1 INTRODUCTION TO WATER CONTROL IN NORWEGIAN TUNNELLING Eivind Grøv O. T. Blindheim AS ABSTRACT: The rock mass is a significant barrier in itself. However, it is a discontinuous media, and its hydraulic characteristics may vary widely, from impervious sound rocks to highly conductive zones. Based on environmental sensitivity analysis, water control should be applied to avoid negative impacts caused by tunnelling. A standard procedure in Norwegian tunnelling is to perform pre-grouting of the rock mass to obtain the required tightness. This procedure has been developed from the early metro tunnels in the city of Oslo, through unlined, high pressure water tunnels for hydro power projects, underground oil and gas storage and sub-sea rock tunnels, to the current urban tunnelling. This introduction lists the various reasons for such water control, and provides an overview over the cost effective tunnelling developed in Norway during the last decades. The other articles in this publi- cation will further detail these aspects. 1 INTRODUCTION AND The following elements have been important for this BACKGROUND development: Norway extends some 2100 km from its southern tip to the far north-east corner. Mountains and valleys, deep • pre-grouting of the rock mass to achieve water control, fjords in the west, and a widely spread population pre- • utilising the self-supporting capacity of the rock mass, sent numerous challenges for infrastructure constructi- • establishing drained support structures. on. It has been important to establish a tunnelling tech- nology that enabled the development of a modern infra- The rock mass itself is often an excellent barrier, having structure with such extremes to be overcome. On the a significant capacity with regard to its tightness cha- other hand, our climate and topography provides a great racteristics, but owing to its nature, it is not homogenous potential for hydropower development. The hydropower and its characteristics can vary greatly. construction required an extensive use of tunnels and underground caverns and contributed to the develop- The allowable amount of water inflow to a tunnel is in ment of this tunnelling concept. In the 1970’es the oil some cases governed by practical limitations related to and gas era in Norway began, and underground faciliti- the excavation process and pumping capacity, which es were used for transport and storage of hydrocarbon may result in a draw down of the groundwater level. A products. Norwegian tunnelling can be characterised by commonly used figure in Norwegian sub-sea road tun- cost effectiveness, flexibility to adapt to changing nels (where the water supply is infinite!) is a maximum ground conditions, safe internal environment for the inflow to the tunnel of 30 litres per minute and 100 users, and preservation of the external environment. meter, see Blindheim et al. (2001b). 7 NORWEGIAN TUNNELING SOCIETY PUBLICATION NO. 12 Requirements to the surrounding environment may unlined underground storage facilities. A disadvantage restrict a draw down to take place. This is applicable in is the risk that tunnelling activities may disturb the urban areas to avoid settlement of buildings, and where groundwater situation, thus imposing the potential of restrictions on groundwater impacts due to environmen- adverse impact on surface structures and bio-types. tal protection are required. Projects have been realised Norwegian rocks are in practical terms impervious with where the allowable inflow was in the range of 2-10 permeability (k) in the range of 10-11 or 10-12 m/sec. litres per minute and 100 meter, see Davik et al. (2001). Individual joints may have a permeability (k) in the The primary objective is to employ methods that aim at range of 10-5 to 10-6 m/sec. The rock mass is conse- making the tunnel tight enough for its purpose. quently a typical jointed aquifer where water moves in the most permeable discontinuities or in channels along Another aspect, which is typical in Norwegian tunnel- them. The permeability of such rock mass consisting of ling, is that of decision making close to the tunnelling competent rock and joints may typically be in the range activity, and to include the competence of the tunnelling of 10-8 m/sec. This implies that the most conductive crew in this process. A trustful co-operation between the zones in the rock mass must be identified and treated. contractor and the owner is needed, see Blindheim et al. An appropriate solution must be determined to deal with (2001a). Based on predefined procedures for rock sup- such zones to prevent the tunnel from causing a lowered port and rock mass grouting, the tunnelling crew is aut- groundwater table. horised to implement the design according to the rock mass conditions encountered. Contract practice in Norway has mainly been based on risk sharing through an extensive use of unit rates for different materials and activities. 2 PURPOSE OF GROUNDWATER CONTROL IN TUNNELLING Why make the tunnel or the underground opening a dry one? The answer may be threefold: * Prevent an adverse internal environment. For various reasons tunnels and underground openings are subject to - strict requirements to obtain a safe and dry inter- nal environment. In many cases such requirements do not allow water appearing on internal walls or the roof in the tunnel. * Prevent unacceptable impact on the external, surroun- ding environment. Tunnelling introduces the risk of imposing adverse impacts to the surrounding environ- ment by lowering the groundwater table, which may cause settlements of buildings and other surface struc- tures in urban areas and disturb the bio-types, natural lakes and ponds in recreational areas. CONTROL OF GROUT MIX. * Maintain hydrodynamic containment. The concept of unlined underground openings is used for such purpo- ses as oil and gas storage, cold storage, tunnels and 4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE caverns for pressurised air, nuclear waste repository, TUNNELLING and other industrialised disposals. “Watertight tunnel- ling” in this context is to provide a containment to pre- 4.1 Groundwater control vent leakage of stored products. During recent years, analyses aiming at identifying the vulnerability and sensitivity of the surroundings have 3 NORWEGIAN HYDROGEOLOG- been introduced, particularly focusing on local bio- ICAL CONDITIONS types in combination with water balance studies, see Grepstad (2001), and also Kveldsvik et al. (2001). In Norway the hydrogeological situation is dominated Johansen (2001) reports that numerical modelling of by a high groundwater level. An advantage of this is that groundwater fluctuations has become a valuable tool for it provides a natural hydraulic gradient acting towards such analysis together with traditional empirical formu- underground openings. This allows for the utilisation of las. Empirical formulas for analysis of ground settle- 8 PUBLICATION NO. 12 NORWEGIAN TUNNELING SOCIETY ments and potential damage on surface structures are also available, according to Karlsrud (2001). These are all important aspects to be considered for the determi- nation of the maximum acceptable level of water inflow to the tunnel. Water control can be achieved by the use of probe-dril- ling ahead of the face followed by pre-grouting of the Figure 1. Typical probing and pregrouting setting. rock mass, see Garshol (2001). The primary purpose of a pre-grouting scheme is to establish an impervious Another typical way of assuring groundwater control is by zone around the tunnel periphery by reducing the per- artificial, pressurised water injection or infiltration in the meability of the most conductive features in the rock ground through so called water curtains adjacent to the mass. The impervious zone ensures that the full hydro- underground openings. This method is commonly applied static pressure is distanced from the tunnel periphery to for hydrocarbon storage and for unlined air cushion cham- the outskirts of the pre-grouted zone. The water pressu- bers in hydropower schemes, see Broch (2001a). Through re is gradually reduced through the grouted zone, and such arrangements a groundwater gradient acting towards the water pressure acting on the tunnel contour and the the opening is maintained as the enhanced groundwater tunnel lining can be close to nil. In addition, pre-grou- pressure is greater then the internal pressure in the ting will have the effect of improving the stability situ- caverns. The stored product is thus provided a hydro- ation in the grouted zone, also an important momentum, dynamically created containment in an unlined storage see Roald et al. (2001). facility. Water injection may also be applied to restore an accidently reduced groundwater level. Pre-defined grouting criteria will govern the progress of the tunnelling works, as descried in many of the articles in this publication. The tunnel will not be allowed to advan- ce until these criteria have been met, which includes that more than one grouting round may be needed. In areas highly sensitive to groundwater fluctuations probe-drilling and pre-grouting may be executed continuously along with the tunnel advance, e.g. such as every 20 to 30 m and with a specified overlap between each round according to project specific requirements. A pre-grouting round may typically include some 10 to 30 holes, drilled in a specifi- ed pattern to create a trumpet shaped barrier in the rock mass, see Figures 1 and 2. The length of grout holes may vary from 15 to 35 m with an overlap of 6 to 10 m betwe- en each grouting round, if continuous grouting is required. Figure 2. View of pregrouted zone. The pre-grouting scheme must cover the complete 360 degrees of a tunnel and include regulations for control holes and success criteria for the grouting work. Pre-grou- The groundwater has seasonal changes as well as cyclic ting is by far the preferable method to post-grouting. Post- changes over several years. Consequently, it is necessa- grouting is often an intricate, time consuming and costly ry to define the level of acceptable inflow to a tunnel, process and the result of post-grouting schemes may be the level at which the water balance has to be restored.
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