May 11, 2016 Type of Cost Name of Assignment/Contract Actual Note # Note Public Disclosure Authorized Plan vs./ 1 2 3 4 Thresholds for Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting services: OTHER COSTS Procurement Method Procurement Prior Review P Operating Costs 1 1 - Goods A ICB: >US$1 Mil NCB: ≤ US$1 Mil Total for Other Cost - ESTIMATE SH: <US$100 K Total for Other Cost - ACTUALS DC: None As indicated in respective sheets for 2- Works Goods, Works and Consulting Services Total for Component 1 - ESTIMATE ICB >US$10 Mil Public Disclosure Authorized Total for Component 1 - ACTUALS NCB ≤ US$10 Mil SH <US$200 K Total for Component 2 - ESTIMATE DC Total for Component 2 - ACTUALS Thresholds for Selection and Employment of Consultants: GRAND TOTAL - PLAN Procurement Method Procurement Prior Review GRAND TOTAL - ACTUALS 3 - Consulting Services Firms QCBS ACTUAL COSTS PLUS REMAINING PLANNED COSTS QBS FBS CONTINGENCY - 2% OF Act. + Rem. Planned Costs LCS As indicated in respective sheets for Public Disclosure Authorized CQS ≤US$300,000 Goods, Works and Consulting Services PROJECT COST INCLUDING CONTINGENCY and OC SSS 4 - Consulting Services Individuals Price Convertion Rate, Date and Source: IC USD/GEL: SSS EUR/GEL: 11/May/16 Notes: 1 Costs is Lump Sum Public Disclosure Authorized 11/May/16 Physical Review Completion Number of Completion Completion Date of Last Selection by Bank Submission to No Evaluation & No Objection Contract Contarct Dates as per Name of Component / Activities Procurement Ref. # Name of Assignment/Contract Note # Name of Contractor Contract Invitation Bid Opening Start Dates as per of Works in Amendment Method Prior / the Bank Objection Recomm. + PSC Award Siganture Amendemen Item # Item Amendments Contract % Post ts Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Plan vs./ Actual Days Execution Type-Category 7/20/16 0:15 1 2 3 4 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 - Infrastructure Investment IBRD/RDP/CW/ICB/01-2012- Lot 1 - Restoration of buildings on JV of IN-SI Ltd (Georgia) and Artesi Ltd 1.1 P W ICB Prior 28-Dec-11 9 6-Jan-12 3 9-Jan-12 42 20-Feb-12 7 27-Feb-12 9 7-Mar-12 0 7-Mar-12 28 4-Apr-12 15 19-Apr-12 360 14-Apr-13 L1 Cholokashvili street and Erekle II avenue (Georgia) A 100.00% 8 26-Aug-13 28-Dec-11 6-Jan-12 9-Jan-12 20-Feb-12 15-Mar-12 21-Mar-12 21-Mar-12 23-Mar-12 26-Mar-12 26-Mar-13 26-Aug-13 Lot 2 - Restoration of buildings around IBRD/RDP/CW/ICB/01-2012- JV of IN-SI Ltd (Georgia) and Artesi Ltd 1.2 P Batonis Tsikhe (Castle) area, Tavisupleba W ICB Prior 28-Dec-11 9 6-Jan-12 3 9-Jan-12 42 20-Feb-12 7 27-Feb-12 9 7-Mar-12 0 7-Mar-12 28 4-Apr-12 15 19-Apr-12 360 14-Apr-13 L2 (Georgia) square and Nadikvari street in Telavi Town A 100.00% 8 4-Oct-13 28-Dec-11 6-Jan-12 9-Jan-12 20-Feb-12 15-Mar-12 21-Mar-12 21-Mar-12 23-Mar-12 26-Mar-12 26-Dec-12 26-Aug-13 Additional Works for Restoration of 42 P IBRD/RDP/CW/DC/01-1-2013 W IN-SI Ltd (Georgia) DC Prior n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 30-Sep-13 9 9-Oct-13 0 9-Oct-13 28 6-Nov-13 15 21-Nov-13 90 19-Feb-14 buildings in Telavi Town A 100.00% 2 16-Apr-14 26-Aug-13 23-Oct-13 24-Oct-13 24-Oct-13 31-Oct-13 31-Jan-14 15-Mar-14 Rehabilitation of Underground Utilities in JV of IN-SI Ltd (Georgia) and Service Ltd 2 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/01-2012 W NCB Prior 29-Dec-11 11 9-Jan-12 1 10-Jan-12 30 9-Feb-12 7 16-Feb-12 9 25-Feb-12 0 25-Feb-12 28 24-Mar-12 15 8-Apr-12 180 5-Oct-12 Telavi Streets (Central Part of Telavi Town) (Georgia) A 100.00% 8 27-Mar-14 29-Dec-11 5-Jan-12 9-Jan-12 8-Feb-12 1-Mar-12 16-Mar-12 16-Mar-12 23-Mar-12 26-Mar-12 26-Sep-12 5-Nov-12 Rehabilitation of Roads in Telavi streets 3 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/02-2012 W RMBC Serpantini Ltd (Georgia) NCB Prior 29-Dec-11 11 9-Jan-12 1 10-Jan-12 30 9-Feb-12 7 16-Feb-12 9 25-Feb-12 0 25-Feb-12 28 24-Mar-12 15 8-Apr-12 180 5-Oct-12 (Central Part of Telavi Town) A 100.00% 5 12-Jun-13 29-Dec-11 5-Jan-12 9-Jan-12 8-Feb-12 29-Feb-12 3-Mar-12 5-Mar-12 23-Mar-12 26-Mar-12 26-Sep-12 31-Aug-13 Rehabilitation of Outdoor Lightings in JV of Java Ltd (Georgia) and Erisimedi 4 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/03-2012 W NCB Prior 30-Dec-11 11 10-Jan-12 1 11-Jan-12 30 10-Feb-12 7 17-Feb-12 9 26-Feb-12 0 26-Feb-12 28 25-Mar-12 15 9-Apr-12 180 6-Oct-12 Telavi streets (Central Part of Telavi Town) Ltd (Georgia) A 100.00% 4 19-Oct-12 30-Dec-11 5-Jan-12 9-Jan-12 8-Feb-12 28-Feb-12 2-Mar-12 2-Mar-12 14-Mar-12 28-Mar-12 28-Sep-12 31-Oct-12 Urban Regeneration Works in Telavi JV of IN-SI Ltd (Georgia) and Artesi Ltd 5 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/04-2012 W NCB Prior 1-Feb-12 9 10-Feb-12 1 11-Feb-12 30 12-Mar-12 7 19-Mar-12 11 30-Mar-12 0 30-Mar-12 28 27-Apr-12 15 12-May-12 300 8-Mar-13 Streets (Central Part of Telavi Town) (Georgia) A 100.00% 4 19-Jun-13 1-Feb-12 3-Mar-12 5-Mar-12 4-Apr-12 14-May-12 16-May-12 16-May-12 24-May-12 25-May-12 25-Mar-13 - Rehabilitation of Nadikvari Park in Telavi JV of IN-SI Ltd (Georgia) and Artesi Ltd 6 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/05-2012 W NCB Prior 3-Feb-12 11 14-Feb-12 1 15-Feb-12 30 16-Mar-12 7 23-Mar-12 11 3-Apr-12 0 3-Apr-12 28 1-May-12 15 16-May-12 300 12-Mar-13 Town (Georgia) A 100.00% 3 25-Oct-12 3-Feb-12 7-Mar-12 8-Mar-12 10-Apr-12 14-May-12 16-May-12 16-May-12 24-May-12 25-May-12 25-Mar-13 - Rehabilitation of Batonis Tsikhe (Museum) JV of Artesi Ltd (Georgia) and Peri Ltd 7 P IBRD/RDP/CW/ICB/02-2012 W ICB Prior 27-Mar-12 10 6-Apr-12 3 9-Apr-12 42 21-May-12 7 28-May-12 11 8-Jun-12 0 8-Jun-12 28 6-Jul-12 15 21-Jul-12 360 16-Jul-13 in Telavi Town (Georgia) A 100.00% 4 24-Jul-13 27-Mar-12 6-Apr-12 6-Apr-12 21-May-12 23-May-12 4-Jun-12 4-Jun-12 6-Jun-12 6-Jun-12 6-Jun-13 - Phase 2 of Rehabilitation of Batonis 44 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/05-2015 Tsikhe (Museum and territory) in Telavi W Java Ltd (Georgia) NCB Post n/a n/a 20-May-15 30 19-Jun-15 14 3-Jul-15 0 n/a 0 3-Jul-15 28 31-Jul-15 15 15-Aug-15 390 8-Sep-16 Town A 15.00% 1 13-Jan-16 18-Jun-15 27-Jul-15 3-Aug-15 5-Aug-15 20-Aug-15 4-Sep-15 4-Oct-16 Phase 2 of Rehabilitation of Batonis 52 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/06-2014 W went to re-bid NCB Post n/a n/a 1-Mar-14 30 31-Mar-14 14 14-Apr-14 0 n/a 0 14-Apr-14 28 12-May-14 15 27-May-14 365 27-May-15 Tsikhe (Castle) in Telavi Town A 14-Mar-14 15-Apr-14 IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/06-2014- Phase 2 of Rehabilitation of Batonis 58 P W Georgian Engineering Ltd (Georgia) NCB Prior 4-Jun-14 11 15-Jun-14 1 16-Jun-14 30 16-Jul-14 14 30-Jul-14 11 10-Aug-14 0 30-Jul-14 28 27-Aug-14 15 11-Sep-14 365 11-Sep-15 1 Tsikhe (Castle) in Telavi Town A 21.00% 2 15-Feb-16 4-Jun-14 23-Jun-14 27-Jun-14 29-Jul-14 15-Aug-14 27-Aug-14 9-Sep-14 22-Sep-14 6-Oct-14 6-Oct-15 30-Apr-16 Restoration of Buildings in Kvareli Streets 8 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/06-2012 W Dagi Ltd (Georgia) NCB Prior 5-Apr-12 11 16-Apr-12 1 17-Apr-12 30 17-May-12 7 24-May-12 11 4-Jun-12 0 4-Jun-12 28 2-Jul-12 15 17-Jul-12 300 13-May-13 (Central Part of Kvareli Town) A 100.00% 3 14-Sep-12 5-Apr-12 6-Apr-12 7-Apr-12 8-May-12 18-May-12 25-May-12 25-May-12 29-May-12 1-Jun-12 28-Mar-13 - Urban Regeneration Works in Kvareli 9 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/07-2012 W IN-SI Ltd (Georgia) NCB Prior 10-Feb-12 11 21-Feb-12 1 22-Feb-12 30 23-Mar-12 7 30-Mar-12 11 10-Apr-12 0 10-Apr-12 28 8-May-12 15 23-May-12 180 19-Nov-12 Streets (Central Part of Kvareli Town) A 100.00% 2 14-Sep-12 10-Feb-12 16-Mar-12 17-Mar-12 19-Apr-12 14-May-12 17-May-12 18-May-12 23-May-12 25-May-12 25-Oct-12 - Rehabilitation of Underground Utilities in 10 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/08-2012 W IN-SI Ltd (Georgia) NCB Prior 22-Feb-12 9 2-Mar-12 1 3-Mar-12 30 2-Apr-12 7 9-Apr-12 11 20-Apr-12 0 20-Apr-12 28 18-May-12 15 2-Jun-12 180 29-Nov-12 Kvareli Town A 100.00% 4 2-Nov-12 22-Feb-12 16-Mar-12 17-Mar-12 19-Apr-12 14-May-12 17-May-12 18-May-12 23-May-12 25-May-12 25-Nov-12 - 1.1 - Investment sub-projects for Rehabilitation of Central Roads in Kvareli 11 urban regeneration P IBRD/RDP/CW/ICB/03-2012 W New Energy Ltd (Georgia) ICB Prior 16-Feb-12 11 27-Feb-12 3 1-Mar-12 42 12-Apr-12 7 19-Apr-12 11 30-Apr-12 0 30-Apr-12 28 28-May-12 15 12-Jun-12 300 8-Apr-13 Town A 100.00% 5 12-Nov-12 16-Feb-12 16-Mar-12 21-Mar-12 2-May-12 15-May-12 18-May-12 18-May-12 25-May-12 1-Jun-12 1-Apr-13 - Defects remediation works of Central 62 P IBRD/RDP/CW/SH/38-2015 W 2 cancelled SH Post n/a n/a 0 25-May-15 14 8-Jun-15 14 22-Jun-15 0 n/a 0 22-Jun-15 7 29-Jun-15 15 14-Jul-15 30 13-Aug-15 Roads in Kvareli Town A 24-Jul-15 10-Aug-15 Rehabilitation of Outdoor Lighting in JV of Java Ltd (Georgia) and Erisimedi 12 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/09-2012 W NCB Prior 16-Feb-12 11 27-Feb-12 1 28-Feb-12 30 29-Mar-12 7 5-Apr-12 11 16-Apr-12 0 16-Apr-12 28 14-May-12 15 29-May-12 180 25-Nov-12 Kvareli Central Roads Ltd (Georgia) A 100.00% 3 4-Jun-13 16-Feb-12 15-Mar-12 17-Mar-12 19-Apr-12 18-May-12 29-May-12 29-May-12 8-Jun-12 11-Jun-12 11-Dec-12 - Additional Works for Rehabilitation of JV of Java Ltd (Georgia) and Erisimedi 39 P IBRD/RDP/CW/DC/09-1-2013 W DC Prior 18-Apr-13 11 29-Apr-13 0 29-Apr-13 0 29-Apr-13 2 1-May-13 11 12-May-13 0 12-May-13 28 9-Jun-13 15 24-Jun-13 30 24-Jul-13 Outdoor Lighting in Kvareli Central Roads Ltd (Georgia) A 100.00% 1 3-Jul-13 18-Apr-13 19-Apr-13 n/a n/a 23-Apr-13 26-Apr-13 30-Apr-13 21-May-13 24-May-13 24-Jun-13 - Construction of Pedestian Bridge in 13 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/10-2012 W cancelled NCB Prior 29-Nov-13 9 8-Dec-13 1 9-Dec-13 30 8-Jan-14 7 15-Jan-14 11 26-Jan-14 0 26-Jan-14 28 23-Feb-14 15 10-Mar-14 360 5-Mar-15 Kvareli A cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled Restoration of buildings and arangement JV of "Alliance" Ltd (Georgia) and 14 P IBRD/RDP/CW/NCB/11-2012 W NCB
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