I » f -fc apron.mmm..mmmmwmmmammtam _L', rv A <5 I J r~ JficuMojyif, i-in THUKSDjMV, 8, 4838. V©LL'iTSE XXXiV..3Eo7fi7. Kit imfU5i KUCH1K. ^ 1, ~~ than wi i which will lie TRAVELLERS Travelers wm South ore i'^AI.UADLE CITY PROPERTY at Jluctivn.Will be offered ol from this scheme to other sections of the Stole necessary to carry out ilie Report of the OF THE Richmond ENQUIRER. ^OTICE'TOthat when resell Petersburg, Va., t)»ore fk u choice public sale, on 10th the two Brick Tenement! "viiafeii\aXljE«^L7vrtke. and Sir.I care not what he its Committee at uf it will b* TERMS times a week thoy inIbmiod, Suturday, March, loynura mine, might twenty'million* dollars Die Ksqu'iRKB is three routes, oitlier Die Great Mail Lfhu, which runs daily through on Mdinslreot, square ubovo the Bank*, occupied by Miss King ami of Accomack. benefits.what would be its of success ? that in (ins 1 hnve not the 5j* published a of by ot Dr. REMARKS oFmrTbaYLY genera! prospect perceived, estimate, included session, the Male and twice week Gaston, Favotteville, Columbia, Augusta, Ga., Asc., by Kuhl..'Thesu builJingsarunow, built in tlio best style, and nul» c sustain skmw in ail will the of Legislature, duTtHj Kaluigb, CoA lino, Trtifn tile an annual rent of and 77ic Report of the Committee on Roads. S, , being b'fore A few generous spirits, like niv friend, might it; which, probability, be called for, and and «teatnbp«t yield $900. arc now thty rest the the Wilmington Railroad, stuge Aaycms very low, on motion it a which cannot be as dating the of year. loitniu&Noa of the Petersburg Railroad, Uirongh Halifax, arc situated in the most improving part of the city, it may lie Hiatal the House, on the JOlh of February, the of but, Sir, would scarcely receive respectful refused, subscriptions upon the ' OP SUBSCRIPTION. - with at what have fifth to which" are not vet TERMS and Charleston, Ace. r. Wiiralngton safely, that the income derivable from them will greatly ifl' Mr Srgnr, for the indefinite postponement tliereoj. the hands of tins House. Why, Sir, consideration system-, companies incorporated.two! Throe Dollar* for six months, arc Fire Dollars per annum, and The daya of sinning from Petersburg Tuesday", Thursday* croaiu..Poisons desirous of purchasing teal estate, will thcrclofo Mr. Bayly of A., said lie hud not intended to take any we heard from the author of the report himself.'. (Mr. To meet nar liabilities, when out public debt is but a in advance. Tlioio can be no as extra post roaches nro find in the above an upon uccumiuodnling we aj.ajls as incurred aod Saturdays. delay, advantageous indOstineol, in lliis for the of Internal Improve- He informs us, tlwit to the usual and little upwards of tire millions, hate been compelled .' VII shall 'hereafter bo considered at each line. terms. This sale will he made without reserve. Ten/is, port debate; subject j Stuart) contrary 1. subscriptions unless provided 65.3tn one-third potiiivsly tnenl was one that had been so often and so discuss- natural order of it is to commence the to look to other sources liian to regular taxation; and to ; (je ut ajvanc , and fur a roar's publication, specially Railroad Otlico, Doc. 19,1537. cash, balance six and twelve months, bearing interest fully tilings, necessary for thut shorter Petersburg or u l<> into ot with meet these liabilities in the Auditor tell9 that for a abortcr timo, aod paid fur in advance or(du«d in from day of sale.Negotiable notes with approved endorsers, cd, that lie, at least, had no desire, at this time, tr" j Tennessee Improvement at the Western end it, future, us, RI AIMER will stand the present season, Spring 1835, the deed oi trust on au «sua so ordered. Kg iho propeitv, will bo for the credit a discussion of it. Mr. the abstract the view of would Itnve to encounter, increase oi taxation is What, then, will nil.-. to the order of new and of tit Am-xn Grove, five miles cast of the required Sir, B. said, question avoiding whallitey necessary. £. .No pu iliuation shall be scut any county Goochland, from Richmond. i-ule to he conducted by Duulop, Moncurc 4s Co., Aucls..payments. if the which be our when our debt is ^0 millions?. unless for in advance, or satisfactory refere Court-house, and twenty-eight mile* To commenco at 12 o'clock. of the propriety of constructing Internal Improvements they commenced in lire liusi, obstructions condition, public subscriber, paid in to untitosrathe kk wue by Herod, he by old Diomed, his March u is not a aeoaicnme out*. ,- <> uuc would meet with in the local interests which How will we be able to pay lite interest upon it? ico be made to some known and accessible person regard Pedigree. Bnoiw got G 9ti.tilt upon proper system, lliey an ordor for u by Shark, eg data by CliVe, gg was not to the lletnen l<dls derived from the works subscriber or his payment. But,- in caso of dum bv Robin Redbreast, grattddara wanted to debate that question, who prepared would bp formed at every hailing pince of say, that the f?en| who is by Baylor's Fearnought, g gg ggtlant by OF VIRGINIA..A »t the . without payinant, from .1 new subscriber unacquainted g dam by Solh, g g ggdam dam old general Meeting debate the of slenin in propelling ns it progressed West. 1 repeat, Sir, theimprovementvery will keep down the interest. Delusive hope!themselves, publication,or dam VVhllington, ggggggg by propriety using with the conditions, a single numher utay be sent, containing, old Janus, gggg«K Stockholder of the Hank of will he held, was ns the nil to Point me liial would do it. Where * Further in hnndbill*. BANK Virginia and machinery. The one nsdebateablesteamboatsfoundation of this Report is laid in appeal to any similar works a of this Janus. particulars on next. copy regulation. late of Powhatan to the 2d of even one of the not been . accompanied by, w to bo whs by John Goode, Sr., according adjournment, day April not therefore, sectional- more of which have diversifiedwill you find them? In in £i York? Sif, 1 *'3. Tins naiit'is of all subscribers hose ability pay may This pcdlgreo given a r<tnix«n\ l- r,,J,hr other. He.ahquld notice, interests, Pennsylvania on Briiuiner. ' advanced to to on unVr.ovm to the publisher, and who may remain indebted open county, who raised 1 multitude otattuuienls which had been consulted only because its friends think thul enough refer the argument of the gentleman front, Halifax, JOHN T. A. MARTIN. n ririon lu.l I n |A !t. ..nso.rrta when tbo advanced March 3 95.2s wld .ll.'lL'M wvlw>t»nv « ^ MnfP-»» » account at the end of two years, from the time sliow (JiRl those of a through which W". VU SCtUiC 1151 puc^ug'-' ».| this He lias shewn that similar woikt*w hich erased from the list of subscribers." THOA1A6 It. A KG VLB. portions country be point. payment was due, shall be Va. 93-2nwgw BANK OF VIRGINIA.An be conducted would much inure might be said on this head-, but it is much greater than those inpossessthe [ KcMlnlijns of the Editorial Convention if Feb 27 adjourn Improvements might Internalat advantages proponed ~ ' e *a.. ....itt. in to a of these Stales do nut one centum . nf tlm utlsriivo uis- of the benefitted His rising that will be former per upon fl Theso KcjOiuuonn urn suitic vi 4*«v and full brother to Agiel, Lnnco FARMERS'ed meeting of the Stockholders Formers' greatly thereby. only object amplify upon position unnecessary yield ttAINT LEDGER, by Eclipse, . of the Editoriul Corps of Virginia, at was to illibeinl attack which by none. contradictedthe amount upon their construction, Hut B doii and the bitter experience 183d. and O'Kelly, will make his next season in Virginiu,«t my Bank of Virginia will be held their Banking-house,,7?U. repel the. very _he expended were assembled at Richmond, oil tbu 17tb January, two below Ricbmoud. Particular* will appear at o'clock. .-"/onsiiic.rd been made the EasterrT section Mr Bavi.y continued: He said that he ob that ours should do better than these, and that we J cm', to abide..Tho interests Tree Hill, miles on Monday, the 2d day of April nest, 12 upon especially pise sup; 1 Bv ihme Resolutions, wo are determined in hi* hills and advertisement in due time. JOHN P. WHITE.stable, Cushier. of the Stale his friend from Northampton. (Mr. joeted to the ndvucoies oT the of the committee should receive we will have other uses and our own interests require, ao 80.te JOHN G. BLAIR, by report htvge-r-dividends, I of tits'Press reco.nraeoii, Tree Hill, Jan. 27 3 95.id ir-''r said Mr. Bayly, that poition of the State setting themselves up as the exclusive friends of Internal for them than them to the payment of the b!a adherence to them. March ).Sir, Se|as applying in infiaxiIand Gene nit. CoMWtssroN attacked here without n vindication, He was as devoted a friend to Internal teresl our loans. We are l<dd bv the author ol'the to thii office may he remitted por mail, good fFH/.BtVELL fl, MORTON, Acent, shall never be improvements. upon in! ,ry All dues to sole of at tbe riak ui'-the,junior; Ike postage of th PsrmvSHe, givgg particular attention lh" Manchester Cotton and Wool Manufacturing Company.
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