RANCHI UNIVERSITY (EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT) By the order of the Vice-Chancellor, Ranchi University, Ranchi, under mentioned candidates are declared to have passed Bachelor of Arts, Science and Commerce Hons/General/Vocational Part-II Examination 2020 held in the month of March 2021. Science Birsa College, Khunti Botany Part-2 Exam-20 16BS5172119 17BS5171108 71111 Mathematics Part-2 Exam-20 17BS5471257 Physics Part-2 Exam-20 17BS5571304 71311 71317 Zoology Part-2 Exam-20 17BS5771384 71385 71396 71400 Doranda College, Ranchi Chemistry Part-2 Exam-20 15BS5271228 17BS5272483 Mathematics Part-2 Exam-20 15BS5471289 16BS5472991 Physics Part-2 Exam-20 16BS5573110 Zoology Part-2 Exam-20 16BS5773222 17BS5772718 Kartik Oraon College, Gumla Physics Part-2 Exam-20 16BS5572702 72725 72735 72753 17BS5570965 70983 70986 70988 70996 Zoology Part-2 Exam-20 17BS5771018 71027 71032 71035 71049 71079 71083 71085 71090 P.P.K. College, Bundu Chemistry Part-2 Exam-20 13BS5250352 16BS5271168 Mathematics Part-2 Exam-20 17BS5470285 Zoology Part-2 Exam-20 17BS5770425 70453 Silli College, Silli Botany Part-2 Exam-20 16BS5173301 Mathematics Part-2 Exam-20 17BS5472800 Simdega College, Simdega Botany Part-2 Exam-20 17BS5170688 1 Arts Birsa College, Khunti English Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0428161 Hindi Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0625554 25962 Psychology Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1226762 26808 26809 B. N. Jalan College, Sisai Economics Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0321088 17BA0310465 10469 10486 10492 Geography Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0510635 10638 10665 10684 10685 Hindi Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0610756 10762 10768 History Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0721335 17BA0710806 10875 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1110970 11029 11072 Nagpuri Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1611145 Kurukh Part-2 Exam-20 17BA2011209 B. S. College, Lohardaga Degree-Bachelor of Arts General Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0010064 17BA0027164 Economics Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0310174 10223 17BA0327168 27223 27270 27300 27329 27351 27384 English Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0410280 10299 17BA0427413 27441 27499 27502 29809 29810 Hindi Part-2 Exam-20 15BA0622588 16BA0610743 17BA0627512 27801 27845 27887 27898 27915 27983 History Part-2 Exam-20 14BA0734917 16BA0711200 11264 11491 17BA0728182 28198 28199 28217 28225 28263 28273 28274 28281 28287 28291 28306 28351 28353 28370 28469 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1128504 28620 28870 28954 29007 29065 29069 29110 29152 29186 Psychology Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1229267 29284 Kurukh Part-2 Exam-20 16BA2012126 17BA2029489 29576 29594 29595 Urdu Part-2 Exam-20 17BA2329752 Doranda College, Ranchi Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0036111 36185 Economics Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0335192 35266 17BA0336305 36306 36317 36336 English Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0435376 17BA0436425 36437 40469 2 Geography Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0535662 35709 35818 17BA0536621 36814 36893 Hindi Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0636032 17BA0637062 History Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0736500 17BA0736049 37378 37438 37516 Philosophy Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1037668 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1137728 37923 37934 37982 38011 38015 38029 38114 38155 38253 40517 Psychology Part-2 Exam-20 16BA1237057 17BA1238281 38295 Sanskrit Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1338318 Kurukh Part-2 Exam-20 17BA2038369 Urdu Part-2 Exam-20 16BA2337199 17BA2338403 Dumri College, Dumri History Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0740592 Gossner College, Ranchi Economics Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0330145 J.N. College, Dhurwa, Ranchi Degree-Bachelor of Arts General Part-2 Exam-20 15BA0025711 17BA0011256 11264 Economics Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0311337 11342 Geography Part-2 Exam-20 15BA0525946 17BA0511453 11516 Hindi Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0611639 11641 History Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0713219 17BA0711329 11725 11759 11807 11839 11942 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1112065 K.C.B. College, Bero Economics Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0315244 15295 Geography Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0515369 History Part-2 Exam-20 13BA0724278 17BA0715752 15875 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1116089 16186 16210 16223 16263 Kurukh Part-2 Exam-20 16BA2018213 Kartik Oraon College, Gumla Degree-Bachelor of Arts General Part-2 Exam-20 15BA0019666 Economics Part-2 Exam-20 3 17BA0322155 22186 Geography Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0532635 17BA0522594 History Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0733111 33389 33526 17BA0722922 23000 23062 23123 23167 23271 23282 23342 23355 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 16BA1133751 17BA1123421 23442 23485 23563 23579 23647 23658 Psychology Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1224102 Urdu Part-2 Exam-20 16BA2334468 Kartik Oraon College, Ratu, Ranchi Geography Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0538840 History Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0737409 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1139074 39112 Mandar College, Mandar Economics Part-2 Exam-20 15BA0318326 17BA0316516 Geography Part-2 Exam-20 15BA0518547 18658 16BA0519658 17BA0516645 16671 16692 16811 16825 17658 Hindi Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0617662 History Part-2 Exam-20 15BA0718800 16BA0720145 17BA0716949 16960 17003 17005 17013 17014 17074 17670 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 16BA1120365 17BA1117686 35867 35868 Sociology Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1417386 Nagpuri Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1617510 Kurukh Part-2 Exam-20 16BA2020874 17BA2017752 Maulana Azad College, Ranchi Hindi Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0635464 35483 35493 35494 History Part-2 Exam-20 13BA0723277 14BA0721751 16BA0729789 34769 17BA0735517 35526 35534 35625 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 15BA1134864 16BA1134782 34869 17BA1135680 35728 35870 Urdu Part-2 Exam-20 17BA2335792 35825 St. Paul's College, Ranchi Economics Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0329875 29887 Geography Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0539671 History Part-2 Exam-20 4 17BA0740000 40092 40167 40172 40175 P.P.K. College, Bundu English Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0412501 Hindi Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0613537 13545 History Part-2 Exam-20 15BA0726884 16BA0723520 23678 23733 17BA0713616 13618 13758 13914 14011 14103 Philosophy Part-2 Exam-20 16BA1023947 Sanskrit Part-2 Exam-20 16BA1324753 PPargania Part-2 Exam-20 17BA2715131 P.A.E.M. College, Chainpur History Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0735981 R.L.S.Y. College, Ranchi Anthropology Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0120633 30979 Economics Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0320678 20717 English Part-2 Exam-20 15BA0414472 16BA0413930 13933 Geography Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0520957 Hindi Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0614306 14437 History Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0721373 21464 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 14BA1123589 16BA1115693 17BA1121764 Nagpuri Part-2 Exam-20 16BA1615747 17BA1621894 R.T.C. COLLEGE, RANCHI English Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0439670 History Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0740858 S.G.M. College, Ranchi Anthropology Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0131028 Economics Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0331157 17BA0331031 31052 English Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0431234 Hindi Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0631445 31482 31629 17BA0631274 History Part-2 Exam-20 14BA0724421 16BA0731690 17BA0731453 31465 31487 31505 31516 32046 40559 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 5 17BA1131702 31767 31839 Psychology Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1231873 31878 Sociology Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1431916 31933 Silli College, Silli Bengali Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0238063 38122 17BA0232455 Economics Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0332672 English Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0432078 32746 Geography Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0532089 32826 32962 33017 Hindi Part-2 Exam-20 14BA0631977 17BA0633041 History Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0738997 17BA0733357 Home Science Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0837638 17BA0833504 Sociology Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1433822 Kurmali Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1933843 Simdega College, Simdega Economics Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0319636 History Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0718939 17BA0720078 20089 20192 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1120298 20313 20321 Kharia Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1820506 S.S. Memorial College, Ranchi Arts General Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0017818 Economics Part-2 Exam-20 16BA0315935 39591 17BA0318019 18105 History Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0718560 18624 18633 18741 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1119204 19239 38422 Nagpuri Part-2 Exam-20 17BA1619356 Tana Bhagat College, Ghaghra Geography Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0510324 St. Joseph's College, Torpa History Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0734009 6 U.K.S. Mahavidyalaya, Dakra English Part-2 Exam-20 15BA0436777 Geography Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0510069 10102 Hindi Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0610119 35883 History Part-2 Exam-20 17BA0710169 10170 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 15BA1136967 17BA1110225 Y. S. Mahavidyalaya, Dhurwa, Ranchi History Part-2 Exam-20 14BA0726389 17BA0734578 34580 Political Science Part-2 Exam-20 16BA1126691 Commerce S.K. Bage College, Kolebira Account Part-2 Exam-20 16BC8153937 53954 Birsa College, Khunti Account Part-2 Exam-20 17BC8151906 B. N. Jalan College, Sisai Account Part-2 Exam-20 17BC8150128 B. S. College, Lohardaga Account Part-2 Exam-20 16BC8150190 50193 50211 17BC8152096 52107 52196 52199 52222 52234 52238 52243 52249 52282 52285 52289 52302 Doranda College, Ranchi Account Part-2 Exam-20 16BC8156245 17BC8154724 54751 54810 54949 54953 55035 55054 55091 55105 55120 Gossner College, Ranchi Account Part-2 Exam-20 17BC8152636 J.N. College, Dhurwa, Ranchi Account Part-2 Exam-20 16BC8150383 17BC8150192 50215 50218 Mandar College, Mandar Account Part-2 Exam-20 16BC8151992 17BC8150615 St. Paul's College, Ranchi Account Part-2 Exam-20 16BC8154461 P.P.K. College, Bundu Account Part-2 Exam-20 17BC8150245 50265 50273 7 R.L.S.Y. College, Ranchi Account Part-2 Exam-20 17BC8151407 51548 R.T.C. COLLEGE, RANCHI Account Part-2 Exam-20 17BC8155845 S.G.M. College, Ranchi Account Part-2 Exam-20 15BC8154968 17BC8153361 53379 53488 53499 53501 Silli College, Silli Account Part-2 Exam-20 17BC8153528 Simdega College, Simdega Account Part-2 Exam-20 17BC8151305 S.S. Memorial College, Ranchi Account Part-2 Exam-20 13BC8168739 16BC8151201 51365 17BC8150848 50874 50942 51167 51233 51239 Y. S. Mahavidyalaya, Dhurwa, Ranchi Account Part-2 Exam-20 17BC8153750 53865 Vocational
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