GC34-2172-3 Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) and ISPF/Program Development Facility What's New in ISPF? Version 2 Release 3 MVS Version 2 Release 2 VM/SP I , . .. GC34-2172-3 Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) and ISPF/Program Development Facility What's New in iSPF? Version 2 Release 3 MVS Version 2 Reiease 2 VM/SP I Fourth Edition (July 1987) This edition applies to Version 2 Release 3, of the program products Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) ^ (5665-319), and Interactive System Productivity Facility/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF) (5665-317), and to all subsequent releases and modifications of both until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. In the 370 environment, they are for use with with MVS/SP Version 1.3.5 or later. In the Extended Architecture (XA) environment, they are for use with MVS/SP Version 2.1.2 or later. This edition also applies to Version 2 Release 2 of the program products Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) (5664-282), and Interactive System Productivity Facility/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF) (5664-285), and to all subsequent releases and modifications of both until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. They are for use with VM/SP Release 3. With Double-Byte Character Support (DECS), they are for use with VM/SP Release 4. Changes are made periodically to the information herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM Systeml370 and 4300 Processors Bibliography, GC20-0001, for the editions that are applicable and current. Changes or additions to the text are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change. References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM program product in this document is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's program product can be used. Any functionally equivalent program can be used instead. Publications are not stocked at the address given below. Requests for IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments can be addressed to IBM Corporation, Information Programming Services, Dept. TF2, P. 0. Box 60000, Gary, NO, U.S.A. 27511. IBM may use or distribute whatever information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. ^ ' (c) Cop5ndght International Business Machines Corporation 1984, 1985, 1987 Preface The Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) and the ISPF/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF or PDF) are related IBM program products. Together, they are designed to help improve user productivity in the development ofapplications. Also, they contain special functions for the development and use ofinteractive applications, called dialogs. Specifically: ISPF is a dialog manager for interactive applications. It provides control and services for execution of dialogs in the MVS and VM/SP environments. PDF is a facility that can aid in the development of dialogs and other types ofapplications. It makes use ofdisplay terminals and an interactive environment to help with many programming tasks. This manual provides information about the improvements and enhancements that have been made to the Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF), program numbers 5664-282 (VM) and 5665-319 (MVS), and the ISPF Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF), program numbers 5664-285 (VM) and 5665-317 (MVS). For VM users, these features are contained in Version 2 Release 2 of ISPF and PDF. For MVS users, these features are contained in Version 2 Release 3 of these products. This edition of the manual has been restructured into the following chapters: 1. ISPF Dialog Manager Version 2 Release 3 describes the enhancements and improvements to the ISPF Program Product Version 2 Release 3 for MVS environments. 2. ISPF Program Development Facility Version 2Release 3 describes the enhancements and improvements to the ISPF/PDF Version 2 Release 3 Program Product for MVS environments. 3. ISPF Dialog Manager Version 2 Release 2 describes the enhancements and improvements to the ISPF Program Product Version 2 Release 2 for VM and MVS environments. 4. ISPF Program Development Facility Version 2Release 2 describes the enhancements and improvements to the ISPF/PDF Version 2 Release 2 Program Product for VM and MVS environments. 5. ISPF and ISPF/PDF Version 2 Publications describes all the publications available with ISPF and ISPF/PDF Version 2Release 2for VM/SP and MVS and Version 2Release 3 for MVS. For VM/SP, the ISPF andISPF/PDF Version 2 Release 2 publications have been revised Preface 111 and reorganized to help you find the information you need more easily. Similarly, for MVS, the ISPF and ISPF/PDF Version 2 Release 3 publications have been revised and reorganized to make information more easily accessible. For both VM/SP and MVS, a Primer and Reference Cards have been added. 6. ISPF on the PC describes three products available for the PC. This manual is intended for: • New or prospective users who are unfamiliar with ISPF and ISPF/PDF ^ • VM and MVS users familiar with Version 1 of ISPF and ISPF/PDF • MVS users familiar with Version 2 Release 2 ofISPF and ISPF/PDF • Personal Computer users The following reading is suggested to learn all the features of ISPF and ISPF/PDF. New or prospective users who are not familiar with ISPF should first read ISPF General Information, Version 1, GC34-2078 to obtain information about Version 1ofISPF and ISPF/PDF. Next, read Chapters 1through 5or Chapters 3 through 5, depending on whether you are an MVS or VM user of ISPF and ISPF/PDF. VM/SP users ofISPF andISPF/PDF Version 1 should read Chapters 3 through 5 to obtain information about the current version and release of ISPF and PDF for VM environments. MVS users ofISPF and ISPF/PDF Version 1 should read Chapters 1 through 5 to obtain information about the current version and release of ISPF and PDF for MVS environments. MVS users who currently have ISPF and ISPF/PDF Version 2 Release 2 installed need only read Chapters 1 and 2 to learn about ISPF and ISPF/PDF Version 2 Release 3. Personal Computer users shouldread Chapter6 for the latest information on the ISPF and ISPF/PDF products for the PC. The origin, purpose, and design of these products are documented in the IBMSystems Journal, Volume 20, Number 4. Areprintis available, form niunber G321-5155. The origin, purpose, and design of the dialog test functions are documented in the IBMSystems Journal, Volume 22, Number 3. A reprint is available, form number G321-5194. IV What's New in ISPF? The new, updated publications for ISPF and ISPF/PDF Version 2 Release 2 for VM are: General Information, GC34-4036 Primer, SC34-4017 Installation and Customization, SC34-4015 Dialog Management Guide, SC34-4009 Dialog Management Services and Examples, SC34-4010 PDF Guide, SC34-4011 PDF Services, SC34-4012 PDF Library Management, SC34-4013 PDF Edit Macros, SC34-4014 ISPF Reference Summary, SC34-4101 ISPFIPDF Reference Card, SC34-4065 ISPFfPDF Edit Macro Command Summary, SC34-4064 ISPF Licensed Program Specification, GC34-4034 ISPFfPDF Licensed Program Specification, GC34-4035 The new, updated publications for ISPF and ISPF/PDF Version 2 Release 3 for MVS are: General Information, GC34-4116 Installation and Customization, SC34-41I7 Dialog Management Guide, SC34-4112 Dialog Management Services Examples, SC34-4113 Dialog Management Reference Card, SC34-4124 PDF Guide, SC34-4118 PDF Services, SC34-4119 PDF Reference Card, SC34-4125 PDF Edit and Edit Macros, SC34-4121 PDF Edit Macro Command Summary, SC34-4126 PDF Library Management, SC34-4120 ISPF and PDF Primer, SC34-4122 ISPF Licensed Program Specification, GC34-4114 ISPFfPDF Licensed Program Specification, GC34-4115 The following publications are applicable to both VM/SP and MVS environments: • Whatfs New in ISPF, GC34-2172 • ISPF and ISPFfPDF: Presentation Guide, G320-6506 • ISPFfPDF Library Management Facility: Presentation Guide, G320-0740 All of the above publications are described in Chapter 5. Preface V Contents Chapter 1. ISPF Dialog Manager Version 2 Release 3 Service-related Changes Dynamically Building a Table for TBDISPL Service Conditional Invocation of SETMSG Service LIST Service New LIST Option on the VDEFINE Service MODE Keyword on SELECT Service Performance Enhancement for TBADD Service 2 New VERASE Service ^ Using Interactive Services in a Batch Environment 2 Panel Language-related Changes ^ )ATTR Section Additions: 2 ELSE Panel Logic Statement 2 Additional Comparison Operators 2 Extended Numeric Keyword on the VERIFY Statement 3 Length Keyword on the VERIFY Statement 3 VGET Statement in Panel Logic ^ Command-related Changes ^ Assigning Command Aliases ofMore Than One Word 3 ENVIRON Command ^ New LOG and LIST Commands ^ New PRINTG Command for Printing Panel Graphic Areas 4 New RETRIEVE Command for Simplifying Command Entry 4 National Language-related Changes Specifying National Language Default 4 KANA Keyword for Message Definitions 4 Additional National Language Supported 5 Exit-related Changes CLIST Attention Exits Supported ^ Panel Exit for Extending Panel Logic . 5 Support for Installation-written Exits 5 Environment and Performance-related Changes 6 ISPF Return Code
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