'Wi{{/(jruntfy (jenea{ogica{ Society honors a pioneer, I 'Wi{{iam 'I. !/{e{son, who lived in Will County in 1 848. William T. Nelson was the second of nine known children born to John and Elizabeth (Gray) Nelson. His father, born about the year 1786, was of Scots-Irish descent and was raised in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, 'later living in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana before moving to Twelve Mile Grove, Will Co., Illinois in 1848. He had served in the War of 1 81 2 and also represented his county in the Indiana legislature while residing there. Born on the 9th day of January 181 8 in Ohio, William came to Will County with his parents, along with four of his brothers and sisters - Esther Jane, Samuel G., ·Mary and Daniel Mc. He was married in the early 1850's to Celia Annette Derke/Durkee, born 5 February 1825 in Indiana. Five children were born to the couple - Mary Freelove, Sarah Annette, Kate G., William and Thomas M. Mr. Nelson was a nurseryman, owner of the Wilmington Nursery. He is thought to have produced the "Nelson apple," which was highly regarded prior to the advent of refrigeration. Along with his brothers Samuel and Daniel, he was active in civic affairs. He served as secretary of the Will Co. Fair and was a charter member of Wilmington Masonic Lodge #208. The death of William T. Nelson occurred on the 11th of December 1903 in Chicago, where he had made his home with his daughter Sarah, Mrs. Daniel "Mac" White, after the death of his wife in 1 888. His obituary in the Joliet (IL) News on 1 7 December 1903 referred to him as "one of the first settlers of Florence Township and highly respected" and "about the last one of the old settlers of that neighborhood." It also stated that deat h resulted from an injury received a few weeks previously when he had fallen on a sidewalk and was subsequently confined to his bed. His remains were brought by train to Wilmington for burial beside his wife at Oakwood cemetery. He would have observed his 86th birthday the following month. WGGS Quarterly -71- XVIII No 3 "'l · rf.\I lf( ~ L . ·- "\1-.V\.A vi ·- uC i. r Nelson Family Queries WGGSQ welcomes queries! Please give names, localities, and a time frame . Type or print clearly and include your name and address. We reserve the right to edit any material or to reject any queries which are not legible. Please limit each query to no more than 50 words. There is no charge for members of WGGS, but there is a charge of $2.00 to non-members. Send to WGGSQ Editor, P. O. Box 24, Wilmington, IL 60481-0024. #325 Seeking information and any descendants of the family MAIER/MAYER Maier/Mayer, immigrants to Morris, Grundy Co., IL, GEISLER from Austria in 1870's. Parents: Johann and Barbara LAURE LL (Geisler). Children: Christine, b. 1863; Catherine PEPPLER (Kate), b. 1872; Maria; Notburga (Nora); J ohann and PETTI CORD Friedrich. One daughter Anna did not leave Austria. Another possible daughter Maude. Christine (my mat­ ernal G-mother) mar. Napoleon Laurell and lived in Marseilles. Kate mar. Charles Peppler and lived in Ottawa. Nora thought to have mar. a Petticord. John R. Moore, 6000 N. Neva Ave., Chicago 60631-2444. #326 Seeking ancestry of Joseph C. Viano, born France/Italy VIANO 21 Nov 1873, came to U.S. 1878, mar. Margaret Wilson, WILSON dau of John and Mary (Lindsay) Wilson, nati ves of Scotland, in Coal City 7 Nov 1900. He died Coal City 12 Dec 1932, buried in Braceville-Gardner Cemetery. Barbara K. Tuck, 28 Ruhlig Court, Saginaw, MI 48602- 5027 #327 Seeking descendants of Mabel Elkins, who mar. 1st ELKINS about 1900-1910, Mr. Matile, had sons Eugene and MOONEY possibly Robert Matile . Mar. 2nd about 19 15 Charles MA TILE J . Mooney, and had dau Bernadine Mooney. Mooneys lived in Joliet in 1920. Sue A. Kratsch, 1388 Summit Circle, W.St.Paul, MN 551 18-3143 #328 Seeking descendants of James Gordon and his wife GORDON Ann and their 7 children. Lived in Shabbona (De­ Kalb Co.) per 1880 Census, and in Aurora (Kane Co.) Marjorie Gordon, Box 19, 413 East St., Penf ield, IL 61862 - e-mail: [email protected]. WGGS Quarterly -72- This church is mere than a place to preach. It is a social center, in that the church and community meet here to plan their activities. Those who wish use the church as a place to rest their dead until fuperal services are said. Funeral homes are not convenient for them to visit. 11nere is one funeral home in Atmore and Monroeville, Alabama. Just last year, a relative came to visit for a day in the community. They got on their phones and called all to meet at the church. Supper was served; they all sang for him. You can imagine how impressed this visitor was. They take great price in their music and always have a good choir. They also have special groups, their own Hopewell Quartet being one. They have an acquapello group made up of women that is great. They have Homecoming at this church every first Sunday in May. It is great that so few people will prepare for so many people, giving them a special time to go home. The ~ollection that day goes to keep up the cemetery. Semirah Springs people are still very country and old fashioned with a touch of modern. They are old fashioned in that they still plow and plant a field for a neighbor if he is disabled. They carry food, or, better still, go cook meals if a mother is sick. Not all have farms, but all have gardens and flowers in big yards. Some of the women work at Vanity Fair in Monroeville or Atmore. They make their own pretty dresses8 I noticed that none wore pants suits to church on these days, and every little girl wore fluffy fancy dresses. I have said enough, I believe, to give you a good impression of these people, my kins Stella (SCHRAM) HELTON, G.Granddaughter of William Marshall DEES. NELSON -- FULFORD BIBLE Submitted by: Mrso Eva Marie SPRINGSTEEN, Rt. 1, Box 3, Foley,Al.36535. Elisha NELSON, b July 26, 1804 Elisha NELSON, Jr., b Aug. 5, 1849 Eliz~ J. NELSON, b Sept. 22, 1813 Charlotte Virginia NELSON, Eliza R. NELSON, b Dec. 8, 1830 b May 28, 1851 J'ulia Ann NELSON b Nov. 11, 1832 Thomas P. B. NELSON, b Oct. 25, 1853 Abigail NELSON, b Jan. 17, 1834 Alice NELSON, b Mar. 26, 1836 Elisha NELSON, d Shell Banks Oct. 9, 1880 Asa W. NELSON, b Aug. 10, 1839 Eliza NELSON, d Shell Banks Samuel NELSON, b Sept. 2, 1842 Mar. 12, 1897 Joseph D. NELSON, b Jan. 8, 1845 Eliza R. NELSON, d Shell Banks, Oct. 20, 1920 John C. F. NELSON, b May 10, 1847 OR.L\~.j('f rou~\tTV CAL1FQRl\'1" 45 Gt..t'Ji:.ttLOGICAL SOC1£Tr Nelson Family occri'"" f"" I Jul i a Ann NELSON, d Marengo Co. , Wi 2.liam l. FULFORD b Nov . 4, 1844 - Ala . De c. 16, 1832 d Oct . 2, 1926, Mobile , Ala. Abigail NELSON, d Sumpter Co . , Ala. Jul y 21, 1835 Charlotte V. FULFORD , b May 28, 1851 Joseph D. NELSON, d Shell Banks Aug . 8, 1915 William W. FULFORD - Bibl e was t orn John c. F. NELSON, d Pascagoula, wi.th pieces missing . Mi ss. June 25 , 1918 Elisha NELSON, d Jan. 13, 1896 Philip FULFORD, b Nov. 27, 1878 'l'homas P.B. NELSON, d Mobil e, Ala. Elisha R. FULFORD, b April 23, 1881 Oct. 5, 1920 Joseph FULFORD , b Feb . 11, 1884 Alice FULFORD, b Aug . 17, 1886 William FULFORD b J an. 5, 1810 - d t.Tuly 30, 1862, Bal dwi.n Co. Ala. Williard FULFORD, b Oct. 9, 188~ Abigail FULFORD, b Dec . 28, 1806 - William FULFORD and Abigail FULFORD d Sept. 7, 189E, Baldwin Co . Ala. rearrieJ April 18, 1835 James W. FULFORD: b Feb. 23, 1836 - Elisha NEISON and Eliza J . FULFORD d Hainesville, Wood Co ., Tex. married Feb. 11, 1830, Jan . 2, Marengo Co., Ala. Charlotte Ann FULFORD b Jan 8, 1838 James S. CALI~WAY and El i za R. NELSON married Feb . 14 , 1850 John A. FULFOHD, b Mar. 21, 1840 Washington B. C!-CTLDRESS and Alice Mary E. FULFORD, b Dec. 31, 1841 NELSON mar·ried Dec. 22, 1853 Stephen D. FULFORD, b Nov . 18, 1846 Copied by Eva Marie (WALKER) Josephus FULFOHD, b Sept . 1, 1850 - SPRINGSTEEN, Oct . 4, 1978 d Oct . 17, 1855 Marengo Co . Ala. Thomas Andrew CALLAWAY has this Clifford STREET , b Sept . 28, 1829- famil y Bible - ver y old and in d J an. 12, 1861, Baldwi.n ~o . Ala. bad condition. Caroline S'l'REET, b Mar. 2, 1831 - Note: Vdller nMemorial Cemetery, d April 6, 1876, Baldwi.n Co. Ala. published in Vol . V, No. 3, Ap ril 1978, The Baldwin r;ounty Historical John P. STREET, b Dec. 23, 1832 - Society - The QUARTERLY. d Sept. 19 , 1839, Marengo Co . Ala. Joseph Howard NELSON, d Nov . J.5, 1905 Charles STUART, dubbed Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Young Pretender, entered Edinburgh in 17~5 and was crowned king of Scotland. Charles rais~d 6,000 men and began a march on London. The army, however, was forced back at Lerby and t he 2,000 survivors were annihilated at the battle of Cu.ll oden.
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