“Bienvenidos a “LA CAÑERÍA”, un lugar donde no solo nos preocupamos por utilizar los mejores y más selectos ingredientes, además del cariño y dedicación de nuestros artesanos para ofrecerles un producto de calidad que ustedes, nuestros clientes, merecen… Los invitamos a vivir esta experiencia diversa de sabores increíbles” 2. SALSA / SAUCE -BECHAMEL - Nuestra salsa blanca con una pisca de nuez moscada / Our white sauce with a pinch of hutmeg -TOMATE / Típica salsa de tomates italianos y hongos / Typical sauce of italian tomatoes and mushrooms -PESTO / La tradicional pesto de albahaca y el toque de La Cañería / The traditional basil pesto ALMUERZO EN 3 PASOS and touch of the house Le recomendamos tome precaución o use prendas de seguridad al momento de ingerir 1 las pastas, ya que Elige la pasta traen un alto que quieras contenido derramable. 3. ACOMPAÑAMIENTOS / TOPPINGS ESPINACA BEBÉ PIMIENTOS Acompáñala2 de Baby spinach Peppers la salsa que ALBAHACA BRÓCOLI más te guste. Basil Broccoli TOMATE CEREZA POLLO Tomate Cherry Chicken ACEITUNA VERDE CARNE Green Olive Meat CEBOLLA BLANCA JAMÓN White Onion Ham CHAMPIÑONES PANCETA Mushrooms Bacon QUESO AZUL BERENJENA Agrégale3 2 Blue Cheese Eggplant topping’s - Ingrediente adicional / Extra topping s/.4.00 1. PASTA AL HUEVO ARTESANAL / EGG PASTA LUNCH EJECUTIVO -SPAGHETTI - Pasta fina redonda / (Lunes a Viernes, de 12:00pm a 03:00pm / Fine round pasta Monday to Friday, from 12hrs to 15hrs) -TAGLIATELLE - Pasta plana intermedia / Intermediate flat pasta -PAPPARDELLE - Pasta plana gruesa / Thick flat pasta MIXTA – MIXED Combinación de sabores increíbles / Incredible flavors -LA CAÑERÍA - Jamón, s/.25 s/.34 s/.45 s/.75 panceta, chorizo, frankfurt, berenjena, champiñones y aceituna verde / Ham, bacon, spicy pork sausage, Frankfurt sausage, eggplant, mushrooms and green olive -LA PEPA - Jamón, panceta y s/.23 s/.32 s/.43 s/.73 chorizo / Ham, bacon and spicy pork sausage CHICA / SMALL SIZE (6 tajadas / 6 slices) -BOTÁNICA - Queso azul, s/.23 s/.32 s/.43 s/.73 GRANDE / MEDIUM SIZE (8 tajadas / 8 slices) albahaca, tomate cherry e injerto de alfalfa / Blue cheese, FAMILIAR / LARGE SIZE (12 tajadas / 12 slices) basil, cherry tomato and alfalfa gra EXTRA GRANDE / EXTRA LARGE SIZE (16 tajadas / 16 slices) -CARNAL - Jamón, chorizo, s/.22 s/.31 s/.42 s/.72 panceta, Frankfurt / Ham, spicy pork BÁSICA / BASIC sausage, bacon and frankfurt sausage -LA CUBAN - Carne mechada, s/.22 s/.31 s/.42 s/.72 elige 1 solo ingrediente / choose pimientos, tomate cereza y the best topping perejil / Shredded beef, peppers, cherry tomato and parsley -QUESO / Cheese s/.17 s/.26 s/.37 s/.62 -HABEMUS PIZZA - Palta, queso s/.24 s/.33 s/.44 s/.74 -JAMÓN / Ham s/.19 s/.28 s/.39 s/.64 azul, semillas de ajonjolí, -PROSCIUTTO DI PARMA /Raw jam s/.25 s/.34 s/.45 s/.75 berenjena e injerto de alfalfa / -PANCETA / Bacon s/.20 s/.29 s/.40 s/.65 Avocado, blue cheese, sesame seeds, -FRANKFURT / Sausage frankfurt s/.19 s/.28 s/.39 s/.64 eggplant and alfalfa gra - s/.22 s/.31 s/.42 s/.72 s/.19 s/.28 s/.38 s/.63 LA VEGAN - Berenjena, -CHORIZO / Spicy pork sausage champiñones, tomate cereza y s/.18 s/.27 s/.38 s/.63 -CABANOSSI / Smoked sausage pimientos / Eggplant, mushrooms, -ATÚN / Tuna s/.21 s/.30 s/.41 s/.66 cherry tomato and peppers -LANGOSTINOS / Prawns s/.21 s/.30 s/.41 s/.66 -FULL VEGAN - Berenjena, s/.24 s/.33 s/.44 s/.74 -POLLO / Chicken s/.19 s/.28 s/.39 s/.64 champiñones, tomate, cebolla -CHAMPIÑONES / Mushrooms s/.21 s/.30 s/.41 s/.66 blanca, espárrago, palmito, aceituna verde y pimientos / -FUNGHI PORCINI/Porcini mushrooms s/.24 s/.33 s/.44 s/.74 Eggplant, Mushrooms, tomato, white Cherry Tomato s/.19 s/.28 s/.39 s/.64 -TOMATE CEREZA / onion, asparagus, palmetto, green -ALBAHACA /Basil s/.18 s/.27 s/.38 s/.63 olive and peppers -ESPÁRRAGOS / Asparagus s/.19 s/.28 s/.39 s/.64 -LA RANCHERA - Huevo y s/.22 s/.31 s/.42 s/.72 -PALMITO /Palmetto s/.19 s/.28 s/.39 s/.64 panceta / Egg and bacon -CHOCLITO AMERICANO / s/.19 s/.28 s/.39 s/.64 -LA PITUCA - Salmón y queso s/.24 s/.33 s/.44 s/.74 American Corn crema / Salmon and cream cheese -ACEITUNA VERDE /Green Olive s/.19 s/.28 s/.39 s/.64 -CHAVALILLA - Panceta, cebolla s/.23 s/.32 s/.43 s/.73 blanca y albahaca / Bacon, white -BERENJENA /Eggplant s/.18 s/.27 s/.38 s/.63 onion and basil s/.32 s/.41 s/.52 s/.82 *Ingrediente adicional / Extra topping -QUATTRO FORMAGGI – Queso s/.2 s/.4 s/.6 s/.8 azul, grana padano, maasdam y mozzarella / blue cheese, grana padano, maasdam and mozzarella -LA BABY - Jamón, s/.22 s/.31 s/.42 s/.72 La importancia del champiñones y espinaca bebé proceso artesanal se / Ham, mushrooms and baby spinach refleja en su fino -MARGARET - Jamón, tomate s/.22 s/.31 s/.42 s/.72 sabor y acabados de cereza y albahaca / Ham, cherry primera. tomato and basil -JAMAICA - Jamón, palmitos y s/.22 s/.32 s/.43 s/.73 - LOMITO SALTADO – Lomo fino, s/.23 s/.32 s/.43 s/.73 pimientos / Ham, palmetto and cebollita criolla de Tiabaya, peppers tomate camanejo, perejil y -LA BARBIE - Pollo y salsa bbq / s/.22 s/.32 s/.43 s/.73 rocoto de huerta / Fine beef, creole Chicken and bbq sauce (pollo en onion from Tiabaya, tomato from cubos) Camana, parsley and garden´s spicy -CARIBEÑA -Jamón y piña ó s/.21 s/.30 s/.41 s/.71 vegetable native of Arequipa durazno/Ham and pineapple or peach - PARA GALLOS - Chorizo, s/.22 s/.31 s/.42 s/.72 -TROPICAL - Jamón, panceta y s/.23 s/.32 s/.43 s/.73 cabanossi, cebolla blanca y rocoto piña / Ham, bacon and pineapple de huerta / Spicy pork sausage, -POMODORO - Tomate cereza y s/.18 s/.27 s/.38 s/.68 cabanossi, white onion and garden´s albahaca / Cherry tomato and basil spicy vegetable native of Arequipa -OLIVIA - Champiñones, queso s/.23 s/.32 s/.43 s/.73 azul y aceite de oliva/Mushrooms, *ingrediente adicional / extra topping s/.2 s/.4 s/.6 s/.8 blue cheese and olive oil -SUAVE CAMAY - Prosciutto di s/.27 s/.36 s/.47 s/.77 DULCE - SWEET parma, queso crema y albahaca Dulce combinación /Sweet combination / Prosciutto, cream cheese and basil -4 y ¼ - ¼ Frutas, ¼ s/.22 s/.31 s/.42 s/.72 champiñones, ¼ jamón y ¼ -LA DOLCE - Plátano, manzana, s/.19 s/.28 s/.39 s/.69 mozzarella / (4 Flavors in 1) Fruit´s, piña, durazno y leche mushrooms, ham and mozzarella condensada / Banana, apple, -MAMMA MIA! - Arma tu s/.24 s/.33 s/.44 s/.74 pineapple, peach and caramel or combinación con 4 condensed milk ingredientes / Arm your *Ingrediente adicional / extra topping s/.2 s/.4 s/.6 s/.8 combination with 4 ingredients *ingrediente adicional / extra topping s/.2 s/.4 s/.6 s/.8 CALZONE “DE LA ABUELA” La combinación de tu pizza hecha calzone / the combination of your pizza made calzone -BÁSICO – BASIC s/.22 Elige el mejor ingrediente / choose the best topping Le sugerimos tome -MIXTO – MIXED HOUSE s/.25 precaución al La especialidad de “LA CAÑERÍA” / The specialty of the house momento de Jamón, panceta, chorizo, frankfurt, consumir este berenjena, champiñones y aceituna verde / producto, puede Ham, bacon, spicy pork sausage, frankfurt sausage, picarle tanto como eggplant, mushrooms and green olive gustarle. -PICANTE – HOT SPICY s/.23 Atrévete a probar nuestra opción picante / Dare to try our spicy option Chorizo, cabanossi, cebolla blanca y rocoto de huerta / Spicy pork sausage, cabanossi, white onion and garden´s spicy vegetable native of Arequipa PICANTE – HOT SPICY -VEGANO – VEGAN s/.23 Solo para valientes / Only for Para los hinchas veganos / For vegan fans real men Berenjena, champiñones, tomate y pimientos / Eggplant, mushrooms, tomato and peppers -AREQUIPEÑA - Salchicha s/.21 s/.30 s/.41 s/.71 Arequipeña, tomate camanejo, -DULCE – SWEET s/.22 anís y rocoto de huerta / El toque dulce / The sweet touch Arequipean sausage, tomato from Plátano, manzana, piña, durazno y leche Camana, anise and garden´s spicy condensada / Banana, apple, pineapple, peach vegetable native of Arequipa and condensed milk *INGREDIENTE ADICIONAL / Extra topping s/.4 TABLAS / BOARDS CRÊPES / CREPES -DI´ LEO - Prosciutto di parma, funghi s/.28 DULCES / SWEET porcini, queso gouda y cabanossi / Raw jam, trufas negras, gouda cheese and smoked sausage -DULCE DE LECHE / Caramel s/.12 -DULCE DE LECHE Y DURAZNO / Caramel and s/.14 BRUSCHETTAS peach En Pan Baguette ó Berenjenas - 6 Unidades -LECHE CONDENSADA / Condensed milk s/.12 -LECHE CONDENSADA Y BANANA / Condensed s/.14 -SIMPLE - Untado con nuestra salsa especial s/.6 milk and banana de crema de ajo / Spread with our special sauce -LECHE CONDENSADA, ARÁNDANOS Y s/.18 garlic cream MANZANA / Condensed milk, blueberries and apple -ESPECIAL - Salsa especial de ajo, jamón y s/.12 -NUTELLA / Chocolate s/.14 mozzarella / Garlic special sauce, ham and -NUTELLA, FRESAS Y CREMA CHANTILLY / s/.16 mozzarella Chocolate, strawberries and chantilly cream -PA´PICAR - Mozzarella, queso crema, jamón s/.15 -ESPECIAL DE LA CAÑERÍA / Special house s/.16 y cebolla blanca / Mozzarella, cream cheese, white -CHOCO-PERA / Perita canela rellena con chocolate onion and ham -CAMPESINA - Mozzarella, palta, tomate s/.14 -ADICIONAL DE HELADO / Additional ice cream s/.4 ciruela, albahaca y aceite de oliva / Mozzarella, avocado, cherry tomato, basil and olive oil SALADOS / SALTED LASAGNA / LASAÑA -CHAMPIÑONES FLAMBEADOS CON VINO TINTO, ESPINACA, NUECES, QUESO AZUL Y -DE LA CAÑERÍA - Salsa boloñesa, salsa s/.26 MOZZARELLA / Mushrooms flambéed with red wine, s/.18 bechamel, jamón, champiñones, berenjena y spinach, nuts, blue cheese and mozzarella albahaca / Bolognese sauce, bechamel sauce, ham, -JAMÓN, HUEVO Y MOZZARELLA / Ham, egg and s/.16 mushrooms, eggplant and basil mozzarella -BOLOÑESA
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