Thursday, November 12, ,1964 '11hursday, November 12, 1964 THE .JEWISH P,OST " first strictly Orthodox Congressman ISpain said he plans to return and ship? . Lettie Hochberg of 222 in Washington. • . • the weak Argentine government Penn Street, Brooklyn, is the most • • • I does not plan to stop him. The mere novel Bar Mitzvah teacher in town. , Figure this one I)ut. Ten thousand I mention, of this, possibility got the He holds ''Reml)dial, Ear Training" West Genfums are'deployed all over Tacuara dupe,. jumping for joy; workshops for 'Bar' Mitzvah pros­ What Is The Zionist Education~1 Trust • • • • the world as Christian missionaries. Peron Is their darling and Is report- peets with off-key tendencies. Hoch­ Where were they in 1939?'. edly now more than ever a ,bitter berg's lessons are not given in Shul ~ has alread; made arrangements wi1lh the Joseph Wolin­ Press chose to ignore several swas- anti-Semite. • • • but at famous Carnegie Hall, no Z _ E_ T.' ildhe instrument of the Zionist movement to translate z. E. T. J.wi4I. Po.l n'lj. Co. ...."..,.J.ni tika paintings in Brooklyn. • • • • • less. the concepts of the last World Zionist Congress into sky Foundation to jointly arrange for the maintenance Congrats to the new British govem- The riots in the Sudan indicate - - • and perpetuation of the Joseph Wolinsky Collegiate: Action. ment 'for putting Nazi-lover Dicta- that the Arabs will never be able An ad paid for by a group of and has reconsidered and re-arranged Zionist resonsi­ post-election tidbits: The local young beards and sporting big Keat­ tor in his place. Laborites intend to gain the respect and confidence Christian missionaries in Israel ap­ bi'lities for ,such programs as Camp Massad, youth ser­ CBS outlet broke from the network ing for Senator buttons, were mak­ to be tough with the Germans too, of the African countries. Despite peared in the Jerusalem Post ask­ Z_E. T. has already made commitments to provide materi~l vices, adult' education, etc., in a step - by - step imple­ for a few minutes to take a look ing 'freiliCh' despite the bad news, some of the Labor Party's opposi- their brotherho¢, overtures, Arabs ing, among other things, that the support to Jewish cultural development in areas whioh and see at Kennedy headquarters they were hoping against hope.: . tion to the American proposed are anti-Negro and top Negro lead- President of Israel "publicly confess mentation of the purposes enunciated l1t the last World immediately after VPA ljDllounced The truth' can now be told, we know mixed manned force of nuclear ers know it. • • • Kennedy told before the Lord, in the name of the hav:e not until now been the responsibiUty of the general Zionist Congress. him as the, winner. As the CBS why Barry Goldwater lost. Some armed surface ships comes from reporters here he would like to, whole Jewish people, that God's Jewi·sh community, and which meet through their pro­ reporter tried to get close to the lie-spreading Democrat distributed the belief that the project could serve on ·the Education or Judiciary servant was stoned, and after hls grams the ha'sic qualifications aB laid down by the last camera, someone wearing a black posters all over the Lower East lead to a "German finger on the Committee in Washington because death hung on a tree 'according to World Zionist Congress - namely: Hebrew language hat pushed himself, closer and un­ Side claiming that "Goldwater is trigger." Highly civilized, thosehls prime concerns are education the law of the Torah'." ... Argen­ l and cuiture, Israel 'hisinry, Zionist philosophy and youth is determined to recruit 'sufficient members, of Friends able to resist the camera, began to a Galicianer." Now, was that fair? British. • Jews in Argentina and integration.... Columbia re- tina's top Cathoi!c, the Primate of r Z .. E. T. wave and smile. The pro-Kennedy ... Unlike fhe Negroes who I4ways exiremely worried over the prospect leasing "original-cast" albums of the Church; Cardinal Antonio Cag­ ~' to create the force necessary to assure adeqoote sup- ' .,; development. Yeshlva bamur with his long peios stick to their friends (giving !i9'h% that anti-Semite Juan D. Peron may "My Fair Lady" in Hebrew. giano, refuses to meet with Jewish port to such organized efforts as are Zionist orientated, and broad smile "stole the show to Kennedy) the, Jews tend to break return to that uncertain country. Washingtonians wondering whether groups or individual Jews to discuss I, believes that a maximal approaoh to education is the to from the CBS man. Minutes later ~he patterns. Even though Keating Peron living as a refugee in Franco's J.F.K. holdover Myer Feldman will problems of anti-Semitism. Most ;( Z_ E_ T. bilingual, and dedicated the maximum development only sure way of developing nothing less than minimal of a cultured Jewish community. CBS moved 'to Keating headquarters got a good number of Jewish votes, remain in the L.B.J. new season folks believe 'the Cardinal is the for their reaction to the bad news. Kennedy still carried all Jewish line-up. Feldman is an intelligent problem. Will Ecumenical-minded goals. A band was playing loudly and hand precincts in Brooklyn, surprising hard-working felIa and the guess Vaticanians please note, the man is clapping to the tune was 'heard in even some of hls staunChest sup­ here is that he will get the L.B.J. a Cardinal, not a small town priest. ; , I ' the background, a tip-off that porters. Had 99% of' the Jewish brand. A local Anglo-Jewish Will someone in authorlty look into i Yeshiva feIIas were there too. Sure vote gone to Keating . as the ran a big ad for Keating. The it pronto? ... rederal Aid to Edu­ , enough, some 50 yannulke-wearing Negro did to Kennedy, Keating' trouble is that the newspapers were cation will definitely pass this year Zionist Educational Trust • • .' youngsters, several of them wearing would be sent back to Washington. delivered on Wednesday, the' day or next; Jewish educational leader­ Why a , . after the election. The question is, ship already mapping plans for the . .. , In Orthodox areas anti-Gold­ that the survival of Israel is inexor­ For Your Fall Change Over water wise guys distributed mimeo will the weekly have to return the big day. Watch for a feud between that .the existence of the State of IF YOU BELIEVE and Complete Service stop at \IF YOU BELIEVE ably bound to ,the link between I8rael and the Diaspora flyers asking "Would you want a dough whlch they insisted be paid two groups claiming to represent Israel has added new dimensions to rbhe status of world in advance? ... The new Yiddish, AlI- Day Hebrew Schools and and that this link depends upon the continued material 'Conservative Jew' to be President?" Jewry, and that this status is dependent on the con­ Vanguard . Herbert Tanzer of New York play "Good Luck" shocked veteran Yeshlvahs. • . tiJlllled existence of Israel .•. and moral support provided 'by Diaspora Jews . .' .Texaco Yiddish theatre. goers.- .It's cleanI ... IN LAS VEGAS Now that elections are over, who Senice .... will 'holler about Jewish soldiers that the future of the State and of 'IF YOU BELIEVE that Diaspora based Jewry can only CRESCENT CREAM:ERY .lFYO'QBELIEVE VICTOR BURRIDGE, Prop. in Saudi Arabia, Nazi, deals, Rus­ maintain the link by preserving Judaism as an organic See us for LIMITED , world Jewry are interdependent - based upon the Kosher sian Jews, Nazi scientists, Arabs interchange of personnel, values and creative ideas ... entity so 'assuring its own survival . • Repairs • Washing Phone SUnset 3·7101 , • Towing • Tires Style and Israel, and who will eat all the - Batteries and Accessories, etc. surplus blintzes in Jewish neigh­ Expert'repairs to all makes of cars Open _ Guaranteed Plumbing IF YOU BELIEVE that the World Zioni8t Congress got and Heating SuppUes borhoods? . Dr. Abraham Heschel '. IE, YO'U BELIEVE that the forces of assimilation at work Open Daily 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. .24 Hours Delicatessen is the most 'talked about fellow in Sunday. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Diaspora threaten meaningful Jewish survival to the very core of the problem when it called upon Resiaurant • Kitchen Sinka • Pipe and FIt- Y oUItg Israel circles. That group Phone 489-7871) I "AMERICA'S FINEST" • Wash Basins tinp Diaspora Jewry to concentrate its efforts more firmly NIAGARA and CORYDON • Closet Comblna.. • Heavy Hot is fuming mad over Heschel's trip everywhere . Just North of Sahara Hotel tiona Water Tanks on youth programming and Jewish education ... Winnipeg . Man. • Laundry Tubs • Pressure Sys- to the Vatican for a confab with • Heating Furnaces telll8 the Pope, insinuating, Young Israel • Radiators • RelnforclD&' claims, that Heschel is a 'representa­ 1HEN Y'OU M'UST be concerned about how you play • Coal Chutes Iron " your part in a:ssuring <that a maximum Jewish educa­ THEN YOU M'UST be concerned about what methods AGENTS FOR FURNASMAN STOKER tive of JeWry which brings us back \ tiona'! program is made available to anyone who can can be applied to meet the problems which Jewish Everlite Electric Ltd. to the question - who is? Dr. youth programming and eduootion impose upon the SCHWART·Z Henchel lately has been taking part \ take advantage of it. of community. VANCOUVER, B.C. mON & METAL CO. LTD. in many important Jewish problems. 299 Jarvis Ave., Phone JU 9-7309 Could he 'be gunning for top leader- MANUFACTURERS, OF INCANDESCENT & EDMONTON RUBBER THEN Y'OU M'UST believe that the Zionist movement believe that such an ,attempt war­ FLUORESCENT GUARANTEED LAMPS CONTACT LENB_ BED BUGS STAMP CO.
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