The Observer Volume VII, Issue 6 "Where the Worl d Comes to Mind" February 27 , 200 1 Move to Ne w Castle brings the best out in students and staff By Matt Melvin On Saturday, Feb. 17, is providing students with th e the residents o f the lower suite s amenities the y need. H e pointed moved into the ne w dorm, New out the new dorm has a kitchen Castle. I t wa s a long-awaited on the first floor, which does not process that brought fraternities , exist in Washington. Eac h floor orientation leaders, volunteers , has fifty beds , with a total of 200 residence lif e staf f and students beds in the four-story building. together. I t wa s a n occasio n Washington is four stories with filled with new friendships an d 250 bed s total . H e als o sai d many memories. Withou t a joint New Castle has more decoration Matt Miville was one of the many students who was happy to move effort this event might never have than Washington, which was a into his new residence (Photo by Matt Melvin). been pulled off. direct result of the input students Bob Schiavoni, Direc- had about what they wante d in tor of Residence Life, sai d "The the new dorm. extremely nice; there was mor e lators in this place," referring t o day is finally here" and that the Regarding th e dor m room tha n whe n th e student s the numbe r o f step s ther e ar e event was going well. H e gave move, Jodi Smith, a freshman , were living in the lower suites. between th e firs t an d fourt h Kristin Keyes, Resident Direc - said it was running very smoothly The proces s wa s no t bad , ac - floors. tor of New Castle, a lot of credit with many helpers t o make th e cording to Murphy, considering Andrew Town e fro m for th e effor t sh e pu t int o thi s job less difficult. Th e building, that this was her third time mov- Public Safet y di d a grea t jo b event. Th e moving committee, she commented, wa s beautiful. ing he r daughter : September , standing out in the cold weathe r Schiavoni commented, als o did Andrea Aldrich, Resident Assis- Christmas and now. directing traffic; without him the a nice job. Som e peopl e fro m tant on the third floor, also said Mike Quatrani , a event woul d hav e bee n muc h Phi Delta Beta helped out, as did that the move was going well. freshman, sai d the school did a harder t o pul l off . Tyso n Ryan Eberman from the Orien- Others wh o helpe d ou t wer e nice job to improve the learning Chartier, a sophomore, sai d ev- tation Board. Resident Directors Chris Cliffor d environment. H e finished by say- erything was running much faste r Dr. Georg e Larkin , and Sar a Jacob s an d Mik e ing the better housing was closer than he had predicted. Th e vans Vice President fo r Student Af- Kiester, Resident Assistan t on to his classes, which means "I'll helped spee d u p the process b y fairs, said Southern New Hamp- the second floor of Washington. make i t o n tim e t o al l m y moving people' s belonging s shire University is progressing in Mary Murphy , a par - classes." Jame s Franklin , a much faster tha n a car. Publi c the right direction. Th e school ent, sai d the dor m rooms wer e freshman, sai d "we need esca - Safety did a good job overall. grammed t o dia l 91 1 and , i n Daniel Webste r Highwa y Old cell phones: many cases , they ar e als o pro- North. Phone s ca n als o b e grammed wit h the phone num - shipped to CALL t o PROTECT trash or lifesaver? bers to local shelters in case of c/o Motorola 1580 an emergency situation . E. Ellsworth Road, Ann Arbor, By Sharo n Smith phone collection. Begu n in Since its beginning five MI 48108 . 1996 by the National Coalition years ago, Donate a Phone ha s For more information This may seem like an Against Domestic Violence and donated mor e tha n 17,00 0 on this worthwhile program, visit illogical questio n t o mos t Motorola, this program arranges phones, an d 74 wireless service their websit e a t www.donate- people. However , because of for free cellular phones for vic- providers have donated fre e air - aphone.com. Thi s site not only the efforts o f the Donate a Phone tims of abuse in the home . time for emergencies . provides information about do- program, more than 17,00 0 vic- These phones , col - New Hampshire is one nating phones but also gives in- tims of domestic abus e are now lected by organizations and busi- of the participating states in this formation fo r those who would becoming survivors. nesses around th e country , ar e program. Locate d less than 1 0 like to get involved and help col- The Donat e a Phon e refurbished an d distribute d t o minutes fro m campus i s a drop lect phones . program i s a national wireles s those i n need . The y ar e pro - off point a t Wireless Zone, 545 The Maintenanc e Department in conjunction with the Ne w Hampshir e College Observer has a customized recycling program . Just deposit your copy of Th e Observer in recycling bins located in th e Studen t Center. February 27,2001 The Observer From the Editor' s Desk: It's already the end of February, and the semester is almost half over. For seniors such as myself, the NEW HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE semester is flying by so fast I can hardly get a glance of each day before it passes to the next. BOX 1084,2500 N. River Rd. Here it is, the sixth issue of The Observer for the 2000-2001 academic year. I know it seems as if we MANCHESTER, NH 03106 printed last week or so, but the staff and I thought you'd like something else to read besides your textbooks. (603)645-9669 (603)644-3149 On the front page of the last issue there was an obvious mistake. No, this wasn't the "smurf' issue. To www.nhcobserver.org Prof. Eleanor Dunfey Freiburger and Arn Chorn Pond, we apologize. [email protected] Much has happened recently, both on campus and off. Th e weekend of Feb. 18, the students living in STAFF "the ghetto" were able to finally move into their new home - New Castle. Editor in Chief Also, for NASCAR fans, a legend died. Dale Earnhardt, arguably the best NASCAR driver there was, Tara Cowdrey was killed in a last-lap crash at the Daytona 500 on Feb. 18. Even though I'm not a huge fan, I sympathize with those who are. I have heard Earnhardt compared to Michael Jordan of basketball or Tiger Woods of golf: the Managing Editor & best in the sport they compete in. I know how these fans feel compared to how I would feel if my favorite athlete, Business Manager the one that I admire and look up to, were to die unexpectedly. Ben DeGennaro On a happier note, NHC's winter weekend, named "Positively Polar," went very well. Man y students enjoyed the events such as free haircuts, wacky wax, breakfast i n bed and the basketball and hockey games. Associate Editor Thanks to CAPE for putting on another great event. Geoff Morgan The staff and I hope you enjoy this issue. Just a reminder to clubs that you can submit articles about your club's upcoming events and other information. Students , faculty and clubs can send articles and submissions to Advertising Staff [email protected]. Melissa Cowdrey Annie Howard News Editor Andrea Hill A & E Editor Jennifer Bagget t Sports Editor Nick Coate s Copy Editor Shana Longey Photograpy Editor Sharon Smith Layout Tara Cowdrey Staff Writers Katelyn Duggan Steve Fredrickson Melissa Hartford Jennifer Hughes Matt Melvin Contributors Matt Theroux Mark Williarns Christopher Gaspar Ben Peirce Honors Correspondent Ryan Eberman The Observer welcomes correspondence an d articles from CSC Correspondent readers. Please include your name, address and daytime telephon e Jessica Brennan number. Letter s and articles are subject to condensation. Materials should be submitted on disk (will be returned upon request) with Advisor AusraKubilius one hard copy; please double-space an d use Times New Roman font, 1 2 point. Pleas e be sure to use Microsoft Word to ensure Contributors Quote of the issue: compatibility and faster processing. Letters must be signed. See box at right The New Hampshir e College Our mailing address is: Observer i s a new s publicatio n "The only normal produced b y Ne w Hampshir e College student s an d funde d The Observe r largely by the Student Government people ar e the ones Box 108 4 Association of the college. It is our 2500 North River Rd. responsibility to inform th e NHC community abou t event s on an d you don't know Manchester NH 0310 6 around our campus. The Observer will print any material found to b e If you are on campus, drop letters and articles off at either factual an d in good tast e by the very well." editorial staf f of the paper.
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