit with several local Compatriots Lee Mize, Sam Stacy, The SCV contingent was orga- Camps in my home area over the and Richard Straut. Chairman nized and lead by Commander past weeks, and I have been in- Mize and Compatriot Stacy are Don Newman of the Savannah volved in working with several CPA’s, while Cmdr. Straut is an Militia Camp #1657. Despite some Compatriots that are working to active officer in a number of non- very serious and very recent sur- start new Camps, or in some cases, profit and professional organiza- gery, Don was there. There is no revive previously existing Camps. tions. My call for an audit is based doubt that our contingent was one We need as many Camps as we on authority granted to the Divi- of the top two or three most popu- can form, but we must form sion Commander in Art. X, Sec. 6 lar entries in the parade. Walking healthy Camps that will work in of the Georgia Division Bylaws. up front just behind the banner, I the community and get involved in saw thousands and thousands of public activities. If you have a sug- We have not had an audit in a people cheer as our flag passed by. gestion for potential areas that will number of years and I feel that it is I am proud that only a few frowns support a new or revived Camp, important to re-establish the prac- and several “you’re number 1” duty and all will be right. Put out please feel free to contact me di- tice of having one at a minimum of signs were spotted out of an audi- the flags on the graves. If they go rectly and we will work out a plan every four to five years. There was ence estimated at half a million missing, put up more, and put to make it happen. discussion about our current prac- people. I also have to recognize the them up as many times as you tice of having an annual “review” members of our uniform contin- have to in order to ensure that three weeks prior to each conven- gent that came from South Caroli- I am very happy to report that proper honor is done. our first ever Division Chaplains tion. It is my position that this pro- na, and Florida to be with us. God Conference was a great success. cess is what it says, a “review” and bless the Carolinians, and the Flo- Division Chaplain Jack Wray not an “audit.” The audit to be ridians. Camps, get your delegates reg- worked very hard on putting this done later this year will be an Ap- istered for the reunion. We have event together. He will be submit- plied Procedures Audit. Meaning Men of the 5th, 6th, and 7th Bri- much business to cover including a ting a report so I will only mention that we will tell the auditors what gades, I have a challenge for you.
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