Conflict Between India and Pakistan an Encyclopedia by Lyon Peter

Conflict Between India and Pakistan an Encyclopedia by Lyon Peter

Conflict between India and Pakistan Roots of Modern Conflict Conflict between India and Pakistan Peter Lyon Conflict in Afghanistan Ludwig W. Adamec and Frank A. Clements Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia John B. Allcock, Marko Milivojevic, and John J. Horton, editors Conflict in Korea James E. Hoare and Susan Pares Conflict in Northern Ireland Sydney Elliott and W. D. Flackes Conflict between India and Pakistan An Encyclopedia Peter Lyon Santa Barbara, California Denver, Colorado Oxford, England Copyright 2008 by ABC-CLIO, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without prior permission in writing from the publishers. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lyon, Peter, 1934– Conflict between India and Pakistan : an encyclopedia / Peter Lyon. p. cm. — (Roots of modern conflict) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-57607-712-2 (hard copy : alk. paper) ISBN 978-1-57607-713-9 (ebook) 1. India—Foreign relations—Pakistan—Encyclopedias. 2. Pakistan-Foreign relations— India—Encyclopedias. 3. India—Politics and government—Encyclopedias. 4. Pakistan— Politics and government—Encyclopedias. I. Title. DS450.P18L86 2008 954.04-dc22 2008022193 12 11 10 9 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Production Editor: Anna A. Moore Production Manager: Don Schmidt Media Editor: Jason Kniser Media Resources Manager: Caroline Price File Management Coordinator: Paula Gerard This book is also available on the World Wide Web as an eBook. Visit for details. ABC-CLIO, Inc. 130 Cremona Drive, P.O. Box 1911 Santa Barbara, California 93116–1911 This book is printed on acid-free paper I Manufactured in the United States of America Contents Preface, ix Maps, xv Conflict between India and Pakistan An Encyclopedia Abdullah, Dr. Farooq (1937–), 1 Arya Samaj, 17 Beaumont, Christopher Abdullah, Omar (1970–), 1 Ashoka, Emperor (ca. 268–231 (1912–2002), 31 Abdullah, Sheikh Mohammad BCE), 17 Bengal, 32 (1905–1982), 1 Assam, 17 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 33 Abell, Sir George Edmond Assassinations and Attempted Bhindranwale, Sant Jarnail Singh Brackenbury (1904–1989), 2 Assassinations, 18 (1947–1984), 33 Advani, Lal Krishna (1927–), 2 Attlee, Clement Richard Bhutto, Benazir (1953–2007), 34 Afghanistan, 4 (1883–1967), 18 Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali (1928–1979), Afghans, 6 Aurangzeb (1618–1707), 20 35 Air Defenses, 7 Aurora, Jagjit Singh (1916–2005), Biharis, 36 Akali Dal, 7 21 Black, Eugene (1898–1992), 36 Akbar, Emperor (Jalal-Ud-Din Autonomy, 22 Bogra, Muhammad Ali Mohammed) (1542–1605), 8 Awami League (AL), 22 (1909–1963), 36 Ali, Choudhury Muhammad Awami National Party (ANP), 22 Bugti, Nawab Akbar (1905–1980), 9 Ayodhya, 23 (1927–2006), 36 Ali, Choudhary Rahmat Ayub Khan, Mohammed Bush, George Walker (1946–), (1897–1951), 9 (1907–1974), 23 37 Aligarh, 10 Azad, (Maulana) Abul Kalam Alliances and Alignment, 10 (1888–1958), 23 Carter, James (Earl) (1924–), 41 All India Anna Dravida Azad Jammu-Kashmir (AJK), 25 Caste, 41 Munnetra Kazhagam Aziz, Shaukat (1949–), 25 China, 42 (Aiadmk), 11 Chitral, 42 All-Pakistan Mohajir Students Babar (1483–1530), 27 Chundrigar, Ismael Ibrahim Organisation (APMSO), 11 Bagge Tribunal, 27 (1897–1960), 42 Almaty Meeting (2002), 11 Baghdad Pact (1955–1958), 27 Churchill, Sir Winston L. Spencer Al-Qaeda/Al-Qa’ida, 12 Baluchistan, 28 (1874–1965), 43 Amritsar, 13 Bandung Conference (April Citizenship, 44 Armed Forces, 14 1955), 29 Clinton, William Jefferson Arthashastra, 16 Bangladesh, 30 (1946–), 44 v vi CONTENTS Cold War, 45 Goa, 68 Jamaat-I-Islami (JI), 89 Colombo Plan (1950), 45 Gokhale, Gopal Krishna Jana Sangh, 89 Colombo Powers, 46 (1866–1915), 68 Janata Dal, 89 Communalism, 46 Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich Janata Party, 90 Confidence-Building Measures (1931–), 69 Jan Morcha, 90 (CBMS), 47 Government of India Act (1935), Jha, L. K. (1913–1988), 90 Coup d’État, 47 69 Jihad (Jihardi), 91 Coupland, Sir Reginald Gracey, General Sir Douglas Jinnah, Mohammed Ali (1884–1952), 47 David (1894–1964), 70 (1876–1948), 91 Cricket, 48 Great Game, the, 70 Johnson, Lyndon Baines Cripps Mission, 48 Great Power Aspirations, 70 (1908–1973), 92 Green Revolution, 71 Joint Defence Council (or Dawn, 51 Gujral, Inder Kumar (1919–), 71 Committee), 92 Desai, Moraji Ranchodji Gurdaspur, 71 Junagadh, 92 (1896–1995), 51 Gwadar, 72 Junejo, Muhammad Khan Devaluation, 51 (1932–1993), 93 Diasporas, 52 “Hair of the Prophet” Revolt Diplomacy, 52 1963, 73 Kalam, A. P. J. Abdul (1931–), 95 Divide and Rule, 53 Haq, Fazlul (1873–1962), 73 Karachi, 95 Diwali, 53 Hindu Mahasabha, 74 Karakoram Nature Park, 96 Dixit, J. N. (1936–2005), 53 Hinduism, 74 Kargil, 96 Dixon, Sir Owen (1886–1972), 53 Hindustan, 74 Kashmir: Origins of the Indo- Drugs, 54 Hindutva, 75 Pakistan Dispute, 97 Dulles, John Foster (1888–1959), Human Rights, 75 Kashmir Study Group (KSG), 54 Hurriyat Conference, 76 99 Durand Line, 55 Hyderabad, 76 Kashmiri Pandits, 99 Dyarchy, 55 Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Dynasticism, 56 Identities, 77 (1917–1963), 99 Indian National Congress (INC), Khan, Abdul Ghaffar East Bengal, 57 77 (1890–1988), 100 East Pakistan, 57 Indian Political Service (IPS), 78 Khan, Abdul Qadeer “AQ” Eisenhower, Dwight David Indo-Pak Joint Commission, 78 (1936–), 101 (1890–1969), 58 Indo-Pakistan Relations and the Khan, Abdul Wali (1917–2006), Emergency (1975–1977), 59 United Nations (UN), 79 102 Ershad, Hossain Muhammad Indo-Pakistan War of 1947–1948, Khan, Agha Muhammad Yahya (1930–), 59 79 (1917–1980), 102 Indo-Pakistan Wars and Conflict, Khan, Imran (1952–), 102 Ferezepur, 61 80 Khan, Liaquat Ali (1895–1951), Flooding, 61 Indus Civilization, 82 103 Indus River, 82 Khrushchev, Nikita (1894–1971), Galbraith, John Kenneth Indus Waters Treaty (1960), 84 103 (1908–2006), 63 Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Kissinger, Henry Alfred (1923–), Gandhi, Feroze (1912–1960), 63 84 104 Gandhi, Indira (1917–1984), 64 Iqbal, Muhammad (1873–1938), Krishak Praja Party (KPP), 104 Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand 85 Kutch (Cutch), Rann of, 105 (1869–1948), 65 Irredentism, 85 Gandhi, Rajiv (1944–1991), 67 Islam, 85 Ladakh, 107 Gandhi, Sonia (1946–), 67 Ismay, Baron Hastings Lionel Lahore, 107 Gilgit, 68 (1887–1965), 87 Lahore Resolution (1940), 108 CONTENTS vii Language, 108 Operation Gibraltar, 129 Simla Agreement (1972), 147 Lashkar-E-Taiba, 108 Organisation of the Islamic Sind, 148 Liaquat-Nehru Agreement Conference (OIC), 130 Singh, Jaswant (1938–), 148 (1950), 109 Singh, K. Natwar (1931–), 148 Lucknow, 109 Pakistan National Alliance Singh, Karan (1931–), 149 (PNA), 131 Singh, Manmohan (1932–), 149 Macmillan, Harold (1894–1986), Pakistan People’s Party (Shaheed Singh, Rajendra (1922–2003), 111 Bhutto) PPP (SB), 131 150 Mahabharata, 111 Patel, Vallabhbhai (1875–1950), Singh, (Maharaja) Sir Hari Mahajan, Pramod (1949–2006), 131 (1895–1961), 150 112 Pathans, 132 Singh, V. P. (1931–), 151 McMahon Line, 112 Plebiscite, 132 Sipah-I-Sahaba-I-Pakistan (SSP), Menon, Rao Bahadar Vapal Princely States, 132 151 Pangunni (“V. P.”) Punjab, 133 South Asia (and SAARC), 151 (1894–1966), 112 Punjab Boundary Force (PBF), Southeast Asia Treaty Menon, V. K. Krishna 133 Organization (SEATO) , 154 (1897–1974), 113 Putin, Vladimir (Vladimirovich) Suhrawardy, Huseyn Shaheed Mirza, Iskander (1899–1969), (1952–), 133 (1892–1963), 154 114 Mohajir Qaumi Mahaz (MQM), Radcliffe, Sir Cyril (1899–1977), Talbott, Nelson “Strobe” (1946–), 114 135 157 Mohajirs, 116 Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli Taliban, 157 Mountbatten of Burma (1888–1975), 135 Tashkent Conference (1966), 158 (1900–1979), 116 Rahman, Sheikh Mujib-Ur Tehrik-I-Istiqlal (TI), 158 Muhammad, Ghulam (1920–1975), 136 Tehrik Nifaz Sharia-I- (1895–1956), 117 Raj, the, 136 Muhammed (TNSM), 159 Mumbai, 117 Ramanna, Dr. Raja (1925–2004), Ten Possible Options for Musharraf, Pervez (1943–), 118 136 Kashmir, 159 Muslim League, 119 Ramayana, 137 Terrorism, 162 Myanmar, 120 Rao, P. V. Narasimha Thimayya, Kodandera Subayya, (1921–2004), 137 General (1906–1965), 162 Narayanan, Kocheril Raman Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Tilak, Bal Gangadhar (1920–2005), 123 (RSS), 139 (1856–1920), 163 Nehru, Braj Kumar (1909–2001), Religion, 140 Truman, Harry S. (1884–1972), 123 Research and Analysis Wing 164 Nehru, Jawaharlal (1889–1964), (RAW), 140 Two-Nations Theory, 164 124 Rowlatt Acts, 140 Nehru, Kamala (1899–1936), 125 Russia, 140 United Kingdom (Britain) and Nehru, Motilal (1861–1931), 125 Indo-Pakistan Relations, 165 Nixon, Richard Milhous Sapru, Sir Tej Bahadur United States and Indo-Pakistan (1913–1994), 125 (1875–1949), 143 Relations, 167 Nonalignment, 126 Savarkar, Vinayak Damodar Uttar Pradesh, 169 North West Frontier Province, (1883–1966), 143 126 Sharif, Nawaz (1949–), 144 Vajpayee, Atal Bihari (1926–), Nuclear Weapons, 127 Shastri, Lal Bahadur 171 (1904–1966), 144 Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Objectives Resolution, 129 Siachen Glacier, 145 171 One Unit Scheme, 129 Sikhism, 145 Operation Brasstacks, 129 Simla (Shimla), 147 Wakhan Corridor, 173 viii CONTENTS Wavell, Archibald Percival, First Wilson, Harold (1916–1995), Zamindar System, 177 Earl Wavell (1883–1950), 173 175 Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad Waziristan, 174 Wullar Barrage, 176 (1924–1988), 177 West Bengal, 175 Ziaur, Rahman (1936–1981), 177 Epilogue, 179 Chronology, 183 Appendices, 251 Glossary, 253 Bibliography, 255 Index, 265 About the Author, 277 This encyclopedia is about relations between India and Pakistan from 1947 to today, and it endeavors to trace and account for the principal vicissitudes in Preface these relations in their several dimensions—politi- cal, military, economic, and cultural. It does not purport to be a detailed account of all aspects of India and/or Pakistan in these years, but it does sources or from their challengers, should be treated make occasional reference to earlier history (e.g., of cautiously and with some skepticism, especially Akbar, Babar, or Aurangzeb) when doing so seems about deaths from terrorism or the incidence and relevant to an understanding of more recent or even mortalities from communal violence.

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