THE· NOVEMBER· 1938 ALUMNI· MAGAZINE ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ A HOOSIER ALMANAC I~ ~ ~ I NOVEMBER THIRTY DAYS I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I EVENTS in the far-flung In- I eyes from Iowa. 2 p. m. At night, Blanket I ~ diana University world will 1938· NOVEMBER·1938 Hop in the Gym, and you can take your ~ ~ I UTe choice of Fletcher Henderson or Rita Rio. ~ ~ take conscientious alumni over a"1Su iMo liu Th Fr Sa ~ ~ good bit of the landscape during DDfTl 2 3 4 5 13-Listen to the Hoosier Radio Work- I shop round table talk about "Distribution ~~~~ the Thanksgiving month. Below L!J ~~~~~ of Population." 9 :3 0 in the morning. ~ are presented, for your edification 6 1 8 9 10 1112 ~ ~ ~ ~ and cuff-jotted reminders, some of 13 14 15 14--South Bend papers please copy: ~ ~ Every Monday noon, S. B. alumni meet ~ ~ the hIghlights of University hap- 20 2122 23 24 526 at Y. M. C. A. ~ I~~ penings of the next thirty days, to- ~~~~ D I~~~~ ~ gether with a wistful look or two 15-Amencan Association of Univer- ~ ~ sity Women dmner at Union Building, ~ ~ back at the days that were. 6 p. m ~ ~ I-FederatIon of Women's Clubs Illstitute today and to­ University Theater presents tonIght and tomorrow night, ~ ~ morrow at the UnIOn Building, Bloomington. "Stage Door," but come around to the main entrance of the ~ ~ Terre Haute alumnI' ()men meet an d eat, 6 p. m. , D'emlllg Union at eight. Half dollar per head. ~ ~ Hotel. ~ ~ 16-0n this date in 1934 Dr. ]. E. P. Holland, University ~ ~ 2--0n this day 11 years ago the Coleman Hospital for physician, installed a chlorine treatment room where SIX ~ ~ 'Women and the Ball Nurses' home were completed at the students at a time could sit, study, sniff, cure their colds. ~ ~ ~ ~ Medical Center in Indianapolis. Bring the campus into your living room by tuning in today, ~ ~ and every Wednesday, on the program coming directly from ~ ~ 3-Hear Dr. E. M. Linton speak today (and every Tlmrs­ ~ ~ the Commons in the Union Building. Fifteen minutes of stu- ~ ~ day) on "Contemporary World Problems," at Ft. Wayne ~ ~ dent interviews and music, fifteen minutes of collegiate news- ~ ~ Central High School. 8 p. m. so cents. ~ ~ cast. 4-4 :30 p. m. WIRE. ~ ~ 5-Indiana vs. Boston College, in the Hub City. And the ~ ~ 18--State Drama Conference sponsored by Theta Alpha ~ ~I~ "Marching Hundred" will be along! Ph"I III U'ilion B UI'Id' mg, BI'oommgton. PI ays, s hi'opta k, n ~I.~ "" 6-Spin the dial to [400 to hear the University over WIRE, everything. Goes on tomorrow, too. ?'/. ~ ~ ~ 9 :30-9 :45 a. m. Three faculty men dISCUSS "Society and the 19-0h, boy, the PURDUE GAME! At Lafayette. ~ ~ Underworld." ~ I 20-Put down the funny papers and hear the University I ~ 7-Every Monday noon, Indianapolis alumni (men) meet broadcast on "Art and Society." 9 :30 a. m. and, at the same ~ ~ at the Columbia Club. ~ ~ time a week from today, "Music and Society." ~ I. Annual Indiana High School Principals' Conference in I. ~ the Union Building on the campus. Heads of North Central 21-First Old Oaken Bucket contest, and first game ever ~ ~ AssociatIOn-accredited high schools in the state WIll lunch. to be played in Memorial Stadium, 1925. ~ ~ 8--Indiana Ur:ion Open Forum, 7 p. m , on the campus. Dr. 22-At 12 IS p. m. today, as every Tuesday, ChIcago alumni ~ meet at Harding Restaurant III Fair Store, corner Dear- ~ Allen C. G. Mitchell speaks. ~ ~ born and Adams. ~ ~ Raymond Beights, '39, and his string ensemble play this ~ ~ day, as other Tuesdays, over WIRE at 4 p. m. Also Indiana Union Open Forum at night. ~ Serl'es 24--University faculty members Sanders and Collins ~ 9-Emanuel Feuermann, cellist, opens Music m ~ ~ broadcast a book review from the Fireside Book Shop. 4-4 .15 ~ ~ Men's Gymnasium at 8 :15 $1 and up. ~ ~ of p. m. Regular Thursday feature. ~ ~ Thomas W. Rogers speaks on "The Economic Risks ~ ~ the Employee" at the C31umet Extension Center, East Chi­ Also THANKSGIVING DAY. (John and Mary will be ~ I cago. home from college.) I ~~~. 28-Another Interior DecoratIOn talk at Indianapolis Ex- ~~~ ~ 100Big dOlll's on campus: Armistice Day program starts ~ ~ tension Center. "Period Furniture" this time. ~ ~ with R. O. T. C. review at 1 p. m., then program in Alumni ~ ~ Hall an hour later. Also during the day (and Saturday) 29-Just 20 years ago today President William Lowe ~ ~ Hoosier State Press Association journalism conference, with Bryan received radio orders to demobilize the S. A. T. C. ~ ~ forums on country correspondents and local features. Ever Remember the war days? ~ I been one? I ~ First dance held in Men's Gym, 19 17. 30-Today the "DO NOT DISTURB" sign hangs on ~ ~ Alumni Magazine office door as staff gets December issue ~ ~ 12-Home Football Game: Fightin' Hoosiers vs. Hawk­ ready for mail. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L E T T E R s 'S rIME SIRs-Congratulations ! Your fi rst tions of this kind. I wonder if all of our issue was enjoyed very much. "Revive alumni realize the work involved in I1 K-ItP us Again." getting out an issue of this character. cHfC \t\fILLIAM C,\ SSADY, ex'c>9. HowARD L. W VNEGAR, LLB'o7, Chicago, Ill. President, Commercial 0 yoliT Credit Company. 1 SIRs-I a m glad to have received the New York. 1/IIG Those on th e ed itorial board do.- Eo. 0" October issue . .. It was a pleasant surprise to read, among those giving you advice on how to run the magazine, t/fiil a Sullivan lawyer, Mr. John S. Taylor Sms-I hasten to tell you that I like ['10, LLB'II], once a pupil of mine in the new magazine. It has vim and vigor "1::=== a country school in the old home state. and gives good glimpses of campus life. I think if he will judicially appraise the I particularly like the letters to the na me [of the magazin e] now in use he editors and the editori al come-backs. will find it quite suited to the need ... MARY OR\, IS, A ]\'1' 18. and if he will inspect the issue now out Indianapolis. he will find you had anticipated such You are now reading another.-Eo. ideas and were on your way. JOHN A. CUR RY, ex'oI, Editor, The Dispatch. S IR s-The new mag looks great a nd we certainly do want our name li sted Douglas, Ariz . ior a year's subscription as well as the membership in the 1. U. A lumni Asso­ SIRs-I've just finished reading the ciation. H owever, the Missus first edition of the new magazine and I [E ugenia Huston, ex'3S] is quite con­ want to tell you you've got something cerned. She is just as proud of her PROPER LIGHTING there.. I liked especially the two­ alumni connections as I am, but we MEANS MORE COMFORT page spread of State Policeman Crab­ could hardly use two subscriptions. Do tree from Gnaw Bone. I hope you can you have some sort of a joint member­ AND EYE HEALTH! dig something like that out for every ship for husband a nd wife? After aU, issue. two kids from Indiana U. get married Plenty of the right kind of Only one squeak: You should use once in a while, and methinks some­ light involves a lot more than seven-point type for Alumni Notes. I thing should be done. personal taste. Reading, work­ nel,er thought I would be anxiously KENNETH A. GROW, eX '3S . ing. sewing or anything that scanning an alumni column to fin d out Yuma, Ariz. requires accurate sight requires about my classmates, and I had the Something is done. The ALUMNI MAGA­ a definite amount of li ght, not cheated feeling that somebody was ZINE, well aware of the nuptial tendencies of on ly for comfort but to insure spreading a few names out a wfully fa r alumni, offers associ ate memberships at $[ you r eyes against unnecessary when I did do that scanning. per year for wi ves (in additi on to the $3 strain. And far too often the I ndianapolis. E AR L H OH, '38. annually for husbands). This provides a light available is much less j oint subscription to the MAGAZINE and two The MAGAZINE will try to "dig something memberships in the A lumni Association. than that needed. out" like Officer Crabtree, of Gnaw Bone, - ED. Take a good look at your but not for every issue. Reason : cost. Con­ lighting. Ask at our showroom templated for a future issue is a pictorial SIRs-Your subscription re­ how yo u can have " Better survey of the University's correspondence Light - Better Sight." studen ts. quest before me. Enclosed fi nd my per­ The editorial board considered we'll se t­ sonal check. ting the "I Knew Him 'When" section in I am not an Indiana University grad­ seven-point type two months before Mr. Hoff's suggesti on was made. Idea was aban­ uate-hardly an alumnus, as dear, doned because ([) not all alumni have such good Dr. Jordan once reminded me. Siqhlis sharp eyes as Mr. Hoff (who, as editor of .. I yearly sent the, doctor a birthday the Indiana Daily StudeJlt, never wore greeting. Once egotistically I added to glasses) and (2) experiments on random­ the signature, "Your one-time stu­ PRICELESS selected alumni during the summer proved they preferred the present ten-point type. dent." This was courteously Let Subscriber Hoff see the bundles of as acknowledged, but the good doctor liqhf is .: yet untyped class news note's before he inked in following hi s signature, makes the charge' that "somebody was "Should we say student or matricu­ spreading a few names out awfully far." CHEAP - ED.
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