The Weather ATcrage Daily Net Presa Run Foreeaat of D. 8. W eather B m a n For the Week Ending January 24th,. 1958 Generally fair, eold tonight and early Tneeday. Increasing cloudl- 12,875 nees late Tuesday. L<m- tonight B Member of the Audit to 15. High Tuesday In'mid 20«. BurcMi of OnmlatioB Manchester— 4 City of Village Charm (Classified Advertising nn Page lt> PRICE FIVE CENTS (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JANl’ARY 26. 1959 VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 9S Vinson Backs'CubaTums Almond Will Fight iBill to Extend^^^gji^jQjj^Q' Hawaii th State 50 Order to Integrate Draft 4 Te.>..Economics Washington, Jan. 26 (/P)— The administration’s plan for Havana. Cuba, Jan. 26 (/P) Virginians Schools a 4-year e.xtension of the — C!uba’s revolutionar\’ gov- draft law got a poteftt- push ernment after a hectic 3-week Pushed in Congress Richmond, Va., Jan. 26 </P)efor. tuition grants of P^Hc funds '" ( ^ a i r m « r c a ^ f Vinson (D-Ga) organizing period^ is turning —Virginia’s Legislature ^yi^ I private schooling .of told his House Armed .Services its attention to tlie outside children as an alternative to Inte- , -w e have no rlioii e. world. meet in extraordinary session grated public schools. ] extend the draft, " Without A good deal Is ceitaln to be here Wednesday to seek new 2. Repeal the states oompul- forceful inducement, he said, beard from piovislonal president defenses for the state in its sory school attendance law, a move | „,(ing,.y pnnks would be emptied Manuel Urr\itia and his cabinet ostensibly designed to give the lo- I ),eiow the needed strength, Seaton, House Chief battle against integration inj ministers on Cuba’s economiK and calities more elbow room in mak- j . j there will he no hesi- political role in inlernstionaU^f- the public schools. Ing any transition from public to (g^ry on the part of any member Gov. J. Lindsay Almond Jr., fairs. ' private schooling. j tiie committee to meet his re- Urrutla's regime has been over- called the special session last the surface, it did not ap- j night—Bix days after the coiirt.4 On sponsihilily in this regard. " the 75-, although not inlenlion- Urge Fast Approval pear such stop-gap enactments , y'pg,..oi,) o'h-'-;nan announced had dealt a knocko\it blow to ally BO by revolutionary chief could remove the possibility of | Vinson’s remarks were prepared Fidel Castro and bis war crimes 2 "majisive resi.stance" laws enacted some integration next month in Ar- start of hearings on the in 1956. trials of 'ex-dictator P'ulgencio Ba- lington. Charlottesville. Norfolk j ,,i|, Keep the tista's lieutenants. Wii.shington, Jan. 2fi i/I’)— Secretary of the Interior Seaton Without these laws, under and possibly Alexandria. Some j selective Service Act' in effect ,un- Castro’s current visit to Ctiracas and Hiiuso Iicnuicialic Leafier John M cl’ orniack (D-Mass) eioied rhS%tau'°?s%owerlesrtoilegi.slators predicted efforts would til July 1. 1963, n ie mea.sme al.so may have coincided with tbe end called loda\ lor .speedy congres.sional action lo make Hawaii would extend tlie docioi's' draft, of the new governinent's most dif- | prevent or even delay integration j probably be made 'o l.rhooi the oOt h stale. ' wherever it is ordered by federal I calities pointedly that atn srhoo the existing suspen.aion of man- ficull period. 1 Oliening a lieai'ing on the Hawaii statehood hill, Seaton judges. And In one school in Ar- . Integration even under f'*deral power limits for the armerl forces l.trrutia has had in find qualified told llie House Inlei'ior and In.sulai’ A ffairs Committee "W e lington. It has been ordered for no i court orders would be direel y and pinvisions aiding servicemen personnel to fill civil posts \*acated ’ later than Feh. 2. contrary to state policy aa laid with ilependents. by the mass cleanout of Batista I need Hawaii as an eipial partner aa much aa Hawaii needs Almond indicated last night he down by the legislature, Asst. Secrolaiv of Defense , snpportei'B. He has had to act statehood,” C3iniles C. Finucane was sl;\led to will offer the assembly only a In Arlington, plans have been quickly lo meet such iirgcn' prob- ' .McCormack .said it is long past the hour to end Hawaii’s 6 aVopgap’ program designed to meet laid to appeal (o the U.S. .Supreme spearhead the rcntagon'.s case, but : lems as getting the vital sugar! the mostimmediate problems he j Court the order of U.S. Di.strict there did not .seem lo be any heavy aiipi'eiil icosliip." may harvest iinderwa\- and repairing called them "certain specifir Judge -Albert V.V. BryanBiyanthat that four .opposition in the Hous- .Many say I war-rlamaged higbw.ays, railways He said lie liopes to see Hawaii admitted to the Union phases" of the school crisis when Negroe.s be enrolled at Stratford tliey dislike tbe draft but feel it and cnmmiinii’atiqns. dui'ing the lirst .session of this Ouigress. He addresses the .State Senate and Unreign ('rlliclani As niiijoi it j- leader, lie said, "1 will cooperate in every way (Continued on Page Fifteen) (Continued on Page Fleven House of Delegates in joint session A harassing factor li.as t)een for- possible to bring the liill up as i|uieklr as possible rtn the at Wednesday nmm. eign criticism of the .speedy mill- The Governor said he still plans j floor of the House.' I larv conviction and execution of to appoint a committee of legisla- | Comiuiltcp Cbairiiian Wavnr A.i i so-called war criminals and tbe tors to formulate a long-range I ! carnival atmosphere in which tbe ipliinll iIM ’oli.i dcclaiPd I hr Hi- wali bill I'H.'i first priority in lb , BiotinMarks anti-integration program which , I public trials opened in Havana last presumably would come from a ^ Sedition Trial Starts t'oniniU tpr. ^ I week. aubsequeni a.ssembly session. ' I Maj. Humberto Soil Marin, pre- Tlir romn.lttp liPHid r " s l o w Belfijiaii Congo Almond declined to tip lus hand down” c?v from onp of tt« mnni- I siding over tbe 3-man revolution- on what' specific measures he bprH. ary Irihunftl, announced the second would recommend to the special For American Trio I Havana trial would he shifted from Rpp, Jump?! A. Hr Ipv lO-hlfl*. Political Talks ession. He said "it would serve no , an oppnppnt of Hnwaii ptatpiiood I the Sports Palace to the Hall of useful purpose" to reveal whether . Justice of the Siioenor War Court ohjprtod to inclndinR ri roront j$uh- San Francisco, Jan. 26 (JP> The oomnuttop lepo’ t In the rreord ’Ui* Mriis.sols, Bcgium. Jan 26 (Ah— he will offer a plan aimed at .stav- | iii.st outside Camp Columbia. ing off integration in Arlington Powell sedition trial, only court The next defendant is a Batista til hP liBd vpf’ d it nnd Iw nsUod tlial Several lumdreri African youths rase of its kind to come out of the Sonton hr roc''UPd fni- fiirtlirr t 'ipa denied admiBsion to a govemment- and in the localities where closed army ca|itain. Pedro More.ion. 38. achools may have to be reopened Korean War which Congress never accused of assassination, homicide, tio n in g at 'ir.nther ceu iiiiiltee meet-r spotiBorcd political meeting yeater- declared, biegan today with a start • I day rioted In the Belgian Congo on a racially-mixed basis - Norfolk, and robbery. lip Charlottesville and Front Royal, on the selection of a federal court "I realiz, P'e practical .si'.iia city. „of , Maladi. ,, T^ie fir.sl Havat^', defendant. officer and But souroe.s in close touch with jinv. Hen." he raid, "hut 1 think the I A Belgian police Mai, Jesus Sosa Blanco, was con- Bome Africans weie injured before the sittiation said the governor cihief U.S, District Judge lx)uis cliajrm.Ti c'i:M move Just a little hoped the emergency session would K. Goodman is presiding. The case victed and sentenced t'’ before order waa restored. The court- a firing squad after a 13-hoiir trial slower lie’ e." house and other government build- attempt to accomplish only two has taken almost three yeais to, Rep Walter Rogers in -’l’ex), * . I each 1trial a 1 stage.el Q rrz> .lohnIfvJin W\\ FOWelJ ' which was bioadcasl, televiseil and another statebord opponent, qiies-, ings were looted and a Catholic Immediate things; internipled repeatedly by tlie jeers, laws providing I 39, his wife Sylvia, 39. both of San 1 Honed .Seaton about the possible ~ 1. Enact hew hisses and laughter of thoiisands ___________ ___ 1 Francisco, and .Julian Sch\iman of i subsequent edmi.ssioii of Puerioj No arrest, were reported. i New York were indicted April 2.’i ' in tlie audience There were in- Rico the Virgin islands Slid other ; Belgian authorities had called ; 19,56. I dications that trials at Camp Go-, J ignited Slates posse.ssions to stale- Hie meeting to explain the Briis- Smiling de.spite the fall of his cabinet, Italian Prime Minister Bridoje Ticket Powell published a magazine in lunibia will have a limited audience | jsels government’s long-term, plan postwar Shanghai, the China I and will not be televised or broad- Amintore h'anfani leave., Rome's Viminale Palace today on his way to pie.sent hi., re.signalion and those of his 20 ministers to Presi- .S e a t o n said t h a t in his mind no for local elections and eventual In- .Monthly Review.
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