THE MILK RIVER REVIEW Serving Milk River and District Vol. 4, No. 30 Milk River,Alberta JULY 3. 1952 COUNTES REJECTS W. I.HOLD BIG FAIR AND FOUR PROPOSALS Happenings WITHIN 2 WEEKS Local CONFERENCE A community shower honoring and relatives In Manitoba. Miss Ada Miller, bride-elect, will Mrs. McGorman of Pen- Raymond. A.B. be.held m the United Church bold, president NEEDLEWORK ot the Alberta basement on Monday, July 7th, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thomson Women's Institute, speaking Made over article clothing, m of starting at 9:00 p.m. and children will be leaving on Raymond at the annual Warner Mrs. Selman, Raymond; Doris Thursday for Drumhelier. From Constituency Conference, » Fair and Hall, Raymond; Mrs. Elmer there they will leave for a two- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dlttman we're told the women present to build Miller, Masinasin. House dress, week vacation at the West Coast, hosts at a Sunday on strong locals so there will be no Mrs. Coover, Coutts; Mr. D. Blust dinner June accompanied by Mrs. Thomson's organisation. .29 for the following guests: Mr. weak link m the Masinasin; Mrs. E.M. Blust, Mas- parents, Mr| and Mrs. VanDe- By so doing, officers of todays inasin. Needle point work, Mrs. and Mrs. Ferd Vornbrock, Mr. Kinder. and Mrs.' Fred Stelton, locals are building for a future Jennie Allen, Raymond. Needle Mr. and "" " " of the W. I. which la growing picture. Mrs. Mahood, New Day- Mrs. Andrew Thull and Mrs. Annie Wehlage. Mrs. stronger as each year's work ton; Mrs. Grant Carnine, New , Mr. and Don Fretts left * on Thursday for progresses. Dayton; Mrs. Paul Kaupp, New Eastern Canada and motor through In charge of the Constituency Dayton. applique, Fannie Mr. and Mrs. Archie will back the Quilt Wlllock United State*. Fair was Mrs. Walter Ford ot Mcßrlde, Raymond, Mrs. F. Hall, and family left on Sunday for a Coutts. district convenor. Also Raymond. Patchwork quilt, Mrs. two week vacation In. Saskatch- '■-,-:-* present was district director Mrs. L. Ford, Coutts; Mrs. S. Donald- ewan. They will be visiting rel- Ithas been reported/that a new A. Mcllroy of Shaughnessy. Both son: Rug, Mrs. D. Weir. Masinas- atives near Regina and will spend cinder brick building will be ladies spoke during the day ot in. Rug material, CMttal ft*M some time at Waskesieu, a sum- under construction shortly- neat from old Mrs. Canada,CWUMUU the fair which was held m the Oscar plerson. Chief; Mrs. K. Intwo weeks la Coun- mer resort north of Prince to Neat's Mens Wear, and will Old ' tess Beatrice WaUenstela has. had -("creation hall of the Second Anderson. Cutwork, Maa Leslie, fourproposal- of marriage buthas Albert. house a new- barber shop. Chapel Ward ot the Latter Day Masinasin; Mrs. C. Peterson, turned them all down Is favor of * ■ ♥ a as - Saints Church. Coutts. Ctoss stitch, Clare Rolf- Job amodeL She arrived here Mrs. Art Falds and children Cecil Aplin left on Tuesday with18 trunks of personal belong- are visiting First meeting ot the day was on, Raymond.Filet crochet, Ruth ings after breakingoff an engage- friends and relatives morning tor a month's vacation held at 10 a.m. when reports of Mcßean; Mrs. Maurice Cooper, ment to the Comte da, Paris who near Kimberley," "B.C. with friends and relatives at the locals district 4, Paxman, claims to be hair to the throne of ■' Rochester, m No. War- Raymond; Lucille Ray- Franca, 4 Elbow Lake'and Minn- mer, were given. Reports were Jack Dimmer, who has been esota. mond^ employed for the past year at- heard from Sunshine, Writing Ou Smocking, Mrs. J. Sherman, ,Codys Auto Service, has now Stone. Milk River. Warner, New Spring Mrs. Kaupp, Hummels Enjoy Mass. Esther Smith is spending Coulee: Paul over shop at Dayton, Raymond, Spring Coulee New Dayton. trim, taken the "»9" a two-week vacation,with friends. Crochet lace Family Re-union and will be doing a com- -; and Old Chief,all read by the sec- Lucille Paxman, Raymond; Mrs. Motors iou-M*.-" 'trrr plete line of mechanical repairs. ". retary ot .the Constituency. Oscar pierson; Mrs. F.Hall,Ray- Friday was a gala day for tha Fischer, Miss Helen Mosseson from the mond. Tatted .trim, Mrs. E.M. Hummel- Clan- re-union .m Milk' Freddie a student at Olds School of Agriculture . and Blust,-'Mustaasln; Arlle Beswtck, River. Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Hum- Mr. and Mrs. Dave .Thomson the..Composite . High School. In Deer, Miss Lila Enberouge,new district Spring Coulee; Lucille Paxman, mel entertained the family aad and family and , Mr. and Mrs. Red spent the weekend la borne economist for the Leth- Raymond. Kitchen apron, Mrs. relatives to a dinner at the Elks Earl Wagness and family spent Milk River with bis parents. area, ' Hall, bridge were fair Judges D. Blust, Masinasin; Mrs. Grant Among those -present be- the weekend at Waterton Lakes. ■■♥... 'sides the family were Mr* and Mrs. Harvey ■Leslie,and and awarded'prizes to the follow- Carnine, New Dayton; Ruth Mc- immediate * Mr. and Martin Madge, Paul family spent a tew days ing: Bean.Tea apron, Mrs. Grant Car- Mrs. Albert Loft, Ferd thi* 'Madge and Vornbrock.^ week visiting relatives ■ In Sask- HOME COOKING nine,New Dayton;Mrs. C. Peter- Mrs. Coffin. Lee'Balr. Herb Yancey and John- - Over forty atchewan.",' i.*' White bread, Mrs. E.M. Blust son. Coutts; Mrs. D. Blust. Mas- guests"sat down to Saling motored to Foremost on ' dinner .includingone table set * of Masinasin; RuthMcßean, New inasin. Article from flower pr Friday to attend the stampede aside for nineteen1'grandchildren. Freeman, Dayton: Mrs. L.C. Halmrast, sugar sack , Mrs. S. Donaldson, and returned via Lethbridge Keith who has been The visiting relatives were: workingm the past Lucky Strike. Rye bread, no tillen Winkler, Fannie Mcßrlde. where they enjoyed supper and Edmonton tor Floy from Spokane, several months, entry. Buns, swee, Mrs. L. C. Knitted socks, Amy Arnold, Milk Miss Hummel a movie. returned home Mr. and """ " and Is now employed Halmrast, Lucky Strike; Mrs. River, Emma Webster, Raymond Mrs. MerleHummel from . this week Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. George as an Elmer Miller, Masinasin, Ruth Mrs. C. Peterson, Knitted Only one donation to the Milk with his father electricans Coutts. Hummel from Astoria. Oregon, apprentice. Mcßean, New Dayton. fancy socks, Mrs. E. M. Blust, River Swimming Pool Fund was Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beery. Miss * Doughnuts, Mrs. Amy Arnold, Mrs. Bozak, received during the past week, Masinasin: G. Spring Ethel Hummel, Mrs. Helen Dav- Olga Obbagy, Shirley Thielen, Milk River; Mrs. F. C. Cassel, Coulee; Mr. C. Peterson, Coutts. that being from Leonard Mella- enport and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marie Wachtler and Harold Dal- Warner: Mrs. E. M. Blust, Mas- wear, font m the sum of $50.00. Don- Children's knitted. Mrs. "Scfctty" Lees all ot Seattle, ton left on Sunday for Banff to inasin. Angel food cake, Mrs. N. Peterson, Coutts; ations are still being accepted at C. Mrs. J. Washington, also Mrs. Gilchrist attend the C.Y.O. Joa Thompson. Coutts, Mrs. Paul Sherman; Sasse Ladies Wear. The fund now Conference. Emma Webster. In- oE Tacoma, Washington. motored Kaupp New Dayton; Mrs. Wm. totals $3,124.66. Seiben to Banff with fant's jacket. E.M. Thompson; A floral gift was received from them. Trehub, Coutts. Chiffon cake, Mrs. C. Peterson, Coutts; Ruby Mrs. Stoltz of N'okomis, Sask., m Mrs. Amy Arnold, Milk River; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sasse and Holland. Raymond. Crocheted memory of the late Sam Stoltz, Fannie Mcßride, Raymond, Mur- doilies, children are spending a few days Margaret Jessop, Ray- who attended the previous Hum- K.C'S. VISIT iel Kaupp, New Dayton. Mrs. holilay at Waterton Lakes. G. mond; Ruth. Mcßean; Mrs. Win. iuel re-union. Carnine. New Dayton; Mrs. H. MASINASIN Fortney. In the evening the family was Skippen Milk River; Mrs. The members of the recently Mcßean Knitted wool toys, Mrs. Peter- joined by local friends and mov- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strause Divinity candy. Ruth Mcßean, organized Knights of Columbus son; Ruth Mcßean. Cotton toy, ing pictures were shown by Paul and family are holidaying at only entry. Fruit pie, Doreen Lodge received Communion m Mrs. C. Peterson; Mrs. G. R. Madge and Merle Hummel, foll- Great Falls. Rinehart. Old Chief; Mr3. D. " a body early Mass m St. Kinehart. Leather tooling. Kath- owing which coffee and cake were * at Blust, Mrs. F. Mella- Masinasin. erine Chrlstenson, Net*. Dayton; served and a happy day came re- Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gray moved Isadore's Church at Allerston ou font, Warner. Tarts, Amy Arnold, Muriel Kaupp, New Dayton. Fig- luctantly to a close. on Monday to Rocky Mountain Sunday, June 22nd. Milk River; Mrs. F. E. Cassel, disagreeable urine painting. Mrs. Christie, Old House. Alberta. Mr. Gray has Though It was a Warner; Doreen Rineliart. Old Chief: Mrs. F. Warner; been employed at the Milk River morning there were forty-two Chief. Cassel. A Welcome Rain Mrs. F. Nish, Old Chief. Plumbingsand Heating tor the Knights In attendance from War- MOWERS The heavy rains of the past past two years. ner, Coutts. Milk River and Delphiniums,' Mrs. Wilde, """ F. week have been more than wel- Allerston. Raymond; Fannie Mcßride, Ray- come by farmers of *SUNDAY SCHOOL the district Mrs. returned to Milk After the service the Allerston mond; Cassel, V. Tench Mrs. F. Warner. and the prospects for a heavy River on Tuesday after spending Knights served breakfast to the Pansies, Mrs. P. Kaupp, New PICNIC ENJOYED yield are now considerably the past three weeks with friends members m the local hall.
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