A CRL Board of Directors Midwinter Meeting 1963 BRIEF OF MINUTES of the nominees appears elsewhere in this January 30 issue. Present: President Katharine M. Stokes; On a motion by Jay Lucker the board Vice President and President-elect Neal R. voted to approve a petition to organize a Harlow; Past President Ralph E. Ellsworth; Slavic and East European Subsection in the directors-at-large, Jack E. Brown, Andrew J. Subject Specialists Section. It was voted to Eaton, Flora Belle Ludington, Lucile M. approve the Bylaws of the Junior College Morsch; directors on ALA Council, Helen Lib~aries Section, following a motion by M. Brown, Dorothy M. Drake, James Hum­ Lucile Morsch. On motions by Mr. Harlow phry, III, Russell Shank, Mrs. Margaret K. and Miss Ludington the board voted to Spangler; chairmen of Sections, Charles M. terminate the Burma Projects Committee Adams, H. Richard Archer, Virginia Clark, and the Library 21 Committee, respectively. David Kaser, Jay K. Lucker, Reta E. King Discussion of matters involved in imple­ (representing Felix E. Hirsch); vice chairmen menting the report of the Special Committee of Sections, Dale M. Bentz, Wrayton E. Gard­ on ACRL Program led the group to consider ner, Eli M. Oboler; past chairmen of Sec­ at some length the entire question of re­ tions, Helen Wahoski, James 0. Wallace, cruiting members for ALA and its divisions Irene Zimmerman; ACRL Executive Secre­ and sections. It was the sense of the meeting tary Joseph H. Reason. Committee chair­ that the best job of recruiting is done by in­ men present were Lorena A. Garloch, Wil­ dividual librarians, that art librarians, for liam V. Jackson, Jr., Frances Kennedy, Stan­ example, can recruit other art librarians ley L. West. Invited guests were Miss Roy better than anyone else; that people are most Land, Edmon Low, Robert H. Muller. interested in the small group. Neal Harlow, president-elect of ACRL, suggested that there As the first item of business of the first be subcommittees on membership at all session of the ACRL Board of Directors at levels: division, section and subsection. the Midwinter Meeting, January 30, 1963, Another phase of this discussion concerned President Stokes called upon Past President Ellsworth, the ACRL representative to the structure of the proposed Library Re­ search Committee; this matter was referred PEBCO, for his report. Dr. Ellsworth re­ to the Planning and Action Committee for ported that funds for 1963-64 would be ap­ study. proximately the same as in the current year; he reported on the areas of program and H. Richard Archer, chairma·n of the Rare activity for which PEBCO recommended Books Section, reported that a manuscript priority; and that PEBCO voted to recom­ entitled "Rare Book Collections: Some Theo­ mend that ALA study the functions and re­ retical and Practical Suggestions for Librar­ sponsibilities of LAD so as to determine if ians and Students," originally called "Rare some or all of those functions and respon­ Book Manual," had been referred to the sibilities could be more effectively and ap­ ALA Publishing Department and would, in propriately carried out by other units of the all probability, be issued this year as an Association. Dr. Ellsworth's suggestion that ACRL Monograph. Archer also reported ACRL consider reorganization of the di­ tentative details of the Preconference Insti­ vision in conformity with the structure of tute on "Western Americana" to be spon­ the Association of Research Libraries was sored jointly by the ACRL Rare Books Sec­ referred to the Planning and Action Com­ tion and the History Section of RSD in mittee for study. Chicago in July. Reports of the nominations for division Stanley West, chairman of the Advisory and section elections for 1963 were given by Committee on Cooperation with Educational Messrs. Bentz and Reason. A complete list and Professional Organizations reported that MARCH 1963 147 his committee is planning to bring together given to various sections of the State Library at the Chicago Conference a small group of Associations to plan cooperatively with their librarians and a few research scientists, com­ State Librarians to insure successful implementa­ tion of the legislation, if and when it is passed. puter experts, and documentalists to discuss ways in which traditionally trained librarians January 31 can best learn to take advantage of the new machinery that is becoming available in the Present: President Katharine M. Stokes; field of information retrieval. Vice President and President-elect Neal R. Lorena Garloch, chairman of the ACRL Harlow; directors-at-large, Jack E. Brown, Committee on National Library Week, re­ Andrew J. Eaton, Lucile. M. Morsch; di­ ported that Gustave Harrer is analyzing cer­ rectors on ALA Council, Dorothy M. Drake, tain college and university library statistics Mrs. Margaret K. Spangler; chairmen of which will be helpful, it is hoped, for use Sections, Charles M. Adams, Virginia Clark, during National Library Week. Miss Gar­ Jay K. Lucker; vice chairmen of Sections, loch also reported that seven articles have Dale M. Bentz, Wrayton E. Gardner, Eli M. been written for state library publications Oboler, Norman E. Tanis; past chairmen of and one each for College and Research Li­ Sections, James 0. Wallace, Irene Zimmer­ braries and the Wilson Library Bulletin in man; ACRL Executive Secretary Joseph H. an effort to encourage greater participation Reason. Committee chairmen present were in National Library Week on the part of George S. Bonn, William H. Carlson, Wil­ college and university libraries. As chairman liam V. Jackson, Jr., Frances Kennedy. In­ of the Urban University Libraries Com­ vited guests were Miss Roy Land, Frank mittee of the University Libraries Section, Lundy, Mrs. Grace T. Stevenson. Miss Garloch reported that the members of Mrs. Grace T. Stevenson visited the second her committee are planning to hold a closed meeting of the Board of Directors in order meeting at the Chicago Conference with the to discuss matters concerning the ALA Mem­ public librarians and school library super­ bership Committee and the ACRL Section visors from their respective cities; it is hoped Development Committee. During the. course that their discussion will result in the pub­ of the discussion it was revealed that the lication of an article in one of the library ACRL subsections, particularly, needed more journals. ' extensive information concerning personal Edmon Low, chairman of the ACRL Ad­ members than is now requested on the ALA visory Committee to the President on Federal dues notice; it was decided that all member­ Legislation, called attention to those features ship activities would be coordinated by Miss of the National Education Improvement Act Roy Land, the ACRL representative on the of 1963 which are favorable to college and ALA Membership Committee. university libraries; he requested authority George Bonn, chairman of the Library to make concessions on legislative matters, Services Committee reported that his com­ if it should be necessary to do so. Neal Har­ mittee felt the need for a basic document low moved and the body expressed a vote of which would serve as a frame of reference confidence in our legislative representative. for encouraging the development and im­ The board then approved the following res­ provement of library services. A draft of olution which was to be presented to Coun­ this document, tentatively entitled "A Li­ cil on Thursday by President Stokes: brary Users Bill of Rights" was presented; it is intended to have this document completed To the Council of the American Library Asso­ and ready for distribution at the Chicago ciation: Conference. The Association of College & Research Librar­ The board decided that the ACRL Pro­ ies urges the members of Council and particu­ gram and Business Meeting would be held larly those members representing State Associa­ on ',Yednesday, July 17 at 8:30-10:00 P.M. tions and regional chapters, to inform members and that the Board of Directors would meet of their various groups of the provisions of The President's National Education Improvement on Thursday, July 18, 8:30-10:00 P.M. ·and Act and encourage them to ask their Senators on Friday, July 19, 2:00-4:00 P.M. and Representatives for full support of the pro­ Charles Adams, chairman of the College gram. And, furthermore, that encouragement be Libraries Section, reported that the Section 148 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES is planning to hold its annual conference tinues to work with the American Associa­ meeting on Saturday, July 20, at Beloit Col­ tion of Junior Colleges towards implemen­ lege, Beloit, Wisconsin. The program of the tation of the ALA Standards for Junior Col­ meeting will deal with the problems faced in lege Libraries and that the document "Cri­ the use of the college library in this day of teria for Beginning Junior College Librar­ changing college curricula. ies" is being revised with a view toward William H. Carlson, chairman of the Com­ publication. Miss Clark also announced that mittee on Liaison with Accrediting Agencies, the Section plans to display at the Chicago reported that the committee is studying the Conference a collection of student library requirements of the various accrediting handbooks and a draft of an "ideal" hand­ bodies-regional, national and professional book outline. -for the purpose of recommending simplifi­ Frank Lundy acquainted the board with cation and unification of these requirements the activities and point of view held by a and also to develop an awareness among the group of college and university librarians agencies of the burdens placed upon colleges who are concerned about the total effect of and universities .undergoing accreditation. the reorganization of ALA upon ACRL. The Committee hopes also to bring about The Board voted to support LAD's appli­ an increase in the practice of having librar­ cation for a renewal of the World Book En­ ians serve as members of accrediting teams.
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