Fulbright Says Reds Applaud Extremist 'Witch Hunts' In U. S. LITTLE ROCK UPI - Sen. J . William subcommittee now studying it "will clarify Fulbright, D-Ark., said today Communists the matter and will confirm the validity of would be "the first to applaud" extremists the traditional policy of our country." who advocate "rash adventures abroad and The junior senator said he had found the witch hunts at home." economy of Arkansas booming in a recent Fulbright, told the annual meeting of the trip through the state, with the exception of state Chamber of Commerce and Associated the poultry industry. He said exports to for­ Industries of Arkansas, Inc., a truly tough eign countries, school lunch programs and the approach to the Communist problem must food for peace program would improve the be one that meets it with "every instrumen­ poultry situation. tality of foreign and domestic policy." The president of the Western Electric Co., H. I. Romnes, told the Chamber-AIC audi­ Gov. Orval E. Faubus, who has been men­ ence that a fast-changing world poses a seri­ tioned as a possible opponent for Fulbright ous challenge to free enterprise. next summer, was in the audience. "We may count it for a fact," he said, Fulbright said the chief danger to the "that to the degree that the sum of busi­ United States is not internal subversion, but ness decisions bearing on the growth of our "Chinese-Communist Imperialism." He said economy falls short of the nation's hopes, to he had found "considerable misunderstand­ that degree the initiative for economic ing" about the meaning of a controversial growth will pass to other hands-and free memorandum on participation by military enterprise dies a little." leaders in meetings to educate the public To meet this challenge, he said, business about Communism. should "consider not so much our rights as He expressed the feeling that a special our obligations." 0,/Juur.u ~ II • • * * • Weaver: Tide Of Prejudice .ITRAVEL~R fn History Against Rhetoric Vol. 56 UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1961 No. 32 Approximately 120 people heard agnosticism, he said. This is a clue Dr. Richard M. Weaver discuss to the success of Christianity, for the "Cultural Role of Rhetoric" it provided what Greek dialectic last night at Waterman hall. had left out . a history for Physical Plant Administrators Meeting Dr. Weaver said there has been background. a tide of prejudice against rhe­ Weaver said that it ls true that toric in this country, and through­ the rhetorician hopes that words Convenes On UofA Campus Sunday out history, beginning with the will move men. Some people be­ the college of business administration, management problems peculiar to rhetoric lieve that it is improper for one The ninth annual meeting of Greek struggle between will speak Monday afteroon on a medical center plant operation by the person to try to influence another. Central States Regional Associa­ md dialectic as established organizational channels of com­ by Vance L. Cecil Jr., chief engi­ "Don't meddle with their opinions, tion of Physical Plant administra­ hilosopher Socrates. Univer­ munications. neer of the University Medical but teach them to think and form tors will convene on the Rhetoric takes into account his­ from Hazards in organizfng will be center. their own is the basis of thi sity campus Sunday with tory and circumstances, things expected discussed Tuesday by W. Howard Storage and control of parts and school of thought," he said. 75 to 90 representatives r lt by the heart, while dialectic to attend, according to J. D. Mc­ Badgett of Texas A&M, followed supplies will be discussed Wednes­ remains neutral towards its bear­ Farland, University physical plant by a talk on utility cost analysis day by Ramond Halbert of the Ing on actuality. superintendent. by David C. Pfeiffer of SMU. University of Missouri. R. F . Ging­ "leaders All-Campus Dance "Even today," he said, Some 40 colleges and universit­ Clarence P . Laflar of the Univer­ rich of Kansas State university, that if men pf opinion contend Scheduled Tomorrow ies in North Dakota, South Dako­ sity of Omaha will discuss person­ will speak on the physical plant will rely exclusively upon science Missouri, nel. Tuesday's business sessions department and its place in the An all-campus dance is sched­ ta, Kansas, Nebraska, they will have the advantage of Ar­ will be concluded with a talk on university scheme. uled tomorrow night in the stu­ Oklahoma, Iowa, Texas and pure knowledge, where in the expected to be repre­ dent union ballroom from 8 until kansas are past only a mess resulted from a sented at the four-day meeting. combination of science and feel­ 11. the ing." The Imperials, a dance-band This is the first time that The dialectic method consists of group from Pine Bluff, will be Central States Regional meeting Norwegian lanker, Chinese Ship establishment of a class, drawing the featured entertainers. They has been held on the University place of meeting is out of implications, and finally, were on the same program with campus. The on the exposure of contradictions, he Ray Charles when he appeared decided one year in advance the basis of invitations from par­ Collide Headon In Houston Harbor said. This assumes that society is in Robinson auditorium in Little a debating concern, while it is Rock earlier in the year. ticipating schools. United Press International not, instead it is a going concern. Jim Rhodes, chairman of the The central theme for this HOUSTON, Tex.-A Norwegian ena and gave interim control of Rhetoric is not concerned with student union dance committee, year's meeting will be "The Man­ tanker and a Chinese Nationalist the government to Chief Justice abstract individuals, but men in said that these dances were sched­ agement of the Physical Plant and freighter with a total of 98 per­ Camilo Gallegos. The main theme being. It begins with the assump­ uled when no other all-school ac­ Its Operation." sons on board collided headon in Arosemena, released from jail into eight tion that men are born into his­ tiviti s were planned. There have will be broken down Houston ship channel late Tues­ Tuesday night after his arrest on interests. tory, he said. been two such dances this year, specialized day night. They both caught fire Velasco's orders, rushed to the There is a complaint that the but both were in the afternoon. Monday's speakers will include and ran aground. congress which he leads, assem­ rhetorician is always going over If enough student response is Dr. Eugene Higgins from the Eleven person - 10 crewmen bled it and declared himself pres­ old ground, but people must be shown the union dances could be­ United States office of higher ed­ from the Chinese ship, Union Re­ ident. At the same time, Arosem­ approached through common top­ come a regularly scheduled pro­ ucation, who will talk on the na­ liance, and Dave 0. Duncan of ena convoked an extraordinary ics. The end of living is activity gram, Rhodes said. Admission tional inventory of college and Houston, her pilot - were miss­ session of congr ss to meet No,· and not mere cognition. price for the Friday night dance university physical facilities. Rob­ ing. Twenty-five persons were in­ 11. The dialectic ends up in social i $1 per person. ert D. Hay, of the University's jured, including three critically. They also were from the Chinese ,----------------Opinion Survey---------------, vessel. None were reported killed or injured on the Norwegian ship. Young Republicans Capt. L. G. Haverland, Coast Birch Society-Point Of Controversy: Guard commander at nearby Galveston, Tex., said one death Plan Meeting Today was confirmed. He said one and The University Young Republi­ University Students, Faculty Comment perhaps two bodies wer still on can club will hold a business the Union Reliance. meeting today at 4 p.m. in the By MIKE RIGGS Louise Kraemer, a biology in­ know enough about the society to Senate room of the student union. structor, said, "A small executive give an opinion based on study. Soldiers Found Guiliy is being called to set In an effort to determine cam­ The meeting committee has the responsibility She then added, "But I do know RUSSELL, Kan. - The teen­ up special elections to fill vacan­ pus opinion concerning the contro­ for using millions of dollars of a few members of it, and they are age soldiers yesterday faced death cies on the executive board. versial John Birch society, the funds, and are not held account­ intelligent people who wouldn't on the gallows for the murder of Donna Fincher, YRC publicity Traveler yesterday interviewed able to anyone except themselves join anything as radical as a lot a 62-year-old Kansas railroad chairman, said that the recent ill­ several students and faculty mem­ for the distribution of these funds. of liberals would have us beli v man, the sixth of their seven ic­ ness of the club president and bers. The question each was asked It seems to me that anyone would this is. They say it's a good thing ti mes in a killing spr e which other vacancies on the board had was, "What is your opinion of the want to know what the funds of and I'm inclined to go along with stretched more than halfway made the call for special elections J ohn Birch society?" an organization are spent for them. I think we need an organ­ across the nation. necessary. She said that newly Charles Venus, an economics in­ rather than just joining out of ization such as the John Birch so­ An all-male district court jury registered club members should structor, said, "Politically such hate." ciety to open our eyes to the decreed the death sentence Tues­ make a spedal effort to attend groups are often good because of Ed Dohoney, a junior in arts dangers that are threatening our day for George Ronald York, 18, Thursday's meeting if they are in­ the fact that we are continually and sciences, said, "I think they constitutional government." Jacksonville, Fla., and James terested in standing for election liberalizing our attitude in this are radical in their views and ac­ An instructor in the business Douglas Latham, 19, Maurice­ to any office.
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