Bla cd onell of Glenga rry I G H TI N G M E N of a HI GH LAN D CAT H O LIC JACO B ITE CLAN & HO F O U GH T I N CANA DA T O GAIN IT FOR AND P R E S E R V E I T T O 51112 QIrnh m AND FOR TH E H O N O U R OF THE NA ME OF (film garrg [ 7 &1 k Ma& bv r o old Meda l a wa rded o - n on O e se f G t Lieut . CoL Jo h Macd ell (Red G eorge) b for Ogdens urg and Chateauguay. Reverse of Gold Medal awarded - o . Col. Joh n on ll o omm mor P. t Lieut Macd e , A. D . C t c e ate r o ro the captu e f Det it. JUL1 7 1961 Fight as your fathers fought , Fall as your fathers fell ; Thy task is taught ; thy shroud is wrought & So l & , Forward and Farewe l — Pm ed . I sought for merit wherever it could be found . It is my boast that I was the first Minister who looked for it and found it in the Mountains of the North . I called it forth and drew into your service a hardy and intrepid race of men ; men who , left by your jealousy , became a prey to a rtifi es of the c your enemies , and had gone nigh to have overturned the State in the War before last . These men in the last War were brought to combat on your side ; they on served with fidelity , as they fought with valour , and c & for ou of quered y in every quarter the world . The Ea r l of Ch a th a m , 1 776 . N U S ANA A — CO Q E T OF C D . Nata Th e n ames mentioned in the following lists are only of those I l ll wh o held Com mi ssions in the various Regiments . t wou d be practica y m l impossible, at this late date, to compi e a full and accurate list of the Non omm on fi r n m n m be l s me ow v r C issi ed Of ce s a d e ; it ay safe y a su d , h e e , that they w r bo n ro or on o omm on fi r r ll v r m a n e e a ut i p p ti t the C issi ed Of ce s , p actica y e e y k of the name, whatever his ran or station in life, being a fi ghting man when occasion re& ui red . CONQUEST OF CANADA. KI B 1 75 8 . TA NG OF LOUIS URG , TAKI NG OF QUEBEC . ATTLE r 1 5 9 . B OF THE HEIGHTS o ABRAHAM , 7 — John Macdonell (Loch ga rry) Captain 78th Regiment ’ (Fraser s Highlanders) ; afterwards Colonel 76th Regiment (Macdonald Highlanders) ; wounded at the taking of Quebec . (Had previously served in the ’ Garde Ecossaise , Ogilvie s Corps , after Culloden . The attainder was levied in his favour . ) son — 78th Charles Macdonell , of Glengarry Captain ’ Regiment (Fraser s Highlanders) ; wounded at the Battle of the Heights of Abraham ; killed at the cap ’ of . ture St John s , Newfoundland — Ra na ld of 78th Macdonell , son Keppoch Lieutenant ’ Regiment (Fraser s Highlanders) ; wounded at the taking of Quebec . ’ William Macdonell Lieutenant 78th Regiment ’ (Fraser s Highlanders) . — John Macdonell (Leek) Lieutenant 78th Regiment ’ (Fraser s Highlanders) ; wounded at the taking of Louisburg ; served through the Revolutionary War ; died a Colonel in th e service . (He had been on the f of 1 745 sta f Prince Charles Stuart in , and was twice wounded at Culloden . ) — Alexander Macdonell (son of Barrisdale) Lieutenant ’ 78th Regiment (Fraser s Highlanders) ; killed at the taking of Quebec . REVOLUTIONARY WAR . - 1 776 1 783 . — Alexander Macdonell (Aberchalder) Captain 1 st Bat ’ — talion King s Royal Regiment Of New York 8 years . (Had been an Aide - de - Camp to Prince Charles Stuart in — ’ Angus Macdonell Captain 1 st Battalion King s Royal Regiment Of New York (Ensign in 6oth Regiment 8 1 760 ; n 27th , th Ju—ly , Lieutena t in same December 1 770) 25 years . Allan Macdonell (Colla ch ie) - Captain 2nd Battalion 84th Royal Highland Emigrant Regiment ; prisoner f 9 1 Of war to the Americans (father o Nos and 7 . R . John Macdonell (Younger Of Aberchalder) , Vide C V 1 — ’ —5 O . Regiment , N C ap tain B u tler s Rangers 1 years and 0 months . (Entered the service at the commencement of the War as Ensign and was sub sequently Lieutenant in 84th Royal Highland Emi — grant Regiment 3 years and 2 months ; afterwards - Lieutenant Colonel 2ud Battalion R . C. V . Regiment Of Foot . ) — John Macdonell (of the family Of Scoth ouse) Captain ’ 1 st Battalion King s Royal Regiment of New York 8 years . (Had previously been in the Spanish army and was out in Archibald Macdonell (of the family Of Leek) - Captain l st Battalion King ’ s Royal Regiment Of New York 8 years (afterwards Lieutenant of the County Of Stormont and Colonel Stormont Militia) —Vide War 1 81 2 O . 7 . Of , N — ’ James Macdonell Captai—n 2u d Battalion King s Royal Regiment Of New York 8 years . 1 1 — 8 . Allan Macdonell (Of the family Of Leek) Captain ’ Lieutenant—1 st Battalion King s Royal Regiment Of New York 8 years . 9 . olla hi e Alexander Macdonell (Younger Of C c , whose father and mother were prisoners Of war to the — ’ Americans) First Lieutenant Butler s Rangers . (Entered the service as a Cadet in the King ’ s Royal Regiment of New York . Served also as Ensign in 84 — th Royal Highland Emigrants) 7 years . Vide 1 8 1 2 NO . 4 . War Of , son R . C. V . Hugh Macdonell ( Of Aberchalder) , Vide — ’ N . 2 Regiment , O Lieutenant l st Battalion King s Of — Royal Regiment New York 7 years . Under date 23 r d 1 804 Chelsea College , June , , Colonel Mathews , for many years Military Secretary to Sir Frederick Ha ldim a nd and Sir Guy Carleton (Lord Dorchester) , wrote as follows to the Under Secretary Of State for War concerning this Officer . and his relatives men tioned in this list His father and uncle left Scotland with their families and considerable property a few i years before the rebell on in America , with a view to for establish themselves in that country , having that purpose carried out a number Of their dependants . They Obtained a valuable grant Of land from Sir on John Johnson the Mohawk River , in the settle ment of which they had made considerable progress . & out When the rebellion broke , they were the & on first to y to arms the part Of Government , in — 00 whic—h they and their adherents not less than 2 men took a most active and decided lead , leaving their families and property at the mercy of the rebels . & I was at that time quartered at Niagara , and an eye witness Of the gallant and successful exertions Of the Macdonells and their dependants , by which , in a great measure , the Upper Country Of Canada was preserved , for on this little body a very fine l & batta ion was soon formed and afterwards a second . R . Y . 1 st 2nd t . [ R N , and Bat & 1 2 ’ Captain Macdonell s father and uncle , at that time advanced in years , had companies in that corps , & & and in which his elder brother (NO . afterwards an active and distinguished partizan , carried arms . Of or The sons both families , five six in number , the moment they could bear arms , followed the bright Of example their fathers , and soon became active and useful Officers in that and another corps Of Rangers & whose strength and services greatly con tributed to unite the Indians Of the Five Nations in the interest Of Government , and thereby decidedly to a ve the Upper Country of Canada and our Indian & trasi e . — Ra na ld Macdonell Lieutenant 84th Regiment (Royal Highland Emigrants)—8 years and 4 months (for 1 merly in 7th Regiment) . — Archibald Macdonell Lieutenant 84th Regiment (Royal n — Of 1 8 1 2 Highla d Emigrants) (War , NO . — Angus Macdonell Lieutenant 74th Regiment . — Chichester Macdonell (son Of Aberchalder) 2nd Lieu ’ — tenant Butler s Rangers 6 years . (Afterwards commanded 82nd Regiment of Foot . Gold medal for on . Corunna . Died service in India ) — Miles Macdonell (of the family Of Scoth ouse) Lieu ’ tenant l st- Battalion King s Royal Regiment Of New — 2nd York 2 years . (Afterwards Captain Battalion . V . R C. Regiment Of Foot ) — Ra na ld Macdonell (Of the family Of Leek) Lieutenant ’ 2—nd Battalion King s Royal Regiment Of New York 3 years . 3 — Of James Macdonell (son Of NO . ) Prisoner war ; subsequently Captain 43r d Light Infantry Regiment died on service in West Indies . 1 3 ADVENT OF THE FIRST CATHOLIC PRIEST TO UPPER CANADA (NOW ONTARIO) AS CHAPLAIN H H AN A H U . E . TO THE IG L D C T OLIC LOYALISTS , 1 785 . UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE KING , ROYAL CANADIAN VOLUNTEER REGIMENT OF FOOT . ROYAL C ANAD IAN VOLUNTE E R RE GIM ENT OF FOOT . B F 1 796 (REGULAR ESTA LISHMENT O THE ARMY , The first Regiment raised in Upper Canada (now the Pro vince Of Ontario) . OF F . 2ND B ATTALION R . C. V . REGIMENT OOT o . Headquarters , F rt George Detachments at Fort Chippewa , Fort Erie , Amherstburg , ’ Kingston and St .
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